برترین 7 برنامه مشابه به RH Spec

Pochet RH 2.1
Stéphane Thibault
Découvrez le premierutilitaireRessourcesHumaines gratuit à destination des dirigeantsde TPE -PME.Pocket RH est un outil d'anticipation et de gestiondurisquesocial en entreprise. Optimum Anticipation & GestionduRisqueSocial vous accompagne au quotidien dans la mise enplacedessolutions qui simplifieront la gestion devosRessourcesHumaines.Avec Pocket RH vous trouverez en un clic les réponsesàvosproblématiques quotidiennes RH :- Calculez une période d'essai pour un CDI et même unCDD,PocketRH vous explique également toute la procédure pour ymettreunterme,- Calculez un préavis de licenciement ou de démissionetretrouveztoutes les informations nécessaires à la fin decontratdetravail,- Calculez les indemnités légales de licenciement devotresalariéen indiquant simplement sa date d'embauche etsonsalaire,- Retrouvez en détail toutes les étapes delaprocéduredisciplinaire, calculez facilement tous les délaislégauxàrespecter : de la convocation à l'entretien jusqu'àlanotificationde votre décision. Pocket RH vous détaille égalementlaprocédureprud'homale pour que ce ne soit plus un sujettroubleetinquiétant...- ...Vous pourrez également trouver des informations à joursurlesreprésentants du personnel et les obligations liéesauxseuilsd'effectifs.Véritable outil d'aide à la décision que lesdirigeantsd'entreprisesont déjà largement reconnus et qu'ilsutilisentrégulièrement.Discover thefirstutilityto free resources leaders TPE Human - SMEs.Pocket HR is a proactive tool and social riskmanagementinbusiness. Optimum Anticipation & Social RiskManagementassistsyou in the daily implementation of solutions thatsimplifythemanagement of your human resources.Pocket with HR you will find in one click answers to yourdailyHRissues:- Calculate a trial period for a permanent or even aCSD,PocketHR will also explain the entire procedure to stop it,- Calculate notice of termination or resignation andfindallnecessary information at the end of the employmentcontract,- Calculate the statutory redundancy pay youremployeesimplystating the date of hire and salary,- Find details all stages of the disciplinaryprocedure,easilycalculate all legal deadlines: the invitation totheinterviewuntil notified of your decision. Pocket HR alsodetailstheproceedings relating to it is no longer a troubleandworryingabout ...- ...You can also find updated information on therepresentativesandobligations related to workforce sizethresholds.Real tool for decision support that business leadershavealreadywidely recognized and they use regularly.
RRHH 11.0.0
Roberto Fanjul
RRHH. Aplicación destinada a los técnicosderecursos humanos, abarcando desde el reclutamiento, entrevistasdetrabajo, contratos, nóminas, bajas, permisos, tipos dedespido,legislación laboral, manuales, formación o requieranorientaciónlaboral. De utilidad para trabajadores que quieransaciarcuriosidades laborales y de utilidad para llevar siempre enelmóvil para todos aquellos compañeros de RRHH y estudiantesderelaciones laborales y recursos humanos.Incluidas calculadoras de sueldos y finiquitos así comovariosmanuales.Incorporada noticias de actualidad económica.HR. Technicalapplicationspecially designed for human resources, ranging fromrecruitment,job interviews, contracts, payrolls, low, permits,types ofdismissal, labor legislation, manuals, training oremploymentorientation required. Useful for workers who want tosatisfycuriosities and utility work forever carry on mobile for allthoseHR colleagues and students of labor relations and humanresources.Including salary calculators and settlements as well asseveralmanuals.Built-news economic news.
Reflexões do RH
Eliana Totti
Esta página tem por objetivo abrir espaçoparauma discussão aberta sobre os bastidores do RH, nossasalegrias,preocupações e pensamentos. Compartilhar nossos encontrosfora decena onde falamos de nosso aprendizado e aventuras nestajornadaque trilhamos como profissionais de RH.Também parapublicarmostemas inteligentes, criativos e envolventes a respeitodos sereshumanos e seus sonhos.
Opti TPE - Ressources Humaines
La gestion des ressources humaines(GRH),ouplus anciennement gestion du personnel, recouvrel'ensembledespratiques mises en œuvre pour administrer, mobiliseretdévelopperles ressources humaines impliquées dansl'activitéd'uneorganisation.Thehumanresourcemanagement (HRM) or longest personnel management,coversallpractices implemented to manage, mobilize and developthehumanresources involved in the activity of anorganization.
Sou Correios 4.0.4
O aplicativo Sou Correios, permite aos servidores dosCorreios,acesso de forma prática e ágil as informações de sua FolhadePagamento (contracheque) dos mês corrente ou de meses eanosanteriores. As principais funcionalidades √ Notícias √Campanhas √Podcasts √ Vídeos √ Consulta rápida e fácil docontracheque do mêse ano corrente. √ Consulta do histórico doscontracheques, de formasimplificada e detalhada; √ Consulta dadoscadastrais e funcionais;de acordo com o mês selecionado; √Visualização e impressão docontracheque; √ Compartilhamento docontracheque por WhastApp; √Envio do contracheque por e-mail; √Consulta de férias; √Notificação (push) quando a folha do mês(férias, décimo terceiro,antecipação, etc) estiver disponíveis; •Para acessar o aplicativoé necessário usar a mesma senha utilizadapara acesso a CorreiosNet(Rede interna dos Correios).
Mon appli RH 1.0
"Mon appli RH" est uneapplicationsmartphonequi a pour vocation d'informer, outiller etmettre enréseau lesdirigeants et Responsables RH de TPE et de PMEen matièredeGestion des Ressources Humaines : agenda RH, actuRH,Basedocumentaire RH, Partage RH, SOS RH,Vidéo-Candidathèque...autantde fonctions auxquelles lesutilisateurs ont accès en un seulclic!"My app RH" isasmartphoneapplication that aims to inform, empower andnetworkmanagers and HRmanagers of TPE and SMEs in the field ofHumanResource Management:HR agenda, HR news, HR DocumentDatabase,Sharing HR, SOS HR,Video-CV Bank ... many functions thatusers canaccess with a singleclick!
HR Management 1.326.443.9979
This HR Management app will keep you at the forefrontoftoday'speople management strategies; including bestpractices,productnews and information on the following key sectorsin HR: ✔HRManagement & Strategy ✔ Technology & Software✔HROutsourcing ✔ Performance Management ✔ Staffing &Recruitment✔Remuneration & Benefits ✔ Training, Learning&Development✔ Leadership Development ✔ Organizational Change&Development✔ Employment Law & OHS ✔ Workforce Planning&AnalyticsInside you'll also have access to: ✔ Up to the minuteHRnewsheadlines, blogs and white papers ✔ The latest HRManagementvideos(and Podcasts, coming soon!) ✔ Real time HRManagement Jobpostingsfor all of the USA, UK, Australia and Canada✔ Plus a wholelotmore, including several exciting NEW developmentscoming verysoon!Packed with a ton of information for busy HRprofessionals onthego. Don't miss the opportunity to grab thisessentialHumanResources app. It's free and easy to startusingimmediately.Install this FREE HR Management App today !!