برترین 19 برنامه مشابه به Hak Waris Menurut Islam

Pembagian Warisan (Faraidh) 2.3.7
Syahid Studio
Applications "division Inheritance" to calculate faraid legacywithscience.
Ilmu Faraid 1.0
Bustomi Arisandi
Kitab ini adalah kitab terjemahan IlmuFaraidyang dirangkai oleh KH. A. Djauhari Aris Bangkalan. kitabiniberisi ilmu faraid yang lengkap dan sistematis, sehinggasangatmudah dipelajari.This book is atranslationof the book of Islamic inheritance jurisprudence strungtogether byKH. A. Djauhari Aris Bangkalan. This book contains acompleteIslamic inheritance jurisprudence and systematic, so it isvery easyto learn.
Kompilasi Hukum Islam 1.4.1
Marriage Law - Inheritance Law - Legal perwakafan
الفرائض - حساب المواريث 0.2.9
صممنا هذه التطبيقة لحساب مسائل المواريث وفقا لأحكامالشريعةالإسلاميةمع إعتماد مذهب الإمام زيد بن ثابت -رضي الله عنه-وهو مذهبجمهورالعلماء، وقد راعينا حين إعداد هذه التطبيقة البساطةفيالإستعمالوالأسلوب. أعددنا المادة العلمية والفقهية لهذاالبرنامجبإعتماد مصنفاتالفقه المالكي المعتمدة، وبعض المصنفات الخاصةبهذاالعلم، من أهمها: •شروح مختصر الشبخ خليل والتي هي عمدةالفقهالمالكي. • كتاب فرائضالمختصر مع شرحه بهجة النظر. • الرحبيةوشرحهالسبط المارديني معتعليقات الدكتور الباغا. خصائص التطبيقة:تتميزتطبيقة "الفرائض" بخصائصعلمية وأخرى عملية. الخصائص العلمية:•إشتمالها على جميع المسائلوالحالات الموجودة في الفقه وذلك فيحدودقائمة الورثة التي تحتويهاالتطبيقة. • التنبيه على الورثةالذينيحجبون من الميراث إذا كانومذكورين في المسألة مما ييسرمهمةالمستعمل غير العالم بمسائل الحجبوأنواعه. • قائمة بالمسائلالمشهورةفي كتب الفقه. • مراقبة المسائلالمطروحة من حيث دقتهاوإجتنابالأخطاء التي قد تحصل أثناء إدخالها عنطريق السهو: ويشمل ذلكمراقبةأعداد الورثة حين إدخالها فلا تسمحالتطبيقة بأكثر من أب واحدمثلا أوجد أو أم .. مع السماح بذلك إلى حد99 عند غيرهم مثل الأبناءوالإخوة.. كما لا يمكن كتابة أكثر من أربعزوجات. كما أنه لا تسمحبإدخالالزوجة مع وجود الزوج والعكس لإستحالته.• الدقة في بيان حالاتالجدمع الإخوة والتي تعتبر من أعقد مسائلالفرائض مع ذكر المسائلالشاذةفيها. • الأخذ بعين الإعتبار جميعالمسائل الشاذة عن القواعدالعامةلعلم الفرائض . • ذكر أسماء المسائلالمشهورة عند ورودها. •إعطاءخلاصة المسألة بذكر أصلها وما تصح منه. •تنبيهه على مسائل العولمعذكر ما تعول إليه المسألة. الخصائص العملية:• إمكانية مشاركةالفريضةعبر الإيميل أو شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي. •إمكانية مشاركةالتطبيقةعبر الإييل أو شبكات التواصل الإجتاعي. •إمكانية التواصل معمطورالتطبيق عبر نافذة "التغذية الرجعية". والمزيدمن الخصائص فيالإصدارتالقادمة - إن شاء الله - حمل التطبيق وجربه ولنتندم :) إشتركفيصفحاتنا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي لتكون على علمبأخبارالتطبيق.فيسبوك - https://facebook.com/AlfaraidAppتويتر-https://twitter.com/AlfaraidAppقوقل+-https://plus.google.com/+AlfaraidAppالموقعالإلكترونيhttp://alfaraid.com/ للتواصل مع مطورالتطبيقapp@alfaraid.com
Everything Islam 2.8
Halal Apps
Everything Islam is an Islamic app providing you withqualitycontent.
