برترین 17 برنامه مشابه به flores con frases gratis

Love and Flowers images 1.0
Like apps
The App Love and Flowers, will help yousayIlove you, I love you, I miss you. A romantic App for thosewhoarein love or who want to express their feelings to theirlovedonesHere is a collection of images and pictures oflove,flowers,roses. It is an excellent opportunity to say withprettypictureshow much you appreciate a person, when it is not easytosay inwords. Do not forget that a picture says a thousandwords.Theimages in this application will feel the people whoreceive it,howmuch you want them and do not forget your beautifuldetailbyremembering them.You can use them at all times as the day of loveandfriendship,Valentine's Day, Father's Day or Mother'sDay,birthdays, etc.,will show your sincere appreciation. If youwishyou could edit themessage you want on the image of your choiceandcustomize it evenfurther. These phrases and images are a collection of internet chosethebestfor you, you can use your mobile phone, once theapplicationisinstalled if you press on the image then you will haveenoughtoshare where you choose social networks an options box. Oryoucanset it as wallpaper, profile photo, home screen, contactpictureorlock screen.You can share them with your friends directlyonFacebook,twitter, whatsapp, instagram, and all socialnetworksyoulove.If you liked this application you can help calling it5stars,leaving a comment and do not forget to press +1.Onceinstalled donot need to connect to the Internet to open and toseethe photogallery. We will continue working to bring you the bestofwhat youlike best in Likeapps.
Rosas para Compartir 1.0
Elizabeth Ocaña Apps
Nuestra aplicación ROSAS PARACOMPARTIResgratuita y la hemos creado para todos losdispositivosAndroid(teléfonos móviles y tabletas), una vez que lohayaninstalado noes necesario estar conectado a internet y al sermuyliviana podráscompartirlo rápidamente a través de tusredessociales favoritascomo son: Snapchat, Facebook, Meetme,Google+,Twitter, Vkontakte,Sina Weibo, Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone,Badoo,Hi5, Youtube,WhatsApp, etc..!! o mediante correo electrónico.Nuestra App ROSAS PARA COMPARTIR consta de una galería90imágenesexclusivamente de flores (rosas, tulipanes,claveles,lirios,jazmines, girasoles, orquídeas, margaritas, etc.),y estádividida entres actividades:* Rosas de Amor en la que encontrarás una gran variedaddeflorescon mensajes y freses de amor las cuales podrás dedicaraesapersona especial o tu ser amado en fechas especialescomoSanValentín, Aniversarios, etc.Frases como:Te AmoTe Extraño* Rosas de Amistad igualmente cuenta con una ampliavariedaddeflores con mensajes y frases de amistad las quepodráscompartircon tus amigos en fechas especiales como el día delaAmistad ocualquier momento especial.Frases como:Eres mi mejor amigoTe Quiero* Ilustraciones de Rosas ideal para amenizartusconversacionescon esa personita especialSin embargo, no esperes solo fechas de calendario ya queenROSASPARA COMPARTIR, ponemos a tu disposición mensajes yfrasesmuytiernos y cotidianos que lograrán sorprender y arrancarunasonrisaa la persona que lo reciba en cualquier momentodeldía.Nuestra App ROSAS PARA COMPARTIR Es fácil y sencilladeutilizar,desplázate por nuestra galería de imágenes la cualtieneuna muybuena resolución y elige la que más te agrade y empiezaacompartiro si deseas puedes