برترین 20 بازی مشابه به VirCities

Resources Game 2.0.8
Go out, find deposits, and build your first mine! (GPSmultiplayereconomy game)
Election Day - USA 2016
All in a Days Play
Want to become the next President ofUSA?You can make the Republicans take over the White House or keeptheDemocratic Party in power for another 4 years.Take a stand on current issues, win support from variousfactionslike Public, Media, Business etc., debate other candidatesand runfor presidency in this casual politics simulationgame.Will you support gun control, immigration or stand against? Willyouplay dirty and run negative ads against your opponents? Willyoustick to your views and lose or compromise with your idealstobecome the President?Gameplay:- Play as 1 of 12 candidates. Candidates include DonaldTrump,Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders etc.- Take a stand on important issues facing the country today- Debate against other Presidential Candidates.- Politics game where you have to survive in the election raceforas long as possibleWant Hillary to be the new US President? Want to stop Trumpfrombuilding his wall? Or want him to be the new President?Remember, every decision counts. Be part of a politicalrevolution.There is a thin wall between getting extremely popularand yourcampaign completely crashing. Get support from allfactions,improve your Poll Rating, Punch your way through youropponents andbecome victorious on ELECTION DAY.Carve your name in the history of USA!
From Farm to City: Dynasty
Rimute Games
Transport Tycoon 0.40.1215
31X Ltd
Build the ultimate transport empire!
Campaign Manager 3.2
The 2024 election is in your hands! Will it be Biden, Trump,orDeSantis?
Ukraine Simulator 2 1.0.23
Will Ukraine become a prosperous country, if you becomeitsPresident?
World Peace Simulator 2015 1.4
Tim Rachor
It's World War III. Can your country survive the apocalypse?
Dictator 1.28
Alex Snida
Your presidential chair is ready. Come in, sit back andstartruling.Approve bills, roll out reforms, take partininternationalnegotiations, increase the country's externaldebt,and don'tforget about your own interests. Otherwise, doeverythinga trueDictator should do. But be prepared: each of yourdecisionswillhave consequences. Going to beef up your budgetbyincreasingtaxes? As a thank-you, your people will presentarevolution toyou. Want to reduce your military spending? Thenthemilitary guysmay want to reduce your lifetime. And rememberthemain thing: yourcountry's prosperity and wellfare are notyourgoals. All you needis to stay alive hold the reins as long asyoucan. That's whatreal politics is all about. Have yourfun,Dictator! Features: - Acombination of a management game andaturn-based strategy! -Dozens of unique reforms and bills!-Achievements and Google Playleaderboards! - A pinch of humor!-And, of course, an EXPLODINGHELICOPTER!* *No kidding: yourpersonalhelicopter may explode. Ifpossible, avoid this. Allcharacters inthis game are fictitious.Any resemblance with realpoliticians(whether it be VladimirPutin, Barack Obama or ViktorYanukovych) ispurely coincidental.Follow us onhttps://twitter.com/solar_gamesLikeusathttps://www.facebook.com/solargamesofficialhttps://vk.com/solargamesofficial
BLOC - Political Strategy Game 1.0.0
Oppressive Games
Create and lead your own nation during the height of the Cold War.
World Conqueror 3-WW2 Strategy 1.8.0
Experiencing great world war 2 turn base strategy game.
Donut Trumpet Tycoon - Real Estate Investing Game 3.2.8
Reality Games LTD
Build empire in real capitalist game! Good enough tobecomebillionaire capitalist tycoon?Trumpet Tycoon turns real worldintoa capitalist board game. Invest in real venues. 100%UNOFFICIAL,NOT ENDORSED BY DONALD TRUMP. Donut Trumpet Tycoon gamegives youthe power to purchase, sell and trade digital propertybased onactual locations around the world! In this capitalist gamestrategyis key, as you must decide which properties will bring inthe mostmoney. Choose wisely and build your empire.Purchase TimesSquare inNew York. Trade it for Eiffel Tower. It’s a capitalistgame! Sellthat and purchase Big Ben in London. Or buy local venuesnear yourhome, school, or office by the use of the GPS in yoursmart device.Whatever real world locations you acquire, you’ll haveto play yourtop realestate game and become the best propertylandlord in theworld! Become number #1 in investing game but watchout, it's funnyand addictive. Accelerate your empire building bypurchasingupgrades for your properties! Invest in WiFi, karaoke,and VIPareas to boost your rental income. Build your empire inacapitalist game! But be careful: to avoid going broke, youmustmanage your portfolio so you have enough money to pay yourdailyproperty charges. It’s a capitalist game, so stay focused.Bankyour cash and you’ll soon be like those famous New Yorkrealestatetycoons! Become #1 in this tycoon game! Business gameslike thisdon’t come around often. Don’t miss your chance and tryone of thebest time killer tycoon! DONUT