برترین 4 برنامه مشابه به 清境旅遊景點

走進南投 4.5
你知道怎樣玩南投最划算嗎?走進南投APP裡面有南投縣境內最新觀光活動訊息,農會的伴手好禮、觀光工廠的優惠訊息,還有眾多的優惠店家等著您,南投縣必吃、必住、必買的資訊這裡通通都有,另外還規劃了六大旅遊軸線,帶領您深入體驗不一樣的南投之美,趕快來下載喔!工作累了嗎?來趟南投之旅,日月潭、清境農場、合歡山、集集小火車、東埔溫泉...讓您的身心靈澈底放鬆吧!Do you know how toplaythebest deal Nantou it?APP which has entered the territory of Nantou Nantoulatesttoursmessage, agriculture will Souvenir Gifts,concessionsmessagesightseeing factory, there are many discountstores waitingforyou,Nantou County will eat, will live, will have to buyalltheinformation here, in addition to planning a six axistravel,andlead you in-depth experience the beauty of Nantou's notthesame,up to download Oh!Work tired? Journey to wade Nantou, the Sun MoonLake,Chingjingfarm, Mt. Chichi train, Dongpu spa ... let your bodyandmind relaxfully implements it!
南投旅遊景點地圖 0.0.1
南投縣位於台灣本島中心地帶,是台灣唯一不靠海的縣。由於濁水溪、烏溪等河流的源頭都在此,加上動、植物的生態資源相當豐富,因此南投縣享有「大地之母」的美譽,並且擁有最美麗的湖泊-日月潭及豐富的原住民文化Nantou County islocatedinthe heart of the island of Taiwan, the sea is not theonlycounty inTaiwan. Since the source of LTK, Wu River andotherrivers are inthis, coupled with dynamic and very richecologicalresources ofplants, so enjoy Nantou County "MotherEarth" in theworld, and hasthe most beautiful lakes - Sun MoonLake and therich Aboriginalculture
南投好好玩 4.02.10
"Have fun in Nantou" brings together well-known touristproductssuch as Sun Moon Lake, Xitou, Jiji, Puli, and HehuanMountain inCingjing to meet the various needs of tourists such asfood,accommodation, travel, shopping, etc. It will be easier andmoreconvenient for you to come and have fun in Nantou.
愛上日月潭電子套票 3.1.4
為響應政府節能減碳政策,並提升觀光地區低碳旅遊,清境旅行社配合南投客運行駛觀光路線,發展的日月潭好行套票旅遊套票‘電子化’了出發前到’服務站點’或’網站’購買電子套票並完成付款,就會拿到專屬的悠遊卡,接著只要到配合的交通工具和商家刷卡兌換。只要一張卡,不用再用紙本票卷一張一張核對到@@服務站點:1) 台中干城站: 台中市雙十路一段35-8號; 04-222564182) 高鐵台中站: 高鐵站區一樓第五出口 南投客運櫃台; 04-360186653) 日月潭站: 南投縣魚池鄉中山路163號 水社遊客中心前; 049-28568794) 埔里站: 南投縣埔里鎮中正路338號; 049-29961475) 清境旅行社:南投縣埔里鎮中正四路18-1號; 049-2983589愛上日月潭網址 http://i3travel.welcometw.com/