برترین 50 بازی مشابه به Imperial Beauties

World of Eternal Love 1.0.6
The Great Hippo
World's Best XIanxia RPG MMO
Legend of Empress 1.1.0
The most addictive game about a tangled love affair in theChinesepalace ever!
Rich and Famous (EN) 30
i-Fun Games
Live The Story of The Most Richest and Famous Emperor
Legend of the Phoenix 2.7.5
Modo Global
Start your palace love journey
日理萬姬 1.0.20
Luminous Nephrite Games
The day manages the world, the night royal Wanji
Legend of Yan Queen - 深宮大燕 2.0.13
Taomee Game
" Legend of Yan Queen " is a romance simulation game basedonapalace romance novel. With exquisite ancientChinese-stylegraphicsand exciting story, it puts players in thevivid YanDynasty. Thegameplay in this game combines a lot offeatures thatare fun andrelaxing. In a stress-free environment, youcan meet andbefriendseveral pretty guys in ancient Chinese costumeandexperience yourexciting life in the palace with them. Comeandwrite a thrillingand romantic story with your soul mate!GameFeatures -Level UpThrough Auto-Play Are you worried thatplayinggames will take toomuch of your time and energy? Worry not,becauseupgrades aremostly done by auto-play in this game. You don'tneedto invest alot of time in upgrading your character or rackingyourbrains forstrategies. All you need to do is play the featureyoulike most inthe game. The vertical design of the game makesiteasier for youto play the game the way you like and dominateYanwith ease!-Interact with Your Male Confidants There is auniqueletterfunction in this game, allowing you to communicate withyourmaleconfidants or even receive gifts from them. You canalsosummonyour male confidants for one-on-one interaction. Getreadyfor themost enchanting palace romance ever! -Aesthetic2DCharacters andSpectacular Scenery of Yan Archaic graphicsandgorgeous 2Dcharacters in an ancient Chinese style present youwitha visualfeast and bring you back to the magnificent palace ofYan.-PalaceTactics Help You Start Your Reign as Queen. Asthestoryprogresses, you will encounter a variety of opponents.Defeatthemwith clever tactics and you will improve your status inthepalaceand become the queen in the end. Engage in a battle ofwitsandwrite your own legend as an empress! -CollectDifferentLooksThrough the Clothes Changing System A diverseclotheschangingsystem allows you to appear in different looks.There are avarietyof beautiful costumes in the game for you tocollect!Costumes canalso be a way to accentuate your personalityand makeyou a uniquebeauty in the palace! -A Mixture ofCultivation,Management andExploration The game features a widerange of gamecontent, such ascharacter development and cultivation,homemanagement simulation,flower planting, harem decoration, andmore.All of which will helpyou create the ideal palace of yourdreams!-Make Friends and LetThem Help You The game has a richsocialsystem that allows playersto form a guild and grow inpowertogether. There are also featuressuch as voice chat andemoticonsto provide players with a morecomplete social experience
Palace Rule 7.42.03
HaoPlay USA
Mobile dress up game, encounter gorgeous costumes and love inpastpalace.
Palace Rule (蓝颜清梦全球版) 13.38.03
HaoPlay Limited
Mobile dress up game, encounter gorgeous costumes and love inpastpalace.
Scroll Escape:Story Games 1.3.15
The room escape episode game with ancient Chinese mythology,chooseyour story
Rise of Queendom 1.0.9
Royal Life Simulation Game
Call Me Emperor 4.3.1
Clicktouch Co., Ltd.
Start Your Imperial Life!
