برترین 20 برنامه مشابه به Radar COVID

SwissCovid 2.3.1
SwissCovid is the official contact tracing app of Switzerland andisoperated by the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH.SwissCovidwill help to contain the new coronavirus. It complementstheconventional contact tracing carried out by the cantons. UsingtheSwissCovid app is voluntary and free of charge. The more peoplewhoinstall and use the app, the more effectively the app can helpusto contain the new coronavirus. However, it is still importanttofollow the rules on hygiene and social distancing. Withacombination of the SwissCovid app, contact tracing andcomplyingwith the rules, we can continue to keep the coronaviruseffectivelyin check. Minimum technical requirements: To use theapp, theAndroid 6 operating system or newer must be installed onthesmartphone. Details of the version of the operating system canbefound under Settings > About phone > Softwareinformation> Android version Encounters function: All you needto do isswitch on Bluetooth and carry your phone at all times.Thesmartphone transmits encrypted IDs, known as checksums,viaBluetooth. These are long random strings of characters.Eachchecksum is deleted automatically from your phone two weeksafterit is generated. The app anonymously measures how long andhowclose it is to other smartphones that have the app installed.Itrecords any encounters that it has with other phones (closerthan1.5 metres and for longer than 15 minutes in any one day), astheseare the situations in which you are most likely to becomeinfectedwith the virus. Check-in function: SwissCovid check-insallow youto check in to a location or meeting with the app. In thisway, youcan be alerted if there is a risk of infection – regardlessof thedistance. Only your presence is stored in the app; you don’thaveto leave behind any personal data. You can also offercheck-insthrough the SwissCovid app. To do so, you generate aSwissCovid QRcode in the app that people can use to check in onsite. Hownotification works If a SwissCovid app user tests positivefor thecoronavirus, they will receive what is called a Covidcode.The codeallows them to activate the notification function in theirapp.This alerts other app users with whom they were in closecontact orwho were checked in at the same location during theinfectiousperiod (two days before the onset of symptoms). When theCovidcodeis entered, the app notifies these other app usersautomaticallyand anonymously. The people who have been notified canfind out inthe app what to do next. Their privacy is protected atall times.Even if they don’t have any symptoms, a coronavirus testisadvisable and recommended. If a person who has been notifiedhasalready developed symptoms of the disease, they should gettestedimmediately. By working together in this way, we can all helptostop the spread of coronavirus. Protecting privacy The datathatyour SwissCovid app collects is only stored locally onyoursmartphone. The phone does not send any personal or locationdatato a central storage location or server. This means that no onecanwork out who you have been in contact with or where thatcontacttook place. Once the coronavirus crisis is over, the systemwill beshut down. The use of the app is limited to Switzerland andissubject to Swiss law.
Virginia’s COVID-19 Exposure Notification app
NYS ENX minted1400053
New York State
NYS ENX is a partnership with Google and Apple to help slowspreadof COVID19.
Wehealth Notify 2.1.79
The University of Arizona
Health & Safety for Everyone
COVID Defense minted1400047
Receive alerts about potential exposure to COVID-19 in Louisiana.
Official COVID-19 exposure notification app to help protectNorthCarolinians!
NOVID 5.3.0
Expii, Inc.
Early Warning with Ultrasonic Accuracy. Connect to YourAnonymousNetwork.
COVID Coach 1.6.1
Cope with stress & stay well
CEPSA Directo 3.2.1
With the Cepsa Directo you will find the solutions you needquicklyand easily:
GVApp 3.8.6
Genève Aéroport
V3 of the Genève Aéroport app: flights, car parks, maps,shops,guide, etc (GVA)
CamSam PLUS 3.7.7
Eifrig Media GmbH
CamSam PLUS - The speed and red light camera warning system!
Aena SME, S.A
Spain Travel Health: Fill in your mandatory Health Form to traveltoSpain.
Rakning C-19 4.0.0
Embætti landlæknis
Official Government app from to help mitigate the Covid-19pandemicin Iceland.
CA Notify minted1400015
CA Dept. of Public Health
CA Notify is the official Exposure Notification app for California.
EchoSOS 4.4.3
Ubique Health
EchoSOS is a lifesaving app that sends your location tolocalemergency services
Green-Zones 2.5.1
Environmental zones, traffic restrictions, environmental badgesinEurope
Health Passport Worldwide
ROQU Group
Designed to protect society, businesses, and jobs.
Re-open EU
European Union
The European Union, and all its Member States, are planningforasafe re-opening of Europe. While protecting thepublichealthremains our priority, we want everyone to enjoytheirholidays, toreunite with family and friends, and to be abletotravel for anypurpose. This tool provides you with theinformationthat you needto confidently plan your European traveland holidays,whilestaying healthy and safe. The information isfrequentlyupdated andis based on the most recent data provided byEU MemberStates andcollected from other publicly available andauthoritativenationalsources. While the Commission seeks to keepthe informationup todate, we take no responsibility of any kind,express orimplied,about the completeness and accuracy of theinformationprovided orindividual decisions based thereon. Due tothe frequencyofupdates, aimed at offering relevant information atall times,thistool relies on automatic machine translations. Weapologise foranyinconvenience and we strive to continuously improvetheuserexperience.
EveryLIFE Technologies
Intuitive to use, quicker to readrelevantinformation compared to a paper care plan, and empoweringcarestaff with great information at their finger-tips, thePASSsystemis helping to support care assistants to do a great jobeven betterwherever they are.The PASSsystem supports excellence in customer management,workingseamlessly across all major devices, from receiving careenquiries,to assessments, staff supervisions and customer reviewson tabletwhile out in the community, to delivery of care plans andreceiptof MAR sheets and diary notes from careassistants’smartphones.The PASSsystem improves the care delivered by homecareservices.Through improved clarity of care plans read by careassistants, theability to identify issues with medication and carein real-time,the PASSsystem is helping leading care services torevolutionisecare quality.Sound business and high quality care go hand-in-hand – efficiencyinbusiness creating opportunity to invest in the quality of care.ThePASSsystem saves homecare services a substantial amount ofmoney byremoving inefficiencies – an estimated saving equivalentto 15% ofnet profit.The PASSsystem is the only system available to providereal-timefeedback on how outcomes are being achieved for eachcustomer,transforming the quality of care reporting, andsupportingimprovement in care planning, the PASSsystem is your besttool todeliver excellence in CQC compliance.
Luscii 5.40.0
Luscii Healthtech
Welcome to Luscii, the smartest healthcare app for care at homeoron the go.