برترین 16 برنامه مشابه به Exercise For Back Pain

Yoga Poses and Asanas for Reli 3.2
The app contains poses and asanas of yoga that will help youtoreduce back pain
Lower Back Pain Relief 1.0
Gonga Dev
Nowadays, multiple people experiencebackpain,which in most cases is caused by accidents, injuries,orstrains.However, this is a serious issue whichsignificantlyaffectseveryday life and causes pain, which may varyin intensity,but isoften unbearable.Therefore, the 8 exercises presented in thisapplicationareextremely effective in alleviating this type ofpainanddiscomfort. If you do them regularly, you will soonfeelgreatrelief. and do not require any additionaldevices.Stretchingexercises suitable for all groups, men andwomen.App features include:- Stunning design with step by step exercises forbeginnerswithphotos to guide you- All content is INCLUDED (no additional charges, and noneedforinternet connectivity)- Reminder notifications that can be adjusted to fityourbusylifestyle* if the pain increases during an exercise, stopimmediatelyandcall a doctor
6 Minute Back Pain Relief 3.7
A collection of the best exercises that will make your backfeelwonderful
Back Pain Exercises 1.0
Body Program
Simple routine consisting of 10 effective back painreliefexercises.
Straight Posture-Back exercise 3.4.8
mEL Studio
Back pain exercises: Straight posture correction, spinehealth.Scoliosis meter
Back Pain Relieving Exercises 1.0.0
Dr.Kavin Khatri
Conceptualized by an orthopaedician. You can TRUST theinformationgiven in app
Pain Treatment In Hindi 1.2
Manav Cr Apps
Our sedentary lifestyle is one of theleadingreasons of back pain and spine trouble. Exercise can helpget ridof pain besides strengthening it. Here are a lot of hometreatmentthat will helps you to reduce from pain.The winter season often brings more pain and worries forpeoplewho suffer from joint pain. Although, they have complainsofpaining joints throughout the year, it becomes graveraroundwinter.Pain Treatment In Hindi app is have all content inhindifonts.
Exercise For Back Pain 2.0
If you’re like most men, sooner orlateryou’regoing to suffer back pain. Millions of men and womensufferailmentsranging from the occasional twinge tochronic,stop-everything-nowpain.One of the best ways to prevent back pain is to keepyourbackmuscles strong. Exercise is one of the most effectivewaysofpreventing and treating recurring or chronic back pain.Strengthening muscles that support the spine withexercisescanprevent, eliminate and in some cases reduce lowerbackpain.Stretching shortened muscles that are pulling the spineoutofalignment can also relieve lower back pain.Follow these steps given inside the app to help protectyourbackand prevent back pain.Here's a sneak-peak of the content you are going togetinsidethis app:You may feel like resting, but moving is good foryourback.Exercises for lower pain can strengthen back, stomach,andlegmuscles. They support your spine, relieving back pain.Always ask your health care professional before doinganyexercisefor back pain. Depending on the cause and intensity ofyourpain, afew exercises may not be prescribed and can beunsafe…Grab quickly, it’s free..!!Note: - This Is Content - Only App. It providesyouinformationregarding back pain exercises.
Physiotherapy Help Guide 1.0
Creativity Knowledge App
How can physiotherapy help you?If you have a problem with moving or performingcertainactivitiesdue to pain, weakness, loss of balance or otherreasons,thephysiotherapist will perform an assessment, make adiagnosiswherenecessary, and outline a management plan tooptimiseyourabilities. Physiotherapists can help to manage acuteinjuriessuchas ankle sprains, knee, hip or shoulder injuriesandchronicconditions like arthritis, back pain, diabetes andheartdisease.Physiotherapy is a therapeutic health professionconcernedwithenhancing mobility and the quality of life of a personwho mayhavebeen affected physically in one way oranother.Physiotherapistsaim to help people gain as much movementandphysical independenceas possible so that they are able toresumetheir normal job orlifestyle, where possible. The app alsocontainsdetails of basicphysiotherapy, benefits physiotherapy,typeexercisephysiotherapist, arthritis of the thumb, triggerfinger,neck pain,low back pain, low back pain exercise, kneeconditionprogram, kneepain exercises, bowed legs, burning thighpain,compartmentsyndrome, deep vein thrombosis, limb lengthdiscrepancy,clubfoot,exercise and bone health. This app will guideyou throughtherehabilitation process step by step to restore asmuch ofyourfunction as possible. Physiotherapy is also usedaftersurgery,with the aim of speeding up recovery by getting apatientmobile assoon as possible. It also provides a usefulbaseline bywhichchanges can be detected – often before the patientis aware ofadegenerative problem. Even those without injury whoaresimplyseeking to increase general health and fitness canbenefitfromphysiotherapy. A physiotherapist can set you up withahomeexercise program, facilitate community exercise sessions(orreferyou to an appropriate service), guide you with yourorganisedsportor gym program.
