برترین 42 برنامه مشابه به Мой органайзер: спорт гороскоп

To Do List 4.29
Splend Apps
Easy to use To-Do List. Remember everything and get things done!
Jorte Calendar & Organizer
Jorte Inc.
The App for Organizing Events, Meetings, Diary, Weather, News
Органайзер, ежедневник, задачи 1.2.3
Органайзер TimeMaster позволяет вести: — список задач иподзадач,—календарь, — дневник (или хронометраж), — контакты, —файлы.Атакже с помощью планировщика вы можетеувеличитьэффективностькоманды: — ставить задачи коллегам, —обсуждать задачивкомментариях, — контролировать исполнение задач ворганайзере.Ценавопроса: 1. Premium версия (первый месяц приподтвержденииe-mailбесплатно), далее от 99 руб. в мес. 2.Бесплатная версия(неограничена по времени использования): до 30открытых задач. Влюбоймомент можно перейти с одной версии надругую. Чем особеннохорошежедневник. Вы можете: — Перетягиватьзадачи из списка задачнакалендарь органайзера, — Фильтровать общийсписокзадачпланировщика по папкам (контекстам) или контактам.—Фильтроватьсобытия в календаре ежедневника по папкам и контактам.—Получатьуведомления о сообщениях в органайзере, новыхзадачах,новыхсотрудниках и с прочей информацией. — Посмотретькакдревовидныйсписок задач планировщика, так и линейныйсписокзадач,отсортированный по порядку, по дате и по приоритету.—Ежедневникподдерживает все популярные методикитайм-менеджмента,например,GTD. Вся информация приложенияежедневникасинхронизируется свеб-версиейонлайн-органайзераhttp://time-master.ru и доступна вамс любогоустройства из любойточки мира! Станьте эффективнее вместесTimeMaster! Подробнее оразделах: Рабочий день: На этомэкранеорганайзера Вы можетепросматривать линейный список задач(ToDo) ирасписание на день. Приэтом Вы можете перетягивать задачиизсписка задач (ToDo) нарасписание дня ежедневника. Календарь:Естьдва представлениякалендаря в планировщике - неделя и месяц.Вкаждом представлениикалендаря Вы можете показать все задачиисобытия или можетеотфильтровать задачи и события, показавтолькозадачи и событияопределенного направления деятельности(папки,контекста). Задачи: Вэтом разделе органайзера Вы можетесоздатьсписок всех своих задач,разбить задачи на простые шаги(наподзадачи), т.е. построитьдревовидный список задач.Отнеситезадачи и подзадачи к тем или инымконтекстам (папкам)иликонтактам. После этого Вы можетеотфильтровать общийдревовидныйсписок задач по контекстам иликонтактам. Контексты: Вэтом разделеежедневника Вы можете создаватьдревовидный списокконтекстов.Например, Вы можете создать контекст(папку) для Рабочихзадач иконтекст для Личных задач. Рабочиезадачи могут делитьсянаОсновную работу и дополнительную. Контакты:Этотразделпланировщика Вы можете использовать в качествеконтактнойкнижки.Благодаря этому по каждому человеку Высможетехранитьцентрализовано все телефоны, email и прочуюинформацию,которуюраньше хранили в контактных книжках. И этаинформациябудетдоступна с любого устройства. Кроме того, Вы сможетевестивпланировщике списки задач по контактам, чтобы знать,какиезадачиВы должны выполнить для кого-то (например, начальника),акакиезадачи должны выполнить для Вас. Файлы: Храните ворганайзерефайлыцентрализовано, привязывайте файлы к задачам,храните старыеверсиифайлов. Дневник: С помощью функции дневникежедневника Выможетевести хронометраж своей работы и жизни, т.е.учитывать, начто ушлоВаше время, в какие моменты вы былимаксимальноработоспособны, акогда потратили время впустую. ПричемВы можетевести учет временитаким образом, что указывать, на какуюзадачуушел тот или инойпромежуток времени в дневнике. Врезультате,благодаря хронометражуВы знаете, на какую задачу скольковременипотратили. Можетевносить запись в дневник вручную, а такжевдневник автоматическиделаются записи, когда Вы завершаетезадачиили меняете процентвыполнения задачи. СообщенияПолучайтекомментарии по задачам прямов органайзере, также узнавайтео новыхсотрудниках, об изменениях взадачах (задача поставлена,принята кисполнению, завершена и т.п.)Ежедневник TimeMaster - длятех, ктоценит время!
