برترین 19 بازی مشابه به Free Trivia Quiz

Quizit - Trivia y Conocimiento 7.3.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Set of questions and answers
iTrivial - el juego 1.0
Team Kaiowa
iTrivial - el juego de las preguntas.¿Cansado de los tipicos juegos de preguntas y respuestastipotrivial pursuit?iTrivial te lleva todo lo que tiene un juego de preguntasyrespuestas a un tablero.Demuestra cuanto sabes de trivial pursuit respondiendoapreguntas de 6 categorias y publica tu puntuacion.-cine-historia-deportes-literatura-musica-informaticaHay mas de 10.000 preguntasiTrivial - the game ofthequestions.Tired of the typical questions and answers games trivialpursuittype? iTrivial brings you all you need a set of questions and answers toaboard.Shows how much you know answering questions trivial pursuit6categories and post your punctuation.-Film-History-Sports-Literature-Music-ComputerThere are over 10,000 questions
IQ Test - How smart are you? 3.5.1
Plonk Games
Challenge your IQ with thought-provoking games for your brain!
Super Trivia Quiz 1.6
Cow Know
Quiz game in Spanish with questionsin15categoriesChoose subject, hit the play button and the programwillperformrandom questions.Learn spanish with this app.You can select options if you want the phone to readyourquestionand learn vocalization.This is trivial based on that of mobialia.com, butwiththreeresponses, like a Trivial Pursuit.You must choose the right one.Challenge your friends to see who gets the highest score!This is a GPLv3 open source application, ask me the sourcecodeifyou are interested.
80s Rockband FunBlast! Trivia 1.02
Fun2Go Trivia & More
Do you remember the big hair and othergreatrock bands of the 80’s? If so, it’s time to put on your RayBansunglasses and stroll down memory lane with the 80’sRockbandFunBlast Trivia challenge. FunBlast! Trivia rocks thecompetitionby delivering 4 unique game modes to satisfy both casualanddie-hard 80’s Rock fans.Why settle for your average trivia quiz when you can nowplaywith lively animation and over 40 sound effects in 1 player,2player, and team modes? Challenge your friends and familyandcompete for high scores on our global leader board. Restassured,Trivial Pursuit has nothing on FunBlast!FUNBLAST! has something for everyone with FOUR distinct, easytoplay game modes for the price of one:■ MILLIONAIRE: Enjoy the excitement of a classic game show asyoutry to answer all 12 questions correctly and become aFunBlast!Millionaire. The questions start out easy and then getharder asyou go. Employ your own strategies by using yourlife-lines earlyor save them for later in the game.■ BET BIG: Hear the exciting sounds of a Las Vegas casino asyoudecide whether to bet small or BET IT ALL. Watch your winningsrackup as you double down -- or lose everything on that factoidyouswore you knew!■ GO FAST! For those who like to live in the fast lane,you'reawarded more points the faster you answer a questioncorrectly.You'll even hear the roar of the race track as the gamestarts andthe timer counts down.■ TRIVIA FUN: Traditionalists will enjoy the simple funofanswering both easy and challenging questions with no pressureandno time limits. See the answers you missed, or keep it a mystery--the choice is yours.==================FunBlast! Features==================■ MORE FUN with 12 Ways to Play: Get 4 game modes @ 1 player,2player, and Team play!■ MORE GAME MODES: Bet Big, Go Fast, Trivia Fun, andGoMillionaire keep you hooked for hours.■ BETTER QUESTIONS! With FunBlast!, we challenge you withonlythe most interesting, intriguing, and entertaining questions.Bringout your inner genius with 75 multiple choice questions(includes25 bonus questions after free registration). Ready formore?Upgrade to the paid version and rock out with over 175questionstotal. Dozens of expansion packs are either available nowor beingadded soon covering a wide range of traditional and popculturetopics.■ PROFESSIONAL GRAPHICS, lively animation, and over 40soundeffects bring your trivia game to life.■ NO MORE REPEAT QUESTIONS: By default questions are neverrepeatedbefore all new questions have been used and unlikecompetitors,this is tracked separately for each user who plays onyour device.(Unlimited users supported!)■ CONVENIENT SHOPPING: Easily tap a button to discover thebestdeals and most unique merchandise related to your trivia topicofchoice.■ GREATER FLEXIBILITY let's you disable sound effects,backgroundmusic, etc. You're in control!■ PERSONALIZE YOUR GAME and make it your own by addingyourfavorite background image to match your style or the triviatheme.Choose your own image or one of over 20 coolbuilt-inbackgrounds.■ BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE: We care about our customers andyourtotal game experience. That's why we include a feedback andsupportbutton right on the main menu as well as on ourwebsite.Don't be fooled by imitators or discouraged by junkware. Whenyouwant fun and you want the best, the choice is easy:FunBlast!
