برترین 8 برنامه مشابه به TREKKING PIEMONTE

Cities and Cathedrals 1.3
Showbyte Srl
The Cities and Cathedrals project aimsatrestoring the cathedrals in Piedmont and the Aosta Valley, aswellas providing extraordinary maintenance of the same andenhancingtheir value.The project was originally set up by Fondazione CRT andthediocese of Piedmont. With support by the local government(RegionePiemonte) and the Italian Ministry of Cultural AssetsandActivities (Mibact), it has now become a value-enhancingprogrammefor the entire ecclesiastical cultural heritage in thearea.The historical and sacred art sites are now open and arrangedingeographical and thematic cultural itineraries accessiblethroughthis portal, which also provides description cards andusefulsuggestions to enjoy a visit to the various sites and worksofart.Volunteers are the major driving and supporting force behindtheaccess to the various ecclesiastical cultural heritage sites.Theykeep them open and offer both visitors and pilgrimsreceptionservices and engaging explanations and historicalaccounts.
Valle Susa Tesori 0.0.1
Libre sc
L'App Valle Susa Tesori è lostrumentoperscoprire una delle valli più affascinanti e ricche distoriadelPiemonte.Grazie al suo sistema di mappe e di geolocalizzazionerendeestremamente semplice conoscere i tesorinascosti della valleeraggiungere i luoghi desiderati.Per ogni luogo di interesse della valle potrai consultareunaschedadettagliata, ricca di immagini e approfondimenticherenderanno latua visita più completa.Inoltre:Scopri la valle attraverso la realtà aumentata:inquadrandoilpaesaggio circostante vedrai i punti di interesse cheticircondanocomparire sullo schermo e la distanza che ti separadaessi.Memorizza e gestisci i tuoi luoghi preferiti econsultarapidamentela scheda.Condividi sui Social Network la tua visita.• Consulta il calendario per essere aggiornato sugli eventiincorsonel territorio della Valle Susa.The AppSusaValleyTreasures is the tool for discovering one of themostfascinatingvalleys and rich history of Piedmont.Thanks to its system of maps and geo location makes it easytolearnabout the hidden treasures of the valley and reachthedesiredplaces.For each point of interest in the valley you can see adetailed,fullof images and insights that will make your visitmorecomplete.In addition:Discover the valley through augmented reality:framingthesurrounding landscape will see the points of interestaroundyouappear on the screen and the distance that separatesyoufromthem.Save and manage your favorite places and quicklyconsultthecard.Share on Social Networks your visit.• Consult the calendar to be updated on current eventsintheterritory of the Susa Valley.
TREK PIEMONTEItinerariTransfontalieriPiemonte-SvizzeraTrek Piemonte è l'app gratuita che mette nelle tue maniilmegliodegli itinerari escursionistici delle Valli dell'Ossola,alconfinetra Piemonte e Svizzera: Simplon Fletschhorn Trekking,TourdeiMinerali, Tour dell'Andolla.Scarica l'app, scegli un tour e parti! Un’audioguidatiraccontail percorso e il territorio circostante; attivandoildispositivoGPS del tuo smartphone puoi visualizzare sullamappal'itinerario,le singole tappe e i punti di interesse piùvicini ate, come unavera e propria guida turistica a portata dimano.COSA PUOI TROVARE:- attrazioni naturali che meritano di essere visitate e lecimepiùfamose, come le marmitte dei giganti di Gondo,l'aquiladelSempione, minerali e cristalli unici e insoliti, ilPassodelSempione o il Pizzo Andolla;- reperti storici, opere dell'uomo e musei ricchi di storiatracuile baite Walser, il Sacro Monte Calvario diDomodossola-patrimonio UNESCO - e l'Ecomuseo di Simplon Dorf;- i migliori posti vicino a te dove mangiare epernottare:rifugi,bivacchi, agriturismi, piccoli alberghi,campeggi,b&b,ristoranti caratteristici e i punti vendita diprodottitipici.L’app mobile è navigabile anche in modalità offline:nondovraiquindi preoccuparti di avere una connessione internetsemprea tuadisposizione per poter sfruttare tutto quello cheleVallidell'Ossola e il Piemonte hanno da offrirti.TREKPIEDMONTPiedmontItineraries Transfontalieri-SwitzerlandTrek Piedmont is the free app that puts in your hands the bestofthehiking trails of the Ossola Valley, on the borderbetweenPiedmontand Switzerland Simplon Fletschhorn Trekking, TourofMinerals, Tourdell'Andolla.Download the app, choose a tour and go! An audio guidetellsyouabout the location and surrounding area, activating theGPSdeviceon your smartphone, you can see on the map theroute,theindividual stages and points of interest closest to you,as arealtour guide at your fingertips .WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions that deserve to be visited andmostfamouspeaks, such as potholes of Gondo, the eagle Simplon,mineralsandcrystals unique and unusual, the Simplon PassorLaceAndolla;- Historical artifacts, works of man and historicalmuseumsincludingthe huts Walser, the Sacro Monte Calvario inDomodossola- UNESCOheritage - and the Living Museum of SimplonDorf;- The best places around you to eat and spend thenightshelters,camps, cottages, small hotels, campgrounds, bed&breakfasts,quaint restaurants and shops of typicalproducts.The mobile app is navigable even in offline mode so youwillnothave to worry about having an internet connection atyourdisposalto take advantage of all that the Ossola ValleyandPiedmont haveto offer.