YOU - Tasks, Calendar & Chats 0.101.0
You Global LTD
YOU Application is an ideal app forpersonaland business use that combined Task Manager, Calendar,Messenger,Reminder based on principles of Social Network. This is apersonalorganizer, planner designed to help plan your business andpersonallife.YOU is a new revolutionary way of day planning, time managementandteam collaboration, which will increase your personalefficiency,improve your teamwork and combine all yourcommunications in oneapp.If you are a business owner or a project manager, YOU will helptoalign planning and project management with private life,facilitatecollaboration with your team and assist in achievement ofyourgoals.An innovative approach to the calendar user interfacemakesscheduling more convenient and practical. If the classicremindercalendar and to do list does not meet your needs, the newlook andapproach of YOU calendar will be the ideal solution. Ourdailyplanner will replace all your organizers and to-do lists andwillhelp you to save time and become much more productive.The Estimated Travel Time feature will help to arrive in time forabusiness or personal meeting. YOU will display yourestimatedtravel time and arrival statuses of other meetingparticipants(arrived, on time, late, etc.).Use a built-in messenger with the Secret Chat feature.Сommunicatewith colleagues, family or friends and discuss urgentissues andsecret affairs.Since the YOU is a perfect team app all its sections aretightlyintegrated with each other, allowing you to streamlineyourworkflows and build a more effective communication withinyourteam.TASK MANAGER- create tasks and combine them into lists and projects;- create a separate chat for each task;- delegate tasks to colleagues and friends;- set deadlines;- control execution;- add spectators.Task planner with a project management tool will bring yourtaskmanagement performance to a new level.EVENTS (CALENDAR)Plan events and organize personal and business meetings withotherYOU users. Add exact GEO Location of your Event and trackarrivalstatuses of all participants.For any event in calendar you can create your separate chat,whichwill significantly simplify the discussion of upcoming orpastevents. YOU is a modern collaboration app with businesscalendarproviding you with a quick understanding of you free andbusy timeat a glance.REMINDERSCreate task reminder for yourself and other YOU users directlyfromevents, tasks and even from chat messages. The unique featureofreminders in YOU is ability to set reminders to other users:noerrands will be forgotten anymore.Reminders in YOU can be triggered at specific geographicallocation.Now you will not forget to send an email to a partnerupon arrivalto the office and do not forget to pick up clothesfrom the drycleaners on the way home.Forget about being lost in the numerous lists let YOU remindersfreeyour mind.MESSENGERMessenger YOU is designed to satisfy all your communicationneedswith co-workers as well as with family and friends. You don'thaveto switch between different messaging apps to carry out yourdailycommunications.Integration of messenger with other sections of the applicationwilllet you easily create a task, a meeting or a reminderwithoutleaving the chat.The "Secret Chat" feature has a unique, worlds first featuresthatprotects your identity even at the level of UserInterface.Whenever Secret Chat is created you will be asked to seta specialname and avatar for this chat. After that no one will everbe ableto find out the real names of chat participants. Inaddition,Secret Chats have an industry highest level of encryption.Messagesare encrypted on your mobile device and is kept encryptedon ourservers. Once deleted messages will disappear foreverandeverywhere.Become more efficient, productive and organized with YOU!Please visit our web site for moreinformation:http://www.you-application.com/
Any.do: To-do list & Calendar
To do list & Calendar by Any.do isaMUST HAVE APP (NYTimes, USA TODAY, WSJ & lifehacker)Over 15 Million people rely on Any.do to keep life under controlandget things done. With to do list, calendar, reminders, listsandnotes in one app, you’d be able to accomplish more thaneverbefore.THE #1 TO DO LIST FOR ANDROIDSYNC SEAMLESSLY in real time between your mobile, desktop, webandtablet. Keeps all your to do list, reminders, calendar &Agendaalways in sync so you’ll never forget a thingGET REMINDERS for a scheduled time, when you reach aparticularlocation or set recurring reminders so you never miss athingWORK TOGETHER with shared lists and assigned tasks tocollaborateand get more done, with anyone.HOMESCREEN WIDGET with simple, powerful and beautiful featurestokeep your to do list and tasks always at handCOMBINED WITH A SIMPLE & POWERFUL CALENDAR OUTLOOKEASILY VIEW your events and tasks for the day, week, or monthSYNC SEAMLESSLY in real time with your phone’s calendar,googlecalendar, facebook events, outlook calendar or any othercalendarso you don’t forget an important eventFOLLOW UP WITH TASKS and action items after a meeting, whileit'sstill fresh in your headALL-IN-ONE APP FOR GETTING THINGS DONETo help you easily create reminders we added voice entry so youcanjust speak your mind and we’ll add it to your to do list.Forbetter task management flow we added a calendar integration tokeepyour agenda always up to date. To enhance your productivityweadded cross platform support for recurring reminders,locationreminders, sub-tasks, notes & file attachments. To keepyour todo list always up to date, we’ve added a one-of-a-kinddailyplanner.TO DO LIST, CALENDAR & REMINDERS MADE SIMPLEAny.do was designed to keep you on top of your to do listandcalendar each and every day with no