برترین 17 برنامه مشابه به 社交电视

友加- 年轻人的社交网络,全世界陪你说话 5.0.3-g
打开友加,全世界陪你说话。全球4000万年轻人正在玩的即时社交。随时通过语音、视频、图片、小游戏和陌生人互动,立刻有人陪伴。强烈的存在感和参与感,让你随时随地有的玩有的聊。荣获2015年中国互联网行业创新产品奖。主要功能:1.个人秀场,每个人的个性地盘,展示自己或参与别人2.聊天大厅,集体聊天大杂烩,七嘴八舌共同吐槽3.我的动态,记录你和朋友们的生活4.个性装扮,聊天气泡、头饰挂件、主题背景装扮自己5.快玩中心,一键发起,多种新鲜小游戏一起玩以下类型的TA最适合用友加:1.想跟陌生人有美好邂逅的单身狗;2.爱自拍爱唱歌爱各种的自恋控;3.不到24点不睡觉的夜猫子;4.总是围观经常偷着乐的潜水君;5.希望被人追被人捧的软妹子;6.需要3秒就交到朋友的急性子。新浪官方微博:@友加官方微博微信公共号:友加客服QQ群:367034630官方网站:www.youja.cnFriends of theCanadianOpen, the world speak with you.The world's 40 million young people are playing forrealsocializing. At any time via voice, video, pictures, gamesandinteractive stranger immediately companionship. A strong senseofpresence and a sense of participation, let you followWhen some play anywhere some chat.It won the 2015 China Internet Industry Innovation Award.The main function:1. Personal show, each person's personality site, or participateinother people to show their2. chat hall, a hodgepodge group chat, rushes together Tucao3. My dynamic, recording the lives of you and your friends4. personality dress, chat bubbles, headdress ornaments,themedress5. fast play center, a key to initiate a variety of fresh gameplaytogetherThe following types of TA best suited the UF plus:1. want to have a beautiful stranger encounter single dog;2. Self-love love love to sing all kinds ofnarcissisticcontrol;3. Less than 24 points do not sleep a night owl;4. Always smiling onlookers often diving Jun;5. The hope being chased was holding soft sister;6. takes three seconds to make friends impatient.Sina official microblogging: @ Friends of CanadianofficialmicrobloggingMicro-channel public number: Friends addCustomer service QQ group: 367 034 630Official website: www.youja.cn
Everything starts from a stranger
易信 4.7.1
Netease Mag
真正不耗流量的免费电话?易信3.0,真的可以有!在社交聊天应用一窝蜂的今天,你可曾想过让它帮你节省电话费?易信3.0,或许是迄今为止地球上通话功能最强大的社交app。打字贴图也聊不够?试试更高清的语音聊天,让感情升温,让朋友更真。普通电话还不够聊?送你首月260分钟的免费电话,无回声不延迟,你不挂我不挂。更有海量免费贴图,晒一晒、问一问、偶遇、拼车等特色功能也全面升级。试试新版易信,你会发现好朋友们一直就在身边。【易信主要特点】◆大杀器!新增易信电话,免费*直拨国内任意手机固话,通话过程不耗流量!通话质量秒杀同类产品!现在登录就送260分钟通话时间**!◆更方便!新增易信电话桌面小部件,可在桌面快速拨打易信电话◆ 更个性!偶遇新增昵称设置并可将朋友圈、晒一晒展示在偶遇名片中◆ 更安全!新增帐号保护功能,新设备登陆易信需要验证手机号码【意见反馈】◆ 软件内进入【设置->意见反馈】*免费拨打国内电话,部分用户可能因手机本身套餐类型,由运营商收取接听或漫游费用。*赠送的260分钟通话时间,包括100分钟双人通话、100分钟多人通话及60分钟国际漫游通话,有效期至首发推广期结束,详情请见软件内说明。
蜂蜜约聊-私密交友同城约会午夜倾诉免费电话陌生人分享社交平台 0.6.55
蜂蜜是一款聊天、交友、分享的应用。与陌生人聊天是刺激有趣的事情,你可以天亮以后说再见,也可以只爱陌生人。甜蜜电话、秘密话题、私密照片,聊到停不下来。聊聊天,夜不眠语音聊天:在失眠的夜晚,找个谈得来的小伙伴,通个语音电话,天南海北的扯扯淡。话题聊天:看话题,搭个讪,聊心事,说故事!找个“同城”的朋友,跟寂寞说再见。图片聊天:貌美、卖萌、晒腿,我就是外貌协会,遇到喜欢的就点个赞,嗨聊起来吧。亲密度,缘掌握谁能走进我心里,谁才能揭开我的面纱。新的交友模式,聊天解锁亲密度,看看我们是否投缘!亲密度1心:双方认识,话题保存,可以使用无痕信息啦。亲密度2心:你们聊的还不错哦,可以查看对方的资料了。亲密度3心:很投缘的感觉,缘分来的太快,加一下好友吧。更多亲密度功能,待你去解锁。很私密,又亲密匿名会有一种安全感,放心的说一些心情与秘密。亲密度保护社交体验,让你免除无聊的骚扰。用无痕信息,聊天会在阅读后消失,勾搭、调情、小秘密。醉话还是胡说,都会随着夜色而消逝。如果你讨厌一段关系,可以点击“遗忘Ta”。缘分一键就消失,他再也不会找到你,天还未亮人已忘。蜂蜜官网: http://www.fengmi.im新浪微博:http://e.weibo.com/phoneplus官方微信:朗玛-蜂窝(phonewow)关键词:私密,社交,秘密,聊天,私图,蜂加,phone+,免费,电话,性感,美女,交友,小说,真实,搞笑,段子,陌陌,line,遇见,微博,唱吧,空间,来往,抱抱,qq,微信,咔嚓,人人,微博,微视,snapchat,
1km - Make a Friend around you 6.4.7
AD(x)PLUS Inc.
