برترین 10 برنامه مشابه به Contagem de Estoque

Sales Control, Inventory, POS, Cashier, Orders.
🚀 - Control of sales, inventory and orders . ★ Sellonline,trackyour sales and inventory. Control your sales, inventoryandorders,manage your sales completely. ★ Track your ordersovertheinternet, sell online and display your products on theweb.Orderalerts, WhatsApp integration and more. ★ Thecompletemanagementthat your business needs to grow! Do likethousands ofpeople, useSmartPOS! ★ Do the financial control andmanagement ofyour cash. ★The software that controls your inventory,sales andguarantees(POS), cash, accounts payable/receivable, andvariousreports thatmakes your management easier and gives freedomofmovement to yoursalespeople. ★ We are a front-of-cash(POS)software for micro andsmall businesses andself-employedprofessionals. 🚀 ★Features(Free) Up to 1 usersCustomerregistration Productregistration Sales history Automaticbackup andsynchronizationSupport by email, calls and online chatBulksale(Fractionalamount) Sale discount Preview of the salesscreen byitems or gridconfiguration of favorite products Colorlabel forproducts Photoin the product Registration and sales bybarcode USBbarcode reader- Sale with open price Bill configurationSmartPOS isa cashfront(POS) for micro and small companiesandself-employedprofessionals. 📍 ★ Features(Smart) + Free plan Upto 3usersAccounts receivable/Accounts payable Inventory alertPaymenttypesetting Guarantee control Inventory control Cashcontrol,withclosing and reports Sales printing and vouchersSalesconsultationby customer Sales reports SalespersoncommissionCustomize withyour company logo Multiple users Issue of2nd copy ofReceipt PDFreceipts Share the purchase receipt for yourcustomersManagementdashboard Manage your sales in installmentsSales ordersBudgetsCommand control Table control Customer paymentmanagementEnablingthe number of installments Inventory reportsCustomerreports Cashreports Photo in the product register Controlofrevenues andexpenses Batch stock Integration with WhatsApp📍★Features(SmartPC) + Smart Plan Up to 5 users Cashierfront.Onlinecatalog Personalization of the catalog IntegrationwithgoogleAnalytics Zoom in photos Showcase of productsDiscountCouponsAccess: www.smartpos.net.br. SmartPOS thecompletecommercialautomation system to make your POS sales andinventorycontrol ismuch simpler! ★ Who uses it: Restaurants;Beautyconsultants;Kiosks; Food Trucks; Snack bars;Distributors;Cosmetics companies;Clothes stores; Footwear stores;Independentsellers and many more.The most complete store cashier onthemarket, download and checkit out.
Stock and Orders Manager 2.8
StockProManager is the most complete and the mostintuitivesolutionof management of stock, orders, customers,suppliersandproducts/articles. This application is going to makeyourlifeeasier by offering you a variety of managementfeatureslikegeneration, monitoring, export and statistics of yourorders.Youare customer or supplier or both at the sametime,StockProManagerwas conceived for you in a customizable way togiveyou the abilityto easily manage your stock of products byaddingmovements in theform of inputs/outputs. You can take easilyordersof your customer(customer order) and/or add an order to besent, byemail, to yoursupplier (supplier orders). To savetime,StockProManager allowsyou to export and import easilyyourproducts/articles as well asyour customers and suppliers to orfroman Excel file.StockProManager also allows to export themovementsand the stateof your stock to an Excel file, to updatethestock/inventory andimport it into the application with afewclicks. In addition tothe basic features, StockProManager givesyouthe possibility ofsigning manually and to generate easilyyourcustomer order (salesorder) or suppliers orders (purchasesorder)in a PDF file and tosend it by email to yourcustomer/supplier witha simple click. Youwant to export yourcustomer orders or suppliersorder? WithStockProManager you canfilter your orders and exportthem to anExcel or CSV file tointegrate them into another externaltool.With the feature ofstatistics, you can follow the monthlyorannual variation of yourorders and compare it with that oftheprevious years.StockProManager is a complete tool which isgoingto simplify yourinventory management of your business.Features: -Customersmanagement - Suppliers management -Products/articlesmanagement -Management category of products -Stock management -Movementsmanagement (inputs/outputs) - Alerts orover of stockmanagement -Orders suppliers (purchase orders)management - Orderscustomers(sale orders) management - Generationof orders to PDF -Sendingorders by email - Exports orders to anExcel/CSV file -Export ofmovements - Import/export products -Import/exportcustomers(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cdd9ITRuyC8)-Import/exportsuppliers - Sending exports by email -ManagementSetup: logo,company stamp, currency, tax, ... -Statistics oforders by day,month, year, customer or supplier -Ability to add aclient from anandroid contact. - Generationcatalogs produced inPDF - Attaching aPDF document (data sheet) atthe product - Scanthe barcode of aproduct - Search product bybarcode - Save andrestore database -Possibility of signing anorder - Add a filtersearch product in thelist of details inanorderhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Stock-Pro-Manager/452793828090250Toimprovethis application, please send me your requests toaddfeatures,feedback, comments orbugs/problems(askeranis@gmail.com).