Master del Trivial 1.2
Bus Stop Game
El concurso de preguntas y respuestas enlaquepodrás demostrar si eres el MASTER Del TRIVIALSe te iran formulando preguntas de 6 temasdistintos(Ciencias,Geografía, Historia, Arte, Literatura, OcioyDeportes)Responde correctamente a todas, con la ayuda de loscomodines,parallegar a tu objetivo final: el MILLON DEPUNTOS!Cada acierto te lleva mas cerca de conseguir el TITULO DEMASTERDELTRIVIAL
Hellas Greek Quiz Vs (Trivial) Cat
ΓΕΝΙΚΑΔωρεάν ελληνικό εγκυκλοπαιδικό παιχνίδι ερωτήσεων/γνώσεων.Για έναν και για δύο παίκτες!Κατάλληλο για τεστ Δεξιοτήτων του ΑΣΕΠ.8.500+ ερωτήσεις γνώσεων πολλών επιπέδων δυσκολίας σεθέματα:Ελληνική, Ευρωπαϊκή, Παγκόσμια Γεωγραφία, Ιστορία,Μουσική,Κινηματογράφο, Επιστήμες, Μαθηματικά, Τεχνολογία,Μυθολογία,Aστρονομία, Περιβάλλον, Φυτά, Ζώα, Οσκαρ, βραβεία Νόμπελ,Ιντερνετ,video games κ.ά.Για το σχολείο, την οικογένεια, τους φίλους και τιςκοινωνικέςσυγκεντρώσεις.Aν οι γνώσεις είναι πλούτος, τότε γίνε εκατομμυριούχος!Σχεδιασμένο από έλληνες στα ελληνικά!Ένα χρήσιμο και έξυπνο εκπαιδευτικό παιγνίδι, εμπλουτίζεταιδιαρκώςμε νέες ερωτήσεις & θεματικές ενότητες.ΠΩΣ ΠΑΙΖΕΤΑΙ:Το παιγνίδι των ερωτήσεων, πολλαπλής επιλογής μεαπλόσχεδιασμό.Το Quiz ξεκινάει από το πρώτο επίπεδο δυσκολίας καιανεβαίνειαυτόματα δηλαδή οι ερωτήσεις γίνονται δυσκολότερες και οιεπιλογέςπερισσότερες, έτσι ο παράγοντας τύχη μειώνεται.Ξεκινά με πέντε ζωές. Σε κάθε λάθος απάντηση χάνεται μία ζωή.Όσες περισσότερες κατηγορίες γνώσεων επιλέγετε συγχρόνως,τόσοπερισσότερους πόντους παίρνετε σε κάθε σωστή απάντηση.Το παιγνίδι παίζεται τόσο on line όσο και off line (δεναπαιτείταισύνδεση διαδικτύου - Internet).ΒΑΘΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ:Κάθε ερώτηση που απαντάς σου δίνει πόντους ανάλογα με το επίπεδοπουβρίσκεσε και το χρόνο που χρειάστηκες να απαντήσεις. Έναςπάικτηςπου δίνει γρήγορα τη σωστή απάντηση παίρνει περισσότερουςπόντουςαπό άλλο παίκτη που επίσης την απαντά σωστά αλλά πιόκαθυστερημένα.Πρέπει λοιπόν να είσαι σε εκρήγορση και να μηνμαντεύεις ή νααπαντάς στην τύχη.Αντίθετα, όσο τα πηγαίνεις καλά, σου δίνονται BONUS ερωτήσειςμεπολλαπλάσιους πόντους.HI SCOREsAThttp://www.lmatool.com/hellastrivial/highscores.phpΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΟ:Δες πόσα γνωρίζεiς για τον τόπο μας, την χώρα μας την Ελλάδα. Δεςτιθυμάσε για την ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα σου, την τοποθεσία πουέκανεςδιακοπές ή το χωριό που γεννήθηκες και μεγάλωσες.Νομοί, Περιφέρειες, Γεωγραφικά Διαμερίσματα, πόλεις,σύνορα,ποτάμια, λίμνες, βουνά, νησιά, πελάγη, ακρωτήρια, όλαμαζεμένα σεμια επικαιροποιημένη και ελεγμένη εφαρμογή.Οι ερωτήσεις είναι γεωγραφικές, Ιστορικές,πολιτισμικές,λαογραφικές.Διεθνής μουσική, δημιουργοί, συγκροτήματα, (μπάντες),συνθέτες,κινηματογράφος (σινεμά), βραβεία Όσκαρ, Επιστήμες, βραβείαΝόμπελ,εφευρέτες και εφευρέσεις, ανακαλύψεις, σταθμοί στηνπαγκόσμιαιστορία, ερωτήσεις της ελληνικής μυθολογίας κ.α.ΣΚΟΠΟΣ:Να μαζέψετε όσο μπορείτε περισσότερους πόντους, νασυμπληρώσετεμεγαλύτερη βαθμολογία και προαιρετικά να καταγράψετετον εαυτό σαςμε ένα ψευδώνυμο στην παγκόσμια λίστα τωνσκόρερ.