برترین 13 برنامه مشابه به Pinjaman Dana

Doctor Cash Online Loan App 0.1
Infinto PTE Ltd
Get money once and for all rightfromyourphone. Doctor Cash, the easy mobile service, is hereforanyfinancial need you might come across 24/7.Key Doctor Cash benefits:* Fill up the loan application only once* First time borrower gets up to PHP 10,000 instant loan.* Get up to PHP 20,000 on your next loan* Use anytime you want to top up again* Transparent terms & status information (checkstatus,fees,repay and prolongation information, FAQ)* Convenient ways to receive money (through your bank, ATM)* Apply 24/7 via mobile phone (no branch visit, no longlinesandtalks with the agents!)* Money is disbursed right after the approval3 Simple Steps to Receive Money:* Install the app and choose the amount of money you want* Fill in the simple application form and wait for approval* Get money transferred to your bank’s card account or receiveitatbank or partner’s branchOnce you fill in the required details in the form you don’tneedtorepeat it again.We have simplified all the steps to provide youwithfinancialservice that has been successfully implemented atmorethan 20countries worldwide. You will get convenient 7 days aweeksupportand instant access to funds up to PHP 20,000 on yournextloan.
Koperasi PT.PKSS 1.0.7
Smarthub Technologies
Aplikasi Koperasi simpan pinjamkhususkaryawanPT. PRIMA KARYA SARANA SEJAHTERA (PKSS).Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan bagiseluruhanggotakoperasi karyawan PKSS dalam pengecekan saldosimpanan,saldopinjaman serta memudahkan dalam pengajuanpinjamanApplicationspecialsavingsand loan cooperative employees of PT. PRIMA WORKSFACILITYPROSPER(PKSS).This application is expected to make it easier for all membersofthecooperative employees PKSS in checking the balance ofdeposits,loanbalance and ease of loan applications
Онлайн заявка на получение кредитаотokcreditOnline applicationforaloan from the ok credit
SC-01G 取扱説明書
Samsung Electronics MUMD
Credit Reboot-Credit RepairApp 1.4
Credit Reboot
Credit Reboot Team has producedAustralia’s1stonline credit repair App. After more than a year inresearchanddevelopment the App offers users a range of tipsandhelpfulresources for handling debt collectors and repairingyourcredit.The shocking truth about credit repair and debtcollectionisdelivered through a series of consumer friendlyshortvideo’s,audio books and online resources. All informationisentertaining,informative and specific to relevant Australiancreditreportingand debt collection codes. It is design to empoweryou togetcontrol of your credit issues, repair the mistakesandtransformyour life through credit education.You can even LIVE CHAT instantly from the App if youhavequestions.Let’s face it, Banking and credit use a lot ofjargonand it can beconfusing at first glance, but it is actuallyquitesimple. Besidesif debt collectors can understand it, can’t betoodifficult . Ifyou have any questions about the creditrepairprocess you canquickly ask one of our LIVE CHAT creditrepairconsultants. Theyhave been trained to answers questionswithoutthe waffle.If you get serious about removing credit defaults andimprovingyourcredit score you can pay an additional subscriptionfee viathe Appthat gives you access to all the same credit repairtoolsas theprofessionals at a fraction the price. The online DIYCreditRepairApp does all the heavy lifting and runs more than80different testsfrom regulators and legislators to check forerrorsmade by creditproviders when defaulting your credit file.Once itidentifiespotential errors it then prepares the legaldoc’srequesting thecredit provider remove your black mark asrequiredunder theregulations. You can now use your mobile phone ortabletto improveyour credit score and remove credit defaults frombanks,telco’s andutilities.
EUROprog 2.5.6
Comfortable and energy saving rules of the heating temperatureinindividual rooms.
Kopkar Jasindo 0.0.2
Damasoft By Dama Group
Aplikasi Ini Berisi InformasiMengenaiPortofolio Nasabah Kopkar Jasindo, Baik Simpanan danPinjaman atauInformasi terkait dengan Kode Bank dan Pelacakan PaketJNE(DalamPengembangan),Dengan Adanya Aplikasi ini Di harapkan dapat Mempermudahbaginasabah untuk memantau portofolionya secara up to dateIt ContainsRegardingApplication Portfolio Customer Information Kopkar Jasindo,GoodSavings and Loan or information relating to the Bank CodeandPackage Tracking JNE (Under Development)With the existence of this app is hoped can Easing forcustomersto monitor their portfolio up to date
Fnum 1.0.0
Si Soft
Simple convenient and easy touseS&Lcalculator and assistant.Calculation of bank savings and investments. Calculation ofloansandany loan aspects.Just move the magnifying glass on the desiredcomponenttocalculateAny aspect of bank savings or investment:- initial sum you have or need for- interest rate taking into account the time- time period- extra contributions taking into the time- income capitalization taking into the time- final sum you'll getAny aspect of bank loan:- initial sum on loan you need- interest rate on loan- time period- loan payment taking into account the time- interest on loan balance- total amount paidThe simplest and most accurate and powerful tool tonavigatetheworld of finance and cash flows. Swiss watchesinfinanceworld.