Discover fun people around you, 1km! Start relationship withnearneighbor
Between - Private Couples App 5.10.16
When the relationship becomes official, Between.
微博 13.11.3
Follow celebrity hotspots, learn about news, watch livevideobroadcasts, and discover new things anytime, anywhere
Moxian+ 2.4.1
Moxian+ is a new social APP whichbringsrewards to social networks, as long as you contribute valueto thecommunity.1. Find new friends. There’s always someone like you tobediscovered.2. Enjoy rewards anytime and anywhere. Be surprised!3. Join local events and activities. Always anticipating,alwaysnew!4. Play delightful games. Never ending fun.
【注册送50元礼包,还有巨星演唱会门票哦】语玩是全球首款多方实时语音交友软件!你可以通过多人聊天室,结识小鲜肉、小萝莉、长腿欧巴、性感女神,不再独自忍受寂寞难耐夜;可以通过免费私密电话,与陌生的TA进行甜蜜互动,在难眠的午夜低声耳语;同时,可以让缘分作为指引,在对对碰中开启神秘配对之旅,找到一见钟情的那个TA!功能介绍:√多人聊天室:游戏、唱歌、吐槽无下限√同城交友:交友约会so easy√对对碰:打破初遇尴尬,邂逅爱情√易聊寻友:爷付钱你陪聊,就是这么任性√无痕信息:悄悄话儿悄悄说,嘘!使用场景:○若你渴望拓展人际圈,来语玩,这里有各色高人○若你厌倦被父母催婚,来语玩,寻找属于你的缘分○若你有才艺无处施展,来语玩,这里有人懂得欣赏○若你只想找一个人倾述,来语玩,让我静静地聆听○若你想赚零花钱,来语玩,接听电话即送话费建议您在wifi环境下使用,土豪随意!欢迎您加入“语玩”。在使用过程中,如果您遇到任何问题,可以通过以下方式联系我们!官网:http://www.52yuwan.com/微博:http://weibo.com/52yuwan[Sign up to send 50packs,as well as concert tickets superstar oh]Play is the world's first multi-language real-time voiceDatingSoftware!You can chat people, get to know the little meat, littleLolita,OBAMA legs, sexy goddess, no longer endure unbearably lonelynightalone; can be sweet and intimate interaction via free phone,andstrange TA, in sleep midnight whisper; at the same time, youcanlet fate as a guide in the right touch to open the mysteriouspairjourney to find love at first sight that TA!Features:√ multiplayer chat room: games, singing, Tucao no limit√ city dating: Dating so easy√ Two of a Kind: breaking first met embarrassingencounterlove√ easy to find friends chat: Lord chatting pay you, issoheadstrong√ trace information: child quietly whisper said, hush!Usage scenarios:○ If you desire to expand interpersonal circle, to playwithlanguage, there are colored expert○ If you're tired of being parents to marry, to play withwords,find your fate○ If you have nowhere to display their talent to play withlanguage,where people appreciate○ If you are just looking for a person to tell their tolanguageplay, so I quietly listened○ If you want to earn pocket money to play with language,answeringphone calls Ji SongWe recommend that you use in the wifi environment,Tyrantrandom!Welcome you to join "language play." During use, if youencounterany problems, you can contact us through the followingways!Official website: http: //www.52yuwan.com/Microblogging: http: //weibo.com/52yuwan
兜兜社交 1.1
兜兜社交是多人语音互动交友平台,以舞台为场景,独创8女1男的场景式社交模式,嘉宾、主持、观众多重角色体验;上兜兜社交,牵手爱情,从这里开始。[特色功能]#炫丽会场 8女1男1主持,舞台上实时语音,聊天吐槽乐在其中。#真实信息 诚资料要够真,照片要够美,信息审核,才能靠谱。#人气榜单 各类榜单时时更新,做社交圈的焦点人气王。#有群有缘人:群组聊不够?邂逅个有缘人,聊聊缘分。Going social ismorethanvoice interactive dating platform to stage the scene,theoriginal8 1 male female style social scene modes, guests,presidedover theaudience to experience the multiple roles; socialtwists onthehand of love, start here.[Features]# Dazzling venue hosted 8 1 male and 1 female, on thestagereal-timevoice, chat Tucao fun.# To be enough real information really sincere, photosshouldbeenough beauty, information audit, in order to fly.# Name list constantly updated list of all kinds, to makethefocusof popular king circles.# There is a group of people destined: Group chat isnotenough?Encounter a nice ring, talk to fate.