descargarla y utilizarla como: fondodepantalla,foto de perfil, pantalla de inicio, foto decontacto,pantalla debloqueo, etc.Si te gusto nuestra aplicación ROSAS PARACOMPARTIRpuedesayudarnos valorándola con 5 estrellas + 1 y dejandouncomentariopositivo o sugerencias para futurasactualizacionesdéjanos saberque flor prefieres o las frases que tegustaría queañadiésemos, telo agradecemos de antemano.NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad la misma que nosayudaamantener los costos de programación.DIOS TE BENDIGA..!!Our applicationROSESFORSHARE is free and we have created for all Androiddevices(phonesand tablets), once you have installed do not need tobeconnectedto the internet and being very light can quicklysharethrough yoursocial networks favorites such as: Snapchat,Facebook,Meetme,Google+, Twitter, Vkontakte, Sina Weibo,Instagram,LinkedIn,QZone, Badoo, hi5, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc .. !!or bye-mail.Our App ROSES TO SHARE consists of a gallery 90imagesexclusivelyof flowers (roses, tulips, carnations, lilies,jasmine,sunflowers,orchids, daisies, etc.), and is divided intothreeactivities:* Roses of Love where you will find a variety offlowerswithmessages of love and Freses which can devote tothatspecialsomeone or your loved one on special occasionslikeValentine'sDay, Anniversaries, etc.Phrases like:I love youI miss you* Friendship Roses also has a wide variety offlowerswithmessages of friendship and phrases that you can sharewithyourfriends on special occasions like Friendship Day oranyspecialmoment.Phrases like:You're my best friendI Love You* Illustrations ideal to liven up your conversationswiththatspecial someone RosasHowever, do not expect only calendar dates as in ROSESTOSHARE,we offer you messages and very tender and everydayphrasesthatwill achieve surprise and bring a smile to the personwhoreceivesit at any time of day.Our App ROSES FOR SHARE is easy and simple to use,scrollthroughour gallery which has a very good resolution andselect theone youlike and start sharing or if you want you candownload anduse aswallpaper, photo profile, home screen, contactphoto, lockscreen,etc.If you liked our application ROSES FOR SHARE canhelptitratingwith 5 stars + 1 and leaving a positive commentorsuggestions forfuture updates let us know that prefer flowerorphrases that youwould like to see added, we thank youinadvance.NOTE: This application contains advertising it helps uskeepthecosts of programming.GOD BLESS YOU..!!
Flores com Mensagens 0.0.1
heap apps
As mais belas Mensagens, frases, textosevideoscom FLORES prontas para você poder compartilhar com todasasredessociais.Espalhe a FELICIDADE E O AMOR por aí!!!Atualizações de hora em hora.Deixe sua rede social com um brilho especial, mandeessasimagenspra quem você gosta.O Aplicativo é totalmente gratuito. Belas imagens e asfrasesmaismarcantes.Muitas vezes queremos expressar sentimentos que nãocabemempalavras, que tal expressa-las dos dois jeitos!!!Themostbeautifulmessages, phrases, texts and videos with FLORES readyforyou toshare with all social networks.Spread HAPPINESS AND LOVE out there !!!minute updates on the hour.Let your social network with a special glow, sendthesepicturesto anyone you like.The application is completely free. Beautiful images andthemoststriking phrases.Often we express feelings that do not fit into words,suchexpressthem both ways !!!
