برترین 3 برنامه مشابه به Sapa Design Manual

Ravi Sankar Karri
This T-BOX app is complete referencecoveringmore than 3700 transactions, helps you navigate through allmajormodules of SAP ERP.Find codes by application, transaction title, or task toperform,and benefit from comprehensive descriptions of when and howto usea transaction.This application works in offline and alsohavingfunctionality to add your new T-codes.This app currently has the SAP transaction codes (tcodes) fromthefollowing SAP modules:1. SAP ABAP/Basis2. Financial Accounting (FI)3. Human Resources(HR)4. Material Management (MM)5. Sales and Distribution (SD)6.Business Warehouse(BW)7.Plant Maintenance(PM)8.Payrole(PY)9.Quality Management(QM)10.Production Planning(PP)11.Inventory Management(IM)12.Controlling(CO)13.Project System(PS)14.Warehouse Management(WM)
SAP Business One 1.2.16
With the SAP Business One mobile app for Android, you canaccessSAPBusiness One, SAP’s enterprise resource planningapplicationforsmall businesses, anywhere, anytime. The mobile appletsmanagers,executives, sales reps, and service techs stayinformedabout theirbusiness, view reports, manage contacts, andhandlesales andservice activities. Key features of SAP Business OneforAndroid •Get alerts on events, like deviations of approvedprices,creditlimits, or targeted gross profits • Visualizekeyinformation aboutyour business in real time with reportsandinteractive dashboards •Create, edit, or view salesopportunities,quotations, and orders,and handle service callactivities • Managecontacts and activities;all info is synched withSAP Business Oneand the on-device calendar• Monitor inventorylevels and getproduct details, includingpurchasing and sales pricesand photosNote: To use the SAP BusinessOne mobile app with your ownbusinessdata, you must be runningrelease family 8.82 of the SAPBusinessOne application as yourback-end system. You can try out themobileapp now using a demologon.
SAPA vous propose un configurateur 3Dunique,ludique et simple pour imaginer, concevoir et visualiservotreToiture Bioclimatique SUNLINE en seulement 6 étapes.Outil intuitif, il facilite votre travail en vous permettantderéaliser un projet 3D de pergola en quelques clics.Directementimplanté sur la photo, la Toiture SUNLINE se fonddansl’environnement et vous permettra de réellement vousprojeter.Configurez la pergola de A à Z, en débutant par le choix delastructure (un ou deux modules), choisissez uneToitureBioclimatique adossée à la façade, en angle, entre murs ousurquatre poteaux. Vous pourrez ensuite configurer le coloris devotrestructure parmi la palette des couleurs SAPA, implanter desstoreset définir leurs couleurs, faire le choix des lames (courbesouplates), ajouter des compléments (leds, chauffages, capteursdevent, de pluie, de température …) à des fins de chiffrage.Lorsque vous avez fini de configurer lescaractéristiquestechniques de la pergola, il est temps del’implanter dans sonenvironnement. Faites le de manière simple etludique afin que laToiture Bioclimatique fusionne avec la photo.Vous pourrezégalement ajouter des éléments de décorations tels quedestransats, des plantes ou des luminaires ou encore modifierlaluminosité, jouer avec les ombres et l’orientation deslames,ouvrir et fermer les stores afin de vous approcher au plusprès dela réalité.Plus qu’un outil de configuration, c’est un outil dechiffragequi vous est proposé par SAPA. Après avoir conclus tousvos choix,vous pourrez générer un devis et avoir une estimation dumontant devotre projet.Le CONFIGURATEUR SAPA®, plus qu’une appli, unesolutioninteractive et technologique de virtualisation 3D.SAPA offers unique3Dconfigurator, fun and easy to imagine, design and visualizeyourroof Bioclimatic SUNLINE in just 6 steps.Intuitive tool, it makes your job easier by allowing youtocreate a 3D project pergola few clicks. Directly implanted onthephoto, SUNLINE roof blends into the environment and allow youtoreally project yourself.Configure the pergola from A to Z, starting with the choiceofthe structure (one or two modules), choose a bioclimaticroofleaning against the facade, corner between walls or four posts.Youcan then configure the color of your structure from thecolorpalette SAPA, implement blinds and set their colors, makethechoice of the blades (curved or flat), add supplements(LEDs,heaters, wind sensors, rain, temperature ...) forencryptionpurposes.When you have finished configuring the technicalcharacteristicsof the pergola, it's time to implement it in itsenvironment. Makethe simple and fun way so that the bioclimaticroof merges with thephoto. You can also add decorative elementssuch as chairs, plantsor light fixtures or changing the brightness,playing with shadowsand orientation of the blades open and closethe blinds in order toapproach closer to reality .More than a configuration tool, is an encryption tool thatisoffered by SAPA. Having concluded all your choices, youwillgenerate a quote and an estimate of the amount of yourproject.The Configurator SAPA®, more than app, an interactive,3Dvirtualization technology solution.