برترین 4 برنامه مشابه به Vida Estética

Jointfully Osteoarthritis 1.13
MicroHealth Inc
Osteoarthritis is the nation's leading cause ofdisability.Jointfully can help.
GeriatriApp 1.8.0
GeriatriApp es una aplicación diseñada para facilitar almédicoyotros profesionales de la salud la toma de decisionesenelpaciente geriátrico, a través de la valoracióngeriátricaintegral.Posee múltiples escalas para valorar diferentesdominiostales comosocial, físico, emocional, funcional,cognitivo,farmacológico,nutricional, medico y de comorbilidades.Esto permitecrear unperfil de riesgo en el paciente mayor y conello la tomadedecisiones acorde a los problemas y necesidades decadaindividuo.GeriatriApp es una aplicación que nace desde el grupodeGeriatríade la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Corez Local Store (Offline) - Inventory & Sales 1.2.4
Corez Company
Unique with integrated keyboard specially designed toregisterproducts quickly, with which you can add or subtract unitsfromyour products intuitively. Completely offline, you will notneedinternet to carry out any action, which ensuresavailabilitywherever you are and shortens waiting times. Lowapplication weightand Material Design-oriented user interfacedesign. Features -Point of sale: Designed to register productsquickly andefficiently, which makes it a solution for small andlargecompanies. Compatible with search and registration withbarcode. -Inventory control: Manage your products in an easy way,know yourupdated stock and add variants for each product, enterpurchase andsale price to calculate your daily profits quickly. -Invoices:Generate detailed invoices of your daily sales, generatePDF filesfor your export or share the invoice directly in theapplication,search your receipts by filtering them for a period ofdates orcancel invoices to return the stock to your products. -Backup:Export your data in a secure file to safeguard yourinformation andrestore it later. - Configuration: Set the data ofyour company toappear on the invoices, establish taxes and how toapply it to theinvoices, correlative numbering and prefix of theinvoice numberand establish the currency symbol with which you wantto work (Morethan 100 currency symbols of all countries included).- Storages,Stock movement. And much more, new functions and newmodules willbe added periodically, to offer you the most completeandattractive app in the store.
BruxApp 2.6.4 Advanced
BruxApp Project
BruxApp - world’s first phone app for Bruxism