Floral Bouquets Live Wallpaper
Socks N' Sandals
Flower symbolism originated in Asia andtheMiddle East, where certain flowers, such as the lotus,wereconsidered sacred, or at least to be associated withspiritualthemes. This was often reflected in artwork, for examplethe use ofbamboo in Chinese art to represent longivity andeternity.The language of flowers was introduced to England in theearly18th century by Mary Wortley, Lady Montague, whose husbandwasAmbassador to Turkey. It was in Turkey that Wortley becamefamiliarwith local customs, and the sentiments attached to certaintypes offlowers exchanged in bouquets as a way exchanging messages.By theVictorian era, almost every flower had a specific meaningattachedto it. Small nosegay or "tussie mussie" bouquets mightincludechamomile flowers, which a woman might send to a romanticinterestto tell him "Patience"; goldenrod representedindecision.The nuances of the language are now mostly forgotten, butredroses still imply passionate, romantic love and pink roses alesseraffection; white roses suggest virtue and chastity and yellowrosesstill stand for friendship or devotion. Inevitably therearegeographic variances; for example in Texas yellow rosesrepresenttrue and undying love.If you’re not sure what live wallpapers are, they’re a typeofapplication that works on a mobile device using theAndroidoperating system (like your device!). The application worksas awallpaper – providing the background image for the homescreen—butalso works as a conventional application since it canprovideuser-interaction with the touch screen (allowing the imagetochange dynamically, for example) and access other hardwareandsoftware features within the device (accelerometer, GPS,networkaccess, etc.).**Multiple backgrounds!** Switch up the background as often oraslittle as you like with user-configurable options.**Power saving features!** This app uses much less powerthantypical live wallpapers. It will take a bit more power tooperatethan a normal wallpaper, but much, much less battery powerthan theaverage live wallpaper.**Super easy to use!** Upon install the app will bring uptheoptions menu and then immediately let you set the wallpaper.Nohassle and easy to use!**Translated to 35 languages!** Do you really, really wanttolearn Russian? We didn’t think so, but it’s available just incase,in any language your phone can display!Please note that live wallpapers can’t be setautomatically.We’ll bring you to the setup screen where you’llselect the livewallpaper. We’d love to do it automatically butAndroid doesn’tallow it. Maybe some day.No bouquets wilted during the making of this app. Selecttextfrom Wikipedia, which does not endorse this product. Licensedunderthe creative commons (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).Textat wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_Wallpaper andwikipedia.org/wiki/Language_of_flowers.
Frases con Flores 8.9
Fonti Apps
"Frases con flores"una aplicación divertida, para felicitar y desear buenosyagradables sentimientos, envía a tu padre a tu madre, tu noviaonovio, tu amiga o amigo,o a quien quieras desear un buen día,osimplemente quieras comunicar lo mucho que echas de menos aesapersona querida.Ideal para fechas señaladas como el día de las mamasEnvía una bonita imagen o postal .Esta aplicación es ideal para felicitar el día del padre , el díadela madre , el día de la mujer o simplemente para desear unbonitorecuerdoTienes muchas y con diferentes mensajes." Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños de Flores, añadirtextos,crear frases divertidas o cariñosas, además tienes unosalegres yestupendos Stikers o pegatinas para completar tuscreaciones, ytodo esto de una manera sencilla rápida eintuitiva.Solo tienes que ir a las sección hazlo tú mismo escoger el fondoquemás te guste, escribe tu texto, coloca tus stikers guarda yenvíaasí de fácil."INSTRUCCIONES"Al abrir el menú edición tienes 3 botones salvar lacomposicióneditar un texto o el menú stikers, al entrar al menúStikers escogetu Stikers puedes regular su tamaño con los tiradoresde lasesquinas, una vez editado solo tienes que tocar la pantalla oelbotón de herramientas situado arriba ala izquierda paracambiarentre menú de texto o menú de Stikers, y aparecerán losbotones queno se ven, recuerda tocando la pantalla o botón dearribaizquierda.- Pulsa el icono que esta en la esquina superior izquierdaparahacer aparecer el menú- desliza tus dedos a derecha e izquierda sobre la pantalla detumóvil para cambiar de imagen- Pulsa sobre el icono compartir para enviar tu imagen- Pulsa sobre el icono SD para guardar tus imágenespreferidas- Pulsa sobre el icono fondo y podrás poner tu imagen como fondodepantalla.