برترین 17 برنامه مشابه به 十二星座老婆使用说明书

星座運程 x 愛情配對 1.1.4
X love horoscope matching for you every day to send themostdetailed personal horoscope analysis!
星座 1.110
星座运势 1.3.7
Hami apps
Spreeeed Co., Ltd.
*唐立淇老師唯一官方授權的星座日曆。 *占星文本日誌行動進化版。 *整合星座運勢與你的生活大小事。
靈占算命-八字 占卜 風水 星座 解夢 求籤 姓名 運勢 19.4
靈占天下是一款簡潔易用,極具中國風的占卜應用,是在安卓平臺上最受用戶歡迎的占卜算命應用之一,它以中國五千年來所傳承的周易人文思想告訴您命理變化的秘密,為您曉通命運,決斷未來之事起重要幫助。靈占天下主要有以下功能:1.八字算命:該功能將詳細揭曉您一生的秘密,從家庭婚姻,到學業事業,八字算命都可以詳盡為您解答。2.每日星座:每日星座將告訴您每一天運勢變化及速配對象,給您最貼心的關懷。3.周公解夢:周公解夢將詳細為您解釋夢境中的一切,讓您不再對夢產生疑問,讓夢預見您的未來。4.愛情配對:豐富多彩的配對方式,讓您更瞭解愛情的未來。5.求籤斷事:遇到疑惑不解之事,求籤斷事能讓您不再迷惑,為您前進指明方向。6.姓名五行:發現您姓名中的秘密,知曉姓名對人一生的影響 。7.手掌面像:讓您一眼便可知道身體中的掌紋手紋隱藏的人生的命運走向。靈占天下更多的功能,期待您的使用。Ling accounting world isasimple to use, very Chinese style applicationdivination,fortune-telling is one of the most popular applicationson theAndroid platform users welcome, it passed on five thousandyears ofChinese Book of humanistic ideas that tell you numerologychangesecret, you Xiaotong destiny, determination of the futureplay animportant thing to help.   Spirit world accounted for the followingmainfunctions:   1. The character telling: This feature willbeannounced in detail the secrets of your life, from the familyandmarriage, the academic career, character telling can be detailedtoanswer your questions.   2. Daily Horoscopes: Daily Horoscope tellsyouevery day and change of fortune for matches, give you themostintimate care.   3. Dream Dictionary: Dream Dictionary willexplainto you in detail all the dreams, so you no longer dream ofdoubt,let your dream foreseeable future.   4. Love match: colorful pairing, which allowsyouto learn more about the future of love.   5. divination breaking things: encounterpuzzledthings, breaking things divination lets you no longerconfused, foryour forward direction.   6. Name five elements: find your name insecret,identifying the name of the impact on human life.   7. Like the palm side: lets you know at aglancethe fate of life in the body to hidden palm handprint.   Spirit world accounting for more features,lookforward to your usage.
Horoscope Everyday 3.4
Horoscope information
星座小語:最準星座每日分析 1.0
星座小語:最準星座每日分析Constellationsmalllanguage: the most accurate daily horoscope analysis
星座运势 1.6
每日星座运程 1.0
星座名人—巨蟹座 1.0
Chenbo liu
12星座の運勢 1.0
SgSoft INC
凤凰星座 1.0
指紋測算配對-性格特點分析 5.1.0
結合2016年最新的指紋檢測技術,交友娛樂的必備神器!TA是你的真命情人,還是匆匆過客?如何追求你最愛的TA?指紋測算通過配對兩人的指紋資訊,精確計算速配指數,緣分深淺,揭開你們之間的愛情面紗!指紋具有唯一性,遺傳性和不變性,多年的指紋研究證實了,每個人的性格特點不一樣,所經歷的都不一樣,所以每個人的指紋都是獨一無二,而且終生不變的!“指紋測算配對”是世界上最熱門的指紋掃描應用,利用2016年最新的指紋檢測技術,簡單快捷又準確,快速檢測您的指紋構造,精析您的性格、感情、規劃職業生涯、預測你的另一半。指紋配對特點:1、指紋測算,算出你的性格特點、體質、最合適的職業。2、通古博今,知曉你的流年運勢。3、指紋照妖鏡,妖魔鬼怪哪里逃,你的自信在這裏受到挑戰。4、你和Ta是否相配?姻緣指數盡在指紋配對!【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :customer@linghit.com2016 combine thelatestfingerprint detection technology, essential artifactdatingentertainment! TA is your real life lover, or a passer? How to pursue yourfavoriteTA? By pairing the two fingerprint calculationfingerprintinformation, accurate calculation of the index match,the depth offate, love uncover the veil between you! Fingerprint is unique, genetic and invariance, years ofresearchconfirmed the fingerprint, each person'spersonalitycharacteristics are not the same, the experience isdifferent, soeach person's fingerprint is unique, unchanging andlife!"Fingerprint calculation pair" the world's most popularfingerprintscanning applications, the use of 2016 the latestfingerprintdetection technology, simple and quick and accurate,rapiddetection of your fingerprint structure, fine analysis ofyourpersonality, emotions, career planning, forecasting you theotherhalf. Fingerprint matching features:1, fingerprint calculation, calculate your character,physicalfitness, the most suitable job.2, through the ancient Bo now, you know fleeting fortune.3, fingerprint magic mirror, where demons escape,yourself-confidence in being challenged here.4, Ta, and if you match? All in marriage index fingerprintmatching![We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations to helpyouanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing! :Http://m.linghit.com/[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerology consultyourfortune to help you smoothly! :Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome toinformus and we will do everything possible to improve! : Customer@linghit.com
2016唐立淇星座運勢大解析 1.1.1
Spreeeed Co., Ltd.