GDCPay 1.0.87
PT. GDC Multi Sarana
GDCPay makes things easier
Nesmetaju LLC
itsFunded is a free mobileapplicationthathelps consumers in the United States find anunsecuredpersonalloan lender.itsFunded is a free service for consumers. With oneshortform,consumers can search over 100 lenders.In addition to offering lender matching service, thisappprovidesconsumers with real life tips on how to save money andhowto makemoney.App also has a simple to use APR calculator.Inside the app, consumers can find detailed lending rulesineachstate: Disclosures > Rules by State.This application takes privacy and data securityveryseriously.Data is transmitted using industry standardsecurityprotocol HTTS.Data is protected using 256 bitencryption.This app was built to help itsFunded.com users apply forashortterm installment cash loan.
GexPay 1.0.27
Využívajte aplikáciu GexPay zadarmo a zaobedyv reštauráciách môžete platiť jednoducho, rýchlo a presnetoľko -koľko potrebujete. Mobilná aplikácia GexPay so stravnýmkreditomnamiesto papierových stravných lístkov vám navyše umožníposielaťsvoj kredit blízkym alebo rodine.Stravné lístky v mobile s aplikáciou GexPayVďaka inovatívnej a bezpečnej aplikácii GexPay môžete odteraznosiťsvoje stravné lístky v mobile. Vždy keď ich budetepotrebovať,navolíte si vo svojom smartfóne presnú hodnotu ajednoduchobezhotovostne za obed zaplatíte. Vybranú sumu môžetedokoncapresúvať blízkym a rodine na ich smartfón. Aplikácia GexPayfungujeaj na starších smartfónoch a tabletoch, v momente platenianie jezávislá od mobilných dát a siete. Pre všetky typy smartfónovje nastiahnutie zadarmo.Ako platiť s GexPay?Pri platbe aplikáciou GexPay využívate iba svoj telefón,ktorývygeneruje unikátny QR kód pre každú platbu. Čítačka určenápretento typ transakcie zosníma QR kód a odčíta elektronickéstravné vpresne požadovanej výške. Problémy s vydávanímhotovostných peňazíuž viac nehrozia. Ak máte gastrolístok radšejvytlačený, stačí sivygenerovaný QR kód vytlačiť a predložiť v danejprevádzke. Mobilnáaplikácia GexPay vám požadovanú sumu presneodráta.Pri samotnom platení aplikáciou GexPay pripojenie nainternetnepotrebujete. Platbu prevádza iba aplikácia v smartfóne.Aktívnyprístup k internetu cez WiFi alebo dátové službyposkytovanémobilným operátorom je potrebné iba pri aktivácii účtu apriprehľade o pohyboch na ňom. Nonstop pripojenie nainternetpotrebuje iba príjemca platby, aby bola platbazaznamenaná.GexPay stravným kreditom je možné platiť iba vzmluvnýchprevádzkach – reštauráciách a predajniach potravín zajedlo anápoje. Každý QR kód je vygenerovaný originál, pri platbejenotifikovaný a systém ním umožňuje platiť iba raz. Pri pokuseoopakovanú platbu ho systém už neprijme.GexPay prináša zvýšenú bezpečnosťCelý systém platieb je zabezpečený najvyšším stupňom ochranybežnevyužívaným v elektronickom bankovníctve. Zamestnancomdokoncaprináša aj dodatočný systém ochrany. V prípade stratytelefónualebo už vytlačeného lístku s unikátnym QR kódom sa dápreplateniestravného okamžite zablokovať. Vo svojom účte hojednoduchooznačíte ako nefunkčný a váš kredit zostanenedotknutý.Ako sa zapojiť do platobného systému GexPay?Vytvorte si účet na našej stránke www.gexpay.com. Prípadnenapíštena support@gexpay.com alebozavolajteoperátorom na bezplatnú infolinku 0800 007 439.Zabezpečímebezproblémové zavedenie platobného systému, zaškolímepersonál adodáme informačné materiály.Enjoy a freeapplicationGexPay for lunch in a restaurant, you can pay easily,quickly andaccurately enough - you need. Mobile application GexPaywith mealallowance credits, instead of paper food stamps you thecredit yousend your loved ones or family.Meal vouchers in the mobile application GexPayWith innovative and secure applications GexPay you can nowcarrytheir food stamps in your phone. Whenever you need them, youcandial in your smartphone exact value and easy cashless payforlunch. The amount collected can even move the family and lovedoneson their smartphone. GexPay application also works onoldersmartphones and tablets, at the time the payment is notdependenton mobile data and networks. For all types of smartphonesis a freedownload.How to pay with GexPay?When paying GexPay application only uses your phone, whichgeneratesa unique QR code for each payment. Reader designed forthis type oftransaction records your QR code and read electronicluncheon atjust the right height. Problems with the issuance ofcash money nolonger safe. If you prefer printed gastrolístok, justthe generatedQR code printed out and submitted in the operation.Mobileapplication GexPay it exactly the required amountdeducted.In the actual paid apps GexPay Internet connectionrequired.Payment is carried only in the smartphone application.ActiveInternet access through WiFi or data services provided bymobileoperators, it is necessary only when your account isactivated andwhen and movement on it. Nonstop Internet connectionneeds only thepayee that a payment has been recorded.GexPay of allowance of credit is possible only validcontractpremises - restaurants and grocery stores for food anddrink. EachQR code is generated original, for the payment of thenotifiedscheme, and it allows you to pay only once. When you trytorecurring payments system it has adopted.GexPay brings increased securityThe entire payment system is to ensure the highest levelofprotection currently used in electronic banking. Evenemployeesalso brings additional protection system. If you lose yourphone orthe already-printed card with a unique QR code can bereimbursedmeal allowances immediately block. In his account, it issimplyreferred to as dysfunctional and your credit willremainuntouched.How to participate in the payment system GexPay?Create an account on our website www.gexpay.com.Alternatively,write to or call the operator support@gexpay.com freephone0800007,439th ensure the smooth introduction of the paymentsystem,train personnel and deliver information materials.
