برترین 18 بازی مشابه به 101 Jumping

Ski Nation 1.15
Skination developer
The Ski Nation mobile app featuresupdatedsnowconditions, trail reports, trail maps, photos,andresortinformation for more than 950 ski areas in North America.Allskivenues are pre-loaded on Ski Nation includingdownhillalpineareas, cross-country, and ski jumps. The listincludesmajorresorts, regional areas, local ski hills, andcommunityfacilities.More areas will be added as they arefound.Skiers and snowboarders can collect free digital pins totrackalifetime of all the places they’ve been, how many seasonsonsnow,gear preferences, skill, and more. The pins can besharedwithfriends on Facebook, Twitter, or email with links totheresortswhere collected.Ski Nation is FREE and for all skiers and snowboardersregardlessofage, experience, skill, or their home mountain. Userscanbuildtheir on-snow profile for nine gear categories, homeskiarea,favorite mountain, skill and first time on skis.The first version of Ski Nation is a starting platform tobuildanopen, independent, and comprehensive network forskiersandindustry members to connect.Ski Nation is built by skiers without control by asingleresort,manufacturer, media company, or marketing agency.It’sabroad-based free flow of information and a way for smallskiareaoperators and gear companies to participate in the mobileapparenaregardless of their financial resources.For skiers, it’s free and their personal information issecure.Inaddition to ski area vitals, the mobile app rotatestriviatidbitsto engage users in the rich history and culture ofridingsnow.Future plans include the opportunity for resorts,gearcompanies,and sponsors to make information and offersavailabledirectly toskiers on an opt-in basis.
101 Schooling 2.14.049
Would you love to have Jaki Bell’sfoundationalbook 101 Schooling Exercises for Horse & Riderwith you at alltimes? The 101 SCHOOLING mobile app gives you justthat, the abilityto quickly access each of the 101 exercises viayour Android or iOSdevice.These exercises are for riders who want to improve their ownandtheir horse’s skills. Whether you want to increase yourhorse’sbalance, generate impulsion, or try more advancedlateralexercises, these easy-to-follow exercises include alltheinformation you need to ride the movement correctly.The 101 Schooling mobile app is easy to use. It is set up likeadeck of cards, each card featuring one of the 101 exercises.Thetop face of the card provides an arena diagram or anillustrationof the exercise. Faces two and three take youstep-by-step throughthe exercise and provide tips for what to do ifit’s not working.Additional highlights of the 101 Schooling appinclude:COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION – 101 exercises coveringthesefundamental areas of mastery:• Engagement• Adjustability• Rhythm Balance Impulsion• Supple and Straight• Even on Both Sides• Loose and AgilePREMIUM CONTENT – the same content found in Jaki Bell’sbookincluding favourite training exercises from celebrities oftheequestrian world including Pippa Funnell, Richard Davidson andMaryKing, and attributes such as:• Expert design – instructional materials developed and used bytheworld's most preeminent riders• Highly intelligible layout – exercises containillustrativediagrams, keys, clear descriptions, and specialtips• Lasting relevance – riders of all levels will perpetuallybenefitby using this app as a training reference• Variety – enough depth of content to keep horse and riderengaged– not boredBROAD UTILITY – the ideal solution for:• All riding disciplines – a focus on dressage skills,yetapplicable to all English and Western horses & riders• Horses of all levels – helps any horse become more supple,strong,flexible, and responsive• Riders of any ability – plenty of exercises for beginners, yetawide variety of exercises for advanced riders• Individuals, Trainers, and Students – adaptable to self-taughtandformal instruction situations• Coaches – use these exercises to bring variety to yourinstructionand to make sure your students understand what homeworkyou’d likethem to do• Growth and improvement – additional content will be availabletokeep pace with your expanding riding interestsINTUITIVE INTERFACE – features that provide flexibility andeaseof use, like:• Simplicity – as easy to use as a deck of cards• Structure – logical grouping of exercises into handy,color-codedcategories• Configurability – filter exercise categories to focus on justtheareas you need• Accessibility – view exercises one-by-one, as a list, in avisualflow, or with a random “Surprise Me” option• Outreach – in-app tools for additional information andconnectionsto the rider communityALWAYS ACCESSIBLE• At the barn – when you’re tacked-up and ready to ride• At home – when you’re planning your ride• On the go – when you’ve got a few minutes to spare and you'vegotriding on your mindThe 101 Schooling Exercises for Horse & Rider appwillprovide ongoing benefits and is the perfect way to utilizetheconvenience and technology of your mobile device to enhanceyourhorse and rider journey.