鳳凰心計 - 純愛系後宮養成手遊週年慶 2.3.7
The new version joins the Phoenix Hearts Anniversary Event
Idle Cultivation-magic king 1.2.20
Handzone Games
classic immortality Cultivation,Cool appearance,Differentfirerefining
iYoYo Game
Romantic fairy MMORPG
白髮謠 12.3.0
——念之亂,驟起一生癡纏,只願亂世愛無憂 ——愛恨交錯,轉頭成空,滿頭青絲盡成雪,幸不負卿意【遊戲背景】西北兩國交鋒不止,為平息戰亂,失憶少女被遣送至敵國和親。為解身世之謎,少女隱姓埋名,卻未料身陷一場皇室陰謀亂鬥之中…他陪她品茶對弈,以情意騙取少女的秘寶,怎料情愫漸生,愛意在心卻不能言明。她為他日暮笙歌,步步陷入早已設計好的情網之中,原以為尋得一生摯愛,最終卻淚滿春衫袖。愛恨情仇一剎間,少女手持刀劍直指心愛之人,為愛迷失心智,為情仰天悲鳴,滿頭青絲寸寸成雪…亂世作伴,為愛白髮,是甜蜜的陪伴,還是…宿命的摧殘?你的抉擇,將開啓截然不同的雙生劇情...【遊戲特色】※為愛青絲終成雪,雙生劇情共渡劫 七次轉生七道輪迴,無論最終結局是苦亦是甜,也將永恆守護這份絕世虐戀※策略致勝,締造傳說對決領地戰場硝煙再起,策略致勝開啟劍與遠征,萬眾一心眾志成城,從此再無團隊邊緣人※體驗多重情緣玩法,攜手譜寫浪漫篇章真人大頭照帶來最真實社交,實時語音聊天,享受輕鬆互動,結識好友邂逅最愛,攜手打造完美世界※自由市場自由買賣,人人賺錢發大財各種武器寶石材料均可在線交易,密碼交易價格鎖定,零氪神裝不是梦※開宗立派,歡樂組團溫馨浪漫泱泱武林開宗立派,共同組建一個團結溫暖的家園,創造溫馨回憶,結伴闖江湖※玩法創新,一見傾心靈源探索融入特色音遊玩法,雙生聖靈全速來襲,考驗絕對手眼協調能力;更有全天候雙倍收益,等級財富迅速累積【溫馨提示】※本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級 ※本軟體免費下載,內有部分付費內容 ※切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息
叫我万岁爷-唯美宫廷养成手游 4.3.0
Clicktouch Co., Ltd.
Immersive experience of ancient court life
Clicktouch Co., Ltd.
Classic imperial harem develop mobile games
Legend of Empire-Expedition
LOE Publisher
Epic real time SLG: build your empire, fight with players allaroundthe world!
Proposed by a Demon Lord 2.0
And... wait a minute!!!! Are you telling me that.... I havetomarrya Demon Lord?!!?! ★ 8 Demon Lords ★ A total tsunderelord.「Penn」 Akind guy next door type. 「Hael」 Don't tell me he'seventoo lazy tobreathe! 「Laika」 A mysterious kiddo. 「Riley」 Kindbut atotalplayboy. 「Vernius」 A cheerful and puppy-like lord. 「Ren」Acute,girl-phobic Demon Lord. 「Cornell」 A sharp workaholic.「Isaac」Do Ireally have to marry these Demon Lords? How did I end upinthisstrange world?! A story where you 'just happened' to marryaDemonLord. 「Proposed by a Demon Lord」 ~Will you be his bride?~***Youcan purchase in-app products. ('Consumer ProtectionLawsUnderE-commerce' may restrict the withdrawal of applications.)***Thisgame requires additional data download on firstplayafterinstallation. This process requires stableinternetconnection. Werecommend connecting to Wi-Fi. In case ofunstableinternet orconnection loss, an error may occurduringdownload andthe app may not run properly. ***If you haveany inquiries,please send us an E-mail withyour phone devicemodel name anddetailed information of your problemthroughfollowingaddress: day7officialinfo@gmail.com Terms ofService&PrivacyPolicy:http://admin.becomead.com/provision/provision.php?lang=enWebsite:www.day7games.com Developer : 82-10-4182-2221
Ice Cream Paradise: Match 3 3.0.4
RV AppStudios
Collect ice creams in the most delicious match 3 puzzle adventure.
Age of Wushu Dynasty 31.0.5
Snail Games USA Inc
Master ancient martial arts and uncover your potential in aKungfuadventure!
Flipped in Love 3.25.0
More2Game Ltd.
You're my destiny!
Godswar Mobile 1.0.64
SkyRise Digital Pte. Ltd.
Recreate legendary feats as a Greek Hero!
Happy Play Game
Forlands 1.0.173
Giveaway!! Event Rebates Increased by 300% Log in 7 Days forEpicMounts!