Estoque protheus 1.0
Cladimir lima
Totalmente integrado com o sistemaProtheus,comeste aplicativo, é possível conferir informações dosprodutosemestoque.FullyintegratedwithProtheus system, with this application, you cancheckinformationof the products in stock.
Stock Assistant 8.0
This handy little App will take thetroubleoutof purchasing stocks. Stock Assistant will makethecalculationsrequired before you buy and sell any stock.Mostonline brokeragesrequire the number of stocks to be boughtorsold. With the StockAssistant just enter the dollar amountofmoney you have to invest,the share price you’re going topurchaseat, then enter the buycommission or fee charged forthetransaction and hit Calculate. TheApp will quickly tell youhowmany stocks you can purchase with youravailable money. TheStockAssistant can also calculate a projectedincrease in order tosetup a limit sell. Just enter the percent ofgrowth you would liketosee in your stock and the Stock Assistantwill tell you whattheshare price needs to be to make the trade. Itwill also tellyouhow much profit you could receive and calculateyoursellcommission or transaction fee - Giving you a GrandTotal.Anyonewho buys and sells stocks will find the Stock Assistantatimesaver, and when you’re buying and selling stocks –Timeismoney.The Stock Assistant now has a Stock Quote Look up feature.Justputthe Stock symbol in the search box and Yahoo Financewilldisplaythe current stock price. Made for US markets, butthecalculatorcould be used in other markets.
Inventager Stock Manager 1.0
Inventager is an easy-to-use App thataimstomanage inventory and stock. With it, you can:Register products;- Make purchases/sales for your products;- Update your stock automatically;- Manage your cash flow;- View reports from your purchases/sales by period.
Rensoftware - Scan Coletor 1.0.10
Sistema de coleta de dados para dispositivos móveis que permitelercódigo de barras ou QRCODE. Para isso, utiliza a câmeradodispositivo ou leitor de código de barras CCD (conectadoaodispositivo via porta USB). Uma solução avançada e de baixocustoem relação aos coletores de dados tradicionais encontradosnomercado. O Rensoftware - Scan Coletor permite: + Trabalharoff-line(sem conexão com a Internet); + Auxiliar na contagem deestoque; +Capturar dados através de QRCODE; + Capturar dadosatravés decódigo de barras; + Capturar dados através da câmeradodispositivo; + Interação com os principais leitores de códigodebarras; + Exportar dados para qualquer software ERP*; +Exportardados para lançamento em inventário*; + Exportar dadospararealizar vendas*; + Salvar os dados coletados nos formatosjson** etxt***; + Compartilhar dados coletados por Bluetooth, SMS,E-mail,Dropbox, Google Drive, Copy entre outros. Dispositivossuportadospara conectividade com coletor de dados CCD: -Smartphones: +Samsung Galaxy SII; + Sony Xperia U; + Motorola MotoG; + MotorolaMoto G2. - Tablets suportados para conectividade comcoletor dedados CCD: + Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. - Leitores de códigode barrasCCD: + Bematech - BR-310 USB; + CashWay - SD313B SmartProCCD; +Honeywell - MS5145. * Funcionalidades já integradas com osoftwareERP “SUPERSCE Enterprise”. Para outros ERPs solicitar aoseudesenvolvedor que realize a integração com o “RensoftwareScanColetor”. ** JavaScript Object Notation. É um formato"universal"muito conveniente para troca de informações entreaplicaçõesatravés de diversos protocolos. *** Text. É um formato dearquivotexto sem formatação: texto puro.