Show Jump Distances for Horses 1.0
Grey Mare
A quick reference to horse jumpingdistances.Aguide to setting distances between poles and jumpsforshowjumpingpractice on your horse or pony and to helpmeasuredistances whenwalking a show jumping course.- Table of guide distances between trotting poles and oneortwostride doubles.- Customise for your own stride.- Customise for different horse or pony stride lengthss.- Customise to show distances in feet or metres.
101 Western Dressage 2.14.049
Following on the heels of the highlysuccessful101 Dressage mobile app, the 101 Western Dressage appfeatures 101exercises designed by Jec Aristotle Ballou andproduced by UnbridledRIder especially for Western Dressagestudents, instructors andtrainers.Fun, convenient, and comprehensive, this new app is availableforuse on your Android and iOS devices. 101 Western Dressage nowtakesits place among the most critical tools for equestrians toown.Recreational and competitive riders alike will find answers totheirtraining challenges and exercises to make progress in theirriding.This new app delivers clear diagrams and step-by-stepinstructionsfor schooling patterns promising to help riders andthe horsesadvance. Additional highlights of the 101 WesternDressage appinclude:COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION – 101 exercises coveringthesefundamental riding goals:• Softness• Looseness• Rider Development• Engagement• AdjustabilityPREMIUM CONTENT – exercises constructed by Jec AristotleBallou,author of best-selling 101 Dressage Exercises for Horse& Riderbook and now much sought after Western Dressageclinician.Attributes include:• Expert design – instructional materials developed and used bytheworld's most preeminent riders• Highly intelligible layout – exercises containillustrativediagrams, keys, clear descriptions, and specialtips• Lasting relevance – riders of all levels will perpetuallybenefitby using this app as a training reference• Variety – enough depth of content to keep horse and riderengaged– not boredBROAD UTILITY – the ideal solution for:• Western Dressage Riders … or those English riders that want toadda little Western flavor to their journey – or those Westernriderswho want to incorporate the proven benefits of dressage intotheirriding and training regime• Horses of all levels – helps any horse become more supple,strong,flexible, and responsive• Riders of any ability – plenty of exercises for beginners, yetawide variety of exercises for advanced riders• Individuals, Trainers, and Students – adaptable to self-taughtandformal instruction situations• Coaches – use these exercises to bring variety to yourinstructionand to make sure your students understand what homeworkyou’d likethem to do• Growth and improvement – additional content will be availabletokeep pace with your expanding riding interestsINTUITIVE INTERFACE – features that provide flexibility andeaseof use, like:• Simplicity – as easy to use as a deck of cards• Structure – logical grouping of exercises into handy,color-codedcategories• Configurability – filter exercise categories to focus on justtheareas you need• Accessibility – view exercises one-by-one, as a list, in avisualflow, or with a random “Surprise Me” option• Outreach – in-app tools for additional information andconnectionsto the rider communityALWAYS ACCESSIBLE• At the barn – when you’re tacked-up and ready to ride• At home – when you’re planning your ride• On the go – when you’ve got a few minutes to spare and you'vegotriding on your mindThe 101 Western Dressage app will provide ongoing benefits andisthe perfect way to utilize the convenience and technology ofyourmobile device to enhance your horse and rider journey.
