برترین 25 برنامه مشابه به xvii messenger for vk

VKHelper - cleaner for VK 3.12.1
Daniil Pavlenko
Clear friends, unsubscribe from groups, communities,removesubscribers? - Yeah
Doggy - All-in-One Tool for VK 2.1 Beta
Euphoria Developers
Useful application with great functionality and night themeforsocial network VK: * Message Statistics - complete analysis ofyourconversations. Shows the total number of messages, words,symbols.list of active members in the conversation and frequentlyusedwords. * Message Saving - ability to save all message toyourdevice for offline viewing. * Сhat Restore - show deleted chatsandlets you join again. * Photo Saver - download all photos indialogto storage. * Registration Date - an Accurate and convenientway todetermine the date of registration of the user's page anddisplayhow much time has passed since that moment. * Contact Sync -Saveyour friends ' contacts to your phone. * < b>Dog Cleaner-Clear your friends list from "dead" accounts (removed, banned).*Eternal Online - Allows you to be constantly online.
Ночной ВК 2.72.456
Night VC and invisible. Everything is absolutely free!
Amberfog for VK 4.524.1007
Enjoy new look of the-most-easy-to-use vk.com social clientfromAmberfog!
Kontakt - Client for VK (VKont 1.5.1
Convenient, fast and alternative client for VKontakte withenhancedfunctions!
Polyglot for VK 4.24
Here you will find everything that you are missing intheofficialapp. Invisibility: Allows you to go unnoticed to VK.Thesite doesnot display online status. It does not work whenviewingmessagesand news. Unread: The interlocutor does not see thatyouhave readthe messages. Multi-account: Add up to four accountsandeasilyswitch between them. Pin-code: Protect the app so that noonegetsinto your messages. Hidden friends: Find out who yourfriendsarehiding. LikeCenter: Share likes and reposts with realpeople.Andmuch more.
Kate Mobile for VK 107 lite
Application for VK social network. Fast and reliable.
Агент 307 для ВК (Вконтакте) 2.0.7
search face
Если ты давно пользуешься социальной сетью ВКонтакте и многовременив ней проводишь, то тебе давно пора переходить на новыйуровень искачать приложение - "Агент 307". Оно откроет тебе многоновыхвозможностей. Приложение автоматизирует повседневныерутинныедействия с помощью официального API и одобренноадминистрациейВКонтакте - https://vk.com/support Безопасность: -Блокировказапуска приложения паролем - Безопасная переписка(Шифрованиесообщений) - Режим нечиталка: собеседник не видит, чтоты прочиталсообщение - Кто тебя скрыл из своих друзей - Узнай ктотебязаблокировал ВКонтакте Интеллектуальный функции: -Автоматическоеисправление орфографии - Анализ своих диалогов -Скрытые друзья.Узнай, кого скрывают твои знакомые. - Поиск похожихлюдей по фото вВК (Search Face) - Поиск отмеченных фото с любымчеловеком - ГостиВконтакте Автоматизируем рутину нажатием однойкнопки: - Очисткастены - Удалить исходящие лайки - Очистка отисходящих заявок -Уведомление, когда нужный человек заходит в ВК -Просмотр лайковдрузей - Читай свежие комментарии друзей Знакомься иобщайся: -Поиск людей по геолокации - Полноценный мессенджер для ВК-Просмотр стены, лайков, комментариев, фото и видео ВК -Просмотрленты, групп, друзей и расширенный поиск друзей ВконтактеМузыка ВКотсутсвует по просьбам правообладателей.
