برترین 15 برنامه مشابه به anti mosquito repellent PRANK

Ultimate Mosquito Killer prank 1.0
Brother studio 2
Absolutely new and exciting antimosquitoappwhich helps you to keep mosquitoes, flies and bugs awayfromyou.Every body knows that mosquitoes are the most DangerousandDeadlyinsects in the whole world, so that's why we havedevelopedthisamazing app for you to keep mosquitoes away fromyou.The main purpose of this app is to keep youguyssafemosquitoes.Anti mosquito app works through the frequency of yourandroiddevice.You just have to select the frequency and andhitscanner/cleanbutton. After hitting scanner/clean buttonyourdevice will producehigh quality of frequency ways whichrepelmosquitoes from you. So itis a very high quality tool forkillingmosquitoes.So just download anti mosquito and be safe from deadly mosquitoes.Actually anti mosquito is prank app just for funandentertainmentpurposes, their is no such device in the worldwhichrepel mosquitoesfrom different sounds orfrequencies.Scientifically this app is notconfirmed as an antimosquito app sotreat this app as a prank.-Anti Mosquito.-High quality graphics.-Works even without internet connection.-Entertaining app.Note:Anti Mosquito is not a real mosquito killing or mosquitorepelappthis is just a prank app for fun.Mosquito Scare Simulator works with a high frequencysound(ultrasound) that most mosquitos find distasteful andrepellent bythesound and then you got protected.The sounds are undetected by the human ear. You can use ittoplaysounds with a frequency between 8,000 and 22,000 hertz,whichwillkeep mosquitoes ,midge and other insects away fromthelocation.How to use it:- It is advisable to increase the volume of the phone ashighaspossible and choose the best frequency for your region.- Switch different frequency to find out the suitable oneforyourlocation.- Some phone’s speaker are not supportedhigh-frequencyultrasonicoutput. In this case, the Mosquito Scarewon’tfunctionproperly.- Use Aggressive Mode for multi-type of mosquitos.Notes:This App is just a sound simulation. Only very few mobilescanplaythe high frequency sound correctly. The Effectivelyofultrasonicagainst mosquitoes is not scientifically proven. Thisappis just asimulator, a prank! There is no guarantee forfunction!Use it (inevery way) at your own risk! Especially inmalaria areasit ishighly recommended to use a proper mosquito plug!This app isjustfor entertainment and for pranking yourfriends!The app plays an high frequency sound. Some people under 30yearsoldcan hear the sound, while over a certain age (variablefromperson toperson) the ear lose the ability to hear highfrequencysounds.The Anti Mosquito repellent application emit a veryuniquehighfrequency sound (ultra sound) that most mosquitoesfinddistastefuland prevents you from getting bitten bymosquitoes.Nobody cares for mosquitoes. How to Avoid Mosquito Bites?This app can help you prevent Mosquito bites.Anti mosquito repellent generates powerful high frequencysoundsthatmimic sounds of mosquitoes natural predators.Anti Mosquito is one of the ways to fight mosquitoes.Effectively,itcomplements the traditional methods of a spray orhand flapping,toavoid bites.It have different frequencies sounds,so for thisyou canset your own choice of sound.Just install and run our Anti Mosquito and mosquitoes beawayfromyou and your smartphone. Start repellent is done byselectingafrequency sound or tap mosquito graphics.The female mosquito draws food for her developing eggsbyinsertingher proboscis into a mammal or reptile anddrawingblood.Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals. ButIffemalemosquito Spawned, She did not like approachingmalemosquitoes anymore.So Female may be running away from theirs(male) wing's sounds.