Klimke Pferde Training 1.5.0
Trainieren wie die OlympiasiegerinIngridKlimke! Mit interaktivem Trainingsplan für jedes Pferd! ImmerzurHand: Zahlreiche Lehrinhalte, 45 Min. Film, Fotos,persönlicheTipps der Profireiterin sowie Cavaletti- undHindernisaufbauten!Schluss mit dem alltäglichen Trott! Pferdeausbildung sollSpaßmachen, Pferde zum Glänzen und Reiter zum Strahlen bringen.Mitdieser App wird auch Ihr Training bereichert und dieAusbildungIhres Pferdes unterstützt!Wie genau, lesen Sie hier:--------------------------------------------TRAININGSPLAN FÜR BELIEBIG VIELE PFERDEErstellen Sie Trainingspläne, die Ihnen helfen die Arbeit mitIhremPferd strukturierter und abwechslungsreicher zu gestalten.WählenSie zwischen verschiedenen Themen wie Dressur, Springen,Reiten imGelände, Longieren oder Pferdewellness und fügen SieindividuelleAusbildungsschwerpunkte hinzu.AUSBILDUNG MIT INGRID KLIMKEProfitieren Sie vom Wissen der Olympiasiegerin undWeltmeisterin.Sie ist eine der wenigen Reiterinnen der Welt, diesowohl in derDressur als auch in der Vielseitigkeit internationalerfolgreichreitet. In zahlreichen Videos, Texten und Grafikenerklärt sie dieklassischen Grundsätze der Pferdeausbildung. Anerster Stelle stehtdabei die Gesunderhaltung des Pferdes und einvielseitiges,abwechslungsreiches und motivierendes Training.Jedes Pferd, egal in welcher Disziplin es geritten wird,profitiertvon dieser Ausbildung. Freizeitreiter und Turnierreiterwerdengleichermaßen angesprochen.CAVALETTI- UND HINDERNISAUFBAUTENDie App enthält eine Vielzahl an Aufbauskizzen für das Spring-undCavalettitraining, die sie auf Ihrem Handy jederzeitabrufenkönnen.GANZ EINFACH: AUSWERTUNG DES TRAININGSBewerten Sie jede Trainingseinheit mit einem 5-PunkteSystem.Erstellen Sie mit wenigen Klicks Ihre eigene Statistik fürden vonIhnen gewünschten Zeitraum.TRAINING IN ERINNERUNG BEHALTENMachen Sie Notizen zu den Trainingseinheiten oder halten SieschöneMomente durch Fotos fest!MIT FREUNDEN AUF FACEBOOK TEILEN--------------------------------------------Nutzen Sie den Wissensschatz einer Olympiasiegerin überall: AufdemReitplatz, im Gelände oder abends auf dem Sofa und gestaltenSieIhr Training zum Wohl Ihres Pferdes.Es lohnt sich!--------------------------------------------Diese vielseitige App enthält Videos, Fotos und Grafiken ineinemGesamtumfang von ca. 350 MB, die innerhalb der App separatundeinmalig heruntergeladen werden müssen.BITTE BEACHTEN SIE DABEI FOLGENDE HINWEISE:- Der Download kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen - eineschnelleWLAN Verbindung wird dringend empfohlen!- Erforderliche SPEICHERKAPAZITÄT Ihres Smartphones: Ca. 350MBINTERNER SPEICHER- Der Download kann auch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkterfolgen,wenn Sie über eine schnelle WLAN Verbindung verfügen.Train like IngridKlimkethe Olympic champion! With interactive training plan foreachhorse! Always at hand: Numerous instructional content, 45minsmovie photos, personal advice of a professional rider andCavalettiand obstacle setups!An end to the daily grind! Horse training should be fun,bringhorses and riders to shine to shine. With this app, andyourtraining will enrich and support the training of yourhorse!How exactly do you read here:--------------------------------------------TRAINING PLAN FOR ANY MANY HORSESCreate training plans that help you work with your horse tomakestructured and varied. Choose between different topics suchasdressage, jumping, riding off-road, or lunging horses Wellnessandadd individual training focus.TRAINING WITH INGRID KLIMKEBenefit from the knowledge of Olympic and World Champion. She isoneof the few riders in the world, the internationally successfulridesin dressage as well as eventing. Many videos, text andgraphics itexplains the classical principles of horse training. Attheforefront is the health of the horse and a versatile, variedandmotivating workout.Each horse, no matter what discipline it is ridden, benefitedfromthis training. Recreational riders and competitive ridersareequally addressed.CAVALETTI STRUCTURES AND OBSTACLEThe app contains a variety of design sketches for the SpringandCavalettitraining that they can at any time on your cellphone.EASY: EVALUATION OF TRAININGEvaluate each workout with a 5-point system. Create your ownwithjust a few clicks statistics for the period you require.KEEP IN MEMORY TRAININGMake notes during the training sessions or hold tightbeautifulmoments through photos!WITH FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK SHARE--------------------------------------------Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge of Olympicchampioneverywhere: In the paddock, in the field or in the eveningon thesofa and make your training for the benefit of yourhorse.It's worth it!--------------------------------------------This versatile app includes videos, photos and graphics in atotalvolume of 350 MB which must be downloaded separately anduniquewithin the app.PLEASE NOTE THERE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:- The download may take some time - a fast wireless connectionishighly recommended!- Required CAPACITY your smartphone: Approx. 350 MBINTERNALMEMORY- The download can take place at a later date if you have afastwireless connection.