Contagem Estoque - Contestoque 2.16.5
Account inventory by barcode and batch, registration andproductconference
VHSYS Pedidos & Vendas 2.3.0
O aplicativo de gestão VHSYS étotalmentegratuito, e não é necessário realizar contratações parasuautilização. É indicado para profissionais autônomos e empresasquequerem realizar um controle mobile de sua empresa. Oaplicativofunciona sem a necessidade de conectar com a internet,tornandoacessível de qualquer lugar.O Aplicativo conta com os seguintes recursos:Cadastro de EmpresaCadastro de ClientesCadastro de ProdutosCadastro de Contas bancáriasAnexo de comprovantes de pagamentosControle Financeiro de Contas a Pagar e ReceberExtrato FinanceiroGráficos de VendasGestão de PedidosGestão de Ordens de ServiçosEnvio de Pedidos e Ordens de Serviço por e-mailRastreamento de Vendedores (necessário o uso dosistemaonline)Relatórios (necessário o uso do sistema online)Sincronização com Sistema de Gestão Online VHSYSPara as empresas que necessitam fazer a gestão de sua equipedevendas, o aplicativo possui uma opção de sincronização comosistema online, agilizando assim os processos de suaempresa.O VHSYS é um sistema online de gestão empresarial, com emissordenotas fiscais de venda(NF-e) e serviço(NFS-e) que possibilitaaocliente acessar seu sistema de qualquer local quepossuainternet.VantagensContratação rápida, sem necessidade de propostas,telefonemas;Suporte via help-desk, chat, email e telefone;Sistema totalmente online, seus dados ficaram disponíveisemqualquer lugar, onde possuir internet;Armazenamento Seguro, todas as notas fiscais são armazenadasduranteos 6 anos exigidos pelo SEFAZ;Acesso seguro, seus dados ficaram protegidos dentrodosistema;Backup Integrado;Ao formatar ou perder um computador, as notas não se perderão,vistoque estão armazenadas;Atualizações constantes de acordo com as novas versões do manualdocontribuinte;Fácil utilização do sistema, sem complicações ou acessoaterceiros;Envio automático do e-mail para o cliente contendo a DANFE (PDF) eaNF-e (XML);Digite uma nota fiscal em poucos segundos;Possibilidade de vários usuários utilizarem o mesmo sistema;Compatibilidade total com Tablets e SmartfonesMobilidade total ao seu departamento comercial;MÓDULOS DO SISTEMA ONLINEFinanceiroVendas e faturamentoEstoqueComprasServiçosRelatóriosExperimente gratuitamente o VHSYS semcompromisso:www.vhsys.com.br/experimenteThe VHSYSmanagementapplication is completely free, and it is not necessaryto performcontracts for their use. It is suitable forself-employedprofessionals and companies that want to conduct amobile controlof your company. The application works without theneed to connectto the internet, making it easily accessible fromanywhere.The application has the following features:Company RegistrationCustomer MasterRegister ProductsBank accounts RegistrationAnnex payment vouchersAccounts of Financial Control Payable and ReceivableFinancial StatementSales ChartsOrder ManagementService Order ManagementShipping Orders and Work Orders by emailSellers Tracking (necessary to use the online system)Reports (necessary to use the online system)Synchronization with Online Management System VHSYSFor companies that need to manage your sales team, theapplicationhas a synchronization option with the online system,speeding upthe processes of your company.The VHSYS is an online business management system, with issuingofsales invoices (NF-e) and service (NFS-e) that enables thecustomerto access your system from anywhere you haveinternet.AdvantagesRapid employment without the need for proposals, calls;Support via help desk, chat, email and telephone;Fully online system, your data were available anywhere whereyouhave internet;Secure Storage, all invoices are stored during the sixyearsrequired by SEFAZ;Secure, your data were protected within the system;Integrated Backup;When formatting or lose a computer, the notes will not be lost,asthey are stored;Constant updates according to new versions of thetaxpayer'smanual;Easy use of the system, without complications or access tothirdparties;Automatic sending of e-mail client containing the DANFE (PDF)andthe NF-e (XML);Enter an invoice in a few seconds;Possibility of multiple users using the same system;Full compatibility with Tablets and smartphonesFull mobility of your marketing department;MODULES SYSTEM ONLINEFinancialSales and revenueStockShoppingServicingReportsTry the free VHSYS withoutcompromise:www.vhsys.com.br/experimente
Conta Estoque 1.0
Alfabridge IT
Conta Estoque é uma ferramenta paraauxiliareorganizar seu inventário usando um poderoso leitor decódigodebarras. A leitura pode ser feita pela câmera do seudispositivo.Após realizada a contagem, o aplicativo possibilitaaexportaçãodos dados com a geração de um arquivo CSV. Com ele,seuERP poderáimportar o mesmo, e efetuar o tratamento dos dadosdoarquivo.Formatos de arquivos para exportação::: Formato CSV (ou txt)- -CodigoDoProduto;NomeDoProduto- -Para atener necessidades específicas dos usuários aAlfabridgeITtambém desenvolve a aplicação sob medida a fim deatenderasnecessidades pontuais de cada situação. Para isso, entreemcontatocom a equipe e compartilhe sua necessidade,fazendoumorçamento.Essa versão é totalmente gratuita e novasfuncionalidadesemelhorias serão implementadas em breve.Web: http://www.alfabridge.comDúvidas: contato@alfabridge.comFacebook: fb.com/alfabridgeStock account is atooltohelp and organize your inventory using a powerfulbarcodereader.Reading can be done by your device's camera.After making the count, the application enables the exportofdatato generate a CSV file. With it, your ERP can import thesame,andmake the handling of file data.File formats for export::: CSV format (or txt)- -ProductID, ProductName- -For atener specific needs of users Alfabridge ITalsodevelopsapplication tailored to meet the specific needs ofeachsituation.For this, contact the team and share your needs,makingabudget.This version is completely free and new featuresandimprovementswill be implemented soon.Web: http://www.alfabridge.comQuestions: contato@alfabridge.comFacebook: fb.com/alfabridge
ComSoft 1.0
E-Solution application degestioncommercialepermettant la gestion des Devis, Bon delivraison, Bonde commande,Factures, Avoirs, Factures périodiques etla gestiondes comptescontact de l'entreprise ...E-Solutionbusinessmanagement application for managing Quote,Purchasedelivery,Order, Invoices, Vouchers, periodic invoices andaccountmanagementcontact the company ...