برترین 22 برنامه مشابه به カラオケリモコンみるプラス

カラオケ背景に好きな動画や写真が流せる!キョクナビJOYSO 4.8.5
Karaoke Search forte & memo to book! JOYSOUND officialremoteapp Cooperation with "karaoke JOYSOUND for Nintendo Switch".
無料カラオケ採点!録音全国採点も カラオケJOYSOUND+ 2.2.1
音程が見える!分析採点カラオケで歌唱力アップ!どこにいてもカラオケが楽しめる♪≪無料で分析採点カラオケを楽しもう!≫毎日無料採点ができる!毎日無料で好きな歌が歌い放題♪♪課金をしていなくても1日1曲無料で何度でも好きな歌を歌う事ができます♪採点カラオケがついた最強のカラオケアプリです!歌う・採点する・録音する が一つでできる<カラオケアプリの決定版!!>ヒトカラとして楽しんだりと、歌唱力アップに最適なカラオケアプリです。◆こんな人にオススメ!!◆・歌が上手くなりたい・TVを見ているときに自分もカラオケ採点したい・ヒトカラに行きたいけどいけない・気軽に歌いたい・全国のユーザーと採点で競いたい・自分の歌声を聴きたい・みんなカラオケで何を歌っているのか知りたい★歌う約12万曲のカラオケが、お店のJOYSOUNDに近いリアルな音質で、歌い放題!【マイク&エコー】機能に加え、【ガイドボーカル】も配信(一部楽曲のみ)。もちろんキー変更やテンポ調整も可能!★採点する自分の音程とメロディの音程が分かる【分析採点Lite】を搭載。また、全国の中で自分が何位かが分かる【採点ランキング】が見れたり、録音と同時利用で【採点画面をリプレイ】することができます。苦手な個所が徹底的に練習できる!≪無料で分析採点カラオケを楽しもう!≫毎日無料で好きな歌が歌い放題♪課金をしていなくても1日1曲無料で何度でも好きな歌を歌う事ができます♪★録音する利用券を持っていれば【何曲でも何回でも録音し放題】!録音したカラオケデータは、録音直後の画面ですぐに再生♪また、録音カラオケデータを保存をしておけば、いつでも聞くことができます。(録音データの保存は、利用券の有効期間内で5曲まで可能です。)※利用券を延長購入したり、ポイントを交換しすると、保存可能曲数を増やすことができます。さらにこんな機能も…■JOYSOUND ID連携JOYSOUND IDでログインすると、うたスキJOYSOUNDのマイルーム情報の閲覧や、自分のアバターを表示することができます。■JOYSOUNDアプリ連携・カラオケ店舗で予約送信ができる「キョクナビ」・無料で歌詞が見れる「カシレボ!」・他の人が歌った動画が見れる「うたスキ動画」…など、JOYSOUNDアプリにワンボタンで移動!その他にも、特集ページや、歌い方を徹底的に解説してくれるコーナーなど、練習に便利な機能を搭載!!【推奨動作環境】●OSバージョン:Android 4.0.3以上※動作確認済み機種GALAXY Note Edge SC-01G /GALAXY Tab S SCT21/Xperia TabletZSO-03E/MEDIAS X N-06E/Optimus it L-05E/Huawei AscendD2HW-03E/AQUOS PHONE SERIE mini SHL24/Xperia Z4 SO-03G/GALAXYJSC-02F/Xperia Z Ultra SOL24を始めとする主要人気機種※上記以外の機種でも、OSバージョンが対応していれば、ご利用いただけます。(一部機種を除く)※端末の仕様により、一部のSHARP製、SONY製の端末では録音再生時のエコーが機能がご利用いただけません。ご了承ください。確認端末:AQUOS ZETA SH-03G / Xperia Z2 SO-03F【ご注意】・すべての機能(曲数制限なしフルコーラス再生・採点・録音機能)をご利用いただくには、利用券が必要です(有効期間は、購入日時から24時間×利用券日数です)。・利用券をご購入前に、「メニュー」>「設定」>「マイク設定」より、録音・採点機能をご確認していただくことを推奨します。・本アプリは、歌唱中のマイク・エコー機能は対応しておりません。・採点結果や録音データがずれる場合は、「設定」>「マイク設定」をお試しください。・本アプリは、メモリを多く消費するため、他の起動中のアプリを終了してからご利用いただくことを推奨します。・アプリダウンロード及びカラオケ試聴は無料でご利用いただけます。・分析採点Lite/録音機能をご利用の際は、必ずイヤホン又はイヤホンマイクを装着してください。(未装着の場合はハウリングを起こしやすくなります)・Bluetoothスピーカー・イヤホンは、現在対応しておりません。・アプリ連携機能をお使いになる場合は「カシレボ!JOYSOUND」「キョクナビJOYSOUND」のダウンロード(無料)が必要となります。・アプリ内で開催しているキャンペーンは、Google Inc.とは一切関係ございません。・サービスのご利用には、通信キャリア回線もしくはWi-Fi等のネットワークに接続している必要があります。・個人情報保護方針および利用規約については、オフィシャルサイトをご覧ください。http://app.joysound.com/app/karaoke_joysound_plus.html・運転中や電車など公共の場所では、マナーを守ってご使用ください。【著作権団体許諾番号】■JASRAC許諾番号6577872423Y31015/6577872419Y31015/6577872424Y38026/6577872420Y380266577872425Y30005/6577872421Y30005/6577872426Y31018/6577872422Y31018■e-licence許諾番号ID09010115/ID09010114/ID09010117/ID09010116ID23770/ID23771/ID09010119/ID09010118■JRC許諾番号X000017B81L/X000017B84L/X000017B83L/X000017B86LX000017A69L/X000017A70L/X000017B82L/X000017B85L
12万曲を採点「カラオケJOYSOUND」プロの指導で上達! 2.8.5