Beauty Rental Shop 2.0
Want to change your style? If yes, come visit us at the‘BeautyRental Shop’.
叫我官老爷-九品芝麻官联动 5.3.01132093
Original hand travel business giant system innovation, todevelopfun! And thirty million players with the DPRK official,makefriends
Clicktouch Co., Ltd.
Five years of love for you, let’s have a feast together!Celebratingthe fifth anniversary with you
Fate of the Empress 2.1.9
Melodious sounds, watery chords. Hero Shen Chuyin is now available!
Royal Chaos 1.5.1
Let the new Hero Athena enchant your path to the glory!
Witch Choice: Choices Game 1.9
Delight Games
YOU make the choices as a witch in this epicLovecraft-stylehorror/adventure!
金融教父 1.0.24
Apollo Technology Co.,Ltd
Starry Love 2.4.5
Modo Global
A Streamer Themed Character Development Mobile Game
Dark Domain
Dark Domain
Sim Empire 4.0.11
TKG Technology Co., Ltd.
Build your ancient city.
三界修仙誌 3.1.18
Dust Gaming
道友請留步,道友掛機嗎?由熱門玄幻小說改編的全新文字類放置手遊《三界修仙誌》正式上線。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然,凡人修仙方能得大道。人生數載皆虛妄,鬥破蒼穹,不如得道百煉成仙;一個修真江湖,一部仙命訣,凡塵紛擾,不如渡劫飛昇。在這個全新的修真世界中,大家可以體驗到:##深刻的故事專門撰寫超過20w字的自由劇情,玩家自我刻畫角色人生故事。##龐大的世界觀遊戲中,你可以與3000+NPC、500+宗門坊市互動;位面穿梭,自由試煉成長;祕境探索,機緣氣運加身。##自由的修真體系內修靈、體、魂;外練劍、丹、器、獸、陣、符……萬道諸法均可隨心修行。##緊湊的戰鬥千般變化的對手,眼花撩亂的功法,一招定乾坤的神通……##莫測的洞府探索動態極品靈脈,運用無上神通開闢洞府;煉丹、煉器、淬體、練魂諸般神奇。##無盡的可能造化秘寶,氣運奇遇,本命法寶,宗門大比,雷劫天劫,無上傳承,奇妙種種不勝枚舉。 修仙覓長生,天命滌凡塵。體驗一部大道爭鋒,與天爭命,高自由度的修仙神作。更多攻略疑問參見BBS:http://xx.bbs.dustoversea.comEmail:yabohan0829+supportxx@gmail.comfacebook:http://www.facebook.com/xiuxianworldDiscord:https://discord.gg/bYQyZ8pv4D
Jade Dynasty-Global 2.685.0
Perfect Game Speed
The game presents the traditional gameplay from Jade Dynasty.
The Fate of Wonderland : Roman 3.1.9
Genius Inc
Will you be able to save Wonderland with the help of three?
Business Affairs : Romance Oto 3.1.11
Genius Inc
Office politics or office romance… which will you choose to pursue?
Making the Perfect Wedding : R 3.1.11
Genius Inc
The greatest fake wedding might turn into the greatest truewedding.