新風向尚未成形 我們都是『 心靈難民』盼到2016,漫長五年的天冥四分終於出相位,劇變、破壞力暫告段落,辦一切就的模式/熟悉世界卻再也喚不回,準則皆以破壞,不管是道德標準、成名方式/價值觀:全力板塊正在移動,人才交換、外流、山頭換人雄霸,『什麼都不一樣了』。 面新風向尚未形成的此刻,我們都是『 心靈難民』,過著比過去更辛苦/忙碌,卻看不到未來的日子,也許值得慶幸的是……全部人都陪著你,自己不是唯一。木土四分處女射手—唯有眼界夠遠,能穿梭、打破文化隔閡,以全世界為戰場,夠專業、努力、細膩的職人,能夠突破夾縫成為新英雄。火、土星聯手『 天降大任』長達九個月— 點名『 迫在眉睫、得馬上處理 』的危機,天將在此降下大任,你無法不辛苦應付,被迫講求效率但也『成績可觀』,針對課題準備挽起袖子吧!
周公解梦&星座查询 2.0
KPT Communications
《周公解梦》是一款帮助对梦境做出解释,并预估生活吉凶的小软件。本系统所有关于梦境解释的文字内容均来自互联网,在此要特别告诫各位网友,本系统仅供生活参考和娱乐,不能作为为人处世之标准,所谓人生,还是好靠大家各自去体验和创造。谢谢大家,欢迎大家对软件的使用提出各种批评意见,我们一定虚心接受并努力改造。"Dream Dictionary"isahelp to explain the dream, and estimated life good andbadsmallsoftware. All of the system's text on dreaminterpretationfrom theInternet, in particular, like to warn youfriends, thissystem isonly for reference of life and entertainment,not as astandard ofinteraction with others, the so-called life, orgood oneverybodyto experience and create. Thank you, and welcome touse oftheSoftware with a variety of criticisms, we must humblyacceptandstrive to transform.
星座物语2--最新的星座咨询 1.0.1
致力星座命理的App。专业的星座资讯、心理测试,为星座爱好者提供实用性星座娱乐产品服务。Committedtoastrology'sApp.Professional constellation information, psychologicaltesting,toprovide practical ConstellationConstellationenthusiastsentertainment products and services.
命理練功館-八字算命 星座運勢 1.1
命理練功館,您的隨身命理占卜大師!【產品簡介】命理練功館,詳細的關於紫微斗數,占星,八字的本命盤解析以及運程預測。命理學是人們對自身命運規律的探索,用自身的出生年月日或姓名筆劃等來測算自己的性格與命運並占卜即將會發生的某些事。【四大特點】1.詳細的紫微斗數,占星,八字的本命盤解析2.超准的十二星座運程預測3.免費精准的姓名學測試4.知名命理大師親自測算【重要提醒】應用囊括了八字、紫微斗數、占星,星座,姓名學等當前最受歡迎的測算類功能,其參考價值和準確度完全媲美資深大師!【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :customer@linghit.comNumerologypractice hall, your portable numerology divinationmaster![Introduction]Numerology practice hall, detailed natal chart parsingandfortune predictions about Astrology, horoscopes,horoscopes.Numerology is the law of the people of their own destinytoexplore, with their date of birth or the name of strokes, etc.tomeasure their own character and destiny and divination somethingisabout to happen.Four [Features]1. Detailed Astrology, horoscopes, horoscopes natalchartparsing2. Primeline twelve horoscope forecast3. Free precise name of science test4. Numerology Calculation famous master himself[Important remind]Applications include the horoscopes, Astrology,horoscopes,constellations, the name of science and other currentpopularmeasure functional, its reference value and accuracyfullycomparable to senior master![We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyzefortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight intotheleg, to help you smoothly! :Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus,we will do everything possible to improve! : Customer@linghit.com