- Sencillo, rápido, intuitivo, elegir y compartir.- Envia gratis a tus amigos, contactos y familiares.- La aplicación permite la instalación en la SD.- Podrás guardar tus imágenes favoritas en la tarjeta SD.- Pulsa sobre el icono compartir para enviar la postal a travésdecualquier red social.- Establece como fondo de escritorio la imagen que mas te gusteconun solo clic.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- Esta aplicación es Totalmente gratis."phraseswithflowers" a fun application, to congratulate and wish goodandpleasant feelings, send your father, your mother, yourgirlfriendor boyfriend, your girlfriend or friend or whoever youwant to wisha good day, or just want to communicate how much youmiss that dearperson.Ideal for dates marked as the day of the breastsSend a nice view of the falls.This application is ideal to congratulate Father's Day,Mother'sDay, Woman's Day or just want a nice souvenirYou have many and different messages."New"Now you can create your own designs of flowers, addtext,create fun and loving phrases, have a happy and great Stikersorstickers to complete your creations, and all this in a simplefastand intuitive way.Just go to the DIY section choose the background you like,enteryour text, place your stikers saved and sent so easy."instructions"When you open the Edit menu you have 3 buttons savethecomposition edit a text or stikers menu, enter the menuStikerschoose your Stikers can adjust its size with the handlescorners,once edited just have to touch the screen or button toolslocatedabove left wing menu to switch between text or Stikers menu,andthe buttons are not displayed, remember touching the screenorbutton top left.- Click the icon in the top left corner to make themenuappear- Slide your finger left and right on the screen of your phonetochange image- Click on the icon to send your image share- Click on the SD icon to save your favorite images- Click on the green icon and you put your image aswallpaper.- Simple, fast, intuitive, and choose share.- Send free your friends, contacts and family.- The application allows installation on SD.- You can save your favorite pictures on the SD card.- Click on the icon to send the postcard to share via anysocialnetwork.- Set as wallpaper image that you like with one click.- This app contains advertising.- This application is totally free.
flowers 2.2.1
HD quality were followed Pebbles used by this application willgivevitality to the tablets phone too.violet, carnation, rose, inverted tulip, jasmine and you'll meetupwith the rich bi menu with more flower varieties you havetoeliminate the one to choose your wallpaper and .And Too good.youwill not regret the download spectacular from each otherbecausethey all remember with HD quality
Flores Con Frases 5.4
Flowers With Life Quotes For All Occasions
Frases con Flores 1.14
Frases con flores, en está App tienes lindos textos y mensajesparacompartir en varios catálogos: Frases de la vida, bonitas,alegres,de motivación y diarias de animo; frases de enamorados,estados detristeza. Mensajes de feliz día y reflexiones hermosas.Frasescristianas, de armonía, espirituales e inspiradoras de vida.Rosasrojas, trátame como un ángel, pensamientos, amor mentiroso ymas.Con la app Frases con flores, expresas tus sentimientoenmarcadosen bellas y hermosas flores de colores o con rosas rojas,con unmensaje positivo, agradable y ameno, envía y compartenuestraspostales en tu red social favorita. Gracias por preferirFrases conFlores
Flores e Frases 0.0.1
heap apps
Uma bela coleção em textos, imagens,sonsevídeos para você compartilhar.Espalhe a FELICIDADE E O AMOR por aí!!!Atualizações de hora em hora.A beautifulcollectionoftexts, images, sounds and videos for you to share.Spread HAPPINESS AND LOVE out there !!!minute updates on the hour.
Roses Images: Love Rose flower 2.4
A Collection of Beautiful images of roses roses represent theloveof nature Purity serenity charm, At Some Time We have cut arose togive away, or sometimes we receive roses for some specialoccasion,from a dear person, which makes us Feel very special andhappy.Every time we see a red rose the first thing we think of ispurelove love! And of course in a red rose he tells us athousandwords. At all times we need FLOWER IMAGES, BeautifulFlowers todedicate with beautiful phrases or simply roses, thiswill helpimprove your relationship with your partner with Beautifulroses,to fall in love or conquer without doubt that this app willhelpyou a lot and that is our main goal!!