<12万曲>歌い放題!プロによる歌い方解説や割引クーポンも(*^^)v★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★自分の歌っている音程がリアルタイムにわかる採点機能搭載!まずはAKB/エヴァ/金爆etc.≪無料曲≫で試してみよう♪★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■特徴①■ 約12万曲のカラオケが歌い放題!月額会員登録(200円/税別)で、何曲でも何度でも歌える!新曲や歌いたかったアノ曲も、毎週月水金に追加!!■特徴②■もちろん、採点もできちゃう!一番人気の“採点機能”がリニューアル!実際に歌った音程をリアルタイムで表示できるようになり、今まで以上に「どこが良く」「どこが良くなかったか」が分かるようになりました♪※「採点時の音程表示」は、一部端末非対応となります。従来の採点機能(顔アイコンの採点)は引き続き全端末でお楽しみいただけます★■特徴③■カラオケ上達のポイントを公開!楽曲ごとに、歌い方をプロが指導!下メニューの「上達」をチェックすれば、「うまくうたえない…」なんて悩みが解決するかも!■特徴④■ハモリパートの練習もできる!通常のカラオケ音源だけでなく、ハモリパートに対応した“ドコハモ”も配信。コレで練習して、友達が歌っている時にキレイにハモれたら…注目度UP!■特徴⑤■全曲無料試聴!会員登録しなくても、全楽曲歌い出しから約45秒間の無料試聴が可能に!「この曲どんな曲だったっけ?」なんて時にも役立つ!■特徴⑥■検索しやすい!楽曲名/アーティスト名の他、タイアップ(アニメ/ドラマ/CM使用曲等)名でも検索できます。また、ジャンル別に探したり、ハモリ音源等に対応した楽曲ごとにも絞り込めます。■特徴⑦■ランキングが超充実!リアルタイム/前日/週間/月間の他、アニメ/ドラマ/洋楽のジャンル別ランキングを展開。まさに“今”、みんなが何を歌っているのかひとめで分かっちゃう!■特徴⑧■「何歌ってよいか分らない…」という方、注目!トップページの中ほどにある「特集」をチェック!皆さんの投稿による楽曲ランキングや、スタッフ厳選のオススメ曲などを随時紹介しています。何とな~く見ているだけで、「あ、コレ歌いたい!」が見つかるよ☆■特徴⑨■ 割引クーポン配信!JOYSOUND直営店他の店舗でお使いいただける割引クーポンを常設。会員の方は、室料10%オフに加え、フライドポテトをプレゼント!非会員の方にも、フライドポテトをサービス!■その⑩■ もちろん、基本機能はシッカリとキー・テンポの変更、ガイドメロディの音量調整や、1曲リピート設定など、カラオケの基本機能を完全装備★お気に入り登録や履歴もバッチリです!【機能一覧】通常再生/ハモリ音源再生/採点機能/全曲45秒無料試聴/早送り・巻戻し/一時停止/歌い直し/キー変更/テンポ変更/フリガナ表示/ガイドメロディ音量変更/1曲リピート設定/背景表示設定/歌詞色塗り設定/お気に入り楽曲登録/お気に入りアーティスト登録/Twitter・mixi・Facebook連動/再生履歴表示/採点履歴表示/各種ランキング表示機能/特集ページ/歌唱指導ページ/楽曲リクエスト機能、等【再生回数500位以内アーティスト】AAA/Acid Black Cherry/AEROSMITH/AI/aiko/AKB48/AKINO/ALIPROJECT/AquaTimez/ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION/backnumber/BIGBANG/BUMPOFCHICKEN/B'z/Che'Nelle/ClariS/cosMo@暴走P/DREAMS COMETRUE/EveryLittle Thing/EXILE/FUNKYMONKEYBABYS/GLAY/GRANRODEO/GReeeeN/Hilcrhyme/JAM Project/JUDYANDMARY/JUJU/JY/KARA/KinKiKids/Kis-My-Ft2/LADYGAGA/L'Arc~en~Ciel/LiSA/May'n/MISIA/miwa/Mr.Children/Ms.OOJA/MyLittleLover/NEWS/ONE OK ROCK/Perfume/PRINCESSPRINCESS/RADWIMPS/Rake/SEKAINOOWARI/SMAP/ST☆RISH/supercell/Superfly/UNISONSQUAREGARDEN/UVERworld/wowaka/XJAPAN(X)/YUI/ZARD/いきものがかり/オレンジレンジ/かにみそP/きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ/ケツメイシ/ゴールデンボンバー/コブクロ/サザンオールスターズ/シド/じん/スキマスイッチ/スピッツ/ソナーポケット/ナオト・インティライミ/ハチ/ヒャダイン/ほぼ日P/ポルノグラフィティ/ももいろクローバー/モンゴル800/ゆず/レベッカ/レミオロメン/安室奈美恵/絢香/嵐/伊藤由奈/家入レオ/宇多田ヒカル/浦島太郎(桐谷健太)/大塚愛/加藤ミリヤ/関ジャニ∞/久保田利伸/倉木麻衣/倖田來未/斉藤和義/三代目JSoulBrothers/椎名林檎/少女時代/湘南乃風/高橋洋子/東方神起/中島美嘉/中島みゆき/西野カナ/秦基博/浜崎あゆみ/林原めぐみ/一青窈/平井堅/福山雅治/藤井フミヤ/放課後ティータイム/星野源/槇原敬之/水樹奈々/宮野真守/山下智久/米津玄師、等【配信ジャンル】アニメ・特撮/VOCALOID(ボーカロイド)/ゲーム/TVドラマ/TV・ラジオ/CM/映画/ミュージカル/K-POP/洋楽/ポップス/ロック/ヴィジュアル系/R&B/ソウル/ヒップホップ/メドレー/スポーツ・応援歌/ウェディング/クリスマス/合唱/童謡・唱歌・キッズ/民謡・演歌・歌謡曲、等【対応機種】アプリ内「対応端末」ページもしくは下記ページでご確認ください。http://music.joysp.jp/sp/karaoke/device.html【お知らせとお願い】・2016年8月30日をもちまして、Android2.3未満のサポートを終了させていただきました。Android2.3以上はご利用可能ですので、バージョンアップの上、引き続きお楽しみください。※SH-03C、T-01C、IS03、IS04でご利用の場合、端末の仕様上、Android2.3にバージョンアップできず、引き続きサービスをご利用いただくことができません。誠に恐れ入りますが、対象端末でご利用の方は以下の「デベロッパー」の「ウェブページにアクセス」より会員解除いただけますよう、お願い申し上げます。・バージョンアップがうまくいかない場合は、一度アプリをアンインストールしてから、再インストールをして頂くか、SDカードから本体に戻した後にアップデートしてください。お手数お掛けいたしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。・旧バージョンのアプリはサポート対象外となります。常に最新バージョンにアップデートしてご利用いただけますよう、お願い申し上げます。--------------------------------------------------------------------------※「VOCALOID」「ボカロ」はヤマハ株式会社の登録商標です。※「初音ミク」はクリプトン・フューチャー・メディア株式会社の登録商標です。<12 millionsongs>sing unlimited! Also singing commentary and discountcoupons byprofessional (* ^^) v★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Scoring featured the pitch singing of their own can be seen inrealtime!First ♪ Let's try in the AKB / Eva / gold explosion etc.