hassle. Thanks to theintuitivedrag and drop of tasks, swiping to mark to-do's ascomplete, andshaking your device to remove completed from your todo list - youcan keep yourself organized and enjoy every minute ofit.POWERFUL TASK LIST MANAGEMENTLooking for more? Add a to do list item straight from youremailinbox by forwarding do@any.do. Attach files from yourcomputer,Dropbox, or Google Drive to your tasks. Print, Export andshareyour lists of groceries and daily errands. Never forget tocallback friends, family members or work colleagues thanks toourunique missed call reminder feature.LIFE ORGANIZER & DAILY PLANNERAny.do is a to do list, a calendar, an inbox, a notepad,achecklist, task list, a board for post its or sticky notes,aproject management tool, a reminders app, a daily planner, afamilyorganizer, and overall the simplest and most usefulproductivitytool you will ever have. Best of all – it’s free forbasicuse!SHARE LISTS & ASSIGN TASKSTo plan & organize projects has never been easier. Now youcanshare lists between family members, assign tasks to eachother,chat and much more. Any.do will help you and the peoplearound youstay in-sync and get reminders so that you can focus onwhat reallymatters, knowing that you had a productive day where youcrossedmany tasks off your to do list.GROCERY LIST & SHOPPING LISTAny.do task list is also great for shopping at the grocerystore.Right there in your to do list is a handy shopping listoption thatyou can share with others. Forgot to buy post it notes?Wantreminders? Simply create a list on Any.do, share it with yourlovedones and see them adding their shopping items in real time.Youwon’t believe how you’ve done shopping or grocerylistsbefore.CAPTURE WHAT'S ON YOUR MINDWith built-in speech recognition software you can type less anddomore. Quickly jotting down your thoughts is made easier thankstoAny.do’s powerful auto-suggest that anticipates and notesthoughtsfor you and adds them to your to do list, sub tasksorcalendar.
Day by Day Organizer
Day by Day is a planning applicationdesignedto fully implement Google Calendar and GoogleTasksas all-in-one Android application. With its help you canplan yourfuture schedule using any Android device and this schedulewill beavailable for all your phones and tablets connectedtoInternet.Features:▪ presentation of events and tasks in one list▪ synchronization with Google Calendar and Google Tasks▪ incorporation of your contacts’ birthdays into thecommonlist▪ easy-to-handle agenda and month view▪ text month view, text week view, day view▪ interactive widget on the device desktop▪ configurable widget layout▪ lock screen widget in Android 4.2+ Jelly Bean▪ birthday reminder▪ voice input▪ search functionDemo mode in free version has the following functions(afterdemo mode is over, only in full version):▪ text month widget, week widget - Android 4.1+ supported▪ ability to use different profiles in widgets and the app▪ invitations for events and check of guest list▪ Tasker app is supported. E.g. you can have a task reminder togooff when you come towork.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.dinglisch.android.taskerm▪ subtasks or todo lists in your events and tasks▪ rich set of options for recurrent task▪ priority in tasks▪ users can share text information from another app with Day byDay,for example, when creating task or event (full versiononly)You will be able to create the events with fixed beginning andend,as well as the events which due to a certain time or whichcould bepostponed, in any case you will be prompted to set areminder whichwill help you keep track on your schedule.This organizer is so simple that no further explanation isactuallyneeded, just download and enjoy!Use our Chrome (Chromium) extension to add tasks andeventsquickly right from your desktop!For more details visit Chrome WebStore:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/day-by-day/loopacbjaigjkjdhjfkhebdhfgdmgjdcThe DayByDay team wishes you more interesting events and tasksyouwould love to accomplish with a little help from Day byDay!You can make a translation of the application to your languagehere:http://crowdin.net/project/day-by-day/You can vote for new features or suggest your own onehere:http://appiens.uservoice.com/forums/200586-general/filters/topDay by Day team
To-Do Calendar Planner
Life, made simple.
XPlanner 1.8.93
Convenient scheduler and electronic service report onAndroiddevices now!
Todoist: to-do list & planner
Doist Inc.
Simple yet powerful to-do list. Habit planner &reminders.Organize work & life.
Organizer - diary, to-do, GTD 0.15.4
Bototo Team
Organizer for your everyday tasks, business plans, hobbiesanddreams
To Do List 3.5.4
The application named To Do List (CarpeDiem)introduces the main advantages of a day planner into yourAndroidmobile device. If you cannot keep in mind the birthdays ofyourfriends or their children or if you would like to remember thedateof your sister or friend’s wedding, Task List is there tohelpyou.It was developed with an aim to get a simple, functional,andintuitive application for Android. We designed it for our ownuse,but then decided to make it available for all users.To Do List features:- Task lists- Simple and intuitive interface- List of important events (birthdays, weddings, and otherannualfamily celebrations)- Calendar- To do listYou cannot arrange your tasks by date? Use the To Do List. Addnewtasks and change their priority (order). Complete them.Saveimportant events of your friends and relatives’ life tocalendar.It will make you closer to them. Everything is very easyandconvenient for planning.If you like our daily organizer & task list app, pleasedon'tforget to leave us a positive feedback!