Horse Academy L1 Coaching 1 1.0.2
This equestrian training materialdesignedtoimprove the horse and rider’s skills is solely basedonMichelRobert’s method. Michel Robert is a renownedcoachandinternational rider, an Olympian medallist and aworldchampionshipmedallist.HORSE ACADEMY LEVEL 1 – COACHING 1 -APPLICATION CONTENT- 3 jumping exercises with an explanatory diagram of theset-upandsome specific advice from Michel Robert,- 30 minutes of explanatory videosThe Horse Academy horse riding applications are dividedintwolevels.-The first level is intended for riders at any level-The second level is intended for advanced ridersA closer look of the horse jumping exercises level1-coaching1:- FUN HORSE RIDING GYMNASTIC IN PREPARATION FOR SHOWSThis course that alternates straight lines and successiveturns,isan excellent gymnastic to break down a course and prepareeachpartof it. Despite the difficulty of this exercise, it is safeanditwill become fun for the horse and rider.Time: 13 min- IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF THE CANTER ON A COURSEThis exercise helps the horse reorganize its canterbetweenthejumps, thanks to the ground poles. This workisparticularlyrecommended for horses with a tendency to disunitethecanter(cross cantering) in turns.Time: 8 min 30- TRAINING ON A SUCCESSION OF JUMPSOne of the keys to a successful course is to be readyforeverythingat all time: jump, turn, stop, slow down, orspeedup…Time: 9 minTHE HORSE ACADEMY HORSE RIDING PROGRAMThis level 1-coaching 1 application is part of a series ofacoachingprogram intended to improve the riders and horses’skills.You willfind numerous educational sessions and exercisesdevelopedby MichelRobert, international show jumper andcoach.Michel Robert’s skills as a competitor, instructor, andhorsemanmakehim one of the most in demand professor aroundtheworld.Michel Robert’s titles:. A 40 year career at the highest world level. 5 times France champion. Multiple times medallist at the Olympics and theworldchampionshipin show jumping and eventing.. Winner of the Top Ten show jumping in 2008 and oftheGlobalChampions Tour in 2009Now, Michel Robert has the desire to pass on hisknowledgeandwork ethic. He’s the author of numerous books andDVDstranslatedin several languages. This teaching applicationcompleteshiswritings and his website “Horse Academy”.Each equestrian exercise enables you to work on somekeyelementsto progress: your position, the connection withyourhorse, thecontrol of gaits and rhythm, the quality of theturns,the approachof a fence, jumping, landing..It will also help you focus and test the control of yourmind,aswell as manage your emotions while on course.These horse riding exercises are also intended to makeyourhorseprogress.The variety of equestrian exercises will help yourhorseimprovein multiple ways: Improve his style and speed ofaction,mechanisehis gesture over fences, improve his straightnessoverlines offences or combinations, and improve the flexibility ofhisback andjoints. Your horse will be prepared to thechallengesofcompetition.Each horse jumping exercise is clearly organized into:> An explanatory text introducing the goal and the progressofthework session.> A diagram showing the distances, type of fences,tracktofollow. All the information needed to set-up the exerciseinyourring are provided.> And a video of the horse jumping exercise that willallowyouto fully take advantage of Michel Robert’s advice. Insomevideos,Michel Robert practices himself the exercise whichgivesyou theopportunity to learn from his position, his physicalandmentalability to follow the movement whatever the set-up oftheexercise orthe horse’s attitude. In other videos, Michelteaches aridingstudent which will give you the opportunity tounderstandhow tosolve your own issues if you have some.
