برترین 20 برنامه مشابه به Ztelegraf

Türkçe Telegram
Bu uygulama, Telegram mesajlaşmauygulamasınınTürkçe gayriresmi sürümüdür.Türkçe Telegram hız ve güvenlik odaklıdır vetamamenücretsizdir.Türkçe Telegram diğer cihazlarınızla ve Telegramuygulamasıylasenkronize çalışır. Sınırsız sayıda mesaj, fotoğraf,video veistediğiniz türde (.doc, .zip, .pdf, .apk vs.)dosyagönderebilirsiniz. 200 kişiye kadar grup oluşturabilir ve100kişiye kadar kişiye aynı anda mesaj yayını yapabilirsiniz.Telegramuygulamalarıyla masaüstü, tablet, iOS ve WindowsPhoneplatformlarıyla mesajlaşabilirsiniz.Türkçe Telegram'e geçmek nedenler:HIZLI: Türkçe Telegram en hızlı mesajlaşma uygulamalarındanbiridirçünkü Telegram'ın dağıtık sunucularını kullanır.GÜVENLİ: Türkçe Telegram mesajlarınız Telegramtarafındanşifrelenerek bilgisayar korsanlarından korunur.BULUT DEPOLAMA: Türkçe Telegram verileriniz tümcihazlarınızarasında güvenli bir şekilde senkronize edilir.GRUP SOHBETİ ve PAYLAŞIM: Türkçe Telegram uygulamasıyla 200kişiyekadar grup oluşturabilir ve yüksek boyutlardadosyalarpaylaşabilirsiniz.ÜCRETSİZ: Türkçe Telegram ücretsizdir ve üyelik ücreti gibiekücretler istemez.GİZLİLİK: Gizli Sohbet sayesinde kendini yok edenmesajlargönderebilir böylece karşı taraf mesajınızı gördüktensizinbelirlediğiniz bir süre sonra mesajınızın her iki taraftandasilinmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Gizli Sohbet mesajlarışifrelenerekgönderilir ve sizden ve tarşı taraftan başkasıtarafındangörülemez.Türkçe Telegram Açık Kaynaklı ve Genel Kamu Lisansı (GPL)'nasahipbir uygulamadır. Uygulamanın kaynakkodlarınahttps://github.com/keremsoft/Muhappetadresindenulaşabilirsiniz.This application istheTurkish Telegram unofficial version of themessagingapplications.Turkish Telegram is focused on speed and security, and iscompletelyfree.Turkish Telegram Telegram syncing with your other devicesandapplications. Unlimited number of messages, photos, videos andthetype you want (.doc, .zip, .pdf, etc. .apk) file you can send.Youcan create groups of up to 200 people and can broadcast messagesofup to 100 people at the same person. Telegram withdesktopapplications, tablets, instant message with iOS and WindowsPhoneplatforms.Why pass the Turkish Telegram:FAST: Turkish Telegram is one of the instant messagingapplicationbecause the distributed server uses Telegram.SAFE: Turkish Telegram messages are encrypted to protectagainsthackers by Telegram.CLOUD STORAGE: Turkish Telegram data will be synchronizedbetweenall your devices safely.Group chat and sharing: You can create groups of up to 200 peoplebythe Turkish Telegram applications and share files athighsize.FREE: Turkish Telegram is free and does not require additionalfeessuch as membership fees.PRIVACY: With Chat you can send secret messages so destroyshimselfagainst the side of your message after you set a time canmake yousee your message deletion from both sides. ConfidentialChatmessages are sent encrypted and can not be seen by you andothersTarsi hand.Turkish Telegram Open Source and the General Public License(GPL)which is an application with. You can find the source code oftheapplication https://github.com/keremsoft/muhappet address.
I Hack You 4.1
Infinite Loops Inc.
***NOTE***TRICKS IN THIS APP ARE NOT INTENDED TO HARM ANYONE.THESE ARESIMPLETRICKS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASYThis app has Android, Windows, Macintosh, Iphone OperatingSystemtricks and tips to utilize 100% of the cellular phone andDesktopand Laptop Computer.It contains the following.- How to Prevent from hacking, and from various typeofattack.- Shortcut keys for Windows and Macintosh- Various commands for internet as well as social application- Google Tricks and short cuts.- How to hide our self from internet- Cellular phone like Android, Apple tricks and Tips.