Portuguese Message Good Morning until Good Night
Angle App
We provide beautiful pictures with good day phrases,goodafternoonimages, good night messages. You will find anexcellentcollectionwith the best good day phrases in images thatyou canshare withfriends, family, everyone you care and love byusing thesharebutton. And you can set favorites, save and expandimages onyourphone, tablet. Features: ★ You can download freeapplication.★Share The function you like, you can share via SMS,socialnetworksat the touch of a button. ★ You can download theimages youlike assimple, you just have to press the button. Theteamprovidebeautiful images about Good morning every day, goodmorning7 days,good morning message, good morning wishes, goodmorningquotes,Good Morning poem in high quality for you bythefollowingcategories: ► Good morning Flower Image ► GoodmorningCoffee &breakfast Image ► Imagem Good morning love ►Goodmorning NatureImage ► Good morning animals Image (Good morningpet)► Goodmorning Friendship quotes ► Good morning Love quotes ►Goodmorningwith like inspirational quotes ► Good morning withLifequotes ►Good afternoon everyone ► Good afternoon the image ofthesun ►Good afternoon to friend ► Good afternoon to love ►Goodafternoonfunny ► Good night message ► Good night animal image►Good nightbaby image ► Good night cute image ► Good nightflowerimage ► Goodnight love image ► Good night Tedy bear image Youcanemail tocomment on angleapp@yahoo.com. *** The team willdevelopaportfolio that you can take to achieve happiness andprosperityisgood in life. Further ***
Frases de Amor
Fonti Apps
"Frases de Amor " es una bellacolecciónde inspiradoras imágenes y frases románticaspara compartir a través de tu red social favorita.Descubre formas de decirle a esa persona tan especial, chico ochicalo que hace tiempo tienes reservado en tu corazón,a travésdemensajes de amor, y pensamientos románticos.Comparte las frases de amor más hermosas, junto con unabonitapostal , ahora en tu móvil!.Esta aplicación es ideal para el día de San Valentín, para decirleaella o el lo mucho que lo amas y cuanto amor hay en ti.En esta aplicación encontraras las mejores frases pasionales,frasesde amor y odio, frases románticas, o simplemente paracuandonecesitas olvidar ese amor perdido tan especial. " Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños de Amor, añadir textos ytuspropias fotografias, crear frases divertidas o amorosas,ademástienes unos alegres y estupendos stikers o pegatinas paracompletartus creaciones, y todo esto de una manera sencilla rápidaeintuitiva.Solo tienes que ir a las sección hazlo tú mismo escoger el fondoquemás te guste, escribe tu texto, coloca tus stikers guarda yenvíaasí de fácil.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- Esta aplicación es Totalmente gratis."Love phrases" isabeautiful collection of inspiring images and romanticphrasesto share via your favorite social network.Discover ways to tell that special, boy or girl person makingtimeyou have booked in your heart, through love messages, andromanticthoughts.Share phrases most beautiful love, along with a pretty picture,nowon your mobile !.This application is ideal for Valentine's Day, to tell her orhowmuch you love him and how much love in you.In this application you will find the lowest passionatephrases,phrases of love and hate, romantic phrases, or just whenyou needforget that love lost so special."New"Now you can create your own designs Love, add your own textandphotographs, create funny or romantic phrases, have a happyandgreat stikers or stickers to complete your creations, and allthisin a simple fast and intuitive.Just go to the section it yourself choose the background youlike,write your text, place your stikers stores and sosendseasy.- This application contains advertising.- This application is totally free.