TRUMPET TYCOON GAMEFEATURES: •Purchase nearby properties and profit whenever someonechecks-in •Trade anything, from the Eiffel Tower to the SydneyOpera House inthis investing game • Build your empire in thisinvesting game! •Be a owner of real buildings in Donut TrumpetTycoon game! • Greatconcept with educational aspects REAL WORLDCITIES • Paris –Collect the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre • Sydney –Build your empireon Opera House • Los Angeles – buy Hollywood Sign.It’s acapitalist game! • Dubai – life of luxury awaits for thosewho playinvesting games MULTIPLAYER GAMES • Online competitionamongtycoons for the biggest realestates is thriving ! Challengefriendsand get coins • Battle online with other tycoons worldwideandcompete with them for their properties • Build your empirebybankrupting rivals and managing money like you should incapitalistaddictive game CASH BONUSES & GPS CHECK-INS • Moneyain’t free– unless you’re Donut! Start with $50,000 in virtual cashto seedyour realestate empire, like you should in capitalist game •GPScoordinates and maps let you earn money from realestate eachtimeof social media use • Donut Trumpet lets you own your city!It’s acapitalist game! Donut Trumpet Tycoons game – own everythingaroundyou in investing game! Become realestate billionaire andbusinesstycoons you’ve always wanted to be! Play the capitalistgame andbuild your empire! Join other tycoons, show you’re the bestininvesting game and become the biggest business tycoon!DownloadDonut Trumpet Tycoon game and start making money! GETTINGSTARTEDTo provide the best user experience and enable real-timerentcollection, all users need a Facebook or Foursquare account.Youcan sign up for one within the app, and it is completely free!Sosign up to the best investing game, and you're off to becomethenext member of the realestate Trumpet Tycoon gameeconomy!SUPPORT:Trumpeter, are you having problems?Visithttp://www.donuttrumpet.com or contact us in-game by going totheAbout Trumpet page, visiting our forum atforum.donuttrumpet.comfor help from other tycoons, or emailingsupport@donuttrumpet.comDISCLAIMER: Reference to any celebrity,artist, musician, person,product, name, trademark, service mark, orcompany name is fordescriptive purposes only and does notconstitute or implysponsorship, endorsement, or recommendationunless explicitlystated herein.
Citadels. Medieval Strategy
Rimute Games
Free real time game with quest elements. Build Heroes Townandсonquer Kingdoms!
Судьба и Мир 2.0
Судьба и Мир – этоноваябесплатнаяэкономическая онлайн-стратегия с социальнымуклоном,направленнаяна развитие игрового персонажа и получениеимвиртуальной прибыли.В первую очередь, она интереснасвоимразнообразием вариантовразвития. В игре Вы можете:- обучаться различным профессиям (водитель,строитель,кровельщик,каменщик, архитектор и другие) ивыполнятьсоответствующие работына Бирже труда;- открывать собственные предприятия и давать рабочиеместадругимигрокам, зарабатывая при этом прибыль;- основывать общества, развивать их совместно сдругимиигроками,постепенно превращать их в города, объединятьгорода врегионы,регионы – в целые страны;- занимая различные должности – от простого рабочего, домэраилидаже президента – выполнять работы нагородскихпредприятиях,руководить действиями других игроков,устанавливатьразмерыналоговых сборов, назначать игроков наразличные должности итакдалее;- создавать промышленные и социальные объекты вгородах,имеющиеразнообразные функции и приносящие прибыль Вам иВашемугороду.Но и это еще не все. Экономическаясоставляющаявесьмаразнообразна и делает весь игровой процесснеповторимымиувлекательным. На прибыльность вашего личногобизнесавлияетмножество факторов. Например, построив кофейню, уВаспоявляетсявыбор: закупать зерно для изготовления кофе на рынкепопостоянноколеблющейся и не всегда выгодной цене илипостроитьсобственнуюферму по выращиванию зерна, урожайность которойзависитот погодныхусловий. И подобных нюансов в игреогромноемножество.Социальная составляющая в игре такжеоченьинтересна.Взаимодействие между игроками построено такимобразом,чтобынаправить их совместные действия на развитие ихобщегогорода,региона или страны. Основать и развить город водиночку –оченьсложная задача, требующая немалых усилий. Да ииграть, общаясьсдругими игроками, гораздо веселее. Вы можетепосетить общий чатилиже общаться только с представителями вашегогорода вгородскомчате, отправлять личные сообщения, переводитьдругимигрокамигровую валюту, дарить подарки, помогать впостройкеихпредприятий, выполняя соответствующие работы на биржетруда илиженаоборот попросить помощи у них.В игре присутствует реферальная система. Средства,полученныезаприглашенных Вами игроков, накапливаются на личномсчете, иВывсегда можете вывести их на счет мобильного телефона,либообменятьна игровую валюту.Кроме того, Вы можете вносить свои предложенияпоулучшениюигрового процесса либо поделиться своимиинтереснымиидеями и«фишками» на форуме. Так как игра постоянноразвиваетсяиулучшается, то Мы всегда прислушиваемся к мнениюигроков иготовынаиболее интересные Ваши задумки воплотить вжизнь.