« freesong»★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■ Features ① ■ all-you-can sing about 12 million songs inthekaraoke!A monthly subscription (200 yen / tax not included), sing anynumberof times, even what songs! Ano song I wanted to sing newsongs andalso, added to every Monday, Wednesday, Friday !!■ Features ② ■ Of course, you can also scoring!The most popular of the "scoring function" is renewal! Will beableto view the actual singing was pitch in real time, now morethanever is "where the well", "How is was not good" can be seen♪※ "pitch display at the time of scoring," will be part ofterminalnon-compliant. Traditional scoring function (scoring of thefaceicon) will enjoy continued in all terminal ★■ publish the point of feature ③ ■ karaoke progress!For each song, leading the singing professionally! If you checkthe"progress" of the lower menu, trouble say "do not sing well ..."isbe the solution!■ can also practice features ④ ■ Hamori part!Not only the usual karaoke sound source, corresponding to theHamoripart "Dokohamo" is also delivery. Practice Kore, Oncebeautiful Hamois when the singing friends ... attention UP!■ Features ⑤ ■ songs free listen!Even without membership registration, so as to be free listenofabout 45 seconds from out singing all the songs! Also help whensay"was it this song what song?"!■ Features ⑥ ■ easy to search!Other music name / artist name, you can also search by nametie-up(Anime / Drama / CM using the song, etc.). In addition, orlookingto genre, it narrowed down to each song corresponding toHamorisound source, and the like.■ Features ⑦ ■ ranking super-rich!Real-time / Other previous day / week / month, expand thegenreranking Anime / Drama / Western. Very "now", will know in theoneglance everyone is singing what!■ Features ⑧ ■ students who "do not know what may be singing...",attention!Check the "Special Features" in the middle of the top page!Everyoneposts and music ranked by of, are introduced from time totime andrecommend songs staff carefully. Only looking at what arather ~,"Oh, I want to sing this!" Is found ☆■ Features ⑨ ■ discount coupon delivery!Permanent your'll discount coupons on JOYSOUND retail storesotherstores. As a member, in addition to the room rate 10% off Getthefries! For those of non-members, the French fries service!■ the ⑩ ■ Of course, the basic features and firmlyChange of key tempo, volume adjustment of the guide melody, suchasone-track repeat setting, fully equipped with a basic functionofkaraoke ★ favorite registration and history also isperfect!【Functions list】Normal playback / Hamori sound playback / scoring function /songs45 seconds free listen / fast-forward, rewind / pause / singagain/ key change / tempo changes / phonetic display / guidemelodyvolume change / 1 track repeat setting / backgrounddisplaysettings / lyrics coloring set / favorite music registration/favorite artist registration / Twitter · mixi ·Facebookinterlocking / playback history display / scoring historydisplay /various ranking display function / feature pages / singingguidancepage / music request function, etc.