Salah : How To Pray in Islam 1.1
' Learn Salat or Namaz ' isacompleteeducational guide from Quran Sunnah to learn salah"theprayer inIslam" and to help Muslims ( Kids / adults ( Women,Men )) tocomplete the second pillar and one of the mostimportantpillars ofIslam!"Taalim salat" aims to explain "How to Perform(Pray)Salat(Namaz) in English and Arabic " by incorporating audiotrackstoembellish each learning stage.Written text has involved in the app step by step foragoodpronunciation of each surah of the Qur'an. Withtheaccompanyingimages for a good clarification and good prayer!To facilitate understanding of the variousmandatoryandoccasional prayers. The app is designed in threelanguages:Arabic,French and English; phonetics in order to helpMuslimchildren aswell as adults to learn easily the right way todoablution "alwudu 'and pray especially for new converts whoembracedrecentlyreligion: Islam.Islamic prayer can’t be made without ablution Islam, that’swhywemust learn Islam ablutions before learning how to praybecauseprayerwithout ablution is not accepted.Taalim salat is a great way to learn islamic prayerforeveryone,whether you are an adult interested in learningdailyprayer, or youare looking for a tool for your child or even anewrecentlyconverted Muslim to Islam.Taalim salat or how to pray Islam contains fiveobligatoryprayers(subh “morning prayer “, al Ḑuhūr Al Asr AlMaghreb and AlIsha) andother occasional prayers salah al aid (aidal fitr andaid al adha),salat Chafaa et al watr , salah istikhara,salah aljanaza, salah alistiskae ... etc, also mistakes to avoidin prayer(salah / salat)for a correct and accepted islamic prayerby GodInsha Allah.If you are interested in how to pray and learn how todoablution,this app is for you!** Features and functionalities of the app *** Simple and intuitive navigation: prayers for healing,prayerisvery powerful (power of prayer ) Alhamdoulilah.* Taalim salat and al wudu is designed for allageswithoutexception: children, adolescents and adults.* Interactive app with the integration of audio tracks.* Multilingual app of muslim prayer (Arabic, FrenchandEnglish).Leave us a review on play store to help usmakemoreimprovements.Soon on the application : islamic prayer times,IslamicDua,Anasheed, Islamic Ringtones, Quran
Beautiful islamic Nasheed 2.2
Mobile Sognatore
Islamic nasheed contains the top mostbeautifulislamic songs of 2015 more than 50 Anachid of the worldbestmunshidins ( islamic singers ) like : Maher Zain, al afasy,FadelShaker, Sami Youssuf, Mesut Kurtis, we also added someIslamic duaand Arabic songs and islam for kids ( songs for kids ).With Islamic nashid you can set any Nasheed as ringtone foryourandroid phone also oyu can change you SMS tone to anIslamicnasheed or nachid or a duaa for exemple.Islamic songs and music has became very popular in the past 5yearsespecially in the holy month of Ramadan,This Beautiful islamic songs & ringtones containsalsoIslamic Anasheed or Nashid of famous Mounshidins from all overthearab world and also India Malysia Bangladesh North AfricaDownload Anasheed islamia and listen to 50 islam songs from(Egyptian, Malaysian, Indian, Bnagla, etc.. ) and put themasringtones.List of Nashids : tala al badru alayna, baraka allahu lakuma,yanabi salam alayka, nouri ktamal, Ya taiba, ilahi anta,allahrabona, arkan islam, assalamu alayka, assalamu alayka maherzain,mawlaya sali wa salem, months in islam song, Ramadan Songs,hayatikoloha lilah, al karam song.Subhana Allah (Turkish Version), Baraka Allahu Lakuma, YaNabiSalam Alayka, Ku MilikMu (Bahasa Version), aghani dinia,KamalUddin – Illallah, Kamal Uddin - In the Name of Allah,ahlanRamadan.Appli Features:===========- Set as ringtone- Set timer to wake up for prayer the sound : you can put any ofthesounds to make you- Alarm Ringtones : set any Islamic sound as adhan to wake upforassubh prayers.- SMS Ringtones
Islam : Le Saviez-Vous? 1.0