Наблюдатель (ВКонтакте) 1.1.15
Устал обновлять страницу, чтобы узнать, когдапользовательВКонтактепоявится в сети? Мечтаешь иметь возможность влюбое времясмотреть,когда пользователь ВКонтакте заходил в сеть икогдавыходил? Хочешьзнать первым, когда пользователь меняет статусичерез какоеустройство\приложение он заходит в сеть?Возможностиприложения: 👉Уведомления о действиях выбранныхпользователейВКонтакте, внезависимости от наличия пользователя всписке твоихдрузей. 👉 Записьистории действий пользователей, дажеесли твойсмартфон\планшет невключен. 👉 Обнаружение попыткискрытьактивность (функция"Невидимка" и.т.п). 👉 Обнаружениеиспользованиясервисовпредоставляющих "вечный онлайн". 👉Обнаружениеприложения\платформы,через которое осуществляетсясоединение ссоциальной сетью:Устройства Apple, Android, WindowsPhone,Windows, VK Live, VKAmberfog, Компьютер, Мобильное устройствоимножество других. 👉 Неограниченное количество пользователей.👉Использование приложения врежиме невидимки. Типыотправляемыхуведомлений: 👉 новый друг 👉 другудален 👉 вход в режименевидимки 👉вход + информация оприложение\платформе 👉 выход +информация оприложение\платформе 👉смена приложения\устройства +информация оприложение\платформе 👀изменение аватара 👀 удалениеаватара 🎵транслируется аудиозапись 🎵начало трансляции аудиозаписей🎵прекращение трансляции аудиозаписей⛔ блокировка страницы😎разблокировка страницы 🙈 удаление страницы 🙉восстановлениестраницы📝 изменение имени 📝 изменение фамилии 📝изменение отчества📝 удалениеотчества 📝 изменении прозвища 📝удаление прозвища 📝изменение статуса📝 удаление статуса 👫 изменениепола ☝ Если у тебявозникли вопросы,или ты хочешь сообщить оошибке:https://vk.me/notifications_contacts
Hugly Гости ВК 3.3.013
Guests and user monitoring in VK
ВК гости 2.4.0
LLC Devapps
See their guests and fans of VC! Communicate and correspondwithfriends
VK Video Master, VK downloader 5.0
How to download any videos from VK.com website: - On theVK.com"VKontakte" website, hold your finger on the videodescription (oron the video itself) so that the menu appears; -Select the menuitem "Copy link address"; - Go to the application"VK Videodownloader" and select the quality of the video. How toquicklydownload the desired video from the VK official application:- Findthe "Menu" or "Share" icon in the video list or on the videopage -Select the menu item "Share" or "Copy link" - Go to theapplication"VK Video downloader" and download the video in thedesiredquality. ✔ Secure authorization ✔ Choice of quality ofdownloadedvideo ✔ Multithreaded (fast) video download ✔ Downloadvideo fromnews and from any post ✔ Download video from ANY page ofa site orapplication Note. We completely refused advertising. Andyou canalways save the video in normal quality, but if you need tosavethe video in high quality, you can purchase the full version.Thankyou for your support. The application does not supportdownloadinglive video and music, as well as video from third-partysites.
Мои Гости - Вся активность Вк 3.1.301
Dominant Studios Llc
Mobile version of the most popular applications VKontakte"Myguests".
Гости и Статистика из ВК 1.0.38
Spy, guests, statistics and trap for VK. Free viewing of guestsforcoins!
AnyBoost: лайки, подписчики 4.5.2
The most complete service for the mutual exchange of likesandsubscriptions.
Ad-social – биржа заданий, под 3.6.7
The exchange of tasks in the social network VKontakte isdesignedfor promotion.
Moozza - Music for VK 1.5.12 GP
The app allows you to download and listen to music withoutIntrusiveaudio ads. • Home - here are your audio recordings fromthe pagealong with the recommendations section • Friends - thesection whereyour friends and their tracks are collected. • Onthedevice-displays all tracks from the device, includingthosedownloaded through the app • Search-Global search for tracksacrossthe VK You can download, save to the cache, and search fortrackwords, even if they are not specified in the tags. And muchmore,and to make you feel comfortable at night - we added a darktheme
Music Player VK Coffee 1.2.4
Sarkı Merkezi LLC
Relatively new VK Coffee player with convenient swipe control,theability to reproduce tracks by folders and fast searchbyperformers, genre and other criteria. The progress of the gameisdisplayed in the form of spectra, which facilitates the searchforthe necessary moments of the composition. - Support all musicandaudio formats, like MP3, M4A, WAV, FLAC, AAC, OPUS and etc.-Offline HQ Music player and songs player, fast audio playerwithmodern design VK Coffee - Powerful equalizer with bassboost,reverb effects, etc. - Play songs in shuffle, order or loopandcreate own VK Music playlists
Yandex.Messenger 174.1.20335
Intertech Services AG
Stay in touch with those who matter on any device with Yandex.