[Views 500 of within artist]AAA / Acid Black Cherry / AEROSMITH / AI / aiko / AKB48 / AKINO/ALI PROJECT / Aqua Timez / ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION / back number/BIGBANG / BUMP OF CHICKEN / B'z / Che'Nelle / ClariS / cosMo@runaway P / DREAMS COME TRUE / Every Little Thing / EXILE /FUNKYMONKEY BABYS / GLAY / GRANRODEO / GReeeeN / Hilcrhyme / JAMProject/ JUDY AND MARY / JUJU / JY / KARA / KinKi Kids / Kis-My-Ft2/ LADYGAGA / L 'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel / LiSA / May'n / MISIA / miwa/Mr.Children / Ms.OOJA / My Little Lover / NEWS / ONE OK ROCK/Perfume / PRINCESS PRINCESS / RADWIMPS / Rake / SEKAI NO OWARI/SMAP / ST ☆ RISH / supercell / Superfly / UNISON SQUARE GARDEN/UVERworld / wowaka / X JAPAN (X) / YUI / ZARD / Ikimonogakari/Orange range / Kanimiso P / carry Pamyu / Ketsumeishi /GoldenBomber / Kobukuro / Southern All Stars / Sid / Jin / SukimaSwitch/ Spitz / sonar pocket / Naoto Inti Raymi / bee / Hyadain/Hobonichi P / Porno Graffitti / Momoiro Clover / Mongolia 800/citron / Rebecca / Remioromen / Amuro Namie / ayaka / storm /YunaIto / Leo Ieiri / Utada Hikaru / Taro Urashima (Kenta Kiritani)/Ai Otsuka / Miliyah / Kanjani ∞ / Toshinobu Kubota / Kuraki Mai/Koda Kumi / Kazuyoshi Saito / Sandaime J Soul Brothers /RingoShiina / Girls / Shonan no Kaze / Yoko Takahashi / TVXQ /NakashimaMika / Miyuki Nakajima / Nishino Kana / Motohiro Hata /HamasakiAyumi / Megumi Hayashibara / Yo Hitoto / Hirai Ken /MasaharuFukuyama / Fujii Fumiya / After school tea time / GenHoshino /Makihara Noriyuki / Nana Mizuki / Shin Miyano Mori /TomohisaYamashita / KENSHI YONEZU, etc.[Delivery genre]Anime and special effects / VOCALOID (Vocaloid) / game / TV Series/TV-radio / CM / Movies / Musical / K-POP / Western / pop / rock/visual kei / R & B / Soul / Hip Hop / medley / sportsfightsongs / wedding / Christmas / chorus / nursery rhyme, songKids /folk songs, Enka popular song, etc.【Compatible models】Please check the app in the "corresponding terminal" pageorfollowing page.http://music.joysp.jp/sp/karaoke/device.html[Ask Information]And August 30, 2016 Womochimashite, we were allowed to terminatethesupport of less than Android2.3. Android2.3 or more, because itisavailable, on top of the version up, please enjoycontinued.※ SH-03C, if you use in the T-01C, IS03, IS04, on thespecificationsof the terminal, can not be upgraded to Android2.3,you will not beable to continue if you use the service. Excuse me,but so that youcan member released from "access to the web page"of "thedeveloper," If you use the following in the targetterminal, thankyou.• If the version-up does not work, uninstall the once app, orwillbe the re-installation, please update after returning from theSDcard to the body. Sorry to trouble you, we will put you, butthankyou very much.And old version of the app is not supported. Always so that youcanuse to update to the latest version, thank you.--------------------------------------------------------------------------※ "VOCALOID", "Vocaloid" is a registered trademark ofYamahaCorporation.※ "Hatsune Miku" is a registered trademark of Crypton FutureMediaCorporation.