"Le Saviez-Vous?" version Islam est lapremièreapplication qui propose chaque jour des rappels sous formed'imageset permet d’accroître et de confirmer ses connaissancessur laculture islamique.L'application a pour but d'informer sur la culture musulmane etderapprocher les gens des principes de l'islam.Les images, logos et autres contenus sont les propriétés desauteursrespectifs.Avertissement : La pluparts de notre contenu appartient auxpagessuivantes:https://www.facebook.com/LaVoieDuMuslim/https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesaviezvousMuslimhttps://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesavislamVos propositions ou suggestions sont les bienvenus."Did you know?" versionofIslam is the first application that offers daily reminders intheform of images and enhances and confirm their knowledge ofIslamicculture. The application aims to inform about the Muslim culture andbringpeople closer to the principles of Islam.The images, logos and other content are the property ofrespectiveauthors.Warning: pluparts our content belongs to thefollowingpages:https://www.facebook.com/LaVoieDuMuslim/https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesaviezvousMuslimhttps://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesavislamAll suggestions and feedback are welcome.
Salah For God in Islam 1.4
Professional Learning
In the name of Allah the most graciousandthemost merciful.For any Sunni Muslim who wants to learn the Prayer(الصلاة)Thisfree prayer app (Belajar Sholat) will allow you to knowhow topraystep by step(كيفية الصلاة). Despite you already know howtopray ornot. If you’re a new musulman(new comer to Islam), following this salattutorial(البرنامجالتعليمي للصلاة)will make you a pro Insha’Allah.Although,thereare so many mistakes that everyone made or stillmaking inprayer,and that’s exactly why we created this Islamicapplicationwithkids gloves, to teach you the right way to pray andcorrectallsalat errors, so you will keep your head above water,andyou’llmake sure that you’re following instructions ofAllah(god/اللهاكبر) and his prophet Mohammad (alayhi salat wasalam).This appwill also tutor you about the prayer of Eid Adha (AIDGRWM/عيدالاضحى) or Eid-al-fitr (عيد الفطر) and Ramadan(رمضان)andothers...May Allah guide all of us to the right path.We’ll teach you how this Islamic religious practiceworks.Let’ssuppose you went to the mosque or to Mecca(الحج ). Howcanyoupray? How will you know the Hadith(الحديثالنبوي)?Adkar(الأذكار)?Dua (الدعاء)? Coran(Quran/القرآن الكريم)?IslamicRosary? Sourat ?kutr ? Well, you’re at right place. Becausehere,you’ll findanswers for all of your questions. It’s Forbeginners,forchildren, for person who meditate (because prayer isconsiderateasa meditation too !)… everybody will get wind ofsobhprayer(صلاةالصبح), dohr(صلاة الظهر), asr(العصر),Maghreb(المغرب),icha(صلاةالعشاء), and also The Voluntary /Additional(Nawafil/النوافل)Prayers such as fajr prayer(الفجر),witrprayer(كيفية صلاة الوتر),tarawih(التراويح), dohaprayer(صلاةالضحى), salat eid(صلاة العيد)and all types ofprayers.NB: for musulman women, it’s a mandatory towearHijab(thescarf/الحجاب) and only show their hands and theirfaceswhilepraying. And before you start, you have to doyourAblutions(wodu/الوضوء) and pray in a clean place.Q’Allah accepts our salawat and forgives our sins. Remembermeinyour dua’s(الدعاء)!Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.CHARACTERISTICS and App features:- Super-Fast Loading!- Supports All Of Your Favorite Chat Apps!- Learn the prayer in a fun way without getting bored!- The audios and the pictures will make you understand better- there are dua’s additionally which can be recitedduringthePrayer- it’s totally free!- The application is aimed at Muslims, Reverts andNon-Muslimsaliketo LEARN and CORRECT their Salaah- Share option for benefiting others with this useful PrayerAppisalso provided.- illustration of each step taken during every SalatPrayeralongwith Audio- Available in Arabic, English, French, Indonesian and others- Good performance- Security and Simplicity for the user
La nourriture dans l’Islam 1.3 (git build)
Modern Guide Co
The food and drink in Islam
Islam - Apprendre et Partager 1.01
Learn and share many facts about Islam. Hadith, Quran, Douas ...