Stickerzzz - create stickers f 1.1.2
Easily create and manage your sticker packs with Stickerzzz
Funtome messenger: chat online 6.17.2
FlowTech Pro
Funtome Messenger is a free app with unique stickersforcommunication with friends and family. 📱 Funtome is more thanjusta mobile messenger and here's why: • Here you can expressyouremotions in every possible way, and hundreds of unique stickersarehere to help you with that. • To be always visible, makeyourcommunication much brighter: choose the sending sound withwhichyour message will come to your friend – show up! Safety 💬Wecreated a secure messenger to make your online communicationevenmore convenient. Funtome makes your everyday life betterandeasier. Photo collages 📸 Create collages with your photosandpictures. You can manipulate the position, size, angle andaddemoji. Special chat 👩‍❤‍👨 Text to new friends with thesameinterests in the special chat. ✅ At the same time, Funtome hasallthe standard messenger features: • Setting up a profileandpersonal data; • Standard dialogues and group chats; • Hundredsofpublic channels; • Media sharing; • Instant messaging; •Voicemessaging. 🌈 Don't wait! Download Funtome and startchatting.Install the app, share your feedback and be visible onlinefor freenow!
iMe Messenger & Crypto Wallet 10.2.0
iMe Lab
iMe Messenger is an unofficial Telegram API based client withCryptoWallet
Nekogram is a third-party Telegram client with not many butusefulmodifications. Appearence Use your avatar as drawerheaderbackground, use system fonts or emojis, let the status barbetransparent, and more. Chats Set sticker size: bigger orsmaller,let folders be shown on the forward page, pause videoautomaticallywhen switched to the background... TranslatorTranslate messagesand articles, with 5 translation engines tochoose from.Experimental Custom emoji font, unlimited pinned chatsor favoritedstickers. More The above is only a small part of thefeatures, formore features, please download and check it out.Official Channelhttps://t.me/nekoupdates
Themes, Wallpapers, Icons 15.6-googleplay
Themes and Wallpapers
Themes, Wallpapers, Icons to personalise your device for Huawei/Honor / EMUI
BGram 8.9.3
Advanced unofficial client based on Telegram API. Features: •Createyour own chat tabs with icon support from png. • Directchats: youcan make new folder and set it as Direct chats, whichwill be shownin sidebar and as a tab. • Batch actions with chats(mark read,delete, etc.) and contacts. • Auto-merge your messagessent in arow. • Confirmation of sending audio, video messages,GIFs,stickers. • Change interface fonts with viewing and settingttf fromchat. • Hidden chats with telegram password protectionandfingerprint login. • Auto-selecting proxy based on pingandconnection speed. • Built-in TOR. • Forward messageswithoutquoting, with editing, or adding caption to media. • Copypart ofthe message. • Improved formatting panel (with quote andreply toselected phrase). • Create links in two clicks. • Increasethelimit of pinned chats to 100. • All types of shared media intheprofile. • Photo in chat for the entire width of the screen. •Hidebottom panel in channels. • Search button in each chat. • Savetocloud and Edit buttons next to chat messages. • Copy linksandusernames by click. • Reply and save to the cloud (inchannels)swipe left, forward swipe right. • "Forward and deleteoriginalmessages," save selection after multi forward, "etc. •Quick accessto functions by long tap on various interface elements.• Fastselection (in 3 clicks) of message groups and batch actions(saveto cloud, copy links). • Long tap actions in searchingresults: onchat avatar — copy username, on message — copy link tomessage. •Search for replies to your messages on all chats (longtap onsearch button in the main screen). • Create a link to auserprofile without username. • Mention by name (without @) withcustomtext. • Search for replies to a message and user messages inagroup. • Users view group administrator rights. • Conveniencetomanage the group: clean from deleted, access to the avatarholdlog, buttons in the profile, items in the context menu,batchforwarding from the log. • Backup settings with sending tothecloud • Export a list of links to all tab chats. and manyotheroptions... Official channel: https://t.me/BGramChannelOfficialsupport group: https://t.me/BGramOfficial VideoGuide:https://t.me/BGramGuide Hope you enjoy it.