Türkiye Kayak Federasyonu 1.0
TKF.org.tr mobil uygulaması ileTürkiyeKayakFederasyonu (TKF), ulusal ve uluslararası tümalpdisiplini,biathlon, kayaklı koşu, kayakla atlama, snowboard,kuzeykombineile ilgili etkinlik takvimini, yarışma sonuçlarını,millitakımlarile ilgili haberlere ve daha fazlasına ulaşın.TKF.org.tr mobil uygulamasını indirenlerTürkiye’dekikayakmerkezleri ve kayak merkezlerindeki hava durumuileilgilibilgilere ulaşabilecek, aynı zamandakulüpler,sporcular,antrenörler, hakemler , sezon etkinlik takvimive kayakcamiası ileilgili haberlere erişebilecekler.İÇERİKLER- Türkiye Kayak Federasyonu (TKF) hakkındaki son haberler- Alp Disiplini, Snowboard, Kayaklı Koşu, KayaklaAtlama,Biatlon,Kuzey Kombine, Tekerlekli- Kayak ile ilgili son haberler ve fotolar- Kayak Sezonu etkinlik Takvimi, tüm branşlardakiyarışmasonuçları- K1, K2 ligleri ile ilgili bütün haberler veyarışmasonuçları- Milli takımlar ile ilgili tüm gelişmeler ve kamplar- Türkiye Kayak Federasyonu’nun (TKF) statü ve talimatları- Sporcu profilleri- Eğitmenler, Antrenör ve Hakem profilleriTÜRKİYE’DE KAYAKAlp Disiplini HakkındaOlimpik kış sporları kapsamda yer almaktadır. Alpdisiplinikarsporları içinde en çok ilgi gören branşlarındandır.Alpdisipliniyarışmaları; hız ve teknik yarışmalar olarak ikibaşlıkaltındatoplanabilir. Hız yarışmaları; İniş (Dawnhill-DH) veSuper G(SG),Teknik yarışmalar; Büyük Slalom (GS) ve Slalom (SL)veparalel(P)yarışmalardır.Kayaklı Koşu HakkındaKayaklı koşu engebeli (iniş-çıkış) ve düz arazideyapılan,çokfazla enerji sarfedilen bir yarışma türüdür.Kayağındiğerbranşlarıyla karşılaştırıldığında en tehlikesizi,ancakenzahmetlisidir.Kayaklı koşu yarışmaları:Bireysel yarışmalar (INDIVUDUAL), Süratyarışmaları(SPRİNT),Takip yarışları (PURSUİT),Toplu çıkış şeklindeyapılanyarışmalar(MASS START), Takım-Bayrak yarışmaları (RELAY)Snowboard HakkındaEn genel anlamıyla karda sörf yapmakolaraktanımlanabilir.Snowboard'ın gelişmesinin mimarı,BurtonCarpenter'dir. Snowboard 3kategoriye ayrılır. Serbeststil(freestyle) alt kategoriieri(Slopestyle, halfstyle, bigair),Alpdisiplini (parelel büyükslalom ve paralel slalom) vesnowboardboardercross (sbx).Kayaklı Atlama HakkındaKuzey Disiplini branşlarından olan KayaklaAtlama;farklıölçülerdeki rampalardan (tramplen) aşağıkaymayı,havalanmayı,mümkün olduğunca ileriye atlamayı ve ardındanyumuşakbir biçimdeen uzak noktaya konmayı içeren birspordur.Kayaklaatlamada olimpikyarışmalar K-95 ve K-125tepelerinden oluşanrampalardan yapılır.Bu rampaların yanı sıra;antrenman amaçlı vediğer küçükyarışmalarda kullanılan K–5 metredenbaşlayan farklıbüyüklüklerderampalar da mevcuttur.Kayakla atlama; aşağıdaki bölümlerden oluşur :1- Rampadan Kayma (İnrun)2- Rampadan Ayrılma (Take-Off)3- Uçuş (Flying)4- Yere Konma (Landing)5- Duruş ve Çıkış (Outrun)Biathlon HakkındaTürkçe karşılık olarak, atışlı kayakkrosolarakadlandırabileceğimiz Biathlon olimpik bir kışsporudur.Kayaklıkoşuda olduğu gibi parkurun çıkış-varış bölgesinegelenyarışçı,atış poligonu bölgesine gelerek kendi hedefineatışınıyapar.Geçersiz her atış için ceza turu atar. Bunu takibensonrakiturageçer. Biathlon yarışma çeşitleri;Bireyselyarışmalar(INDIVUDUAL), Sürat yarışmaları (SPRINT) ,Takipyarışları(PURSUIT)Toplu çıkış şeklinde yapılan yarışmalar (MASSSTART),Takım-Bayrakyarışmaları (RELAY)Kuzey Kombine HakkındaKuzey kombine, kayaklı atlama ve kayaklı koşunun birarayagelmişhalidir; iki gün süren bir rekabete dayanır. Birincigündekayaklaatlama, ikinci günde kayaklı koşuetkinliklerigerçekleştirilir.Atletler yarışlarda bireysel,sprint vetakımhalinde yeralırlar.tkf.org.t isTurkeySkiFederation with