Planner Lite 0.1.1
IEvgen Boldyr
Task scheduler, with the possibility of taking notesanddistributing them on the designated dates. The applicationisavailable: - Create notes. - Create an event in the calendar foraspecific date. - Creation of backup data. - Export events toGoogleCalendar - Ability to share notes by SMS / E-mail / Viber.
Notepad notes, memo, checklist 1.80.205
Easy, efficient and very simple notepad.
LeaderTask: to do and reminder 15.5.5
Tasks, Day planner, To do list, Checklist, Notes, Workflow,Remind,Projects
DigiCal Calendar Agenda 2.1.8
🏆 Favorite: best calendar apps for Android–The Next Web🏆 DigiCal is one of the most flexible, customizable calendars–Lifehacker  Our daily planner has a clean design and multiple agenda viewstomake scheduling quick and easy.  ☁ SYNC WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR, OUTLOOK AND EXCHANGE  📆 7 POWERFUL AND CLEAN AGENDA VIEWSSchedule appointments with our easy to use planner that offerstheday, week, agenda, month, text month, list and year view toallyour events.  📅 6 BEAUTIFUL AND EASY CUSTOMIZABLE CALENDAR WIDGETSUse our planner to organize and get a clear overview of yourbusyschedule with 9 beautiful pre-set themes available for thelist,grid, day, day list, text month and month widgets  🎄 PREMIUM HOLIDAY, SPORTS, TV, FINANCE AND LIFESTYLECALENDAR⚽Get access to more than 560k+ public holiday, sports andTVschedules worldwide that you can add to your agenda.  ☔ GLOBAL WEATHER FORECASTDetailed weather info is displayed in our planner:temperature,humidity, precipitation, pressure, cloud cover, wind,sunrise andsunset  🌃 MATERIAL DESIGN DARK THEMEImprove visibility at night and save energy  🌈 42 COLORS FOR EASIER ORGANIZING!Lots of color options for your organizer includingcolorsynchronization with Google Calendar.  🔰 BUILT-IN LOCATION SEARCHFaster address entry with Google Places Autocomplete  🔔 Notifications with snooze, maps and navigation🔒 Local calendar for extra privacy, no syncing required📆 Combined date & time picker for faster scheduling🎊 Manage invitations with RSVP and reply to event organizerandguests✈ Schedule your appointments in both local and foreigntimezone🌉 Event image matching in 27 languages  ☀ PREMIUM WEATHER FORECAST- Detailed hourly weather forecast for the next 48 hours, and3hourly for the next 15 days- Interactive temperature and precipitation graph- Manage and save your favorite weather locations  🌟 DigiCal+ features:- 2 extra widgets: month widget and month calendar widget- Year view with heat map for spotting free and busy period- Unlock new customization options for the calendar widgetsandagenda views- 7 extra widget themes- 42 theme colors- Custom snooze option- No ads  Tutorial: https://digibites.zendesk.com/hc  Need help?https://digibites.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new  Website: https://www.digibites.nl/digical  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digicalcalendar/  Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/2/107881916502426460581  BetaChannel:https://plus.google.com/u/2/communities/111353661957002476497  Twitter: https://twitter.com/DigicalCalendar
NoteToDo - Notes & To Do List 2.1.837-138
Widget with to do list, notes, tasks, checklist and reminder
Time Planner: Schedule & Tasks 3.22.0_6 (Massive Star)
Oleksandr Albul
Increase productivity with this organizer, task list, habittrackerand calendar
Wunderlist: To-Do List & Tasks
6 Wunderkinder GmbH
Wunderlist helps millions of people aroundtheworld capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.Whetheryou’re sharing a grocery list with a loved one, working onaproject, or planning a vacation, Wunderlist makes it easy toshareyour lists and collaborate with everyone in your life.Wunderlistinstantly syncs between your phone, tablet and computer,so you canaccess your lists from anywhere.“The best to-do list app.” - The VergeWunderlist has also been featured in The New York Times,Lifehacker,TechCrunch, CNET, The Guardian, Wired, and Vanity Fair,just to namea few.Key Wunderlist Features:• Create all the lists you need and access them from yourphone,tablet and computer• Easily share lists and collaborate with family, friendsandcolleagues• Start conversations about your to-dos• Attach photos, PDFs, presentations and more• Share the work and delegate to-dos• Setting a Reminder ensures you never forget importantdeadlines(or birthday gifts) ever again• Organize your projects for home, work and everywhere inbetweenwith FoldersWunderlist is free to download and use. Wunderlist Pro upgradesyourexperience and gives you unlimited access to Files, AssigningandSubtasks to help you accomplish even more for $4.99 a monththroughan in-app purchase.Our Terms of Use: http://www.wunderlist.com/terms-of-useOur Privacy Policy: http://www.wunderlist.com/privacy-policyLearn more about Wunderlist at www.wunderlist.com