В общем, цель проста - покори вершины топов и станьлучшим!Учись, работай, создавай города, регионы, страны, участвуйвигровыхтурнирах, знакомься, общайся, заводи новых друзей!Создай свой мир!Построй свою судьбу!The fate and the world-isa new free online economic strategy with a social slant,aimedat thedevelopment of the game character, and getting themtovirtualprofits. First and foremost, it is interesting foritsvariety ofoptions. In the game, you can:- Study various professions (driver, builder,roofer,mason,architect, etc.) and to carry out related work atthelaborexchange;- To open their own businesses and provide jobs tootherplayers,earning a profit;- Establish a society, to develop them together withotherplayers,gradually turning them into the city, to unite thecity totheregions, the regions - in the whole country;- Holding various positions - from an ordinary worker to themayororpresident - to carry out the work on urban enterprisestosupervisethe actions of other players, to establish the sizeoftax revenues,assign players to different positions andsoon;- Create industrial and social facilities in the towns thathaveavariety of functions and bring profits to you and your city.But that's not all. The economic component is verydiverse,andmakes the whole gameplay is unique and fun. On theprofitabilityofyour personal business is influenced by manyfactors. Forexample,building a cafe, you have the choice topurchase grain fortheproduction of coffee on the market isconstantly fluctuating,andnot always a bargain price, or build yourown farm growinggrainyield of which depends on the weatherconditions. And suchnuancesin a myriad of game.The social component of the game is alsoveryinteresting.Interaction between players is constructed in suchaway as todirect their joint efforts for the development ofthetotal of thecity, region or country. Establish and develop thecityalone - avery difficult task that requires a lot of effort.Andplaying,communicating with other players is much more fun. Youcanvisitthe main chat or communicate only with the representativesofyourcity in a city chat, send private messages, translatetootherplayers in-game currency, give gifts, to help intheconstructionof their enterprises, comply with the relevant workatthe laborexchange, or ask for help from them, on thecontrary.The game has a referral system. Funds received fortheinvitedplayers you accumulate personal account, and you canalwaysgetthem on your mobile phone bill or exchangedforin-gamecurrency.In addition, you can make suggestions to improvethegamingexperience or share your interesting ideas and "chips"ontheforum. Since the game is constantly evolving and improving,thatwealways listen to the views of the players and readyyourmostinteresting ideas to implement.In general, the goal is simple - to reach the summittopsandbecome the best!Study, work, create cities, regions, countries participatingingametournaments, meet, communicate, make new friends!Create your own world!Build your destiny!
My Country 4.01.993
Game Insight
4.0 EDITION includes over 100 new quests and buildings in 12newseasonal cities!If you are tired from old-school construction games lackingrealaction, My Country is a city builder for you. Thischallengingbuild-a-city game has enough content to entertain youfor thelongest time ever. Build your own city, develop industriesandtransportation infrastructure, hire employees, eliminateecologicalthreats and control energy use.When building a city you are not limited to simplebuildingsconstruction. Take on hundreds of tasks for the benefit ofyourdeveloping city. Moreover, you can even create acomplexwell-governed country.This game works in offline mode without Internet – play it ontheplane, in subway or on the road. Enjoy!To be a successful city builder you should:- Build residential buildings to increase yourcity'spopulation
- Open office buildings and upgrade them to employ more citizensandcreate higher profits- Develop industries, sign contracts and buy vehicles totransportthe goods you produce
- Manage the ecology and energy use in your city by buildingpowerstations and parks
- Change the landscape: build canals, create lakes, plant treesandpave country roads
- Establish a bus transit network for your residents
- Gather collection items from the residents of your country
- Hire professionals to grow a forest of skyscrapers inyourcity!Why play My Country? Because it is AWESOME andabsolutelyFREE!Visit our Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/MyCountryCommunityPrivacy Policy http://www.game-insight.com/en/site/privacypolicy
Time of Exploration (strategy) 1.5
long-term strategy fun, abstract thinking, optimization ofaneconomic cycle
Sandbox: Strategy & Tactics-WW 1.0.50
Who wins? Lead army to victory in WW2! Turn-based war strategygamesoffline
Wars for the containers. 3.7
Bidding for the containers and became rich!