Youni 4.6.7
Youni SMS is totally free, practicalSMSenhancement tool with powerful functions. Are phonebillsAstronomical? Is spam message annoying? Is the contacts systemtooboring? And nothing new in texting? Youni SMS is here now,alltroubles solved!Youni SMS is the hottest messaging app, easy-to-use,powerful,funny, and surely safe; supports SMS/MMS, Youni MessageChat andMulti-media walkie-talkie.NECESSARY APP for your phone!★SMS Enhancement---Simple,Easy!【SMS Blacklist】Add the mobile number to Blacklist, spam messagesnolonger bother you!【SMS Popup】Message pops up immediately and Click Reply, SIMPLEandQUICK!【SMS Favorites】One keystroke to save Vital Messages, easiertosearch!★More Features---Free, Save More!【Images and Voice】Free walkie-talkie between contacts, fullsupportto voice and images format. Voice message, photo, andmorefunny!【File-Share】File transfer function,high-speed and convenient!【Contacts Backup】Cell phone change, no contacts lost, one touchtoimport contact list!
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微博搜索(WeiboSearch) 1.9
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四次元(新浪微博客户端) 0.5.0beta8
Sina Weibo Appreport bug:https://github.com/qii/weiciyuan/issues?state=opensource code:https://github.com/qii/weiciyuan
Fuubo微博客户端 Fuubo_4
对不起!我们来晚了!全新的微博客户端Fuubo来了,除了原本备受好评的离线发送微博、定时发送微博等功能,新加入了微博浏览功能,华丽变身为一款功能完整的微博客户端。由设计师倾心打造,界面依旧大气简约,再加上工程师细致优化,轻、快、爽的体验一触便知。Fuubo,一触,动我心I'm sorry! We're late!Thenew microblogging client Fuubo come, in addition to theoriginalaward-winning offline Send microblogging, microbloggingand otherfunctions regularly sent the newly joined microbloggingbrowsing,gorgeous transform into a full-featured Twitter client.By designercordial, the interface is still simple atmosphere,coupled withcareful optimization engineers, light, fast, cooltouch experience aglance.Fuubo, a touch, move my heart
微友 2.5.1
◎当你来到陌生的地点,进入周边聊天,即刻熟悉周边信息结识附近朋友,迅速融入新环境;◎当你想马上组局happy一下,登录微友查看基于地理位置(LBS)的主题群组,最短时间聚齐志趣相投的好友;◎当你对一个话题感兴趣的时候,通过关键词搜索群组,轻松发现你所喜爱的话题群;◎当你想把闺蜜和死党介绍给新朋友时,可以使用“邀请到群”功能,让更多知己相聚;◎当你需要与微博好友沟通,登录微友用语音、图片、文字、视频打造即时超级私信,还可对好友在线状态了如指掌;◎当你偶遇心仪的人,不必再笨拙的搭讪,查找群组附近的人一键添加微博关注,沟通更自然。关注@微友 新浪官方微博地址:http://weibo.com/u/2455291971*任何意见和建议,欢迎联系@微友 新浪官微进行反馈◎ When you come toastrange place, into the surrounding chat, get to knowtheinformation instantly familiar with the surroundingneighborhoodfriends, rapid integration into the newenvironment;◎ When you want to immediately set Bureau happy about, loginmicro-friendly view location-based (LBS) theme groups, theshortesttime they gathered like-minded friends;◎ When you are interested in a topic, when the group throughakeyword search, easy to find your favorite topics group;◎ When you want girlfriends and buddies introduced to newfriends,you can use the "Invite to group" feature, so that morefriendstogether;◎ When you need to communicate with friends microblogging,loginmicro friends using voice, pictures, text, video, createinstantsuper private letter, but also well known for a friendonlinestatus;◎ When you encounter someone you like, without having toawkwardlyapproached, find a group of people near the key toaddmicroblogging attention, communication more natural.Follow @ Sina official microblogging micro FriendsAddress: http://weibo.com/u/2455291971* Any comments and suggestions, please contact the Friends of Sina@the official micro-micro feedback