برترین 3 برنامه مشابه به IF Home

Deisson Program 1.03
Deisson Program es un programador WiFi capazdegestionar la programación, el encendido y el apagado de hastatrescircuitos independientes.Permite controlar y programar a distancia, farolas yalumbradoexterior, luces de escaparate, luminosos de comercios,sistemas deaire acondicionado, depuradoras de piscinas, persianasmotorizadas,etc.La aplicación Deisson Program permite manejar el dispositivoadistancia, controlando los circuitos conectados a través delmóvilo tablet de manera cómoda e intuitiva.La aplicación es capaz de gestionar variosdispositivosprogramadores instalados. Esto permite controlar porejemplo elalumbrado exterior de varias viviendas desde un mismoteléfonomóvil.Deisson Program is aWiFicontroller capable of managing the program, the on and off uptothree independent circuits.Allows remote control and program, lampposts and streetlighting,showcase lighting, shops lighting, air conditioningsystems, sewagepools, motorized blinds, etc.Deisson Program The application allows to manage thedeviceremotely controlling circuits connected through mobile ortabletcomfortable and intuitive way.The application is able to manage multiple devicesinstalledprogrammers. This allows for example to control externallightingof several houses from the same mobile phone.
Deisson Drive 1.10
Deisson Drive es un programador WiFi capazdegestionar la programación, la subida y la bajada de hastadoscircuitos independientes que permite controlar y programaradistancia persianas motorizadas y toldos.La aplicación Deisson Drive permite manejar el dispositivoadistancia, controlando los circuitos conectados a través delmóvilo tablet de manera cómoda e intuitiva.La aplicación es capaz de gestionar variosdispositivosprogramadores instalados. Esto permite controlar porejemplo laspersianas de varias viviendas desde un mismo teléfonomóvil.Deisson Drive is aWiFicontroller capable of managing the program, the rise and fallof upto two independent circuits that can control and programmotorizedblinds and awnings distance.The Deisson Drive application can handle the deviceremotelycontrolling circuits connected through mobile or tabletcomfortableand intuitive way.The application is able to manage multiple devicesinstalledprogrammers. This allows control of eg blinds severalhouses fromthe same mobile phone.
IoT Wear 1.3
Toma Dimcic
IoT Wear application is specially developed for controllingthesmart home devices called IoT Wear Controllers. It could onlybeused with this devices. IoT Wear app provides networkconfigurationof the IoT Wear Controllers and their further control.With theapp, through IoT Wear Controllers, user could control theRGBstrips, turn on or off any home device, including the controlofthe blinds, dim the light or control infra red devices inthehouse. But the list is growing and possibilities are endless.IoTWear Controllers are smart devices with WiFi and/or wirednetworkand they could be controlled over the internet. Everycontrollerhas a web server that enables communication over the web,but alsothe GPIO (General Purpose Input/output) control that are onthecontroller itself.