動画「カラオケJOYSOUND ムービー」で練習! 1.0.4
お店と同じカラオケ映像をスマホで♪ガイドボーカルで、高得点が取れる歌い方も分かる!プロによるボーカルトレーニングに曲ごとの解説も(*^^)v-------------------------------------【アプリの特徴】■①■ 自宅がカラオケBOXに!?JOYSOUNDのCROSSO/f1データをそのまま配信。しかも横画面対応だから、自宅でもカラオケBOXにいるみたい♪もちろん早送り/巻戻しなども自由自在!月額会員登録(税別300円)すれば、全曲歌い放題で楽しめます!※大容量コンテンツのため、Wi-Fi環境でのご利用をお勧めいたします。■②■ ガイドボーカルをお手本に!プロのシンガーがカラオケメロディにあわせて歌う、ガイドボーカル動画も配信。コレを聞きこんで練習すれば、上達間違いナシ!!■③■ プロが発声&歌い方を指導!さらに!プロによる指導コーナーも充実!ボーカルトレーニングの基礎から応用まで、そして各曲ごとの歌い方も徹底解説!■④■ 本人映像&アニメカラオケも!お店でも配信中の、アーティストの本人映像や、タイアップアニメの映像を背景にしたカラオケも配信!今後、どしどし追加していきますので、お楽しみに♪■⑤■ 充実ランキングにも注目!今まさに皆が歌っている曲が分かる「リアルタイムランキング」から、アニメなどジャンル別まで豊富なランキングをご用意。流行チェックにも使えます♪■⑥■ 検索を使いこなそう!サクっと検索したい時はヘッダの右にあるボタンから、いろいろな条件を指定して検索したい時はフッタのメニューから。漢字やアルファベット表記に自信がない時は、ひらがなで入力すればOK!TVや映画etc.タイアップ名でも検索できます。もちろん、新着曲・ジャンル別などのリストも完備!■⑦■お気に入り登録&履歴を活用!「MYページ」では、楽曲300件&アーティスト100件のお気に入り登録できます。登録は楽曲情報ページからドウゾ。再生履歴も残るので、カンタンに何度でも練習できちゃいます♪■⑧■ 歌う曲がない?でも大丈夫!メニューの「特集」に注目!皆さんの投稿やスタッフによる話題曲の特集をチェックしよう♪「あ、コレコレ!」が見つかるハズ!■⑨■ カラオケBOXもお得に!店舗の割引クーポンも配信中!全国のJOYSOUND直営店で使えます。コレは使わなきゃ損ですよ!■⑩■ SNSでカンタンに共有できる!各楽曲情報ページには、Twitter他SNS連動ボタンを設置。タップして各サイトにログインすれば、カンタンにつぶやけます!【対応端末】下記ページよりご確認ください。http://app.joysound.com/site/karaoke_joysound_movie/device.html【ご注意】旧バージョンのアプリはサポート対象外となります。常に最新バージョンにアップデートしてご利用いただけますよう、お願い申し上げます。※「VOCALOID」「ボカロ」はヤマハ株式会社の登録商標です。※「初音ミク」はクリプトン・フューチャー・メディア株式会社の登録商標です。The ♪ the samekaraokevideo and shops in the smartphoneGuide vocal, and I can see singing that high scores canbetaken!Description of each song in vocal training by professional also(*^^) v-------------------------------------Features of the app]■ ① ■ home is in karaoke BOX!?As it is delivering CROSSO / f1 data of JOYSOUND. Moreover,becausehorizontal screen support, ♪ like are also at home tokaraoke BOXcourse fast-forward / rewind, etc. any way you want! Ifthe monthlymember registration (excluding tax ¥ 300), can beenjoyed in theall-you-can-sing songs!※ for large-volume content, we recommend the use of inWi-Fienvironment.■ ② ■ guide vocal to a role model!Professional singer sings according to the karaoke melody,guidevocal video also delivery. With practice and crowded to hearthis,progress mistake none !!■ ③ ■ professional guidance utterances and singing!further! Guidance corner by professional also enhance! Untiltheapplication from the basics of vocal training, and alsothoroughexplanation singing of each song!■ ④ ■ also personal video & animation Karaoke!It is distributed in shops, and artists of the person image,evenkaraoke was against the background of the image of thetie-upanimation delivery! The future, so we will add withouthesitation,and ♪ to enjoy■ ⑤ ■ enhance rankings to the attention!From find songs that just have everyone sing now"real-timeranking", animation, etc. offer various rankings untilthe genre.You can also use the epidemic check ♪■ ⑥ ■ Let Features Customize the search!From the button to the right of the header when you want tosearchextremely trivial, when you want to search by specifying avarietyof conditions from the menu of the footer. When there isnoconfidence in kanji and alphabet notation, if input in hiraganaandOK! You can also search in TV and movies etc. tie-up name.Ofcourse, the list of such new song, genre-conditioned!■ ⑦ ■ favorite registration and to take advantage ofthehistory!In "MY page", I can favorite registration of 300 cases music&artists 100 cases. Registration from please music informationpage.Since the playback history also remain, we will be able topracticeany number of times to easy ♪■ ⑧ there is no song to sing ■? But it's okay!The attention to the "Special Features" menu! Husband ♪ try tocheckthe featured topic song by your posts and staff "Oh, comenow!" Isfound!■ ⑨ ■ karaoke BOX also Desc.During discount coupon also delivery of the store! You can useinJOYSOUND retail stores nationwide. This is a loss to be used!■ ⑩ it can be shared within easy ■ SNS!Each music information page, and set up a Twitter otherSNSinterlocking button. If log in to each site Tap, youTsubuyakeeasy![Corresponding terminal]Please check the following pages.http://app.joysound.com/site/karaoke_joysound_movie/device.html【please note】Previous versions of the app will be supported. Always thelatestversion so that you can use with an update on, thank you.※ "VOCALOID" "Vocaloid" is a registered trademark ofYamahaCorporation.※ "Hatsune Miku" is a registered trademark of Crypton FutureMediaCorporation.