Ανταγωνιστείτε παγκοσμίως με άλλους παίκτες καθώς μπορείτεναανεβάστε το σκορ σας στο Ιντερνετ.Είναι κατάλληλο για να μην πλήξετε στο ταξίδι σας, για ναφρεσκάρετετη γνώση σας, ή για να ελεξετε αν πράγματι γνωρίζουνόσοι τοισχυρίζονται...Παρατηρήσεις, υποδείξεις, σχόλια στο e-mail: info@lmatool.comGENERALFree Greek encyclopedic game questions / knowledge.For one and for two players!Suitable for Skills test ASEP.8.500+ knowledge questions multiple difficulty levels insubjects:Greek, European, World Geography, History, Music, Cinema,Science,Mathematics, Engineering, Architecture, Astronomy,Environment,Plants, Animals, Oscar, Nobel prizes, Internet, videogames n.d.For school, family, friends and social gatherings.If knowledge is wealth, then become a millionaire!Designed by Greeks in Greek!A useful and clever educational game, constantly updated withnewquestions and topics.HOW TO PLAY:The game of questions, multiple choice with a simple design.The Quiz starts at the first level of difficulty risesautomaticallyie the questions become more difficult and moreoptions, so the luckfactor is reduced.It starts with five lives. In each wrong answer lost onelife.The more types of knowledge simultaneously select, the morepointsyou get in each correct answer.The game is played both on line and off line (not requiredinternetconnection - Internet).RANKING:Each question you answer gives you points depending on thelevelvriskese and the time required to answer. A player whoquicklygives the correct answer gets more points than the otherplayer whoalso answered correctly but more late. So we need to beinekrigorsi and not guess or answer at random.Instead, as doing well, you are given BONUS questions withmultiplepoints. HI SCOREsAThttp://www.lmatool.com/hellastrivial/highscores.phpCONTENTS:See how many gnorizeis for our country, our country Greece. SeewhatRemember about your hometown, the site did vacation or villagewasborn and raised.County, region, Geographic Areas, cities, borders, rivers,lakes,mountains, islands, seas, capes, all gathered in an updatedandtested application.Questions are geographical, historical, cultural, folklore.International music, artists, bands, (bands), composers,cinema(cinema), Oscars, Sciences, Nobel prizes, inventors andinventions,discoveries, stations in world history, questions ofGreekmythology, etc.PURPOSE:To collect as many points as you can, fill rated andoptionallyrecord yourself with a username in the global listofscorers.Compete with other players worldwide as you can upload your scoreonthe Internet.It is suitable for not bore you on your journey, to refreshyourknowledge, or can check if you actually know those whoclaim...Comments, suggestions, comments to e-mail: info@lmatool.com
Mi Trivial Español 0.5
Juego de trivial para 1 omásjugadores.Posibilidad de publicar puntuaciones en internet.5dificultadesdisponibles. 34 temas. El juego se encuentra enfasebeta, por loque en próximas actualizaciones se iránañadiendopreguntas ymejoras al juego.