the mobile application (TKF),nationalandinternational alpine skiing, biathlon, cross countryrunning,skijumping, snowboarding, Nordic combined withrelatedactivitiescalendar, contest results, the news about thenationalteam andmore contact.tkf.org.t are those who download the mobile applicationwillhaveaccess to information about the weather in ski resortsandskicenters in Turkey, but also clubs, athletes,coaches,referees,will have access to news about the season eventscalendarand skicommunity. INGREDIENTS- Turkey Ski Federation (TKF) about the latest news- Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, Cross-Country Skiing,SkiJumping,Cross-Country Skiing, Nordic Combined, Wheel- The latest news and photos about Ski- Ski Season Calendar of events, the competition resultsinallbranches- K1, K2 all news and competition results related leagues- All the developments related to national teams and camps- Turkey Ski Federation (TKF) status and instructions- Athlete profiles- Trainers, Coaches and Referees profilesSKIING IN TURKEYAbout AlpineOlympic winter sports are included in the scope. Alpineskiingisone of the most coveted in the snow sports industry.Alpineskiingcompetitions; the speed and technical competition canbegroupedunder two headings. Speed ​​contests; Downhill(DHDawnhill) andSuper G (SG), Technical competitions; GiantSlalom(GS) and Slalom(SL) and parallel (P) are the contest.About Cross Country RunningSki running rough (ups and downs), and made in a flat land,alotof energy is a kind of competition exerted. The mostdangerousincomparison with other branches of the ski, butthemosttroublesome.Ski running contests:Individual competitions (indivudual), Speed​​races(Sprint),Track races (Pursuit) competitions in the formofcollective output(MASS START), Team-flag contests (RELAY)About SnowboardingDefined as surfing the card with the most generalsense.Thearchitect of the development of snowboarding wasBurtonCarpenter.Snowboarding is divided into 3 categories.Freestyle(freestyle)kategoriier the bottom (slopestyle, halfstyl,youBigai), alpineskiing (parallel giant slalom and parallelslalom)and snowboardboardercross (SBX).About Ski JumpingJump to ski one of the Nordic branch; the ramps ofdifferentsizes(trampoline) down shift, aeration, jump as far aspossibleand thengently Olympic competitions in jumping to aspordur.kayaklcontainingto be the most distant point of K-95 andK-125 hill madeof rampconsisting of. The ramp as well; used fortraining andother smallercompetitions in different sizes from K-5in thestarting ramp metersare available.Ski jumping; consists of the following parts:1. ramp from sliding (INRA's)2. Withdrawal from the ramp (Take-Off)3. Flight (Flying)4- place to perch (Landing)5. Stop and Exit (Outrun)About BiathlonIn Turkish, shot skiing is a winter sport might becalledOlympicBiathlon cross. Racers from the track'soutput-destinationregionsas well as to ski parallel, makes thethrow to theirdestinationcame to the shooting range. Assigns thetour penaltyfor each shotinvalid. Subsequently, through the nextround.Biathlon competitionsvarieties; Individualcompetitions(indivudual), Speed​​competitions (SPRINT), Track races(PURSUIT)competitions in theform of collective output (MASSSTART),Team-flag contests(RELAY)About Nordic CombinedNordic combined, ski jumping and cross country runningisthestate have come together; based on the two-daycompetition.Firstday ski jumping, cross country running events areheld onthesecond day. Athletes in individual race, sprint and teameventtakeplace.
Onet Sport - wyniki na żywo 3.2.4
Grupa Onet.pl S.A.