Русский Телеграмм - Unofficial 5.11.7
***синхронизированы (Оригинальный телеграмм)*** Русский Телеграмм-Unofficial: Самый быстрый мессенджер , бесплатный ибезопасный.Русский Телеграмм является клиентом Русский Телеграмм,которыйпредлагает творческие, весело и интеллектуальный контент(смайлов,Gifs, Места) Быстрая Русский Телеграмм доставляетсообщениябыстрее, чем любое другое приложение. Бесплатный:РусскийТелеграммбесплатный навсегда.Без абонентской платы.Безопасный:РусскийТелеграмм хранит ваши сообщения в безопасности отхакерских атак.Мощный:Русский Телеграмм не имеет ограничений наразмер ваших медиаи чатов. Облачный:Русский Телеграмм позволяет вамполучать доступ квашим сообщениям на множестве устройств.Приватный:РусскийТелеграмм-сообщения надёжно зашифрованы и могутсамоуничтожаться.-источник Опен -кодресурса:https://github.com/infowizard80/Telegram Это приложениеявляетсячастью официального приложения Telegram. Это приложениеявляетсянеофициальным приложением, которое использует TELEGRAM API.
Lagatgram is an UNOFFICIAL messaging appthatrelies on Telegram's API.This app works on the same servers as the official Telegram app,buthas the following extra features:- Possibility to "hide the second green tick" to other users(youcan read messages without letting the other user know)- Possibility to use default system emojis- Select among 8 different default theme accents- Select quality of sent images- Select maximum size of sent images- Possibility to replace phone number with username inprofiledrawer- Possibility to not notify others when typing- Hundreds of new emoticons- Possibility to show phone's layout on tablets too- Possibility to share without quoting- Other small changes that can be found in the LagatfeaturesmenuOfficial channel: https://telegram.me/LagatgramChannelTo receive beta updates, please join at thislink:https://goo.gl/oMT7LO (WARNING: beta updates mightbeunstable)To help with translation: https://goo.gl/mm6zYr
WiFi Hacker Pass 2015 Prank 1.0
Application Recover keys to your wifi network.A tool for everyone. Do not lose your keys anymore.If the network password is the default one with this toolyouwillget in seconds!Supports the following networks: WLAN_XXXX, JAZZTEL_XXXX ...The algorithms used by this application are publicandrandomdomain.
Телеграмм Перевод Вмире.Онлайн 1.6
Телеграмм Перевод Вмире.Онлайн is anUNOFFICIALmessaging app that uses Telegram's API to personalizetheapplication as you install additional languages.Перевод на разные языки через команды Нашему боту которыеможнозапросить из него.Доступно для - Android, iOS, Desktop (Windows PC):Русский, Беларуская, Українська, Čeština, Татарча, Türkçe,O‘zbek,Français, Тарашкевіца, Azərbaycan.Не официальный. UNOFFICIAL.- Скачайте и установите приложение- Запустите, Кликните на нужный язык, Нажмите "ОТКРЫТЬЧЕРЕЗМАРКЕТ", затем приобретите приложение и открыв его нажмите"ОТКРЫТЬЧЕРЕЗ ТЕЛЕГРАММ" - ДАЛЕЕ "START" - МЕНЮ - ANDROID, IOSИЛИPC.- В ответ придет нужный язык - установите. (Инструкция поустановке- присылается на Вашем родном языке вместе сфайломлокализации.)- Всё легко и просто.TelegramsTranslationVmire.Onlayn is an UNOFFICIAL messaging app that usesTelegram'sAPI to personalize the application as you installadditionallanguages.Translation into various languages ​​through Our bot teamwhichcan be requested from it.Available for - Android, iOS, Desktop (Windows PC):Russian, Belarusian, Ukraїnska, Čeština, Tatarcha, Türkçe,O'zbek,Français, Tarashkevіtsa, Azərbaycan.Not official. UNOFFICIAL.- Download and install the application- Launch, click on the desired language, click "OPENMARKETTHROUGH", then purchase the application and open it, click"OPENTHROUGH Telegram" - then "the START" - MENU - ANDROID, IOSorPC.- In response comes the desired language - install.(InstallationInstructions - send in your own language with thelocalizationfile.)- Everything is easy and simple.