MyLifeOrganized: To-Do List 4.3.0
MyLifeOrganized (MLO) is the most flexibleandpowerful task management software for getting your to-dosfinallydone. MLO 2 for Android leads to a new level of productivity- youwill be able to manage not only tasks, but projects, habitsandeven life goals. Optional contexts, stars, dates,priorities,completely customizable filters and views make MLOflexible enoughto adapt to your own system for managing yourtasks.Add even more power to your task management and use MLOCloudservice* to sync automatically with the world-class Desktopversionof MyLifeOrganized**. You can sync your to-do lists withmultiplecomputers, share a single task list or collaborate withotherpeople. Join the users who sync more than 40 million oftheirto-dos via the secure and robust MyLifeOrganized CloudSyncService! Alternatively, sync directly over your own privateWi-Fior work completely offline.Most MLO features are FREE forever:• Unlimited hierarchy of tasks and subtasks: organize yourtasksinto projects and break down large tasks until you havereasonablysized actions• Next Actions: automatically display only your next actions. Soyoucan see only those tasks that need to be done here andnow.• Full GTD® (Getting Things Done®) support• MLO Smart To-Do List Sorting using the priorities of the taskandits parents• Filter actions by context• Inbox for rapid task entry• Star tasks• Zoom: concentrate on a specific branch of tasks• Reminders• Templates for different task management systems such asGTD®,FranklinCovey and Do-It-Tomorrow. They are includedinMyLifeOrganized for Desktop to help you quick start your owntaskmanagement systemPRO features, FREE for the first 45 days:• Project tracking• Complete tasks from your list in a specific order• Dependencies: MLO can work with sequential and parallelprojects,holding tasks that can not start until other tasksarefinished.• Calendar view: analyze your daily workload• Nearby view: get a list of actions for your current GPSlocation,with reminders as you arrive at the location• Password protection• Custom views with filtering, sorting and grouping, to matchthesystem that works for you• Recurring and regenerating tasks• Workspaces (tabs): switch quickly between projects or views• Review: flag tasks for regular review to add new subtasksorchange priorities• Multiselect: perform an action on several selected tasks atthesame timeUpgrade to PRO to continue using advanced features aftertrialperiod expires.MLO offers free support at support@mylifeorganized.net and anactiveusers forum on Google Groups. If you have any questions, oursupportteam and members of the user group will be glad to helpyou!Follow us for updates at:facebook.com/MyLifeOrganizedtwitter.com/MyLifeOrgblog.mylifeorganized.net*MLO Cloud is a low-cost, fee-based subscription serviceallowingyou to sync your to-do lists wirelessly betweendifferentMyLifeOrganized platforms.**MyLifeOrganized for Desktop to-do list app sold separately.
Atlas Reminder 1.8.1
Atlas Profit
Easy to use and flexible to-do list app
My To-Do: Lists & Tasks, Goals 0.28.1
My Effectiveness Habits - To-Do, Goals, Tasks, Notes
CuroDay-Organiser 1.2
Main characteristics• Beautiful, simple interface• Grouping of reminders as you approach the time• No time to write? Dictate the information, and Googletranslatesthe text entry.• Voice memo and task• The division of tasks in the daily, weekly, monthly and yearlyforuser convenience• Notifications warning about your tasks tomorrow• You want to take a look at the calendar? Click on theCalendarbutton in the top bar• Removal of overdue tasks• The app shows for you every day, week, month and yearstatisticsin time convenient to you.• Many other useful options• Ringtones on your choice• Change CuroDay design to your taste Add tasks and reminders any time, set a daily alarmandnever forget anything!Your plans in your pocket.• Stay in touch with what you need to do.• Browse all the plans (tasks) on the day (red), for theweek(orange), one month (blue) for the year (in green) in thesamelist. Organize your day efficiently with CuroDay.
Notepad 1.32
Dmitry Korotkov
Tired from cumbersome notes managers? Try a simple notepad!
Calendar Widget Month + Agenda 1.36
IT Benefit LLC
Highly customizable calendar widget with the month grid andagendacombined
Memority Free - organizer! 1.3
Egor Glavatsky
Memority - a simple and handy appforwritingnotes, lists and events. The app which combinesanotebook,calendar and weather.Use Memority, to :- write any note and set a reminder to it.- create lists on different topics.- add events to the calendar.- watch the weather for any city.- share your notes and lists with friends.
24me: Calendar, Tasks, Notes 6.6694
Smart Personal Assistant - One app to manage your Calendar, ToDoList & Notes
TickTick: To-do List, Reminder
Appest Inc.