Onet Sport – wyniki na żywoSport, wyniki i transmisje na żywo w Onet Sport. Wiadomości,tabele,wyniki live, wideo. Najchętniej odwiedzany serwis sportowyw Polsce.Najbardziej aktualne informacje i ekskluzywne materiałyze światasportu, zaprezentowane w atrakcyjnej i przyjaznejformie.Tekstowe relacje na żywo, wyniki na żywo - livescore.Terminarzrozgrywek.Onet Sport to dyscypliny i rozgrywki:- piłka nożna (reprezentacja Polski, Adam Nawałka, ZbigniewBoniek,Robert Lewandowski)- Ekstraklasa, 1 liga (Legia Warszawa, Wisła Kraków, LechPoznań,Śląsk Wrocław)- Liga Mistrzów, Liga Europy- Liga hiszpańska (Primera Division, Real Madryt, FCBarcelona,Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar, GarethBale)- Liga niemiecka (Bundesliga, Bayern Monachium, BorussiaDortmund,Robert Lewandowski, Jakub Błaszczykowski, ŁukaszPiszczek)- Liga angielska (Premier League, Manchester United,ManchesterCity, Chelsea, Arsenal, Wojciech Szczęsny)- Liga włoska (Serie A, Juventus, AC Milan, Inter Mediolan,KamilGlik)- Liga francuska (Ligue 1, PSG, Olympique Lyon,ZlatanIbrahimovic)- siatkówka (Liga światowa, Plus Liga, Orlen Liga,reprezentacjaPolski, PGE Skra Bełchatów, Asseco Resovia, ZAKSA,Mariusz Wlazły,Bartosz Kurek, Stephane Antiga)- koszykówka (PLK, PLKK, NBA, Marcin Gortat)- piłka ręczna (PGNiG Superliga, Vive Targi Kielce, OrlenWisłaPłock, reprezentacja Polski)- tenis (WTA, ATP, Agnieszka Radwańska, Jerzy Janowicz,RogerFederer, Novak Djoković, Rafael Nadal, Maria Szarapowa)- Motorowe (MotoGP, WRC, Robert Kubica, Rajd Dakar,KrzysztofHołowczyc)- F1 (Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull, Sebastian Vettel, LewisHamilton,Fernando Alonso)- żużel (Ekstraliga, Grand Prix, Tomasz Gollob, JarosławHampel,Falubaz)- skoki i biegi narciarskie (PŚ, TCS, Kamil Stoch, PiotrŻyła,Justyna Kowalczyk, Marit Bjoergen)- boks (WBC, WBO, IBF, WBA, Artur Szpilka, KrzysztofWłodarczyk,Władimir Kliczko, Tomasz Adamek)- MMA (KSW, UFC, Mamed Chalidow, Mariusz Pudzianowski,MichałMaterla, Tomasz Drwal, Joanna Jędrzejczyk)- kolarstwo (UCI, Tour de Pologne, Tour de France, GiroItalia,Vuelta Espana, Amstel Gold Race, Michał Kwiatkowski,RafałMajka)- inne (hokej, NHL, snooker, rugby, podnoszenie ciężarów,tenisstołowy, szermierka, kajakarstwo)Gdy już zaspokoisz swoją sportową ciekawość, możesz sięzrelaksowaćprzeglądając kategorię ofsajd, gdzie serwujemyinformacje dotyczącegwiazd sportu z przymrużeniem oka.Aplikacja dla każdego kibica.Onet Sport -livescoresSport, results and live broadcasts in Onet Sport. News, tables,livescores, video. Most visited sports site in Poland. For themostcurrent information and exclusive materials from the world ofsport,presented in an attractive and user-friendly form.Text coverage of live events, live results - livescore. Scheduleofgames.Onet Sport is discipline and gameplay:- Football (the Polish national team, Adam Nawałka, ZbigniewBoniek,Robert Lewandowski)- Premier 1 league (Legia Warsaw, Wisla Krakow, Lech Poznan,SlaskWroclaw)- Champions League, Europa League- Liga (Primera Division, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona,​​CristianoRonaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar, Gareth Bale)- The German league (Bundesliga, Bayern Munich, BorussiaDortmund,Robert Lewandowski, Jakub Błaszczykowski, ŁukaszPiszczek)- English League (Premier League, Manchester United,ManchesterCity, Chelsea, Arsenal, Wojciech Szczesny)- Italian League (Serie A, Juventus, AC Milan, Inter Milan,KamilGlik)- French league (Ligue 1, PSG, Olympique Lyon,ZlatanIbrahimovic)- Volleyball (the World League, Plus Liga, Liga Orlen, thePolishteam PGE Skra Belchatow, Asseco Resovia, ZAKSA, MariuszWlazły,Bartosz Kurek, Stephane Antiga)- Basketball (PLK, PLKK, NBA, Marcin Gortat)- Handball (PGNiG Superliga, Vive Kielce Trade Fairs OrlenWislaPlock, Polish national team)- Tennis (WTA, ATP, Agnieszka Radwanska, Jerzy Janowicz,RogerFederer, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Maria Sharapova)- Motor (MotoGP, WRC, Robert Kubica, Dakar,KrzysztofHolowczyc)- F1 (Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull, Sebastian Vettel, LewisHamilton,Fernando Alonso)- Slag (Extraliga, Grand Prix, Tomasz Gollob, JaroslawHampel,Falubaz)- Jumping and cross-country skiing (the World Cup, TCS, KamilStochand Piotr vein, Justyna Kowalczyk, Marit Bjoergen)- Boxing (WBC, WBO, IBF, WBA, Arthur Pin, KrzysztofWlodarczyk,Wladimir Klitschko and Tomasz Adamek)- MMA (NVS, UFC, Mamed Khalidov, Mariusz Pudzianowski,MichaelMaterla, Thomas Woodman, Joanna Jędrzejczyk)- Cycling (UCI, Tour de Pologne, the Tour de France, GiroItalia,Vuelta Espana, the Amstel Gold Race, Michael Kwiatkowski,RafalMajka)- Other (hockey, NHL, snooker, rugby, weightlifting, tabletennis,fencing, canoeing) Once you satisfy your curiosity sports, you can relaxbrowsingcategory Offside, serving information on sports stars witha grainof salt.The application for every fan.