anti mosquito repellent PRANK 2.0
The Anti Mosquito repellent application emitavery unique high frequency sound (ultra sound) that mostmosquitoesfind distasteful and prevents you from getting bittenbymosquitoes.This app can help you prevent Mosquito bites.Anti Mosquito is one of the ways to fight mosquitoes.Effectively,it complements the traditional methods of a spray orhand flapping,to avoid bites.It have different frequencies sounds,so for thisyou can set your own choice of sound.Just install and run our Anti Mosquito and mosquitoes be awayfromyou and your smartphone. Start repellent is done by selectingafrequency sound or tap mosquito graphics.The female mosquito draws food for her developing eggs byinsertingher proboscis into a mammal or reptile and drawingblood.Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals. But Iffemalemosquito Spawned, She did not like approaching malemosquitoes anymore.So Female may be running away from theirs(male) wing'ssounds.Anti-mosquito repel appThis app is not scientifically proved by scientists so you canuseit like a prank. Mosquitos are most dangerous small insects itcanruin your camping. Your sleep… Get rid of this bloodsuckerenemywith this amazing application. Anti-mosquito app produceultrasonichigh frequency sound which keep away these bloodsuckersfrom you.Anti-Mosquito is prank application and you will fool many ofyourfriend with.WARNING!This mosquito repelling app is not confirmed by science so treatitlike a prank!The anti mosquito app have 3 modes (Indoor, Outdoor, Silent)andend time for stop playing.This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you by emittinghighfrequency ultrasound from your phone that repels them away fromthesource of the sound.High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing sense ofhumanears.Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful high frequencysoundsthat mimic sounds of mosquitoes natural predators.You can use this app in background.Anti Mosquito Simulator is a prank app which is used torepelmosquitoes. Anti Mosquito Simulator is such a nice app due towhichMosquito never comes near you. High frequency Sounds are usedinthis app which are beyond the hearing sense of human ears.AntiMosquito Simulator is entertainment purpose to make yourfriendsfoolFeature:• Anti Mosquito Prank• Anti Mosquito Simulator• Anti Mosquito Repellent• Anti Mosquito• Sound Repellent• Insect repeller• Free AppHaving not been conclusively proven by science, we have to setthisapplication as a Prank. However we suggest you to try it astheresult of studies on this system.We are invaded by mosquitoes. Our app offers an opportunity tosoundrepulsive to 4 different types of mosquitoes. The frequencyemittedfrom 15khz helps scare away mosquitoes and mainlymalemosquitoes.In addition, the tiger mosquitoes are also concerned.It is highly advisable to switch your phone to airplane modewhenusing our application, as well as lowering the brightness ofyourphone and surrounding lights
AR Compass, Real View Compass 2.0
Happy Startup
International Compass Users,Thank you for your downloading so far.To express my mind I have upgraded International Compass version1.3to AR Compass 2.0.Thank you so much.^^Enjoy~
Anti Mosquito Repelent prank 1.0
Brother studio 2
You can find a lot of apps which aretryingtoscare mosquitoes! But do they afraid of them?Mosquitoisdefinetely nuisance for everyone during summer time. Incontrasttoother apps with grandiose names which are trying to scarethey,outapp works - scare mosquitoes and even more - kill 30% oftheminradius of its action within 30 minutes!You though mosquito control is all that we can offer!?No,nowadaysthey are not only one who can scare people. Wehaveanalyzed whatcan scare mosquitoes, dogs, cats, birds andwildanimals! All of itwe can offer to you! Remember, it isaprank!Enter the room, run the app and within 30 minutes youwillseeresult! You will scare them! You want to be outside butafaidofanimals!? We will help you in this case! You are havingpicnicandbirds are bothering you! Our app definitely will help you!Youhaveagressive cat or dog infront of you!? Do not worry, run ourappandyou will see them never!Our advantages:*really works against mosquitoes*really works against dogs and cats*really works against birds and wild animals*does not make battery getting down*optimized with emergency help*power control*support the security status*simple to use*the most important thing - does not steal dataThe Anti Mosquito repellent application emit a veryuniquehighfrequency sound (ultra sound) that most mosquitoesfinddistastefuland prevents you from getting bitten bymosquitoes.Nobody cares for mosquitoes. How to Avoid Mosquito Bites?This app can help you prevent Mosquito bites.Anti mosquito repellent generates powerful high frequencysoundsthatmimic sounds of mosquitoes natural predators.Anti Mosquito is one of the ways to fight mosquitoes.Effectively,itcomplements the traditional methods of a spray orhand flapping,toavoid bites.It have different frequencies sounds,so for thisyou canset your own choice of sound.Just install and run our Anti Mosquito and mosquitoes beawayfromyou and your smartphone. Start repellent is done byselectingafrequency sound or tap mosquito graphics.The female mosquito draws food for her developing eggsbyinsertingher proboscis into a mammal or reptile anddrawingblood.Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals. ButIffemalemosquito Spawned, She did not like approachingmalemosquitoes anymore.So Female may be running away from theirs(male) wing'ssounds.Prank your friends with the Mosquito app. Hide thesmartphoneandwait... the app starts a annoying mosquitosimulation.* prank your friends* disturbs sleep at night* automatically detects light at night* an annoying mosquito tries to bite!You are able to configure the app that your victim is notabletofall asleep. The mosquito is quiet, every time the victimturnsonthe light to look for the mosquito. But when the lightturnsoffagain, the mosquito gets ready to disturb the victimagain.Yes, that's the way you prank people!The app responds to light changes and needs camera access.