TickTick is a simple and effective to-dolistand task management app which helps you make schedules, managetimeand organize life at work, home and everywhere else.Whether there is an idea you want to capture, a personal goalyouexpect to achieve, a work-related task you need to accomplish,orto collaborate with other colleagues, even just to create asimpleshopping list for the family. TickTick is here to help youmake themost of your time and get things done.Easy to useTickTick is easy to get started with its intuitive designandpersonalized features. Add tasks and reminders in mere secondsandthen focus on important work.Sync tasks across your devicesYour tasks will sync within cloud so that you can view andmanageyour tasks wherever you are.Quickly create tasksAdd tasks by voice input or typing. With Smart Date Parsing,thedate and time info you enter into the new task field willbeautomatically set as due date and reminder for that task. Stayasproductive as you can!Instant remindersAlways have tons of to-dos? There's no need to keep all thosethingsin mind! Just put them to TickTick and TickTick willremembereverything for you and provide instant reminders. Setmultiplereminders for important tasks and never miss anydeadline!Sleek calendarGet a clear overview for your plans weeks or months ahead inthecalendar. Want to be more specific? Try 3-Day View to checkandadjust your schedules according to your timeline.Third-partycalendars can also be integrated, such as Googlecalendar, Outlookcalendar, etc.Handy WidgetGet easy access to your tasks by adding a widget to yourhomescreen. There are various sizes and types of widget. Chooseonethat you like the most.Flexible repeatSet tasks to repeat for those that need to be done regularly.Choosea repeating period (for example, daily, weekly, weekdays,ormonthly). You can customize the repeat like: online course every2weeks from Monday to Thursday, project meeting every 2 monthsonthe first Monday.Keep your tasks organizedClassify your tasks with lists, folders and tags.Break main task into checklists.Prioritize tasks and focus on the what really matters.Sort tasks by date, priority, and title.Attach photos, records and other attachments to your tasks.Swipe a task to quickly edit.Long press to batch edit tasks.Seamless collaborationShare lists, assign tasks to collaborate with colleagues, friendsorfamily. Spend less time in meetings, on phone calls or onemail.Improve the efficiency of collaboration.Boost your productivity with TickTick ProChoose from a variety of different themes to matchyourpersonality.Filter your tasks to create your own Custom Smart List.View the calendar in grid format.Unlimited Planning.Take charge with 299 lists, 999 tasks per list, and 199 subtaskspertask.Add up to 5 reminders to each task.Share a task list with up to 19 members.Upload up to 99 attachments every day.Use the checklist format and type a task description in thesametask.Subscribe to third-party calendars in TickTick.We are asking for permissions to access contacts, phone status,NFC& location on your phone in order to offerrelatedfeatures.Learn more about TickTick at: www.ticktick.comConnect with us at:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TickTickApp,Twitter: https://twitter.com/TickTickTeam
aCalendar - Android Calendar 2.4.8
Tapir Apps GmbH
9/10 "an almost perfect calendar" -SoftonicEditorial TeamFEATURES● intuitive navigation with smooth transitions between day, weekandmonth view● Agenda view and widget● year view● Hybrid month/agenda widget● 48 colors per calendar,● Google Calendar management● per-event colors (if supported by the event's calendar)● flexible recurrences● birthdays from your contacts (or without contacts)● Fullscreen widgets for all 3 main views plus floating 7days● uses Android's native calendar backend and synchronization● moon phases● mini month or graphical week overview in day and week view● QR and NFC barcode sharing of events● freeEXTRA FEATURES in aCalendar+ or as In-App-Purchase● Public holidays (and school holidays for some countries)-configurable in the calendarlist● Color themes (UI and Widget colors, dark background - NOTeventcolors: those are defined by your calendar service)● Business features (Invite attendees, link contacts,free/busy,private, profiles, share as ICS, ...)● Tasks (manage Google Tasks or tasks from CalDAV/OpenTasks)● No ads (removes the occasional advertisement)♥ Tapir Apps donates 10% of all revenue (app purchase, IAP, ads)torainforest conservation through our friends at WorldLandTrustUSAGE● move forward and backward by swiping vertically orvolumerocker● switch between calendar views with a horizontal swipe (openstheday or week you start the swipe gesture on) or double-tap fordayview● tap to open event● long-press to add new event● long-press on mini-month to go to today or jump to date● tap on photo to open quick contact menu● 3-finger-tap for configurable actionTRANSLATIONSnative language support for around 30 languages. Those aremostlyuser-contributed, please contact me if there is a badtranslationor you'd like your language added!PERMISSIONSaCalendar only asks for mandatory permissions for itsfunctionality.No data of yours will ever be shared with anyoneunless you decideto. We have no access to any of your data. If youhave any questionsabout permissions please contact our support byemail.APP2SDUnfortunately app2SD cannot be supported, because homescreenwidgetsdo not work from SD. This is an Android limitation. ButaCalendar isoptimized not only for speed but also for size.LOVE♥ aCalendar is made with love, sweat and tears in the heartofMunich. If you like aCalendar, please rate or comment andrecommendit to your friends. Also consider upgrading to aCalendar+for extrafeatures ♥
EZ Notes - Notes Voice Notes 10.3.2
Alexander Madani
EZ Notes is the Ultimate Mobility notes app for effortlessvoicenotes & beyond!