Helix Waltz - Dress Up Drama 4.17.1710110
The war against the Sullas has come to an end. A lot of thingshavechanged in Finsel. The former leader of Finsel – the sainthasabdicated. The Ellensteins have realized their dream offamilyrevival. Now, under the reign of the new leader, the RegentJuvenSakan, what would happen in Finsel? How’s the job of secretaryforMagda Ellenstein? All will be revealed in the rich storylinesofSeason II! ※ A new season, a different way to tell stories ※4brand new characters, 6 independent storylines of more than100,000words ※ More exquisite scenes and outfits hand-drawn by topartists※ Customize your looks from head to toe with your own style※Change NPC look/facial expression at your will ※ Run yourownShopping Mall ※ Dialogue Autoplay ※ Past 3 Looks saved inDressingRoom Background story: When you step onto the ballroomfloor in therhythm of the Waltz, Will you accept the invitation ofsome highofficials? Keep your composure as a Lady to rival thesocialbutterflies? Or investigate each conversation to gathervaluableinformation? As a rising star, you might not even noticetheobvious, YOU—are already the center of attention on thisdancefloor. Let the hostile eyes glare, and the skeptics whisper,Itonly offers fresh stimulation for your growth. As you danceyourway with dazzling grace, And mingle with the high societyofFinsel, Let your charm win over their hearts, You burden isnotonly to restore your family name, But also to uncover secretsnotyet revealed. Game Features: ★An enchanting tale of morethan800,000 words! As a girl of a family fallen from grace, younowhave a second chance to make your mark on high society.Throughballroom dancing and clever romancing, gather theinformation youneed to restore your family’s name. ★Thousands ofVintageHand-drawn Outfits Dazzle the nobles with your vintagenobleoutfits from Baroque gowns to cute dresses. Tailor your outfittofit your own style of noble fashion and take it to thebeautypageant. A keen eye for fashion and confidence will be yourbestweapon. ★Customize your looks with your own style How to benoblewithout unique customizations to flaunt your style? Collectexoticdesigns to add your own flare to what’s in vogue.Throughtailoring, dyeing, and enchanting clothes, you can wow theaudiencewith your own special taste. ★50+ characters availableforinteraction From nobles to celebrities, the ballroom is whereitall acquaintances begin, and even some conspiracies. Whoyouinteract with will define your relationship with them andeachcharacter has their own story, and secrets, to tell. Charmyourfavorites onto your side and unlock their side stories!★Unlimitedfree balls for you to attend There’s no limit on thenumber ofballs you attend or restrictions on the clothes you canwear. Youdecide which balls to attend and whether you will use thatchanceto seek the truth or spread rumors, it’s all up to you! Gotanyideas? Suggestions? Need technical support? Feel free to contactuson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HelixWaltzInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/helixwaltz/
Game of Khans
DreamPlus Games
Song of Love and War
Ancient Life 古代人生 1.4.79
Wingjoy Games
Back to thousands years ago, meet in ancient time
Age of Dynasties: Medieval War
RoboBot Studio
Sit on the throne, rise your dynasty and conquest the world inthemiddle ages!
Anime Story - Legendary Twins 1.0.5
CatCap Studio
Otome sims game to nurture your child in a magical world ofAngelsand Demons.
Vampire Dynasty 11.0.62
Become a Vampire and join the land of blood ruled byimmortalcreatures.
Be The King: Judge Destiny 4.8.01041975
Hop On The Journey To Be The King
A咖日記 1.0.22
A tour of the celebrity competition in the Shura field, amobilegame in the entertainment circle that you can play
Realm of Chaos: Battle Angels
Millions upon millions of Angels clash, destroyingeverythingintheir paths. And the world explodes into mayhem as thestage issetfor the largest battle the earth has ever seen. Whoseoutcomewillherald a new era for man? Will the days to come betheforetoldthousand years of peace? Or is it the dawn of the ruleofthebeast? And, which side will you choose? Features:BESTRPGEXPERIENCE • Enjoy stunning visuals with vivid 3Dgraphicsandtremendous animation, and sunk into a world of fantasy •Empowerbyepic angels in boss raids and gather your friendstochallengemenacing dungeons and win rare rewards • Mix yourownunique skillswith 20+ different skill choices of each class •Joina clan andfight as a group with your mates! BRUTAL BOSS HUNTS•Prove yourstrength in the most challenging boss battles with60+uniquebosses • Use your battle skills flexibly to passdungeontower of100+ levels EPIC ANGEL WARS • Fight with 7legendaryarchangels,participate in epic angel wars • Collectangels’ powerandtransform into celestial beings yourself FAIRESTPVP BATTLES•Match clan battle automatically with clans in thesamestrengthclass and play by the fairest rules thistimeCHARACTERCUSTOMIZATIONS • Build you character from scratchandevolve topowerful looks • Dress up with beautiful, stylishcostumesand makeother players jealous TROUBLE-FREE AUTOPLAY • Spendlesstimegrinding and more time exploring Come, and party in theREALMOFCHAOS See more info, please go to ourFBPage:http://bit.do/realm-of-chaos Also, you can join ourdiscordserver:https://discord.gg/wsZckHK
Jade Dynasty - fantasy MMORPG 2.56.6
Adventure in a perfect MMORPG world! Take part in the battleforimmortality!