Телеграмус 1.30
Телеграмм на Русском is an UNOFFICIALmessagingapp that uses Telegram's API. Для ОС Android 2.3 - 4.x.x(ОС Android5.x.x - не все устройства) После установки приложения присутствуют два Русских языка,Первыйстоит сразу по "умолчанию", для установки второй версии -перейдитев меню - нажмите "Telegram на Русском FAQ" - "УСТАНОВКАРУССКОГОЯЗЫКА" - следуйте подробной инструкции из 5-ти короткихпунктов.Приятного использования Вам). [FAQ | ИНФО: http://телеграм.вмире.онлайн/mobile/faq.asp] RU: Возможности:- Создание групп- Создание секретных чатов- Создание списков рассылки- Передача фото- Передача голосовых сообщений- Передача Вашего местоположения- Передача видео- Передача снимков с камеры- Передача документов- Огромный набор смайлов- Таймер самоуничтожения сообщенийШаблон и исходный код приложения основан на официальнойверсииТелеграмм клиент для Android и лицензируется под GLPv2. Повопросампредоставления данного шаблона и по любым смежнымвопросамсвяжитесь с поставщиком данной платформынаsupport@appsgeyser.com.Telegrams to Russian isanUNOFFICIAL messaging app that uses Telegram's API. For OSAndroid2.3 - 4.x.x (OS Android 5.x.x - not all devices)After installing the application, there are two Russianlanguage,the first is from "default" to set the second version -go to themenu - click "Telegram to the Russian FAQ Scroll to the"- "SETTINGTHE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE" - follow the detailed instructionof 5 shortpoints. Enjoy using you).[FAQ | INFO: http: //telegram.vmire.onlayn/mobile/faq.asp]RU:Capabilities:- Create groups- Create a secret chat- Create mailing lists- Transfer photos- Sending voice messages- Transfer your location- Transfer video- Transfer pictures from the camera- Transmission of documents- A huge collection of emoticons- Timer messages self-destructThe template and the source code is based on the official versionofthe client for Android Telegram and is licensed under the GLPv2.Onquestions of the template and any related issues, contactthesupplier of the platform on support@appsgeyser.com.
UltraTelegram 1.4
King Tut
Provides a second independent layer of proven militaryencryptionfor Telegram.
گروه و کانال تلگرام 2.0
✔ راحت و رایگان گروه، کانال یا رباتخودتانرا با سایرین به اشتراک بزارین و عضو بگیرید، مکانیرایگان برایتبلیغ شما!اگر تلگرام براتون خسته کننده شده و میخواین داخل گروه‌هایبیشتریباشین و کانال‌های جدیدی رو پیدا کنید، یا حتی اگه گروه و کانالداریدو میخواین عضو های خودتون رو زیاد کنید، تلگرامستان رو نصبکنیدو از امکانات اون لذت ببرید :-)با نصب تلگرامستان، بدون هیچ هزینه‌ای می‌تونید گروه، کانال و رباتهایخودتون رو ثبت کنید و امکان "ثبت ویژه" رایگان برای 2 بارخواهیدداشت، پس از اون اگر خواستید دوباره ثبت ویژه کنید،می‌تونیدبا درون پرداخت این امکان رو با قیمت ارزونی خریداریکنید. توجهکنید کلیه امکانات نرم‌افزار 100% رایگانه و برای ثبتمعمولی نیاز بهپرداخت هیچ هزینه‌ای نیست.★ ثبت گروه، کانال و ربات جدید★ امکان ثبت ویژه برای کاربران ویژه!★ ظاهر زیبا و انعطاف پذیر نرم افزار★ امکان جستجو در بین گروه، کانال و ربات های نرم‌افزار★ امکان خرید اعتبار ثبت ویژه با کمترین قیمت (هزارتومان!)★ امکان ارسال فایل نرم‌افزار برای دوستان (بلوتوث،تلگرام،و...)★ پشتیبانی از آخرین نسخه اندروید با ظاهری زیباتر★ پشتیبانی کاربران بصورت ایمیل یا در تلگرام★ امکان گزارش محتوای نامناسب★ سرعت و عملکرد فوق سریع★ استفاده از سرورهای ایرانی با سرعت بسیار بالا★ ظاهر زیبا و دلنشین نرم افزارامیدواریم از تلگرامستان لذت ببرید و با ارسال نظر ما رو برایآپدیتهای بعدی دلگرم کنید، لطفا فایل برنامه رو برایدوستاتونبفرستین.توجه: محتوای نرم افزار توجه کاربران تامین می شود و ممکن است لینکهاشکسته و قدیمی شوند. 
Telegram + 1.5
samar studio
World Fastest Messeging AppPowerfullSecureFree ForeverFeatures:• Send All Type File Format• Send Unlimited File Size• Not Images In Gallary Without Save• Install This Messenger In All Platform
Telegram+ 8.1.2
aman inc.