TREK2 PIEMONTE Vie Storiche Piemonte-SvizzeraTrek2 Piemonte è l'app gratuita che mette nelle tue manigliitinerari escursionistici sulle Vie Storiche delleVallidell'Ossola, al confine tra Piemonte e Svizzera: ViaStockalper,Strà Granda, Strada Antronesca, Via dell'Arbola, ViadelGries-Sbrinz, Via del Mercato.Scarica l'app, scegli un tour e parti! Un’audioguida tiraccontail percorso e il territorio circostante; attivando ildispositivoGPS del tuo smartphone puoi visualizzare sulla mappal'itinerario,le singole tappe e i punti di interesse più vicini ate, come unavera e propria guida turistica a portata di mano.COSA PUOI TROVARE:- attrazioni naturali che meritano di essere visitate e le cimepiùfamose, come la cascata del Toce, gli Orridi della ValleAntigorio,il Passo del Gries, l'Alpe Bettelmatt;- reperti storici, opere dell'uomo e musei ricchi di storia tracuila Torre Stockalper, l'aquila del Sempione, lo specchiodiViganella, il Museo Walser e dell'Oro di Macugnaga, il SacroMonteCalvario di Domodossola - patrimonio UNESCO;- i migliori posti vicino a te dove mangiare e pernottare:rifugi,bivacchi, agriturismi, piccoli alberghi, campeggi,b&b,ristoranti caratteristici e i punti vendita di prodottitipici.L’app mobile è navigabile anche in modalità offline: nondovraiquindi preoccuparti di avere una connessione internet semprea tuadisposizione per poter sfruttare tutto quello che leVallidell'Ossola e il Piemonte hanno da offrirti.TREK2 PIEDMONTPiedmontHistorical Routes-SwitzerlandTrek2 Piedmont is the free app that puts in your hands thehikingtrails on the Historical Roads of Ossola Valley, on theborderbetween Piedmont and Switzerland: Via Stockalper StraGranda, RoadAntrona, dell'Arbola Via, Via del Gries-Chees , MarketStreet.Download the app, choose a tour and go! An audio guide tellsyouabout the location and surrounding area, activating the GPSdeviceon your smartphone, you can see on the map the route,theindividual stages and points of interest closest to you, as arealtour guide at your fingertips .WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions that deserve to be visited and mostfamouspeaks, such as the Toce waterfall, the gorges of theValleyAntigorio, the Gries Pass, Alpe Bettelmatt;- Historical artifacts, works of man and historicalmuseumsincluding the Tower Stockalper, the eagle of the Simplon,themirror of Viganella, the Walser Museum and Gold of Macugnaga,theSacro Monte Calvario in Domodossola - UNESCO WorldHeritageSite;- The best places around you to eat and spend the nightshelters,camps, cottages, small hotels, campgrounds, bed &breakfasts,quaint restaurants and shops of typical products.The mobile app is navigable even in offline mode so you willnothave to worry about having an internet connection at yourdisposalto take advantage of all that the Ossola Valley andPiedmont haveto offer.
Hill itineraries in Southern PiemonteTrekking Piemonte is the free app that offers youseveralhikingitineraries over the hills of the Province of AstiandAlessandriaand in the area of Langhe and Roero.Download the app, choose a tour and go! You will walkinthemiddle of vineyards and forests and discover the nature,thescentsand tastes of these territories. An audioguide willdescribetheitinerary and the surrounding territory; by activatingyoursmartphone GPS device you can view on the map theitinerary,thestop-overs and the points of interest which are closerto you,as areal tour guide at your fingertips.WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- natural attractions- historical finds, human works and museums rich in history- the best places close to you where you can eat, spend thenightandvisit wine cellars.The mobile app can be used also in the offline mode:youdon'tneed to worry about having internet connection atyourdisposal inorder to enjoy what Piemonte can offer you.