Anti Mosquito Prank 1.2
Super Duck
WARNING!This mosquito repelling app is not confirmed by science. Treatitasa prank!This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you byemittinghighfrequency ultrasound from your phone that repels themaway fromthesource of the sound.High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing senseofhumanears.Most of the humans can't hear sound above 16 khZ. Thisappgivesyou the availability to set sound frequency from 9 kHz to23kHz!Set frequency in way that you can't hear the sound anddon'tworry,mosquitos should hear the sound!Anti Mosquito by your phone! Get rid of mosquitoes!
Anti Moustiques efficace prank 2.0
AVERTISSEMENT!Ce répulsif application de moustique est pas confirmée parlascience afin de traiter comme une farce!Absolument nouvelle application de moustiques lutte!Nouvellequalité!Cette application empêche les moustiques de vous mordre enémettantdes ultrasons à haute fréquence à partir de votre téléphonequi lesrepousse loin de la source du son.Sons à haute fréquence qui sont au-delà du sens de l'ouïedel'oreille humaine.répulsif contre les moustiques génère puissante sons àhautefréquence que les sons imitent des moustiquesprédateursnaturels.Vous pouvez utiliser cette application en arrière-plan.Attention:Cette méthode de répulsion des moustiques est pas confirmée parlascience afin de traiter comme une farce!app anti-moustiques fonctionne très bien sur le monde entier surlesmoustiques et les insectes.Ce sifflet peut être utilisé sur les chiens à. Votre chienvadéteste ça.Exécutez cette application dans un arrière-plan.anti-moustiques génère puissante sons à haute fréquence que lessonsimitent des moustiques prédateurs naturels.Conseils:- Augmentez le volume au plus haut niveau pour un son plusefficaceanti-moustiques.- Utilisez les commandes de fréquence pour trouver lafréquencerépulsive optimale pour votre région.IMPORTANT !Traiter ce soft comme une farce! Il est pas un outil derépulsifréelle de moustiques! Éloigner les moustiques et autresinsectes àl'aide de l'échographie ne sont pas confirmées par lascience.Ci-dessous la description est seulement conjectures! Nousvousdonnons outil gratuit afin que vous puissiez testerparvous-même."Anti Moustique Son farce" est l'application de farce et vaessayerde vous aider à garder tous les moustiques et les insectesloin devous! Ce soft est capable d'émettre des sons de hautefréquence(sons ultrasoniques) qui devrait irriter tous les petitsinsectes.Les moustiques peuvent prendre ce bruit que le bruit deleursennemis (par exemple, les libellules, les chauves-souris).Ilsdevraient garder loin de la source du son. Il suffit de tournerlerépulsif sonore sur et garder votre téléphone mobile près dechezvous. Pas de piqûres de moustiques, pas plus!Rappelez-vous: Transformez votre volume max en jouant duson.Cette application ne donnera pas 100% de chances de succès. Ilyabeaucoup d'espèces de moustiques dans le monde et certainsd'entreeux peuvent être résistantes à ultra-sons. En outre,certains desorateurs de téléphone intégrées ne sont pas en mesurede produiredes sons à haute fréquenceCeci est un moustique lutte libre simuléAnti Mosquito application permet à votre téléphone de devenir undesdispositifs efficaces anti-moustiques!Basé sur les caractéristiques du moustique, ils craignent lahautefréquence des sons comme le bruit des chauves-souris,libellules,qui font que les animaux restent à l'écart lesmoustiques, parcequ'on craignait ennemis de moustiques. AntiMosquito utilisanthaut-parleurs externes émettent-sons de hautefréquence de 17 KHz à22 KHz, est la région qui must moustiques.En raison des caractéristiques de chacune des différentesespècesde moustiques, les moustiques développent des logiciels surletéléphone, nous aidons les utilisateurs peuvent ajusterlafréquence. Vous essayez de voir si la fréquence d'autresmoustiquesdans votre maison doit être retiré. Nous recommandonsd'utiliserdes fréquences de 20 kHz à 22 kHz, cette fréquencel'oreillehumaine ne peut entendre, mais toujours efficace dans laparfaiteanti-moustique.Les principales fonctionnalités de l'application:- Non-toxique pour les humains, les animaux domestiques dansvotrefamille.