Islamic Dictionary-Basics for Muslim -2019
Digital Valley
Islamic Dictionary & Guide or info is a unique browsing toolforIslamic terms.
La prière en islam 1.3 (git build)
Modern Guide Co
Dans cette application sera expliqué les piliers de lareligion,lesrituels les plus importants de l'Islam et les plusimportantsactesd’adorations. De plus, une clarification du statutde laşalât(prière) sera faite ainsi que son mérite et commentonaccomplie laprière de manière parfaite. Les piliers etlesobligations de laşalât (prière) seront expliqués, ainsiquel’explication del’importance du recueillement lors de laşalât(prière) avec unexposé de quelques jugements concernantcerecueillement en destermes intéressant, amusant et facileacomprendre. Contenu del'application : • Importance et mérite delaşalât (prière) • Lescinq şalât (prière) obligatoires etleurhoraire • Le lieud’accomplissement de la şalât (prière)•Description de la şalât(prière) • Les piliers et obligations delaşalât (prière) • Laşalât (prière) du vendredi • l’appel à laşalât(prière) (adzân) etl’annonce du commencement de la şalât(prière)(iqâma) • Lerecueillement dans la şalât (prière) [khuchû`]• Laşalât (prière)en groupe • La şalât (prière) du voyageur • Laşalât(prière) dumalade Particularités de l'application : •Navigationsimple etagréable • Application interactive jolie etintéressante• Guidesimplifié basé sur le Coran et la Sunna Pourêtre encontact Nousserions heureux de recevoir vos questions ouvoscommentaires:info@modern-guide.com Tout comme nous serionsheureuxque vousévaluiez nos produits Modern Gude. Birmingham - UKB11 1AR
La famille dans I`Islam 1.3 (git build)
Modern Guide Co
Instead of the family and of the members who is in Islam
L’argent dans l’Islam 1.3 (git build)
Modern Guide Co
Financial transactions in Islam
Questions Islam
Question Islam est une application destiné àunlarge public, elle permet d'accroitre et de confirmersesconnaissances sur la culture islamique.Elle est dans un format ludique sous forme de questions /réponsesavec un contenu explicatif.Elle a pour but d'informer sur la culture musulmane et derapprocherles gens des principes de l'islam.C'est une première initiative qui a besoin de votre soutien.Pour toute proposition ou suggestion, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyerunemail au questions4islam@gmail.comQuestion Islam isanapplication designed for a wide audience, it allows to increaseandconfirm their knowledge of Islamic culture.She is in a playful format as questions / answers withexplanatorycontent.It aims to inform about the Muslim culture and bring people totheprinciples of Islam.This is the first initiative that needs your support.For any proposal or suggestion, do not hesitate to send me anemailquestions4islam@gmail.com
Doa Harian Anak dengan Suara 2.0.6
Bercoding Studio