PetitLyrics Karaoke 2.1.0
“Petitlyrics Karaoke” is freeKaraokeapplication which has 1 million lylics, for karaoke.You can easily enjoy Karaoke on your smartphone with the songyouusually listen.This is the full-fledged karaoke application which havescoring,slide show, ranking function.■ New Functions* Microphone function* Enjoy Scoring function by original algorithm withpetitlyricskaraoke.* Check the your singing voice by using recording function.* Choose the background which suited music by the slide showwhichcan be set up for every music.■ Special Features- Automatically displays lylics (synchronized lylics)withdiscoloration and scrolling while you play songs onyoursmartphone-Easy to remove song’s vocal- You can enjoy more clear sounds with Karaoke version songs*- Available 4 type of ECHO mode ( OFF/BATHROOM/ROOM/HALL)- Available to change the key and the tempo, also keep the levelineach song-Playlist-A cooperation function with the onboard equipment correspondingtoa Pioneer "Linkwith mode"-If you have the song with lylics and without lylics(karaokeversion),you can match them and can enjoy as the karaoke song.You can also post your own synchronized lylics with“PetitLylicsMaker” for Android/iOS/PC(Windows)/Web browser if youcan’t findthe lylics.For more information : “PetitLylicsMaker(http://petitlyrics.com/)”(*)(*)”Petitlyrics maker” for Android/ iOS was available inMay2014!!■ Contactinfo_and_kara@petitlyrics.com■Work withAndroid 4.0 or later■ Microphone functionNot available for Android■ Copyright ■JASRAC:9010293030Y38026e-License:ID09010263JRC:X000215B17L■Twitter and Facebook--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/petitlyricsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/petitlyrics--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
採点カラオケ歌い放題 - うたスマ Movie 5.7
Total series 9.1 million DL topped! A free popular scoringkaraokeapp
MySoundカラオケ 1.2.19
いつでもどこでも楽しめる、本格カラオケアプリケーションです。最新の音楽から定番音楽まで、多数取り揃えております。ハイクオリティな音質のムービーカラオケや、お手本ボーカル入りのボーカル入りカラオケ、メロディ楽譜が表示されるスコアカラオケなどが定額歌い放題!アプリは無料!更に面倒な登録をしなくても無料で試聴可能♪【利用料金】月額648円 (全曲試聴可/初月無料)
music.jp音楽プレイヤー | 歌詞付き・ハイレゾ対応 v6.0.10
MTI Ltd.
Listen to music and see lyrics "music.jp Music Player"Ahigh-performance music player that allows you to watch 1.5millionsongs for free and practice karaoke!
SingPlay: Karaoke your MP3 4.3.5
KineMaster Corporation
Thank you for using SingPlay. The current SingPlay appwillbediscontinued and the newly updated SingPlay withmoreexcitingfeatures is now available on the app store. Theall-newSingPlayapp now has easy, yet powerful video-makingfeatures, soyou canpractice singing, as well as create superb coversong musicvideos.Try the all-new SingPlay app with excitinganduser-friendlyfeatures. Stay tuned for a more excitingvideo-makingexperience tocome on SingPlay!
Learn to Sing - Sing Sharp 5.0.11
Vocal Warm Up, Vocal Training, Voice Range, Singing Lessons byVocalCoach
1日15分で歌が上手くなる!”歌屋ボーカルトレーナー” 1.01
Utaya Vocal School
1日15分で歌が上手くなるアプリ!”歌屋ボーカルトレーナー”は”歌屋ボーカルスクール” http://utayavocal.net/にて実際のレッスンに使われている音源を採用した、本格的なボーカルトレーニングツールです。【使用方法】左上の”Basic:1”ボタンを押すと全ての練習曲が連続して再生されます(約15分)。ピアノの音に合わせて、”あっ、あっ、あっ・・・”と発声してみてください。慣れてきたら以下のような練習にもトライしましょう。”あー、あー、あー・・・””なー、なー、なー・・・””まっ、まっ、まっ・・・””ねぃ、ねぃ、ねぃ・・・”その他いろいろな言葉での発声を行ってみてください。15分1セットの発声練習はボイトレやカラオケ前のウォームアップにも最適です。また個々のボタンで各練習曲が再生できますので、同じ練習曲で繰り返しトレーニングすることも可能です。その他本アプリの詳しい使い方については、以下動画をご覧ください。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEziswouLf8【免責事項】本アプリの使用によって使用者または第三者が被った直接的または間接的ないかなる損害についても当方は一切責任を負いかねますのでご了承下さい。Well the song in15minutes a day made app!"Uta-ya vocal trainer" is "Uta-ya vocal school" was adoptedsoundsource that is used in the actual lessons at http://utayavocal.net/, it is afull-fledgedvocal training tool.[How to use]The upper left corner of the "Basic: 1" all of etude When youpressthe button will be played continuously (about 15 minutes). Tothesound of the piano, "there, there, there ..." Please trytoutter.As you become accustomed to the practice, such as:Let'stry."Uh, uh, uh ...""Na, Na, Na ...""Wait, wait, wait ...""Ne~i, Ne~i, Ne~i ..."Please try doing the speaking in various other words.15 minutes 1 set of vocal exercises is also ideal forwarm-upbefore Boitore and karaoke. Also you can play each etudewithindividual buttons, so it is also possible to repeat trainingatthe same etude.For more information on how to use the other thisapplication,please refer to the video below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEziswouLf8[Disclaimer]Please understand us because not assume responsibility also forthedirect or indirect any damage the user or third party sufferedbythe use of this application.
iSing - Sing Your Favourite Songs! 3.108
iSing Sp. z o.o.