- Ne pas bruyant.- Anti moustique parfait, la fréquence peut être ajustéeenconséquence.- Les applications peuvent fonctionner en parallèle avecd'autresapplications, la barre de notification, vous pouveztoujoursutiliser votre téléphone normalement avec d'autresfonctions.- Anti moustique simple, facile à utiliser.WARNING!This mosquito repellent application is not supported by sciencetotreat it as a joke!Absolutely new application of mosquito control! New quality!This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you by emittinghighfrequency ultrasound from your phone that repels them away fromthesound source.high frequency sounds that are beyond the sense of hearing ofthehuman ear.repellent against mosquitoes generates powerfulhigh-frequencysounds that mimic the sounds of mosquitoes naturalpredators.You can use this application in the background.Warning:This method of repelling mosquitoes is not confirmed by sciencetotreat it as a joke!Mosquito app works fine on the world of mosquitoesandinsects.This whistle can be used on dogs. Your dog will hate it.Run this application in background.Mosquito generates powerful high-frequency sounds that mimicthesounds of mosquitoes natural predators.Advice:- Increase the volume at the highest level for a mosquito'smoreeffective.- Use the frequency command to find the optimal repellingfrequencyfor your region.IMPORTANT!Treat this app like a farce! It is not a real toolrepellentmosquito! Away mosquitoes and other insects usingultrasound arenot supported by the science. The followingdescription is onlyconjecture! We give you free tool so you cantest foryourself."Anti Mosquito His farce" is the application of farce and willtryto help you keep all the mosquitoes and insects away from you!Thisapp is able to emit high frequency sounds (ultrasonic sounds)thatshould irritate all the little insects. Mosquitoes can takethatnoise that the sound of their enemies (eg, dragonflies, bats).Theyshould keep away from the sound source. Just turn the soundonrepellent and keep your mobile phone near you. No mosquitoes,nomore!Remember: Transform your max volume by playing the sound.This application does not give 100% chance of success. Therearemany species of mosquitoes in the world and some of them mayberesistant to ultrasound. In addition, some integratedphonespeakers are not able to produce high-frequency soundsThis is a simulated wrestling mosquitoAnti Mosquito application allows your phone to become amosquitoeffective devices!Based on the characteristics of the mosquito, they fear thehighfrequency sounds such as the sound of bats, dragonflies, whokeepanimals away mosquitoes, because it was feared enemiesofmosquitoes. Anti Mosquito using external speakers emitsounds-highfrequency of 17 KHz to 22 KHz, is the region thatmustmosquitoes.Due to the characteristics of each different speciesofmosquitoes, mosquitoes develop software on the phone, wearehelping users can adjust the frequency. You try to see ifthefrequency of other mosquitoes in your home must be removed.Werecommend using the frequencies from 20 kHz to 22 kHz,thefrequency the human ear can not hear, but still effectiveinmosquito perfect.The main features of the application:- Non-toxic to humans, pets in your family.- Do not noisy.- Anti perfect mosquito, the frequency can beadjustedaccordingly.- Applications can run in parallel with other applications,thenotification bar, you can still use your phone normally withotherfunctions.- Anti mosquito single, easy to use.