TimeTune - Schedule Planner 4.11
TimeTune Studio
Schedule planner for your agenda. Daily planner and routineplannerto save time
Diary 1.0.11
Mamin developer
Your personal organizer. Schedule tasks for each day
Business Calendar
Appgenix Software
This is the Free Version of BusinessCalendar:an all-round, complete calendar app for higheststandards,customizable and with perfect Google sync.★ "Our favorite calendar app on Android, due to its flexibilityandease of use." - Lifehacker 01/2014 ★★ "One of the best Calendar Apps for 2014" - FastCompany ★FeaturesFOR A CLEARER VIEW ON EVENTS & APPOINTMENTS▪ Quick Day View: For a fast overview to all events of theday▪ Favorite Bar: For direct access to all your calendars▪ Smooth Scroll and Zoom: For better, intuitive interactionDetails● graphical and textual presentation● scroll- and zoomable multi-day view (1-14 days)● month, agenda, day and event view● color-coded year view● search function● configurable widgets in different sizes for month, week,agendaand day view● easy switching between timeline bars and event titles inmonthview● intuitive handling: just move your finger over some daysofinterest in month view to open them in the multi-day view● many options for recurrent events (e.g. an event that takesplaceevery other week on Tuesday and Thursday)● birthday calendar● context-sensitive help system to optimizeyourworkflow This free version is ad-supported, but still fully functional.Ifyou’re a heavy calendar user, we believe the best solution foryouis the Pro Version: without ads, with more usefulfeatures,like:+ Manage Contacts: Link your events and appointmentswithyour contacts+ Customizable Templates: Create your own templates fornewevents+ Multi-Select: For deleting, moving, or copyingmultipleevents+ Import & Export: Quickly import all yourcalendars,export them in .ics format+ Drag’n’drop: Move and copy events easily in themulti-dayview+ Tasks Add-On: Use the integrated task-management toolforsyncing with Google Tasks & Toodledo+ App Theming: Light and dark theme for the app+ Advanced Widgets: Set colors, font sizesandcalendars
Daily check: Routine Work 2.7.10
The simple and easy-to-use daily routine management app, Roubit!
Планировщик дел 2.0
Хотите стать продуктивней. Создавайте долгосрочные цели.Делайтеудобное вам расписание дня. Используйте список задач чтобыничегоне забыть. Планировщик поможет вам распланировать времяиорганизовать ваши дела. Функции приложения: Возможность создатьпочасовой распорядок дня. Планирование задач на неделю. Подням.Составление целей по месяцам. Список срочных дел. Ипростой,удобный календарь. Автоматическое сохранение информацииУдалениеодним нажатием. Занимает мало места но при этом можетхранитьдостаточно большой объём информации.
Private Notepad - safe notes 6.7.3
Alexander Malikov
Secure notepad with password: create notes and lists, addphotos,set reminders
Habits and daily routine coach 1.0.4
mEL Studio
Habits coach will allow you to createandgethealthy habits, regularly monitor and maintainthem.Sophisticatedstatistics system and personal success ratingwillallow you tomonitor progress and support personalmotivation;notificationssystem will remind you in time even for themostdifficulthabit.Habit types: you can track starting from the mostbasichabits,capture data as well as time. Moreover, it is possibletotrain thehabit of repeatedly throughout the day, and time.Forexample,drinking a glass of water every 2 hours throughout theday!Also,the app allows you to record your performance, forexample,weight,time, work (type - measurement).Application Features:- Create and customize your habits for more than20differentparameters,- Flexible configuration system of habits - create eventhemostcomplex schedule of habits, such as daily, 2 times a day,every3hours on certain days of the week, and others.- Capture your measurements and metrics- Get full statistics for each habit, its strengthandstability,daily, weekly and monthly stats, as well asyourprogress- Use a thoughtful notification system, which willremindyouflexibly- Simple and material design interface allow you withminimumoftouches and actions to quickly add and keep track of eventhemostdifficult habit.Daily routine coach will allow you not just traineverydayhabits,but will order your lifestyle and mind.Good luck!