Do you love singing or you'd like to learnhowto sing that song you've had on your mind? iSing is a karaokeappthat offers free access to hundreds of songs. It's easy to use,funto sing and play with.Use our app to sing along to best quality backing tracks rightonyour Android smartphone, wherever you are. From now on, youcanalways sing your favourite songs on iSing.iSing was founded in 2009 as a Polish web karaoke app. Since thenitbecame a place to go for singing lovers, which drives us tobuildhigh quality backing tracks catalogue with most popularsongs.iSing App is:• Free access to all songs• Hundreds of karaoke songs including greatest hits• New releases each Friday• Highest quality backing tracks you'll find nowhere else• Easy to sing, innovative karaoke animation by iSing• Each song available in 2 versions: for beginners (withguidemelody) and for pro singers (just like you)• Change song key while singing• Search and browse by genres• Curated songs lists• Explore popular recordings• Create your own profile• Subscribe talented singersIt is completely new version of iSing for Android. We areworkinghard on adding more features, which will come soon in theupdates.We'd love to hear from you about our app. If you have anyfeaturerequests or comments don't hesitate to contact usat:contact@ising.com
Your Voice - sing Karaoke song
Your Voice
♬ It is the app for you if you have everwishedto craft and create successful music on your own. Your Voicewillhelp you practice to be a better singer and performer and alsoshareyour performances with the rest of the world.Description♬ Your Voice is a free Karaoke app that offers millions ofsongsfrom YouTube database. It will be fun and quite easy to singalongto your favorite song. In fact, you can also recordyourselfsinging or dancing in a video. At the click of a button,you cansend this video to all your friends and loved ones, as wellasprofessionals in the music industry. Sharing videos iscompatiblewith Facebook, SMS, Whatsapp, Google+ and many otheroptions.Benefits♬ We use in an immense database of all the songs and musicvideosthat you could ever think of. We are constantly updatingourcollection of music from YouTube and cataloguing them eachandevery day. This means that you will have an unlimited musiclibrarythat you can use to create your own karaoke video and musictracksat your own pleasure.♬ Creating your own karaoke music videos has never been thiseasy,and the fact that you can easily share your own videos withtherest of the world. This can be done through many socialmediaplatforms such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Google+, among manyothers.You can also watch and rate other videos from other users oftheapp.Download Your Voice today and tap into that hidden talentforamazing results!✉ For a questions or suggestions, connectus!yourvoice990@gmail.comVisit: http://www.singkaraokesong.com/Like us onFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/yourvoiceapp?fref=ts+1 us onGoogle+:https://plus.google.com/117980630452589503031/aboutFollow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/yourvoice990*We will promote the best video clips which will be uploadedtoyoutube via this app
ギタースコア見放題 ギタナビJOYSOUND 2.2.5
\ Renewed and powered up / Display guitar chords and guitar /bassscore according to karaoke sound source. Equipped with key /tempochange, tuner, etc.!
The application which manages a repertoire of karaoke.
Midifun Karaoke 11.44
Midifun is your offline, free karaoke for Android.
ボーカラ 2.11.0
hit apps
JOYSOUND, the song list of Vocaloid that are delivered in DAM.Andto hear the song in Nico Nico Douga, you can see the lyricsinHatsune Miku Wiki.
OTO-Mii 2.5.0
"OTO-Mii" is a music recognition application.