Aplikasi Doa Harian Anak dengan Suara ini adalah aplikasiyangberisi kumpulan doa sehari-hari Islam, Ayat Kursi dansuratanpendek yang diambil menurut Alquran. didalam Al-Quran semuaumatmanusia diperintahkan untuk selalu berdoa kepada Allahagarmendapatkan rezeki, kesehatan dan panjang umur. Sebagaimanusiakita wajib menjalankan perintahnya dan menjauhi segalalarangannya.Doa Harian Islam ini sangat direkomendasikan untukdipelajari anakMuslim dalam menghafal Doa Sehari-Hari dan SuaratanPendek.Aplikasi Doa Harian Anak dengan Suara ini sudah dilengkapidenganBacaan Arab, Lafadz, terjemahan dan Audio Offline.SehinggaAplikasi Doa Harian Anak dengan Suara ini memudahkanpenggunakhususnya anak-anak / remaja dan orangtua yang inginmengajarianaknya untuk mempelajari dan hafalan doa anak sehari-hariataupunSuratan Pendek. Fitur Aplikasi Doa Harian Anak Muslim iniyaitu : -Doa Harian anak muslim sehari-hari Suara. - SuratanPendekdilengkapi dengan Suara - Tampilan yang mudah dipahami - DoadanSuratan Pendek Dilengkapi bacaan Arab, Lafadz, danTerjemahannya. -Audio offline, lebih praktis tidak terganggu dengankualitasjaringan internet. Adapun daftar Doa-Doa Harian didalamAplikasiDoa Harian Anak dengan Suara ini adalah - Doa Sebelum Tidur- DoaSesudah Tidur - Doa Masuk Kamar Mandi - Doa Ketika Akan Mandi- DoaKeluar Kamar Mandi - Doa Ketika Memakai Pakaian Baru - DoaKetikaMemakai Pakaian Biasa - Doa Ketika Bercermin (Dandan atauBerhias)- Doa Sebelum Makan - Doa Sesudah Makan - Doa Setelah Minum- DoaKetika Masuk Rumah - Doa Ketika Masuk Rumah Kosong - DoaKeluarRumah - Doa Ketika Masuk Masjid - Doa Ketika Keluar Masjid -DoaKetika Akan Wudhu - Doa Setelah Selesai Wudhu - Doa KetikaAkanMembaca Al-Quran - Doa Sebelum Belajar - Doa SebelumBelajarMengaji - Doa Sesudah Belajar Mengaji - Doa Ketika Hujan -DoaSetelah Selesai Hujan - Doa Ketika Melihat Kilat Petir - DoaKetikaMendengar Suara Petir - Doa Ketika Ada Angin Kencang - DoaKetikaMenengok Orang Sakit - Doa Ketika Menengok Orang Sakit Panas- DoaUntuk Orang Sakit - Doa Ketika Minum Obat - Doa Ketika Bersin- DoaKetika Mendengar Orang Bersin - Doa Ketika Pagi Hari Datang -DoaKetika Sore Hari Datang - Doa Agar Mendapat Mimpi Baik - DoaKetikaMimpi Baik - Doa Ketika Mimpi Buruk - Doa Mohon KeselamatanDuniaAkhirat Kumpulan Surat-Suratan Pendek Menurut Al-QuranMeliputi -Surat Al-Fatihah - Surat Al-Jumuah - Surat Asy-Syams -SuratAd-Dhuha - Surat AT-Tin - Surat AL-Bayyinah - SuratAL-Zalzalah -Surat AL-Adiyat - Surat AT-Takaatsur - Surat AL-Ashr -SuratAL-Humazah - Surat AL-Fiil - Surat AL-Quraisy - SuratAL-Maa'un -Surat AL-Kautsar - Surat AL-Kafirun - Surat AL-Qadar -SuratAl-Insyirah - Surat AL-ikhlas - Surat AL-Falaq - SuratAn-NaasAplikasi Doa Harian Anak dengan Suara ini akan terus diperbaharui,apabila ada kesalahan penulisan ayat ataupun terjemahanyang kamitulis mohon segera hubungi kami secepatnya di kontak yangsudahkami sediakan. Dukungan anda sangat berarti buat kamiuntukmembangun Aplikasi Doa Harian Anak dengan Suara ini menjadilebihbaik.
International Open University 2.0
Authentic Islamic knowledge at your fingertips – no matter whereyouare!