برترین 6 برنامه مشابه به Ange~アンジュ~

Angel Tarot Cards & Astrology 23.04.18
Mobio Ltd
Daily Card & Palm Reading with Zodiac & LoveCompatibility.Enjoy our Horoscope.
앙쥬백과(육아백과) 1.0.1
주식회사 솔루윈
한눈에 쏙쏙 들어오는 임신출산육아, 하나로 당신은 최고의 엄마!임신과 출산은 여성이 겪는 최고의 경험입니다. 특히 첫 임신이라면, 내 몸이 어떻게 변하는지 또 아기 상태는어떤지온통 궁금한 것뿐입니다. 인터넷을 뒤지고 친구, 선배, 친정엄마 등 주변 지인을 모두 동원해 묻고 또 묻게됩니다.커피는 마셔도 되는지, 운동은 해도 되는지. 입덧, 임신중독증 등 사소한 것 하나에도 귀가 솔깃해집니다. 그것으로끝이아닙니다. 출산은 또 다른 시작입니다. 하나부터 열까지 쉬운 게 없습니다. 그러나 이제 걱정하지 마세요. 많은독자들의성원에 힘입어 새롭게 출간한 에는 초보맘이 궁금해 하는 임신출산육아 관련 실속 정보를 생생하게 모았습니다. 임신과출산,육아로 인한 모든 걱정거리, 이제는 조금 내려놓으셔도 좋습니다. 하나면 당신도 최고의 엄마가 될 수있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :+82234067094ChildbirthPregnancyglance incoming jerk Are you one of the best mom!Pregnancy and childbirth are experienced by women with thebestexperience. In particular, if the first pregnancy, how mybodychanges as it also questions over whether the baby is theonlystate. Sifting through the Internet friends, seniors,mothers,including my parents mobilized around asking all yourfriends willask you again. If I drink coffee, even if sports are.Morningsickness, toxemia of pregnancy, including the trivial onesolgitwill have ears. It is not the end. Childbirth is anotherbeginning.Not that kind of one to ten. But do not worry now. Manythanks toreaders' newly published by members there are wonderinglike novicesubstantial information related to pregnancy andchildbirthcollected alive. Pregnancy and childbirth, parentingconcerns dueto all, now feel free to put down some good. if one isthe best momyou can be.
Ask angel 1.7.1
social sweethearts GmbH
It is your personal guardian angel andblessesyou with quotes of wisdom. You have a problem, a wish orsimply aquestion that you want to ask? Just type your requestdirectly inthis app. A moment later, the angel will send you someadvice.Whatever it is that is bothering you, this app will helpandsupport you. This guardian angel protects you and has an answertoany question. Your angel will inspire you, advise you andprotectyou every day. The app ASK ANGEL is entertaining, smart andcan beencouraging.
あんじゅ 1.0.0
美容と健康サロンあんじゅの公式アプリが登場しました。加齢とともにシワ、タルミ、シミ…気になってきますね。顔のリフレクソロジー「リフレ美顔」やデトックス効果の「リンパケアセラピー」、ダイエットを応援する「ダイエットサポート」を行っております。このアプリではお店の人気ランキングや様々な情報やアプリユーザー限定のクーポンを手に入れることができます。■アプリを毎日起動したり、シェアしてどんどん貯まるスタンプ。スタンプを集めるとアプリユーザー限定クーポンと交換できる。■お店から送らせてくる『お知らせ』。アプリユーザー限定のお得な情報を配信中。■ランキングでお店の人気が一目瞭然。■気に入ったクーポン・画像・動画はアプリ内の『マイページ』に登録可能。※注意事項本アプリケーションは、モバイルネットワーク、またはWi-Fiを利用して最新の情報を表示します。アプリケーション起動時にネットワーク接続できない場合は、最新の情報が表示されない場合があります。The official appofhealthand Beauty Salon Ange has emerged.It will become wrinkles, sagging, age spots in mind...withage.I perform the detoxifying reflexology and facial"reflationfacial","lymph care therapy", to support the diet the"dietsupport".You can get a coupon app users and limited informationandvariousTop-rated shops in this app.■ or launch the app every day, stamp accumulate more andmoretoshare. Can be replaced with a user application limitedcouponsandcollect stamps.■ come be sent from shop "Notice". The delivery of the dealsappuserlimit.■ popular shops obvious in the rankings.■ coupon, images, and video that you like can be registeredintheapp in the "My Page".※ InstructionsThis application displays the most up-to-date informationbyusingWi-Fi or mobile network,. If you can not connect tothenetworkapplication start-up time, it can cause thelatestinformation isnot displayed.
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This is the official app of adult hideaway tavern "man ofGachinkokitchen your starboard".
Angel Tarot HD 1.0
Mobio Ltd
Now, for the first time ever - Angel Tarot – speciallydevelopedforyour tablet! Benefit from the centuries-old wisdom thatangelscarrywithin, and find out more about yourself. Their messagescangiveyou the faith you need to make your dreams come true.Evidenceofthe angels’ presence among us has existed for ages.Theseinvisibleand elevated spiritual beings have the mission toguideusdelicately and render support in various situations.Intheiressence, angels are guardians and messengers, and one oftheirmaintasks is to deliver the personal messages the Universe hasforus!Angel Tarot is one of the ways you can connect withtheseinvisiblehelpers and find out what you want to know aboutyourself,love andlife in general. Features of the application: • Adeck of32beautiful cards, specially developed for maximumauthenticity •Acompletely tablet-compatible app • Nice design andeasynavigation• Variety of spreads for any situation • Uniqueanddetailedinterpretations of each card