Bollywood, Hindi &Eng Karaoke 2.8.0
Millions of Hindi, Bollywood, English,Chinese,Japanese, Thai, Portuguese karaokes for FREE. Plus, iSingkaraoke isalso ad-free.iSing has now a brand new karaoke app named Gaao karaokewithunlimited Hindi, English and Bollywood Karaoke songs andartistsavailable for Gaao singers and especially forIndiasingers.Download and sing in Gaao now, experience a totallyfreshway to play music! Just sing!Download Gaao for free here:https://app.appsflyer.com/in.gaao.karaoke?pid=iSingBanner&c=4.15iSing Karaoke is unlimited, free access to all yourBollywood,Hindi, English, and Indian regional songs, and otherinternationalsongs wherever you go. Find your favorite Bollywood,Hindi andEnglish songs, sing like your favorite Indian andInternationalartists, record your own covers in your style, andshow off yourcover songs to the world by Facebook, Twitter,Google+, Whatsapp,Line...iSing is highly recommended by more than 40 big names ofpressmedia such as The Economic Times, Product Hunt, Yahoo News,TheIndianExpress, Deccan Chronicle,TechPP and so on. From thenewestsongs to hard-to-find classics, you can enjoy millions oftracksacross Hindi, Bollywood, English, Chinese, Taiwanese,Japanese,Thai, Portuguese karaoke for totally free.SINGBrowse through an endless catalogue of karaokes from a varietyofgenres and themes to find songs sung by your favorite artistssuchas Arijit Singh, Atif Aslam, Alia Bhatt, Bombay Jayshree,Jessie J,Jason Derulo, and Linkin Park, Jason Derulo, KylieMinogue, XAmbassadors, OMI, Carly Rae Jepsen, Charlie Puth, Silentoand manymore. Plus, sing in any language!RECORDOnce you’ve chosen a song, record your vocal track as you singalongto the lyrics, add some of our special voice effects likeecho andreverb if you like. You can re-record yourself as manytimes as youlike if you think you can do better.SHAREShare your performances with your friends on Facebook,Twitter,Whatsapp, Google+, WeChat, Line and many more so that youcan getmore fans.DISCOVERCheck out the covers sung by people nearby in iSing map andhangoutwith good singers in real life.---Unlimited Free Karaokes---Free access to all karaokes by Hindi, Bollywood, English,Chinese,Taiwanese, Japanese, Thai, Portuguese artists like ArijitSingh,Atif Aslam, Alia Bhatt, Bombay Jayshree, Jessie J, JasonDerulo,and Linkin Park, Jason Derulo, Kylie Minogue, X Ambassadors,OMI,Carly Rae Jepsen, Charlie Puth, Silento and many more. You canalsosing in free style by downloading "Sing without karaoke tracks"or"bina music ke gaana".---Hot Hindi and Bollywood Karaoke Songs---Tum Hi Ho - Arijit SinghZara Zara - Bombay JayshreeJeena Jeena - Atif Aslammuskurane ki wajah - Arijit SinghMain Hoon Hero Tera - Salman Khansamjhawan unplugged - Alia BhattDheere Dheere - Honey SinghMohabbat Barsa dena - Arijit SinghMere Sapno Ki Raani - Kishore KumarHasi ban gaye female - Hamari Adhuri KahaniIf you have any questions, or you want to request songs,pleasefeel free to contact us in the following ways:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iSingAppFacebook (Indian users): https://www.facebook.com/iSingAppINGooglecommunity:https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101543796215907421653Twitter: https://twitter.com/iSing_OfficialiSing Official ID: ising_officialEmail: support@appising.com
FunSing - Karaoke Studio Pro 20150202
Welcome to FunSing - the must-have tool for all karaoke-aholics.FunSing is one of the best free karaoke app that makes yourphoneor tab a virtual stage where you will showcase your beautifulvoiceand get to shine. Let’s find out how this amazing app growyourinner talent.To make the first step on your way to a superstar, open themusiccatalogue and you will be astonished at the enormous sourceofYouTube’s karaoke videos, by hundreds of famous artists, inavariety of genres. This is where you can find any latest hitsinpop, rock, country and many more. Plus, it is possible for youtoeasily search tracks by name of your favorite songs oryouridols.Open a song then it’s time to rule the rhythm and give yourbestperformance. Once your recording is done, on-hand effects arereadyto make it sound pro, just like in a recording studio. Now younolonger sing along a star, you yourself sing like a star!With FunSing, it’s never been easier to rock the world!!!JoinFunSing community to get friends and get fans! Share yourshiningvoice on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks… andhave itloved!What’s new?FunSing is now spruced up for Material Design, which presentsacleaner look and lively motion. The app works in both landscapeandportrait modes, so it fits every device. More interestingly,newtheme colors are just added to help refresh yourvisualexperience.Go get us for free on Google Play right now! We music loversarewaiting for you.Favorable features:✓ A huge catalogue of best YouTube karaoke videos.✓ Awesome sound effects to perfect your performances.✓ Share your record on Facebook and other social networks.✓ Totally free to sing karaoke.✓ Styled in Material Design, both landscape and portraitviewssupported, various theme colors.Let’s start right now and find out how this amazing androidappgive you plenty of opportunities to develop your talent.We love to hear from you, please email us at support@rubycell.com
Học Tiếng Anh Qua Hát Karaoke 5.0
Tiện ích việt
Học tiếng anh qua hát karaoke cung cấp chobạnmột danh sách các bài hát tiếng anh nổi tiếng.Bạn có thể hát karaoke tiếng anh qua đó nâng cao khả năngtiếnganh của mình một cách thú vị nhất không gây nhàm chánNgoài ra ứng dụng cũng cung cấp cho các bạn 100 bài học tiếnganhgiao tiếp thông dụng, với bài tập hay, giọng đọc chuẩn. Cungcấp chocác bạn những tình huống giao tiếp thông dụng nhất, haygặpỨng dụng có giao diện thân thiện, dễ sử dụng.Learning Englishthroughkaraoke gives you a list of popular English songs.You can sing karaoke english thereby improving theirEnglishability in a most interesting not boringIn addition the app also gives you 100 English lessonscommoninterface, with homework, standardized voice. Gives youthecommunication situations most commonly used, commonThe application has friendly interface, easy to use.
Lourdes Lopera
Free Karaoke with pop music, rock, classical and latin songs