برترین 9 برنامه مشابه به 攻略ガイド for 桃太郎電鉄 誰にも負けない億万長者術!

クイズ for 桃太郎電鉄 1.0.0
1988年に登場し,今でも大人気の『桃太郎電鉄』のキャラクター紹介やゲームの流れを中心に紹介します。Appeared in1988,populareven now of "Momotaro Dentetsu"We will introduce to center the flow of thecharacterintroductionand games.
雑学王への道 一般常識やマナー雑学 1.0.0
歴史雑学とマナー雑学そしてトリビアをクイズにまとました。一般回答率が10%台のクイズあります。これを全て答えられたらあなたは雑学王の道を進むことができるでしょう。「へー」と思うことや、「そうだったんだ」と日頃から「???」と思うことが解明されます。まずは、雑学王への道の第1弾をお楽しみください。A historytriviaandmanners trivia and trivia was summarized in the quiz.General response rate There are 10 percent of the quiz.Of you trivia king When you answer all thisYou'll be able to advance the road.That you think "Wow" and, and "I was so"It will be clarified that "I think ???" on a daily basis.First of all, please enjoy the first installment of theroadtotrivia king.
ももいろクローバーZのオールナイトニッポンモバイル 第8回 1.0
ヨーヨーの達人 ハイパーヨーヨー編 1.0.0
ヨーヨーの達人になるための初級者用アプりです。まずは、ハイパーヨーヨーの初級者向けの情報をまとめました。It isabeginner'sapplication to become a master of the yo-yo.First of all, the information for beginners of hyper yo-yoWe have put together.
おとぎばなし 2.0.0
一般常識 ビジネスマナーの基本 1.0.0
Dotch?! - which one - 2.1
"Which will you take, the big-box or the small-box ?" "What wereyoulost, this golden-axe ? Or this silver-axe ? Or this iron-axe ?""Which is better for me, Coffee or milk ?" Wine or beer ?" Fishormeat ?" Rice or pasta ?" "It's time for listening, Rock?Metal?Classical? Jazz? J-pop?" You can't go forward unless youdecide.But which ?..... For such a person who are lost, this appmay helpyou. [Dotch ?!] Select a title and push "Dotch?!" ! Roundandround...., and,..... ta-dah ! Now you've got a "Dotch". Whatwillyou do? You can return to the previous page with "OK". If youpushthe "Dotch?!" once more, you can do Dotch?! again with thesameoptions. After you got a Dotch?!, you can "Share" it, also youcan"Search" it to get useful information, images, movies etc.Forexample, if you got "Goo" for Dotch?! the "Janke" , and pushthesearch icon, then your usual browser will be opened. And youcanget the latest information, images or movies about her. Pleasetryit ! [new] You can add a new title of Dotch?!. Input a titleyouwant. Then input a option and add it to the list with "+". Whenyoufinish adding all options, then push "Save". [MyDotch] Touchanitem of the list, then you can recall it for another Dotch?! .Theitem will be deleted with long-push. [Recent] You can checktherecent 10 Dotch?!'s, and recall it for another Dotch?!withtouching an item. The item will be deleted withLong-touch.[Settings] You can choose an animation of Dotch?! fromthreepatterns. Also, you can install some built-in titles.# Notations #- Dotch?! does just only choose and show an optionfrom the optionsyou input with pseudo-random number which wascreated by Javasystem. There's no mysterious things. -Originally,the word "dotch"in Japanese is used in the case you ask to chooseone from twoitems. In this Dotch?!, we use "Dotch" even when thereare three ormore options. Please note that.
スピリチュアルパワー 開運法! あなたも明日から金運アップ! 1.0.0
スピリチュアルパワー開運法!初リリース!簡単にあなたの金運や異性運をアップします!!明日からあなたは、スピリチュアルパワーで変わります!このアプリであなたは数々のパワーが身につきます。・開運・金運・異性運悩みがあるのなら、このアプリでスッキリ解消してください!!!Spiritualpowerluckmethod! First release!Easily up your fortune and the opposite sex luck! !You change in the spiritual power from tomorrow!You are a number of power is attached to the bodywiththisapp.- Good luck·Economic fortune- Heterosexual luckIf there is a problem of, clean with this appPlease to eliminate! ! !
アニメクイズ for プリティーリズム めが姉ぇの秘密も?! 1.0.1
miho terai
プリティーリズムに登場する「赤いめが姉ぇ」及びその他のキャラクターや、用語などに関する非公式ファンクイズです!ファンにとってはたまらないマニアックな質問からファンになったばかりの人にもわかる簡単な問題まで!クイズの内容はゲーム版アニメ版など幅広く出題しています!*こちらは非公式ファンサイトです。めが姉ぇファンの方も、他のキャラクターのファンの方も必見!キャッチコピーは『なりたい自分にプリズムジャンプ!』And appearedinPrettyRhythm "red eyes sister tut" and other characters, isanunofficialfan quiz on such terms!From a dying maniac question is for the fans to a simpleproblemthatcan be seen in the people just become a fan!The contents of the quiz has a wide range of questions, suchasgameversion anime!* This is an unofficial fan site.Also those of Megaane tut fan, a must-see even more oftheothercharacters fans!Catch copy prism jump to myself want to be "! "