Good night Sweet dream my love
Angle App
good night and sweet dream romantic and love wishes messages
Flowers Wallpapers 1.3
Customize My Phone
Make a flower bouquet of your home screenwithfree Flowers Wallpapers! Your smartphone will look amazing withthemost beautiful “pictures of flowers”! Enjoy beautiful flowerpetalsof every kind of flowers! Every time you look at yourphonedesktop, you will see roses, daisies, lilies, lavender,sunflowersand tulips! Bathe your screen with the flower shower andenjoy themarvelous sight of springtime! Spring has come, but youcan haveyour forever spring time if you free download these lovely“flowerwallpapers live”! Embellish your screen with “colorfulbackgroundswith flowers”! Feel wonderful with flower scenery onyour desktopbackground! These animated backgrounds of flower sagawill make youfeel as you are in some fairy tale! Watch the fallingflowers onyour screen! Sakura, cherry blossoms beneath the clearblue sky,magical colorful woodlands – all that can be your livebackgroundif you want!Features:A huge collection of free “hd wallpapers”!Flower pictures, flower petals wallpapers hd, springflowerswallpapers HQ!Beautiful wallpapers, pictures, images, backgrounds!Optimized Battery Usage!Compatible with 99% mobile phone devices!Landscape mode and home-screen switching!Share these amazing glowing Flowers Wallpapers with your friendsandshow how much you love nature! This spring wallpaper will evokeyourdeepest feelings and you will feel magical! Choose amongmanybeautiful flowers and change the artificial flowers every day!Ifyou've been searching for the flowers live wallpapers, we offeryoua huge collection of free wallpapers to choose from! Hikeacrossthe breathtaking green hill picking sunny yellow dandelions,whitedaisies or purple lavender. Pick your favorite flowerslivewallpaper and enjoy the stunning red roses, or gentle anddelicatedaisies. 3D roses wallpaper can be yours if you click ondownloadfree of charge! Have a real heaven on your cellular andadmire theflower images hd!Colorful blossoms and beautiful nature pictures can be your“livewallpaper” if you free install the marvelous FlowersWallpapers!Spoil yourself with magnificent sight of “live flowerswallpapers”!Wonderful landscapes in may will enhance your desktopscreen andyou will fell positive and happy like never before! Thiscan be agreat gift for birthday or Valentine's day! Send yoursweetheartthe magical “flower wallpapers and backgrounds” and shewill loveyou more that ever! Be a real lady! Decorate your Androiddevicewith this stunning “flower app”! Neon flowers, pink roses,vintageflowers and many more expect you in this beautiful floweryapp!Experience the magic touch os these rose “flowers”!Personalizeyour mobile device with the best “flowers images”!Floralbackgrounds will turn your phone into garden of the mostbeautifulflowers!Be a part of an incredible world of nature with daydreamFlowersWallpapers! Be a real “flower girl” with the top wallpapers!Have aflower - covered mobile with lotus wallpapers, orchids,sunflowersand with many more type of flowers! Get a glitter flowerscreensaver and enjoy the view! Everybody will like to have these“magicflowers backgrounds”! With this unique high definition“livewallpaper” you will enjoy beautiful floral scenerieswithmesmerizing blending colors that create incredible artificialsighton your screen! One great way to reconnect with joy is tosurroundyourself with simple things that make you feel happy andloved,like a colorful bunch of flowers or a blooming plant. Setthesefabulous high resolution images of sparkling flower blossomforfree.DISCLAIMER: This app contains images for which are believed to beinpublic domain. Please notify us immediately if you own rightsand itwill be removed!
Flores Con Frases
Apps Exitosas
En esta app encontrarás imagenes de floresconfrases para que puedas dedicar a esa persona que amas o aesapersona que será el amor de tu vida. Las imagenes están enaltacalidad pensado para que quedes bien y aporta un granito más atuobjetivo.Frases con Flores agrega a su arsenal de imagenes por pedidodelpúblico:Frases De Feliz CumpleañosFrases Te Amo, para los enamorados.Frases de Buen Día.Frases de Buenas Noches.Frases para mamá.Además puedes compartir las frases y las imágenes sin problemaenFacebook, Google Plus y Twitter.Prueba la app, instala ahora mis tus flores con frases.In this app you'llfindpictures of flowers with quotes so you can dedicate to thepersonyou love or that person that will be the love of your life.Thehigh quality pictures are thought to stay well and brings agranitecloser to your goal.Scraps with flowers adds to its arsenal of images bypopulardemand:Happy Birthday PhrasesI Love You phrase, for lovers.Phrases Good Day.Goodnight phrases.Phrases for mom.You can also share the phrases and images without problemonFacebook, Google Plus and Twitter.Try the app, your flowers now installed my phrases.