THE NEW COLOR IS INSIDEPure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and syncedacrossallyour devices. Over 100 million active users in two andahalfyears.FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on themarket,connectingpeople via a unique, distributed network of datacentersaround theglobe.SYNCED: You can access your messages from all yourdevicesatonce. Start typing on your phone and finish the messagefromyourtablet or laptop. Never lose your data again.UNLIMITED: You can send media and files, without anylimitsontheir type and size. Your entire chat history will requirenodiskspace on your device, and will be securely stored intheTelegramcloud for as long as you need it.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide thebestsecuritycombined with ease of use. Everything onTelegram,including chats,groups, media, etc. is encrypted usingacombination of 256-bitsymmetric AES encryption, 2048-bitRSAencryption, andDiffie–Hellman secure key exchange.POWERFUL: You can create group chats for up to5,000members,share large videos, documents of any type (.DOC,.MP3,.ZIP, etc.),and even set up bots for specific tasks. It'stheperfect tool forhosting online communities andcoordinatingteamwork.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in theminimumbytespossible, Telegram is the most reliable messagingsystem evermade.It works even on the weakest mobileconnections.FUN: Telegram has powerful photo and video editing toolsandanopen sticker/GIF platform to cater to allyourexpressiveneeds.SIMPLE: While providing an unprecedented array of features,wearetaking great care to keep the interface clean. Withitsminimalistdesign, Telegram is lean and easy to use.100% FREE & NO ADS: Telegram is free and will alwaysbefree.We are not going to sell ads or introducesubscriptionfees.PRIVATE: We take your privacy seriously and will nevergivethirdparties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, TelegramoffersSecretChats. Secret Chat messages can be programmedtoself-destructautomatically from both participating devices.Thisway you cansend all types of disappearing content —messages,photos, videos,and even files. Secret Chats useend-to-endencryption to ensurethat a message can only be read byits intendedrecipient.We keep expanding the boundaries of what you can dowithamessaging app. Don’t wait years for older messengers tocatchupwith Telegram — join the revolution today.
Telegram Plus 1.7
Telegram Plus Messenger is anUNOFFICIALmessaging app that uses Telegram's API# One of the best rated messaging apps on Play Store #Plus Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed andsecurity.It's superfast, simple and free!Telegram Plus Messenger seamlessly syncs across all of yourdevicesand can be used on desktops, tablets and phones alike. Youcan sendan unlimited amount of messages, photos, videos and filesof anytype (.doc, .zip, .pdf, etc.). Telegram Plus Messenger groupshaveup to 5000 people and you can create channels to broadcastmessagesto an unlimited number of subscribers. Be sure to check ourwebsitefor a list of Telegram apps for all platforms.We built Telegram Plus Messenger to make messaging speedy andsafeagain, without the usual caveats.Why Switch to Telegram Plus Messenger?FAST: Plus Telegram Messenger is the fastest messaging app onthemarket because it uses a distributed infrastructure withdatacenters positioned around the globe to connect users to theclosestpossible server.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best securityamongmass messengers. Plus Telegram Messenger heavily encrypts allyourdata with time-tested algorithms.CLOUD STORAGE: Plus Telegram Messenger seamlessly syncs acrossallyour devices, so you can always securely access your data.Yourmessage history is stored for free in the Telegram cloud.Neverlose your data again!GROUP CHAT & SHARING: With Plus Telegram Messenger, you canformlarge group chats of up to 5000 members, quickly share largevideos,documents (.doc, .ppt, .zip, etc.), and send an unlimitedamount ofphotos to your friends.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in the minimumbytespossible, Telegram is the most reliable messaging system evermade.It works even on the weakest mobile connections.PRIVACY: We take your privacy seriously and will never givethirdparties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, Plus TelegramMessengeroffers Secret Chats. Secret Chat messages can beprogrammed toself-destruct automatically from both participatingdevices. Thisway you can send all types of disappearing content —messages,photos, videos and even files. Secret Chats useend-to-endencryption to ensure that a message can only be read byitsintended recipient.