Anti Mosquito KILL SOUND prank 1.0
Brother studio 2
! IMPORTANT !This use app like a PRANK! It is not a realmosquitorepellenttool.This mosquito Sound is not confirmed by science so treat itasaprank!You Can Set different frequencies of mosquitorepellentultrasoundWARNING!This application is not confirmed by science. Developer madethisappthrough personal thoughts.This app provide high frequency sound.Very Simple usage and Strong sound!!Two Mode supported.[ Indoor mode ] 20khz sound that human can't hear[ Outdoor mode ] To apply all kinds of mosquito,Soundisautomatically changed from 10khz to 20khzThis app can run in background.Female mosquito don't like sound of male mosquitoAnd This app provide Indoor and Outdoor mode.Click simple button.Now, use this appHaving not been conclusively proven by science, we have tosetthisapplication as a Prank. However we suggest you to try itastheresult of studies on this system.We are invaded by mosquitoes. Our app offers an opportunitytosoundrepulsive to 4 different types of mosquitoes. Thefrequencyemittedfrom 15khz helps scare away mosquitoes andmainlymalemosquitoes.In addition, the tiger mosquitoes are also concerned.It is highly advisable to switch your phone to airplanemodewhenusing our application, as well as lowering the brightnessofyourphone and surrounding lightsDo you hate mosquitoes? This application emits highfrequencysoundwhich is disliked by that insects.With Mosquito Repellent you will get rid of mosquitoesandotherinsects.This app can run in background. Just click onthe"EnableBackground Mode" button to enable it.This whistle can be use on dogs to. Your dog gonna hatethat.Anti-mosquito app works great on the whole world onthemosquitoesand insects.Warning:This mosquito repelling method is not confirmed by sciencesotreatit as a prank!Anti-mosquito app works great on the whole world onthemosquitoesand insects.This whistle can be use on dogs to. Your dog gonna hate that.Run this app in a background.Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful highfrequencysoundsthat mimic sounds of mosquitoes naturalpredators.Tips:- Turn up the volume to the highest level for amoreeffectivemosquito repellent sound.- Use the Frequency controls to find the optimalrepellingfrequencyfor your region.You can find a lot of apps which are trying to scaremosquitoes!Butdo they afraid of them? Mosquito is definetelynuisance foreveryoneduring summer time. In contrast to other appswithgrandiose nameswhich are trying to scare they, out app works-scare mosquitoes andeven more - kill 30% of them in radius ofitsaction within 30minutes!You though mosquito control is all that we can offer!?No,nowadaysthey are not only one who can scare people. Wehaveanalyzed whatcan scare mosquitoes, dogs, cats, birds andwildanimals! All of itwe can offer to you! Remember, it isaprank!Enter the room, run the app and within 30 minutes youwillseeresult! You will scare them! You want to be outside butafaidofanimals!? We will help you in this case! You are havingpicnicandbirds are bothering you! Our app definitely will help you!Youhaveagressive cat or dog infront of you!? Do not worry, run ourappandyou will see them never!Our advantages:*really works against mosquitoes*really works against dogs and cats*really works against birds and wild animals*does not make battery getting down*optimized with emergency help*power control*support the security status*simple to use*the most important thing - does not steal data
Dog Repellent 1.2
WTC Group
App dog repellent for Android is greatforthosewho love animals and not trying to hurt them, but stillcareabouttheir security. You can download this application inGooglePlay (orin another convenient resource), simply by clickingthedownloadlink.Are you afraid of dogs? Download a dog repellent!App dog ultrasound is designed to scare off or stununfriendlytoyou animals. Often this software is used in lessthreateningways,such as, for fun friends, acquaintances, andfinally,pets.How does a dog ultrasound work?When meeting with an unfriendly dog it is necessary todirectthegadget to his side and enable the app. The whole point oftheappdog repellent is to broadcast ultrasonic stream withfrequencyfrom8 kHz to 50 kHz. Thereafter, the dog's hearing willbeannoyedbecause of the action of the ultrasonic signal,whereupontheanimal will go away from discomfort and will notshowaggression.To understand his feelings at the time of ultrasonicdogrepeller,you can imagine the continuous sound of thevehicle.The advantages of ultrasonic dog repellerNice, unobtrusive design, made in the style of Android -allthismakes it the best dog repellent. You will bepleasantlysurprised atthe simplicity of its functionality, becauseall thatis required isto press the start button. And how willsurprisedeveryone else youshould check by your own practice.