Piedmont Map offline 1.25
Piedmont (Italy) Map offline - isanapplication that allows you to view online and offline Piedmontmapin yourmobile phone.2 types of maps are attached in application:1st map: Offline map. You can download it in Wi-fi service areaanduse without Internet.2nd Map: Online map. Allows you to search for addresses, savepointson the map. Map access is free of charge.Application functions are available:1. Add any objects to your favorites.2. Add your own map points (for example, your hotel or yourcarparking space).3. Object search by address.4. Get directions.
DoorwayTo Piemonte 1.0
Doorway to PiemonteAn app for curious, gourmand, enthusiatic travellers.The dreamTo promote the work of researchers, organizations andsimplelocalenthusiasts who have discovered, studied, tasted andpreservedthelocal cultural heritage.To make local marvels visible and accessible to visitorsfromallover the world.To integrate information on the area’s excellenceswithmorepractical ones, to help explore, taste and enjoythearea.To prove that the life of a certain area can consideritsexcellencesas precious assets: painting, music, art,history,archeology, natureand gastronomical delights. In one word:itsidentity.The landA land of hills and mountains, little known but richinexcellences,stretching itself between Monferrato and Oltrepòjustwhere theApennines begin and Liguria, Lombardia and EmiliameetPiemonte, inother words, the natural Doorway to Piemonte.A borderline territory, a land of encounters, withmanydifferentnames, made up of many different valleys, no matterwhichprovincethey belong to. In this land, identity is notsimplylocalcolour.Its history dates back to 10 million years ago whenthevalleysformed the bottom of a wide sea and are now laidwithfossils andarcheological evidences. A land of bridges,churches,castles,capable of producing works of art and music aswell astraditionalproducts, recipes and unique wines.Who does it appeal to?To the gourmand and the curious traveler who is passionateaboutthehistory of the places and the relations between people.Tothose whotravel to experience, to grow and to be amazed.What is it about?It’s about art, music, history, nature and free time butalsoaboutfood, hospitality and local products.How does it workDoorway to Piemonte is a free app for smartphones which isabletogather information about the land’s heritage andbiodiversityandat the same time acting as a showcase for localoperators whoowetheir existence to this same identity.Doorway to Piemonte gets its strength from beingamultifunctionalinstrument:It gathers information (with links, not copies)fromlocalorganizations, creating a network between them to offer anuptodate list of what the land has inherited and continuestodevelopin the present. This heritage becomes apotentialattractionoffering multiple reasons to come and visitthearea.it promotes local economy in terms ofgastronomy(restaurants,taverns, farm holidays), hospitality(hotels, B&B,mountainrefuges, campsites) and local productsproducers(farms,winemakers, artisans, open air markets, workshops,butalsoe-commerce, swimming pools, golf courses, summerandwinterholidays and all kind of events). Doorway to Piemonteoffersthetravellers all they need in order to enjoy the area to thefullandto build a relationship which will help them torememberandreturn.Geolocation. It allows the traveller to find their way totheplaceor event they want to go to. Doorwaty to Piemonte reducestoaminimum all problem related to how to get to a locationandmakesit easy to choose and find a place even when local roadsignisinsufficient. It is available in threedifferentlanguages(Italian, English and French) for the benefitofforeigntravelers.Evaluation of what the land has to offer thanks tothetravelers’feedbacks. We think that people’s comments are thebest,mosthonest and useful way to attract new travellers and atthesametime to encourage and motivate local operators toalwaysdobetter.
Made in Piedmont 1.2
Made in Piedmont: a guide for your 100% MadeinPiedmont shopping and holiday. In the guide you find onlyauthenticMade in Piedmont products and a list of all thetypicalaccommodation facilities in Piedmont.A simple and indispensable app for those who want to discoverthemost true and authentic Piedmont. An app dedicated to those whowantto buy original hand-crafted articles made in Piedmont, thosewhowant to purchase typical products of Piedmont directlyfromproducers and those who want to sleep in typical andoldfarmhouses.An app which signals the companies and theaccommodationfacilities closer to you and the ones you will comeacross duringyour journey, a guide to orient your shopping inTuscany, whilelooking for the most original and authenticproducts.Every company and the accommodation facilities arebrieflydescribed, by a photogallery and a map to explain to you howtoreach them exactly from where you are.Continuous update will implement your app categoriesYour research will be easier thanks to a menu split intosevencategories:wine & foodart & designhome accessoriesfashionjewelshospitality