Dr Telegram 4.1
Tekcor Land
DR TELEGRAM is a verypowerfulcollaborationmessenger based on the Telegram protocol.Over the superfast, multi-device and secureTelegramprotocol,DRTelegram enables true mobile realtimecollaboration.With DR you can share anything realtime, todo lists,teamtasks,goals, documents, videos, ...DR TELEGRAM has been the first messenger toimplementrealtimecollaboration lists and ribbon based access toDocumentsand Mediafor top ease of use.IMPORTANT, IF YOU USE TELEGRAM, YOU DON'T HAVETOREINVITEANYBODY. YOU WILL FIND YOUR TELEGRAM CONTACTS AND CHATSINDRTELEGRAM !!DR TELEGRAM seamlessly syncs across all of your devices andcanbeused on phones and Tablet Android. You can send anunlimitedamountof messages, photos, videos and files of any type(.doc,.zip, .pdf,etc.). DR TELEGRAM groups have up to 200 peopleand youcan sendbroadcasts to up to 100 contacts at a time.FAST: DR TELEGRAM is the fastest messaging app onthemarketbecause it uses a distributed infrastructure withdatacenterspositioned around the globe to connect users totheclosestpossible server.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the bestsecurityamongmass messengers. DR TELEGRAM heavily encrypts all yourdatawithtime-tested algorithms.GROUP CHAT & SHARING: With DR TELEGRAM youcanformlarge group chats of up to 200 members, send broadcasts toupto100 contacts at a time, quickly share largevideos,documents(.doc, .ppt, .zip, etc.), and send an unlimitedamount ofphotos toyour friends.DR TELEGRAMRELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in theminimumbytespossible, DR TELEGRAM is the most reliable messagingsystemevermade. It works even on the weakest mobileconnections.PRIVACY: We take your privacy seriously and will nevergivethirdparties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, DR TELEGRAMoffersSecretChats. Secret Chat messages can be programmedtoself-destructautomatically from both participating devices.Thisway you can sendall types of disappearing content —messages,photos, videos and evenfiles. Secret Chats useend-to-endencryption to ensure that amessage can only be read byitsintended recipient.
تلگرام ترکی (غیر رسمی) 3.10.1
Anjel Developer
بهترین برنامه ارتباطات به نامتلگرامبراتونآماده کردیم.و این بار به نام تلگرام ترکی و ترجمه به زبان آذری مخصوصآذریزبانانکشور عزیزمون.اپ پیام رسانی تلگرام با تمرکز بر سرعت و امنیت. فوق العادهسریع،آسانو رایگان.دقت فرمایید این نسخه ی غیر رسمی میباشد.با استفاده از این اپ می توانید با بیش از 200 نفر چت گروهیانجامدادهو با هر شحص ارتباط برقرار کنید. به علاوه می توانید بهاشتراکگذاریتا 1 گیگابایت ویدئو بپردازید، تصاویر مختلف را از روی وبارسالکنید وهر فایل رسانه ای را که دریافت کرده اید برای دیگرانارسالکنید. تمامپیام ها در فضای ابری شما قرار دارند بنابراین میتوانیدبه آسانی ازهر وسیله ای به آنها دست یابید.برای افزایش امنیت، چت های امن در این اپ قرار داده شده اندومیتوانید بر روی پیام ها رمز قرار دهید که تنها گیرنده امکانخواندنآنرا داشته باشد.تلگرام یکی از جدیدترین ابزارهای ارسال پیام است.برنامه‌ایمشابهواتس‌اپ ولی در جزئیات بهتر است.تلگرام بسیار سریع، ساده، امن و کاملاً رایگان است. گروهگفتگوباحد‌اکثر 200 نفر درست کنید، ویدئو‌هایی با حجم حد‌اکثر ۱گیگا‌بایتوعکس‌ها را با جستجو در وب بفرستید. می‌توانید تمام چیز‌هاییکهبهاشتراک می‌گذارید را در ابرها ذخیره کنید.