"Memory" - Memory game
Berni Mobile
Are you ready to challenge your memorydailywith "Memory" ?A great game to exercise your memory !GAME FEATURES- Match pairs of cards- Different levels of difficulty- The grid adjusts automatically to your device- Colorful images of logos to be easily rememberedAll Logos & brands shown or represented in this gamearecopyright and or trademark of their respective corporations.Thistrivia game is for fun and knowledge.Please note company or event logos are protected by copyrightand/ortrademark registration .A free memory game for kids and adults .Brain trainer . Pairs game . Free matchup pro .Brain & Puzzle game . memory kids apps, matching game
Triviados 4.3.8
Pandereta Estudio.
Old version of Atríviate, if you want the new look Atríviate.
Trivial Discover (trivia quiz) 1.7.6
Trivial Discover (or trivia quiz) is agamethatcombines everything you need to have fun and at the sametimetolearn new concepts as you play. Multiplayer game available.Game version with advertising. If you want aversionwithoutadvertising, download Trivial Images Pro. If youchange thefreeversion for the Pro version, do not forget to insertan e-mailforyour player to be able to recover him afterwards.It goes beyond the "Trivial Pursuit" we are all usedto,becausehere, in addition to thousands of spanish orenglishquestions onvarious issues and of different gradeofdifficulties,You can also answer many questions regarding images, whichwillbeuncovered little by little until you can guess theanswer.Besides you will not have to play alone, because thereisapossibility to play multiplayer game with others playersonlineorin the device itself.Within the game there are several surprises, such asthepossibilityof betting other players with the pointsyougain,or you can steal the points from other players as arewardforanswering correctly several questions in a row ...In short, it has everything so that you can spendmanyhoursplaying the game, alone, with your friends, or withanyunknownperson, you just haveto enter the game created by someone and begin to play orcreateagame yourself and wait for other players to enter.To play Trivial Discover you need to have anInternetconnectionbecause all questions are taken directly fromtheinternet.In short, if you like games of questions, answers,trivial,buzz,knowledge, images ... certainly this is your game.Enjoyit.Share it by facebook, twitter, gmail, whatsapp, tuenti,...
Trivial Ahorcado 4.1
SmAppsDev Team
Hangman Trivia Enjoy with your friends you!
Hidden Object Enchanted Castle 2.1.1
Welcome to the enchanted castle! If youlikemystery worlds environment and you're ready to discover secretsinthe house, you're at the right place! Our unique hiddenobjectsstory offers you a chance to find a hidden object and enjoywondersof the castle! “Hidden objects castles” is a free mysterygamedesigned with the aim to take you to the mystery worlds whereyoucan “look for hidden objects” with ease and entertainment!Discoverthe house secret with just a click of your finger! Do acompletehome makeover in the enchanted castle and enjoy every stepof theway! Hidden Object Enchanted Castle is waiting for you! Catchallcastle ghosts and enjoy playing these “hidden objects” allthetime!Features:More than 1000 hidden objects to findAmazing HD graphics – 3D environmentText mode - good for kids for learning object namesCollect at least three stars to move on to the next levelCollect the maximum amount of points and beat the clockUse hint system to find an itemMystery hidden objects especially for you!Do you like fantasy, vampires, haunted houses, and zombies?You'reat the right place! Free download “Hidden Object EnchantedCastle”and start your own hidden objects adventure! Enter ourmagicalcastle and “search and find hidden objects” as quickly asyou can!Engage your concentration, perception, and quick fingers to“findobjects” in the magical castles! If you like hidden objectquestgames, you have everything you need in our hidden objectsworld! Weoffer you “hidden objects games for free” which areequallysuitable for kids, teenagers, and adults! If you likemysteryestates hidden object games, the story of an enchantedcastle willpuzzle your mind and enhance your cognitive capacities!Download“hidden objects puzzles” today and start playing your newfavoritemystery game!Hidden Objects Adventure in a royal castle!Hidden Object Enchanted Castle is a classic “find the hiddenobjectgame” which is both educational and fun! By playing it youcanadvance your vocabulary and you can also have a lot of fun!“Searchand find hidden objects” in a bewitched castle and invitemysteryinto your world! If you like educational games,puzzles,concentration games, and logic games, you've found what youwerelooking for! “Free hidden objects games for Android” are thebesthidden object mystery games! Whether it is an enchantedgarden,enchanted forest, or an enchanted castle – your gamingexperiencewill surely going to be pleasurable! Download theseexquisite“hidden object games” and see it for yourself! We offeryouexcellent graphic design – you'll fall in love with thelovelypictures and various “hidden objects” to find! Hurry upbecause“mystery hidden objects” are waiting for you!Hidden object castle – enter the magic castle andfindobjects!“Hidden objects enchanted” are waiting for a true player to passallthe levels with ease and great speed! You're surely a fan ofmysterygames, free puzzle games, and hidden games, so here is aspecialcollection of “find the hidden objects free” mystery games!Thequestion is now can you find the hidden objects? “Hiddenobjectcastle” adventure is waiting for a true puzzle solver likeyou! Ifyou don't have WiFi on your mobile phone or tablet device,youdon't have to worry because these are the hidden objectgameswithout internet! “Search and find hidden objects” in the bestfreemystery app Hidden Object Enchanted Castle! Hidden objectgamesfree new especially for all fans of mystery, magic, andenchantedplaces! Download it now and enjoy playing “hidden objectgames” allthe time!We offer you top rated hidden object games free of charge whichyoucan play any time you want! Whether you want hiddenobjectadventure games or you're more into free hidden object gamesforyoung kids, don't hesitate because Hidden Object EnchantedCastlehas everything you need!