Flower Backgrounds 3.2
Karim Gul
No words to describe nature justseetheseFlower Backgrounds.Flower Backgrounds features:Free application with advertisement support.Save wallpapers to photo gallery.Set an image as desktop background.Zoom in and out an image.Change the image colour.Share wallpapers with friends via any image sharing apppresentindevice.All wallpapers are downloaded using wifi and stored in theSDcard,so app does not re download images.Image play in forward and backward directions.So view mother’s nature as a green meadow bathed inthehumidlight of a sinking sun, a thin layer of clouds maskedthefullmoon, filling the room with blue light, duskblanketedBakersfield,listen to the whizzing chirr of the insects,the greengrasses,stalky brush and wood, a green meadow shining inthe sun,thecolourful flowers of daffodil, rose, tulip etc, thenoisywaterstreams and the thundering storms, the chirping of thebirdsandmoving of the cold winds, the blue sky at the sunset andatthesunrise, high and huge mountains, flowing rivers, everywheregreenand green.Shortly no words to describe nature but see by yourself.For further support or complaint (Flower Backgrounds) emailusatkarimgul329@gmail.com
Buenos dias con flores
Fonti Apps
"Buenos días con flores" esunaaplicación que contiene una buena cantidad de las mejores frasesdebuenos días, para que las puedas compartir con tusamigos,familiares o con tu pareja, utilizando las redes socialesmasconocidas.Es una buena forma de empezar el día con una frase bonita,cariñosay motivadora así empezaremos el día con buena energía ybuenossentimientos.Envía bonitas postales de Buenos días con flores para desear unbuendía a las personas que quieres" Novedad:"Ahora puedes crear tus propios diseños de buenos días,añadirtextos, crear frases divertidas o cariñosas, además tienesunosalegres y estupendos Stikers o pegatinas para completartuscreaciones, y todo esto de una manera sencilla rápidaeintuitiva.Solo tienes que ir al editor de postales escoger entre fondopostalo foto que más te guste, escribe tu texto de buenos días,colocatus stikers guarda y envía así de fácil."Sorprende a tus familiares y amigos, de una manera divertida conlosoriginales diseños, o puedes crear tus propias postales conmontajesde fotos y textos más personalizados.Puedes cambiar tu foto de estado y perfil o simplemente colocarcomofondo de pantallaPulsa sobre el icono compartir para enviar tu imagenPulsa sobre el icono SD para guardar tus imágenes preferidasPulsa sobre el icono fondo y podrás poner tu imagen como fondodepantalla."- Esta aplicación es Totalmente gratis.- Sencillo, rápido, intuitivo, elegir y compartir.- Envía gratis a tus amigos, contactos y familiares.- La aplicación permite la instalación en la SD.- Podrás guardar tus imágenes favoritas en la tarjeta SD.- Pulsa sobre el icono compartir para enviar la postal a travésdecualquier red social.- Establece como fondo de escritorio la imagen que mas te gusteconun solo clic.- Esta aplicación contiene publicidad.- " Importante: esta aplicación requiere de buena conexiónaInternet para su correcto funcionamiento.""Good morningwithflowers" is an application that contains a lot of the bestlines ofgood morning, so that you can share with your friends,family orwith your partner, using social networks best known.It's a good way to start the day with a nice, loving andmotivatingwords and start the day with good energy and goodfeelings.Send beautiful postcards Good morning with flowers to wish agoodday to people who want"New"Now you can create your own designs good morning, add text,createfunny or endearments also have a happy and great Stikersorstickers to complete your creations, and all this in a simplefastand intuitive.Just go to the post editor choose between background postcardorphoto you like, write your text good morning, put your guard andsosends stikers easy."Surprise your family and friends in a fun way with originaldesigns,or you can create your own postcards with photo montagesand morepersonalized texts.You can change your status and profile picture or simply putaswallpaperClick on the icon to send your image shareClick on the SD icon to save your favorite imagesClick on the green icon and you put your image as wallpaper."- This application is totally free.- Simple, fast, intuitive, choose and share.- Send free your friends, contacts and family.- The application allows installation on SD.- You can save your favorite images on the SD card.- Click on the icon to send the postcard to share via anysocialnetwork.- Set as wallpaper image that you like with one click.- This application contains advertising.- "Important: This application requires good internet connectionforproper operation."