Georgian Telegram 0.4
GEORGIAN TELEGRAM”-ა არის სუპერსწრაფი,მარტივი, უსაფრთხო და უფასო მესენჯერი.თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გააგზავნოთ და მიიღოთ შეუზღუდავირაოდენობისშეტყობინება,აგრეთვე ნებისმიერი ტიპის ფოტო, ვიდეო ფაილი(.doc, .zipPdf, და ა.შ.).განსაკუთრებით საინტერესო ფუნქციაა საიდუმლო ჩათი.მსურველთათვის მაქსიმალური კონფიდენციალურობისთვის,’’GEORGIAN TELEGRAM”-ი ქთავაზობთ საიდუმლო ჩათს. მისიშეტყობინებებიშეიძლება დაპროგრამირდეს თვითგანადგურების ავტომატურრეჟიმზე ორივემონაწილის მხრიდან. ამდენად, თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გააგზავნოთყველა სახისსაიდუმლო შინაარსის წერილები, ფოტო და ვიდეო ფაილები.საიდუმლო ჩათისგამოიყენება შესაძლებელია ბოლომდე- to-end კოდირებით,რათაუზრუნველყოს ად რესატ თ ან გარ ანტ ირებუ ლ ი მისვლ ა,რისშემდეგაც მესიჯი ავტომატურად ნადგურდება.GEORGIAN TELEGRAM "-asuper fast, easy, safe and free cards.  You can send and receive an unlimited numberofmessages, as well as any type of photos, video files (.doc,.zipPdf, etc.).Especially interesting function of the secret chat.For those interested in maximum privacy,'' GEORGIAN TELEGRAM "- i ktavazobt secret chats. The messagescanbe automatically self-destruct daprogramirdes's both sides.Thus,you can send all kinds of secret letters, photos and videofiles.The secret can be used for end-to-end encryption chat, toprovidead resat h or l will come out anti irebu a resultThe message is automatically destroyed.
Deep Telegram
Daniil Gentili
Access the Deep Telegram: the dark side ofthefamous messaging app.This app allows you to access secret Telegram servers, a sortofhidden second telegram.This app has all of the functions the official Telegramapphas.Additional info:On deep telegram you can create up to two channels/groupswithpublic usernames.You can use https://telegram.me/deepbridgebot to transfer filesfromtelegram to deep telegram and vice versa.On deep telegram channels can have max 3 admins.On deep telegram the limit for supergroups is of 20 users.On deep telegram the equivalent of @botfather is @father_botYou must use the PWRTelegram bot API (https://pwrtelegram.xyz)tointerface with deep telegram bots.You can also use the pwrtelegram app to login to deep telegram asabot (https://pwrtelegram.xyz/pwrtelegram-app).On deep telegram the following official bots are present:@sticker,@spambot, @like, @vote.@gif and @vid are also present but they don't work since itlookslike that version of telegram does not supportinlinequeries.In deep pwrtelegram, @vote and @like work in channels (ergothecallback data)!If you try to upgrade a normal group with more than 20 users toasupergroup telegram will randomly kick users to stay within the20users limit of supergroups. Note that bots won't be kicked.In deep pwrtelegram, @vote and @like work in channels (ergothecallback data)!Secret chats work properly on deep telegram.If you're spamreported on telegram, you will be spamreported ondeeptelegram.If you're spamreported on deep telegram, you won't bespamreportedon telegram.Telegram spamreports are extended to deep telegram only if theyarepermanent.Maximum time you can wait to edit messages: 10mSource code: https://github.com/danog/deeptelegram
Tereregram 3.0
Jara Network
Tereregram is an application UNOFFICIALbasedmessaging API Telegram that includes all the features oftheofficial app plus partial translation ParaguayGuaranilanguage.GROUPS: You can create groups with up to 5000 members.CHANNEL: Create a public or private channel to broadcastanymessages or files with an unlimited audience.BOTS: You can add any type of bots.CHATS SECRETS: Create secret chats that can self-destruct in afewseconds.STICKERS: Endless stickers available to make your conversationsmorefun.Telegram for Android Licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later.
My channels 3.0.1
Speedy Message 1.0.6
Vladislav Nepoznaniy
This is beta version of new messenger based on telegram API.
Tekcor Land
WOW TELEGRAMA telegram based app,For those interested in maximum privacy, WOWoffers Secret Chats. Secret Chat messagesvoice notes and videos that can be programmed to self-destructautomatically from both participating devices. This wayyoucansend all types of disappearing content — messages,photos,videosand even files. Secret Chats use end-to-end encryptiontoensurethat a message can only be read by itsintendedrecipient.FAST: WOW is the fastest messaging app on the market becauseitusesa distributed infrastructure with data centerspositionedaround theglobe to connect users to the closestpossibleserver.CLOUD STORAGE: WOWseamlessly syncs across all your devices, so you canalwayssecurelyaccess your data. Your message history is stored forfreein theWOWcloud. Never lose your data again!GROUP CHAT & SHARING: With WOWyou can form large group chats of up to 200members,sendbroadcasts to up to 100 contacts at a time, quicklysharelargevideos, documents (.doc, .ppt, .zip, etc.), and sendanunlimitedamount of photos to your friends.