World at Arms
Build your army, plan your attack anddeployyour forces for an all-out, modern war game that spans theentireworld, from the deepest ocean to the skies above!Battle against the KRA, a rogue army with invasion plans foreverynation. Only you and your allies have the power and skills towipethem out in the exciting Solo Campaign mode. But you canalsochallenge your friends for fun and glory in thechallengingmultiplayer mode that truly tests your strategy.Take advantage of the rich social features to find allies anddeviseyour next cunning strike with the chat feature. Then join orcreateyour own Faction to combine forces and truly become a forceto bereckoned with! You can even make your name known on theleaderboardsby challenging rivals and skillfully stealing theirresources.FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. FIGHT FOR FREE!√ Enjoy a free world war simulation game with brilliantgraphics,stunning animations, and realistic modern military units&buildings.PROSPER & PROTECT√ Build up your base by constructing and improving facilitiesthatunlock new weapons, technology and tactics.√ Collect resources to fuel your military nation,upgradefacilities, fuse army units and complete numerousachievements toearn free bonuses.A TRUE WORLD WAR√ Engage in innovative battles across the globe and onvariousterrains including scorching deserts, urban cityscapes,oceandepths and anywhere else the war spreads.AWAKEN THE SUPER SOLDIER√ Immerse yourself in the only modern-war strategy game onthemarket that offers deep-sea exploration and battles!√ Construct the new super unit: Atlas. This immortal war robot isarelic from an ancient nation, but can be the ultimategame-changerin battle!THE FACTION FACTOR√ Form a Faction with your friends and allies to pool yourpowers,talk strategy, help each other out, and achieve levels ofpowerthat would be all but impossible alone.√ Connect with your friends via Facebook and call forreinforcementsfrom their units during battle.√ Build a Faction Base where you and your allies can buildandshared facility that you must all help to protectfrominvaders.√ Contribute units to become the invader and strike rivalFactionBases for huge rewards and ultimate bragging rights.World at Arms is perfect for armchair commanders, fans ofmilitarystrategy games, modern warfare games, tank games, submarinegamesand tycoon games, as well as anyone who loves giant robots,cunningtactics, and fighting for domination in a mobile MMO.DownloadWorld at Arms for free and enjoy probably the bestmodern-warstrategy game on the market!________________________________________________________________Visit our official site at http://gmlft.co/website_ENCheck out the new blog at http://gmlft.co/centralDon't forget to follow us on social media:Facebook: http://gmlft.co/SNS_FB_ENTwitter: http://gmlft.co/SNS_TW_ENInstagram: http://gmlft.co/GL_SNS_IGYouTube: http://gmlft.co/GL_SNS_YTThis app allows you to purchase virtual items within the app andmaycontain third party advertisements that may redirect you to athirdparty site.Terms of Use: http://www.gameloft.com/en/conditions-of-usePrivacy Policy: http://www.gameloft.com/en/privacy-noticeEnd-User License Agreement: http://www.gameloft.com/en/eula
Democrazy - the political game 1.0
Democrazy You have big ideas on how to solve theworld'spressingproblems. But first you must get elected. You decidetoplay thepolitical game. Do you think you can win the election?Canyou bethe President of the United States (the world'sleadingdemocracy)?You can perform activities to gain more votes orspendmoney tospread your message. Along the way you will faceimportantchoiceson whether to seek funding from lobbyists orwhether to useattackads against your opponent. Features: - 3levels: Mayor,Governor,President - Gain votes by doing tasks orspending money -Yourchoices affect how people view you, will you bea model citizenora sleazy politician? - Capture the heart ofAmerica bybecomingPresident
Galimulator simulates thewars,revolutions, politics, research and various other bizarreevents ina randomly generated galaxy. Watch as space empires endureepicstruggles for power. You decide if you want to:• Watch in Observer mode• Play around freely in Sandbox mode• Take control in Emperor modeEmpires will:• Wage war to conquer more stars• Build ships to fight and do other strange things• Encounter strange space monsters• Venture out on intergalactic quests• Research new technology• Switch politics between expansion, fortification and more• Build powerful (or useless) artifacts in space• Transcend to unimaginable hyperblissUltimately they will go away, crushed by a stronger race, victimsofinternal strife, eaten by space monsters, or some other fate.Butnew ones will take their place. It's the hypercircle ofinterstellarlife in space.In Emperor mode, you can control your own empire by usingyourFlagship to boost expansion and defense, build and controlyourships, and manage your Spy network.In Sandbox mode, you have full freedom to do pretty much whatyouwant. Make empires degenerate, throw meteors at them, etc.Or you can just observe, like an aquarium, except withinterstellarspace empires instead of fish.Windows and Linux versions are also available now at:https://snoddasmannen.itch.io/galimulatorVisit the user forums to share stories, ideas, bugs, etc:http://galimulator.forumatic.com/