Anti Mosquito Sound Prank Free 1.1
!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Treat this app like a PRANK! It is not a real mosquitorepellenttool! Repelling mosquitoes and other insects using soundsis notconfirmed by science. Below description is only conjectures!We aregiving you free tool so you can test it by yourself."Anti Mosquito Sound Prank" is prank app and will try to helpyoukeep all mosquitos and bugs away from you! This app is able toemithigh frequency sounds (ultrasonic sounds) which should irritateallsmall insects. Mosquitos can take that sound as the sound oftheirenemies (e.g. dragonflies, bats). They should keep away fromthesource of the sound. Just turn the repellent sound on and keepyourmobile phone near you. No mosquito bites any more!Most of the humans can't hear sound above 17 khZ. Our app givesyouthe availability to set sound frequency from 9 kHz to 23 kHz!Setfrequency in way that you can't hear the sound and don'tworry,mosquitos should hear the sound!
Mosquito Repellent Prank 3.4
Digital Valley
WARNING!Mosquito Repellent is a Prank mobile application becausenosuchtechnology or scientific research support it.so use this application as a Prank.MosquitoRepellentpreventsmosquitoes from biting you by emittinghigh frequency ultrasound from your phone that repels themawayfromthe source of the sound.Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful highfrequencysoundsthat mimic sounds of mosquitoes naturalpredators.High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing senseofhumanears.
Compass FlashLight 1.0
Compass flashlight has beenintegratedwithmobile flashlight along with highly precision compasswhichcantell the accurate directions. One can use it withdirections andnoworry about the darkness because you have thenavigatornow.Features: Some prominent features of compass flashlight are;• Low Space• Low Power• Bright and Powerful FlashLight• Clear LED• Compass• Quick and Accurate directions• True North, South, East and West• Force Switch ON• Nice interface• Easy to handle• Perfect performanceNow you can use a flashlight with knowing your direction andnoworryabout your battery power and switch off on pressinghomebutton.Enjoy it and share it also!!!
Widget:Repel Mosquito Prank 1.0.7
WARNING!This mosquito repelling app is not confirmed by science sotreatitlike a prank!Widget:Repel Mosquito Prank produces high frequencysoundwhichirritates the mosquitoes and helps you keep them awayfromyou. Youcan adjust the volume of these sounds and keep it lowsothat itdoes not disturbs you.- add a widget to home screen or open app to startproduceshighfrequency sound repel mosquito- set schedule repeat everyday
Mosquito Repellent Prank 1.1
Harun Kor
Do you hate mosquitoes? Thisapplicationemitshigh frequency sound which is disliked by thatinsects.With Mosquito Repellent you will get rid of mosquitoesandotherinsects.This app can run in background. Just click onthe"EnableBackground Mode" button to enable it.This whistle can be use on dogs to. Your dog gonna hatethat.Anti-mosquito app works great on the whole world onthemosquitoesand insects.Warning:This mosquito repelling method is not confirmed by sciencesotreatit as a prank!Anti-mosquito app works great on the whole world onthemosquitoesand insects.This whistle can be use on dogs to. Your dog gonna hate that.Run this app in a background.Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful highfrequencysoundsthat mimic sounds of mosquitoes naturalpredators.Tips:- Turn up the volume to the highest level for amoreeffectivemosquito repellent sound.- Use the Frequency controls to find the optimalrepellingfrequencyfor your region.
insect repellant 1.2.0
Description:The app is for experimental purpose and there are more than3500different mosquito species.The application emits ultrasonic sounds to mimic the sound ofmalemosquito wing beats.There are studies that have shown that females mosquitoesarerepelled by this sound.The research is however a little divided regarding the effectofsound to repel mosquitoes.Better application of insect repellent and mosquito.Goodbye mosquitoes.This can be detected by the human ear works withhigh-frequencyultrasound transmitter.tags:anti mosquito,mosquito repellent, mosquito preventive
Insect Repellent 2.0.0
Insect repellent will be the bestpracticeinthe market.First and species including mice, cockroaches, ants,spiders,bats,such as scorpions and snakesWe believe that effective implementation would be in insects.Features:- KHz frequency ranges 8,12,14,21.1- It is simple.- Not multiple active.Important:- We do not warrant that repel insects.- The sound of your phone is on how much it willimpactsomany.- You can also fool your friends . They will be disturbedbythesound of this frequency.