Back Pain Yoga Poses 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Back Pain Yoga Poses can help you to avoid lower back pain&belly fat
Lower Back Medical Workout 1.1.0
Best Free Sport Apps
If the phrase “Oh, my aching back” issomethingyou say daily, you’re not alone. Back pain is the secondmost commonneurological ailment in adults.The good news is thatbystrengthening and stretching the muscles in your back,youcanstrengthen your spine and neck for improved posture, reinforceyourbody against getting hurt, and improve your core strengthforeveryday functional fitness.Researchers have found that persons who lacked lower-backmuscularendurance were 3.4 times more likely to develop lower-backproblemsthan those who had fair or good endurance. That's becausepoorendurance in your deep-back and abdominal muscles along withpoormuscle-activation patterns, leaves you unable to sit or standwithgood posture for extended periods.The exercise routine provided in the application will helpyouprevent the aforementioned problems and keep you in apropershape.
Dealing With Back Pain 1.0
Sun Media Soft
Welcome To The Dealing with Back paintheNatural Way Android Application.Back pain is no-one's idea of fun!Did you know that there are between 50 million and 80millionpeople in the USA who suffer chronic pain every day of theirlife?If you were already aware of this fact, were you also awarethattending to these people costs $100 million every year?And, of these people, the majority suffer from chronic backpain,because back pain is certainly one of the most common formsofchronic pain that people are likely to suffer from.It does not take a genius to work out that anyone whoissuffering from chronic or acute pain is going to be lookingforsome kind of cure for their condition. If at all possible,mostpeople would prefer to deal with their back pain in as naturalandnon-invasive manner as possible.Unfortunately, because many people are going to berelativelyunaware of what the options are for dealing with theirback painproblem in a natural manner, many of them are likely toturn topharmaceutical drugs and analgesics for relief.However, as I have just discovered from reading a brand newbookcalled 'Dealing with your back pain the natural way', therearemany natural treatments and remedies for back pain thatcouldprobably be used by the majority of people who suffer backpainevery day.Of course, this is not true of everyone, because there aremanydifferent possible causes of back pain, and not every situationcantherefore be dealt with in exactly the same way. But, the truthis,the majority of people who suffer from back pain do so for thesamereason, and the natural methods of treating their conditionthatare so expertly described in the book would apply to all ofthesepeople.If you are a chronic or acute back pain sufferer, youwillalready know the misery the condition can bring. No matter whatyoudo, you can never be comfortable or relaxed, and everythingthatyou do makes the pain worse. You cannot exercise, work atyourdesk, or even eat without feeling a constant, nagging pain inyourback, and if you're like the majority of back pain sufferers,youwill know that nothing you do ever seems to reduce the painforvery long.But, as you will discover from reading 'Dealing with yourbackpain the natural way', it does not have to be this way. Therearemany entirely natural but nevertheless extremelyeffectivetreatments and remedies that you can start applying toyour backpain problem almost immediately.Moreover, many of these treatments are extremely cheap, orevenfree, and they offer a long-lasting or perhaps evenpermanentsolution to your back pain problem.Even if you are one of the lucky ones who does notcurrentlysuffer from any kind of back problem, this is neverthelessa bookthat you should read, because you never know when back painisgoing to strike you down.To find out more about 'Dealing with your back pain thenaturalway' you can start to download this app....Cheers,Admin
Low Back Care Intro Stretches 1.0
ALL ZinnFit Apps are Free and availableonYouTube by searching the keyword: ZinnFit.Your Low Back NEEDS to be regularly stretched andstrengthened!Protect Ur BACK!The fundamentals to a successful back care programarestretching, strengthening and weight loss. This is the first inaseries of Low Back stretches & strengthening exercises. Ifyouwant to get your low back in shape, then this system wascreatedfor you. Designed by renowned fitness trainer, Adam Zinn,theentire system will allow you to stretch, strengthen andprotectyour low back from future injury. By focusing for just afewminutes each day on your low back, you can seedramaticimprovements in your posture, your flexibility and thestrength ofyour lower back. This program focuses not only on yourlow back,but also all of the muscles and areas that CONNECT to yourlowback. As a result, you have the most complete protection foryourlow back area.This completely free introductory program is self-contained.Atabsolutely no charge, you can download the ZinnFitness LowBackCare Intro stretching program.DIRECTIONS: Do a short cardio warm-up such as walkingbeforeusing this app to get your heart rate up, blood circulatingandbody temperature elevated. CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFOREUSINGTHIS OR ANY EXERCISE APP. Never push through any pain.Stretchingis only about a mild ache in your muscles…not pain. Letyour bodybe your guide. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.Make sure your phone volume is set to the Maximum to be abletohear the instructions. If the sound is still not loudenough,consider using earbuds or headphones. Also make sure thatanySCREEN BLANKING screen saver is turned off or to a timeframelonger than this app so that your screen does not go blank inthemiddle of your exercise.Initially perform exercises in front of a mirror to confirmcorrectform and technique. If you are having trouble performingthis App,watch it a few times to see and hear the correctform.Be sure to do the Low Back Care Intro App several timesbeforemoving on to the Low Back Care Complete & Low BackCareProtection Apps.This is a static image with 3 choices showing three levelsofdifficulty. For each stretch, choose the one that provides adullache without any pain. On some you may decide on the Basiclevelwhile on other stretches, you may choose a more advancedlevel.(The pictures do not move or change…the app is not a touchscreenduring the stretches.)The total time to run the App is 7 minutes.TIPS:1. Don't bounce!You will get the best stretch, and prevent injuries if youavoidbouncing. Instead, hold the stretch, and feel a constant pullinthe muscles.2. Focus on those low back muscles.While a good overall routine is helpful, your emphasis should beonthe low back muscles since they will be most heavily involvedinyour workout.3. Warm up before stretching.Just some easy walking or a light jog will be sufficient to warmupyour muscles, but it will make the stretching session muchmorevaluable.4. Begin slowly.You don't need to touch your toes right away: Begin slowly andpushyourself as your muscles loosen up. Stretching too much, toosooncan be painful and potentially harmful.5. Hold the stretch.Once you feel your muscles reaching their limit, hold thepositionfor a count of 5 and BREATHE. Then push yourself a littlefurtherand hold again for a count of 5 and BREATHE.6. Don't rush your stretching routine.If you're going to have to cut your workout short, don't skiporshorten the stretching. This is more important than an extra setofreps or another half mile.7. Losing weight will significantly help your low back. If youareoverweight, then losing weight will give you large gains inyourefforts to improve your low back.8. Do app daily.
Back Pain Exercise Guide 2.0
Apps Viva
Back pain is very commoncomplaintnowadays.Those who work on a computer without frequentintervalswilldefinitely get back pain.Suffering from back pain?Want to get relief from back pain?Also want to improve strength and flexibility of your back?If you have been suffering from back pain then considerdoingafew exercises that will help you.Beating back pain is now simple with these exclusivebackpainexercises.Download this free guide now and get the complete setofexerciseswhich can help you with your back pain issues.Yes, this free app will provide some simple exercisesthatjusttarget your back muscles and give you instant relieffrombackpain.Here is the sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidetheapp:One of the best things you can do for your back andyourover-allfitness and health is to be physically active. Aregularand variedexercise program can ease pain and stiffness,strengthenmuscles andbones, burn calories, improve flexibility,increaseenergy, improvesleep, boost your mood, increase your senseofwell-being and reduceyour risk of cardiovascular diseaseandcertain cancers.Grab it now!It’s free!Note - This is content-only app that providesyouinformationabout exercises to get rid of back pain.
Upper & Lower Back Pain Relief 1.0
Best Free Apps Mobile
Your back is an amazing collectionofbones,ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves, put together soasto beincredibly strong and highly flexible.But the demands of modern life, including poor postureandsittingfor extended periods of time, at our desks, or in frontofourcomputer screens, have contributed to a rapidde-conditioningofthe muscles that support the neck, back and spine,which causedtheback pain.Back pain is very common and affects most people at somepointintheir life. Back pain factors include smoking, poorposture,activelifestyle, stress and obesity. Some things you cannotcontrolbutstill puts you at risk of back pain include aging,andgenesdeformities.It usually feels like an ache, tension or stiffness in yourback.Butmore over, back pain can make it difficult to sit down orup,or getsleep well, which very affects your usuallifestyle.Upper & Lower Back Pain Relief Application is designedtohelpusers achieve a healthy, supple back.This app will help you learn a variety of exercisesthatstretch,strengthen, and stabilize important muscles andligamentsthatsupport your neck and back.Whether you have lower or upper back pain, theseexerciseswillimprove your lumbar function and may providereliefforbackache.Following a simple suggestion is an effective solutiontorelievingconstant back pain, keeping you healthier and happier.Features:How to Avoid Back PainHow to Treat Upper Back PainHow to Treat Lower Back PainHow to Prevent Upper Back PainHow to Prevent Lower Back Pain
Exercise For Back Pain 2.0
It’s a common problem for many who exercise.Itmakes everyday activity difficult, and scares a lot of peopleawayfrom any physical activity. It’s lower back pain. For those ofyouwho suffer from it, there is hope.While there are a multitude of things that can cause back pain,fromgenetic malformations to injury, a number of recent studiesshowthat a lack of core strength contributes to pain and stiffnessinthe lower back.This app provides general information about back pain andsimpleexercises that may help. It explains how the back works,whatcauses back pain and what can be done to help.Download the app for a series of simple exercises to helpeaseyour back pain and prevent future symptoms.Here's a sneak-peak of the content you will be gettinginsidethis app:It might be a dull ache, or a sharp or piercing orburningsensation. The pain may radiate into the arms and hands andinaddition the legs or feet, and may add symptoms otherthanpain.Back pain common symptoms…Grab it today, it’s free..!!Note: - This Is Content - Only App. It gives youinformationregarding back pain exercises.