Sportnachrichten - Sport News 4.2.0
Sports news for all Sports - Bundesliga, Formula 1, Tennis&More
The Chronicle of the Horse 6.1.0
The Chronicle of the Horse isanequestriansports news magazine covering hunters,jumpers,equitation,dressage, eventing, foxhunting andsteeplechasing.Published formore than 75 years, we’re the industryleader incoverage ofnational and international sport horsecompetitions,providingresults, compelling features, outstandingphotographsandthought-provoking commentary from industry experts.If you wanttoknow more than just who won—if you want to know howand why,andwhat that win means in the landscape of today’ssport—thentheChronicle is for you. Learn aboutindustryleaders—topprofessionals, aspiring juniors, and amateursjugglingthe sportwith a career—and trends, the issues affectingyour sport,and whatothers think about them. Our website, weeklymagazine andbimonthlylifestyle publication, Untacked, form theheart and soulof thesport horse community and an information hubfor those whodesireto live the active equestrian lifestyle. We’llbring youeverythingfrom what to wear and where to eat to how towin, alongwithinformed opinions on both sides of the biggest issuesintoday’ssport.
Dressage Lite for horse riders 7
Dressage Lite lets you design and share dressage diagrams.
ehorses 1.5.0
ehorses GmbH & Co. KG
Buy & sell horses
Good Horsemanship: Equestrian 1.0
Chocolate Lab Games
Horsemanship is a never endingeducation.Working in harmony with a horse is an art form, but it’snot meantto be rocket science. Understanding your horse’sperspective, beingable to work with your horse in his time andalways rememberingthat your horse has a reason for everything hedoes, are just someof the basic fundamentals of good horsemanship.Behind every greathorse is a great trainer, and behind every greattrainer is goodhorsemanship.This app contains:• An introduction to Good Horsemanship• Groundwork, including exercises in catching your horse,leading,standing still, good manners, riding preparations, touchingallover, confidence, stopping, hindquarter andforequarteryields• Training horses• Food• Turnout & stabling• Feet & farriers• Principals• Getting ‘on the bit’ and working with the horse• Ridden work• Solving problems• Changed behaviour• Safety• Not all about the money• The ‘why’• Should I buy a horse• Mature or young horse• The perfect fit• I want a pony• Irish HorsemanshipNote this app will need internet access on your deviceduringinstallation.
MB Stables 4.1.1
MB Stables is a primeinternationaladdressin the supply of showjumping horses & hunterswith winning potential.Top riders across the whole world ride horses fromourstable,ranging from talented horses to highly experienced sporthorses.This App has been constructed as an evolving communicationwithyou in mind.MB Stables is aprimeinternational addressin the supply or showjumping horses and hunterswith mining potential.Top riders across the whole world ride horses fromourstable,ranging from talented horses to highly experienced sporthorses.This App HAS BEEN constructed as an Evolving communicationwithyou in mind.
Smolov Squat Calculator 1.0.2
Calc the weights you should use for the 13-week Smolov and3-weekJr. protocols.
DRF Dressur 2.0.4
DRF - Dansk Ride Forbund
The official dressage app from the Danish Ride Federation2020version
On The Levels 1.0.0
A web application to accessyourOnTheLevels.com membership.A collaboration between the United States Dressage Federationandthe United States Equestrian Federation, On the Levelsprovidesexamples of the new Introductory through Fourth Leveldressagetests with commentary from top US trainers and judges,withsegments geared toward improving difficult movements ateachlevel.Each level includes:• An introduction to the aims and objectives of that level• The official PDF scoresheets with directives for dressagetestswithin each level• One sample ride per test along with accompanying narration• Tips for riding specific test movementsTo watch videos at OnTheLevels.com you must be connected totheInternet. For mobile, we recommend a 4G or Wi-Fi connection.
Equestrian Services 3
Tu contacto con el mundoecuestreenMéxicoYour contactwiththeequestrian world in Mexico