Brain Games 3.0.7
To test your mind or use it so it doesn't rust.
Maratón Clásico 1.2
Grupo Maratón
¡El juego de mesa favorito de México ahoraenAndroid!Tiene un repertorio de más de 1,000 preguntas yrespuestasactualizables periódicamente.El juego consta de 42 km (o medio Maratón de 21 km), endosmodalidades, ambas para 1 a 4 jugadores:SupervivenciaCada jugador cuenta con 5 vidas para llegar a la meta, concadaerror pierde una vida y con cada 3 aciertos seguidos larecupera.Gana el primero en llegar a la meta.Reto a la IgnoranciaEl principal oponente: ¡la Ignorancia!, que avanza cuandotodosfallan.En todas las modalidades puedes suspender el juego encualquiermomento y reanudarlo después.The favorite boardgamenow on Android Mexico!It has a repertoire of more than 1,000 questions andanswersregularly updatable.The game consists of 42 km (half marathon or 21 km) in twoways,both for 1-4 players:SurvivalEach player has 5 lives to reach the goal, with each mistakeandlose a life every 3 hits followed the recovery. Win the firsttoreach the finish.Challenge to IgnoranceThe main opponent: Ignorance!, You go when all fail.In all modes you can suspend the game at any time and resumeitlater.
Hangman Spanish Classic 2.1.13
The classic hangman game. Play by categories or in the 2playersmode.
Mahjong 1.42
This is a Mahjong game, aone-playergame.The goal is to clear the board by removing all thematchingidentical pairs from the layout.A valid pair consists of two tiles which are both "free"and"identical" (or of the same type).In more details, you can remove a pair of tiles if thefollowingcondition are true:The tiles are identical (e.g. 4 and 4, West and West, etc.)All of the seasons and flowers can be matched with each others,theydon't have to be identical.Each tile of the pair must comply with the following rules :- No other tile is lying above or is partially covering it- No other tile is lying to the left or to the right of itWith many features:- great graphics, for Tablets and High phones- auto-save- 96 levels- Statistics- Zoom in/out- Touch to move the layout game- Multi-touch (pinch) to zoom in/out- unlimited Undos
Trivial Memory
Trivial Memory is the classic game ofskillandconcentration mnemonic . Suitable for children and adultsofallages it is simple to understand , and is organized inmatchesof 3rounds with increasing difficulty.In the game you can sign in to the online leaderboards andunlockthegoals of Google Play Service .In each round will appear for a few seconds , to allowforthestorage, 20 images of various kinds ( animals, sports,fruit,vehicles , geometric shapes , monuments , etc. ) thatyouneed torefind using just the memory, concentration andlogic.round 1The game is to find the 10 pairs of identical images .round 2The game is to find 10 objects in the correct sequenceaccordingtothe category . For example, in the category of sportsballs tobeorganized from the smallest to the largest, in thecategoryofvehicles , from slowest to fastest etc .round 3The game is to combine pairs of images related to each other.Forexample, in the sports category will be associated thesoccerballwith the his goal, the basketball with the basket , thetennisballwith the racket etc. , in the category of monuments youwillhaveto associate the monument to the flag of the country inwhichit islocated. For example, the Colosseum with the Italy flag,theStatue of Liberty with the United States flag etc. .
Block Puzzle Legend Mania 1.0.6
BP Game Studio
Play with colorful bricks and blocks and try one of the bestfreepuzzle games!