Daily: events, calendar, notes 2.1.9
How not to miss all the events and tasks inourmad world? Download “Daily organizer” and plan your life withapleasure: add notes, make events, countdowns, connect socialmediaand combine all the calendars in one applicationDaily key features:• Task manager• Countdowns• Make events and customize them• Add notes• Great widgets• Personalisation• Google and Exchange account synchronisation• Birthday's reminder• lots of pluginsand more…. is waiting for you in Daily Organizer
Nimbus Note - Useful notepad
Nimbus Web Inc
Nimbus Note is a powerful notepadandorganizer. Nimbus Note allows you to gather all thenecessaryinformation in one place, which means you will not need tospendtime searching for it. Create text notes, photo notes, audionotesand video notes, make to-do lists and synchronize it allwithNimbus Note for further viewing and editing on otherdevices.Main features:- Capture all your ideas using text notes and photo notes;- Record audio and video notes;- Add photo, images, audio and video to notes;- Drawing notes;- Create checklists and to-do lists;- Offline access to your notes;- Time reminders;- Location reminders;- Phone number (caller) reminders;- Light and Dark themes;- Folders and sub-folders;- Tags to label notes for faster access to your notes;- Create to-do list for every note;- Protect your notes with password lock screen;- Convenient Search;- Every note can be placed and marked on the map;- Widgets to display lists of the notes;- Widget for single notes;- Widget to quickly create notes;- Share notes via email, Twitter, Facebook;- Sync notes across any mobile devices,http://nimbus.everhelper.meand desktop computers.A few examples of how you can use Nimbus Note:- Are you a businessman whose every minute is planned daysahead?Even working at such a pace, you can always keep tabs onthings.Nimbus will help you avoid forgetting what is importantwhileremembering useful information as well as allow you to shareyournotes conveniently with colleagues andbusinesspartners. - Are you a student doing thesis research? When you have toomuchinformation to process, it's quite easy to becomeoverwhelmed.Nimbus will help you keep the most importantinformation readilyavailable, organize the data, and remember anyand all importantdeadlines at every stage of yourresearch. - Are you a writer who just can’t part with your laptop? Nimbuswillhelp you make sure not a single thought goes unrecorded. Itallowsyou to take notes whenever convenient no matter where youare. Youno longer have to worry about misplacing informationbecause it'sall stored in a secure place on a drive that'salwaysavailable.How do I view images in full size?You need to uncheck the fit-screen size. Then you will be abletozoom in and out on text or images.How do I zoom in or out?Nimbus Note has the standard two-finger zooming.What does "fit-screen size" stand for in note settings?"Fit-screen size"' means the contents of a note are displayed asasingle column, which is more convenient when using a mobiledevicefor viewing. Sometimes you need to view a note the way it ison asite, but sometimes you need to view it in full-size. In thatcase,all you need to do is uncheck the “fit-screen size”mode.
Organizer 1.2
Nikolay Tkachenko
This program contains calculator, napkin, notebook, list of task.
Habitizer. Habit Organizer 1.4.1
Applied Systems Ltd.
Habitizer is an application that helpsyoubuild new healthy habits and start keeping a healthy lifestyle.Itis a convenient and effective tool to help you replace badhabitsand risks with perfect physical fitness, healthy diet andhighquality of life.You’ve wished to quit smoking, work on your fitness and loseacouple of pounds a thousand times but your wishes never cametrue?Your problem is what most often stands in the way to ahealthylifestyle: you cannot change your life until you get into anumberof healthy habits. You don’t have any clues how to do that?TheHabitizer application makes getting into healthy habits simpleandeasy.• Choose a healthy habit that meets your goal on the listorthink of your own habit. Anyway, it’s all up to you. There’snoneed to tailor your goals to the provided templates.• If you are in two minds about your goal, complete a short testtoget a clue.• Use the application facilities to adjust the selectedhabits.Chose the time and conditions of getting the habit.• Use the simple and effective habit organizer to watch yourhabitsover time. Habitizer will recurrently remind you of thetargetgoal, monitor your progress, and record all your milestoneson theway to success. Just have a look at your smartphone to beaware ofyour current status.• As soon as your habit period expires, the application providesyouwith a final progress report. And what’s more, you can sharethenews on your success with your friends in a social network.The application stores a record of all your completed periodsandattained goals, so that you could access them any time.Habitizer is a perfect tool to assist you in gettinghealthyhabits and, consequently, living a healthy lifestyle. Makeyourdreams come true, make a crucial step on the way tohealthylife!
Notes 1.48
Simple notes with colors, notifications, desktopwidgets,encryption, reminders
Sticky Notes + Widget 4.2.4
SYM coding
A simple sticky notes memo app and widgetforhome screen.Features:✓ Resizable widgets✓ Local backup and Restore✓ Online Cloud sync✓ Scrollable text in a widget✓ Handwritten notes✓ Share memo as text or a drawing✓ Extensions Store✓ Reorder items✓ Manage trash✓ Organize with folders and sub-folders✓ Password protection✓ Adjust transparancy✓ Customize with different fonts (in home screen widget withlongtext a default font will be displayed)✓ No ads.To put sticky note on your home screen, go to your home screen,tapand hold a free space, and select widget option.