برترین 4 برنامه مشابه به answerword

IP Vote/Questionnaire 1.0.2
Nayukana Corp.
Caution!!- Please use Free Version for confirming behavior beforebuythischarged version.- Please uninstall Free Version before using this chargedversionforavoiding conflict.=================================This application detect other user under same WifiNetwork(Not3G).(Mobile Phone is needed to be assigned IP address from"X.X.X.1"-"X.X.X.110" by Wifi Router.)Usage is very simple!1. Press "I ask" button if someone has aquestiontoparticipants.* In question from this charged version, Maximumamountofparticipant is 15 person. (include Questioner)* Free version can join to question from this chargedversion.* This charged version can join to question from Freeversion.(Maximum amount of participant depends on Free version.)2. Questioner say prefer question.* This application doesn't support to input question.3. Participants select answer from 4 choices.4. For showing result, questioner press button.* Everyone can see the statistics on mobile phone.* But Nobody knows who choice the answer.This application is very useful for varioussituation(Party,Meeting, etc)
お金が貯まる! infoQアプリbyGMO(4.3以前版) 1.2.7
GMO Research, Inc.
■カンタンにお金が貯まる理由は??infoQアプリは、通勤や通学、家事のスキマ時間などにアンケートやゲームにクリックして答えるだけでどんどんポイントを貯められます。全国54万人の人が利用、年間発行ポイント総額は3億円! 貯まったポイントは現金や商品券などに交換できます!■プッシュ通知機能新着アンケートのお知らせはプッシュ通知で届くので直感的にポイントをゲットできます。■infoQアプリ機能一覧⇒infoQのPCサイトで行うすべてのアクションが可能です。 ・会員登録 ・会員情報登録・更新 ・回答可能アンケート一覧表示 ・アンケート回答 ・保有ポイント・獲得ポイント履歴確認 ・お問い合わせ ・ポイント交換 ・お友達紹介(紹介者・紹介された人両方にポイントを差し上げます) ・プッシュ通知※タブレットには対応しておりません■infoQ PCサイトのご案内⇒PCでもアプリと同じアカウントで楽しめます。(http://infoq.jp)ポイントも合算されるので是非PCでもinfoQをご利用ください。<PCサイトのコンテンツ>・クイズで頭の体操  …クイズに答えてポイントゲット!「ぴぴんの雑学トレーニング」・ミステリーショッピング  …店頭で商品を買って感想を書いたらポイントがたまる「infoQ×テンタメ」・ゲーム  …かわいいゲームでポイントがたまる「ぴぴんの森と釣り名人」、「戦国!姫の宝探し×infoQ」、「infoQ×ベジモン」・タイピング(入力)  …カンタンな入力作業でポイントがたまる「タイピングでためる」・ライティング(記事作成)  …記事投稿でポイントが貯められる「ライティングでためる」
アンケートアプリ 1.6
☆☆アンケートアプリの決定版☆☆アンケートを投稿したり、答えたりできるアプリです。インターネットを通じて他のユーザからの回答を集計できます。無料アプリです。アプリ内課金は一切ありません。作ったアプリをtwitterなどに投稿することもできます。会員登録は不要ですので、個人情報は一切必要としません。アンケート結果表示のため、インターネット接続は必要ですが、端末情報などは要求しませんのでセキュリティは安全です。気になることを書いて投稿してみてください。今のところは投稿制限などもありません。回答は1質問につき1回です。そのうち有料版を出すかもしれませんが、まだ考えていません。使い勝手を良くしていきたいと考えています。ご要望やご意見などコメントでいただければと思います。☆ ☆ The choiceofthequestionnaire app ☆ ☆It is an application that you can post a questionnaire,orcananswer.I can be aggregated answers from other usersthroughtheInternet.Is a free app. There is no in-app billing.You can also post to twitter and the app made.Registration is unnecessary and, personal informationdoesnotrequire any.For the survey results display, Internet connectionisrequired,security is safe because it does not requiresuchinformationterminal.Please try to post to write that you care.There is no such moderation for now.Answer is once per question.You might put out a paid version of which, but notthoughtofyet.I believe that we would like to improve the usability.I think that if you can in the comments andopinionsandrequests.
SNS-Survey&ToDo&Blog -ImmaNjoy 1.1
Shared System Inc.
ImmaNjoy is so useful in any situations suchassurvey, adjusting schedule, assembling information likecustomerreview and so on..This is a great application that can createquestionnaires,checklists and articles, using ”Picture”, “Location”and “Voice”.■You can create EJContents(Questionnaire, Checklist&Article) as followings! - Questionnaires.You can create not only common questionnaires,but also questionnaires like asking people about picturesandvoices,such as "How's this picture?", "What do you think of thisvoice?"and etc.You can gather answers with pictures, voices and locations.And certainly enable to gather answers with texts, numerics,listsand dates, too.   (Ex.1)Customer questionnaire of Torazo Ramen. (Reviewsofcustomers, measure of 020)  (Ex.2)An Arrangement of Welcome Party. (Scheduleadjustment)  (Ex.3)Intro Quiz. (Questions using voice)  (Ex.4)Character Name Wanted! Please name this namelesssheep!(Consultation・Collection)  (Ex.5)Audience Questionnaire of 11thLTT(AudienceQuestionnaire) - Checklists.  You can create checklists which tell workers the check points,thecheck places and the check methods using pictures, voicesandlocations.Furthermore, you can have workers registered theirsignatures,pictures of check points, sounds and working places asworkingresults.Certainly available in using them with texts, numbers, datesandlists.  You can also listen to the voice of task informations with"voiceover" during your tasks.  (Ex.1)Security check before leaving the office last.  (Ex.2)Baggage check for Excursion.  (Ex.3)What to take out when disaster occurs.  (Ex.4)A checklist of moving into the new masion house forthefirst time. - Articles.You can create articles using sentences, pictures, voice andvoiceover.You can also create and edit the articles soon after you takephotoswith your iPhone.You don't need to be near by PC or go and get PC.Moreover, you don't need to have your own HP, too.  (Ex.1)How to make delicious curry. (recipe)  (Ex.2)Picture diary. (Blog)     (Ex.3)Method of exchanging oil of bike. (Manual)■Two big differences between other companies' servicesandours.-- For creating questionnaires and checklists --- Free of charge for the numbers of questionnaires and thenumbersof gathering answers.No matter how many questionnaires you create, or how many peopleyougather the answers from, you are sure to have it usedforfree.The same with checklists and articles.- Enable to create EJContents by using "voice", "location","image"and "voice over".■What you can do with ImmaNjoy!※In ImmaNjoy, questionnares, checklists and articles arecalledEJContents. - Creating original EJContents by using“Text”,”Numeric”,”List”,”Image”,”Location”,”Voice” and”VoiceOver”. - EJContents is free to create as many as you like.You can also collect answers and work results from any numberofpeople as you want. - Confirming the collections of answers and work results in 3formsin real time. - Setting disclosure range. - Chatting with a group. - Available to use original stamp in Group Chat. - Making appeals to users for answering questionnaires byusingquestionnaires with points(Public Plus). - Getting EJPoints by answering questionnaires withpoints(PublicPlus). - Questionnaires and checklists that are opened as templatesareavailable for downloading and customizing. - Using it as a work log. - Exchanging given EJPoints with stamps that can be used ingroupchat. - Opening questionnaires and checklists to other usersastemplates. - Create blogs like various type of manuals and receiptswitharticle function. - Available to use it like a management on Web or an operationoniOS,for it is able to share EJContents between the applications onWeband iOS. - Available to put created EJContents up to SNS.