برترین 6 برنامه مشابه به cython-doc

python ipython doc 0.0.1
istribution the docs/sourcedirectorycontainsthe plaintext version of these manuals. If youhaveSphinxinstalled, you can build them by typing cd docs; makehtmlforlocal browsing.Dependencies and supported Python versionsFor full details, see the installation section of themanual.Thebasic parts of IPython only need the Python standardlibrary,butmuch of its more advanced functionality requiresextrapackages.Officially, IPython requires Python version 2.7, or 3.3andabove.IPython 1.x is the last IPython version to supportPython2.6 and3.2.
Doc-Fu: Hand Washing 1.5.0
Florida Hospital
Follow Jason, Doc-Fu, Doc Dojo, Mary,Harryandthe rest of the Health Team as they learn the importancethatcleanhands have to a healthy body. Kids will interact with afunandcolorful environment that helps hit home the importanceofremovinggerms from their hands.Kids can read along and engage with theinteractivecharacterswhile enjoying the rich voices, colors,movement andsound effects.Perhaps more importantly, they will learnone of themost valuableactivities that helps families fight offbeingsick.
python tornado doc 0.0.1
Tornado is a Python webframeworkandasynchronous networking library, originallydevelopedatFriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornadocan scaletotens of thousands of open connections, making it idealforlongpolling, WebSockets, and other applications thatrequirealong-lived connection to each user.
python gevent doc 0.0.1
gevent is a coroutine-basedPythonnetworkinglibrary that uses greenlet to provide ahigh-levelsynchronous APIon top of the libev event loop.Features include:Fast event loop based on libev (epoll on Linux,kqueueonFreeBSD).Lightweight execution units based on greenlet.API that re-uses concepts from the Python standardlibrary(forexample there are Events and Queues).Cooperative sockets with SSL support »DNS queries performed through threadpool or c-ares.Monkey patching utility to get 3rd party modulestobecomecooperative »gevent is inspired by eventlet but features moreconsistentAPI,simpler implementation and better performance. Readwhy othersusegevent and check out the list of the open sourceprojects basedongevent.gevent is written and maintained by Denis Bilenko withhelpfromthe contributors and is licensed under the MIT license.
FFI Global Conference
FFI Global Conference
Books Haskell 8.9
✓ Haskell's most popular database moduleisHDBC. HDBC provides an abstraction layer between Haskellprogramsand SQL relational databases. This lets you write databasecodeonce, in Haskell, and have it work with a number of backendSQLdatabases.✓ HDBC is modeled loosely on Perl's DBI interface, though ithasalso been influenced by Python's DB-API v2, JDBC in Java, andHSQLin Haskell. As DBI requires DBD in Perl, HDBC requires adrivermodule beneath it to work. These HDBC backend driversexist:PostgreSQL, SQLite, and ODBC (for Windows andUnix/Linux/Mac).MySQL is the most popular open-sourced database,and there are twodrivers for MySQL: HDBC-mysql (native) andHDBC-odbc (ODBC). MySQLusers can use the ODBC driver on anyMySQL-supported platform,including Linux. An advantage of usingODBC is that the syntax ofthe SQL statement is insulated from thedifferent kinds of databaseengines. This increases the portabilityof the application shouldyou have to move from one database toanother. The same argumentfor preferring ODBC applies for othercommercial databases, such asOracle and DB2✓ Database✓ Truth values✓ Understanding monads/State✓ Continuation passing style✓ YAHT/Complexity✓ Syntactic sugar✓ RegExp✓ Variables and functions✓ YAHT/Io/Solutions✓ Solutions/Control structures✓ Monad transformers✓ Recursion✓ Debugging✓ Beginning✓ YAHT/Type advanced/Solutions✓ Solutions/Laziness✓ YAHT/Preamble✓ Overview✓ Type basics✓ Indentation✓ Performance Introduction✓ YAHT/Modules/Solutions✓ Solutions/Next steps✓ Testing✓ GUI✓ Hierarchical libraries✓ YAHT/Io advanced✓ Preliminaries✓ Solutions/Variables and functions✓ List processing✓ Time and space profiling✓ List of topics✓ Laziness✓ YAHT/Recursion✓ Hierarchical libraries/Arrays✓ Polymorphism✓ Style conventions✓ Solutions/More on functions✓ Solutions/Understanding arrows✓ Using GHCi effectively✓ Applications✓ Hierarchical libraries/IO✓ YAHT/Type basics/Solutions✓ Performance Examples✓ YAHT/Getting started✓ YAHT/Language advanced✓ Strictness✓ Control structures✓ Solutions/Indentation✓ Mutable objects✓ Understanding monads✓ StephensArrowTutorial✓ YAHT/Type basics✓ Type basics II✓ Type declarations✓ Understanding monads/Maybe✓ Modules✓ Pattern matching✓ YAHT/Language advanced/Solutions✓ The Curry-Howard isomorphism✓ Notes for contributors✓ Graph reduction✓ Understanding arrows✓ Solutions/Lists and tuples✓ Simple input and output✓ Hierarchical libraries/Maybe✓ Classes and types✓ YAHT/Errata✓ The Functor class✓ Experimental Modules✓ YAHT/Language basics✓ Understanding monads/List✓ YAHT/Monads/Solutions✓ Recursion✓ YAHT/Language basics/Solutions✓ Monoids✓ More on datatypes✓ Category:Solutions✓ Monadic parser combinators✓ Applicative Functors✓ Arrows✓ Next steps✓ YAHT/Introduction✓ Zippers✓ More about lists✓ Category theory✓ Modules✓ SYB✓ Solutions/Higher-order functions and Currying✓ Solutions/Type basics✓ To do✓ Solutions/Understanding monads✓ Other data structures✓ Denotational semantics✓ Hierarchical libraries/Randoms✓ Getting set up✓ YAHT/Io✓ Continuation passing style✓ GADT✓ Graph reduction✓ YAHT✓ Fix and recursion✓ Kinds✓ do Notation✓ Arrows✓ YAHT/Modules✓ XML✓ More on functions✓ Advanced type classes✓ Applications✓ Haskell✓ Higher-order functions and Currying✓ Web programming✓ Lists and tuples✓ Concurrency✓ YAHT/Monads✓ Solutions/Simple input and output✓ Solutions/More about lists✓ Denotational semantics✓ FFI✓ Algorithm complexity✓ Experimental Modules/Cheat sheet prototype 1✓ YAHT/Type advanced✓ Polymorphism✓ Solutions/Monad transformers✓ Existentially quantified types✓ Solutions/Denotational semantics✓ Packaging✓ Hierarchical libraries/Maps✓ Hierarchical libraries✓ Practical monads✓ Solutions/Applicative Functors✓ Haskell✓ Phantom types✓ Hierarchical libraries/Lists✓ MonadPlus✓ GUI✓ Solutions/Pattern matching✓ ParseExps