Alpha Ponsel 1.1
Alpha Ponsel pasti pilihan terbaik Andauntukmemenuhi kebutuhan Gadget Terupdate, Terjangkau &100%Terpercaya.Misi Toko kami adalah kepercayaan & kepuasan Anda. Andabisamenemukan harga terbaik di tempat kami, pelayanan yang cepatsertakualitas produk-produk yang terupdate.Di samping itu pula, banyak promosi yang bisa Anda dapatkanselamaAnda mendownload Aplikasi kami di handphone Anda.Selainmendapatkan informasi terupdate mengenai promosi &hargatermurah, Anda juga dapat dengan mudah berbelanja ponseldiAplikasi kami hanya dengan beberapa kali KLIK.Tunggu apa lagi? Alpha Ponsel adalah sahabat setia untukmenemukangadget pilihan terpercaya dengan harga terbaik!Bagi Anda yang ingin mengunjungi toko kami, kami juga menyambutbaikAnda. Anda dapat dengan mudah kunjungi kami di JL.TANJUNGPURANO.273 Pontianak (Kota), Kalimantan Barat - Indonesia78122Adapun no telp yang dapat Anda hubungi di0561-570358 / 0561-8120233 | 0852 45 231515 / 0853 86 655558 |081157 82520Alpha Mobiledefinitelyyour best choice to meet the needs updated Gadgets,Affordable and100% Reliable.Mission Our shop is trust and satisfaction. You can find thebestprices at our place, fast service and quality of productsisupdated.In addition to that, a lot of promotions that you can get as longasyou download our app on your mobile phone. In addition togettingupdated information about promotions and the lowest price,you canalso easily shop of mobile phones in our application with afewsimple CLICK.What are you waiting for? Alpha Mobile is a loyal friend to findareliable selection of gadgets at the best price!For those of you who want to visit our store, we also welcomeyou.You can easily visit us at 273 PURA JL.TANJUNG Pontianak(City),West Kalimantan - Indonesia 78122As for the phone number that you can call in0561-570358 / 0561-8120233 | 0852 45 231515/0853 86 655558 | 08115782520
Doctor Dong 1.0
Infinto PTE Ltd
Điện thoại trong tay - cần tiền có ngay!Doctor Đồng là một ứng dụng tiên tiến giúp bạn có thể nhanhchóngvaytiền trực tuyến bất cứ lúc nào ngay khi bạn cần. Chúng tôiđãđơngiản hóa tất cả các bước, từ quy trình đăng ký vay đếngiảingân tiềnvay, đem đến cho bạn dịch vụ cao cấp đã thành côngtrênhơn 20 nướcphát triển trên thế giới. Vay tiền chưa bao giờtiệnlợi đếnthế!Chỉ cần đăng ký trực tuyến, không cần đến chi nhánh xếp hànghoặcchờđợi tư vấn từ nhân viên. Đơn đăng ký vay được xét duyệt tấtcảcácngày trong tuần, tiền vay có ngay sau khi được duyệt.Đơn giản chỉ 4 bước để nhận tiền ngay:- Tải và cài đặt ứng dụng, chọn số tiền vay mong muốn- Điền đầy đủ đơn đăng ký vay- Chờ kết quả xét duyệt- Nhận tiền vay tại chi nhánh ngân hàng hoặc các cửahàngđốitácBạn chỉ cần cung cấp 2 loại giấy tờ:- Chứng minh nhân dân gốc- Một trong hai loại giấy tờ sau: hợp đồng lao động hoặcthẻnhânviênHãy cài đặt ứng dụng ngay hôm nay để trải nghiệm phương thứcvayhoàntoàn mới!