برترین 6 برنامه مشابه به 開枱啦 - 港式麻雀計番記帳器

食糊啦 - 港式麻雀計番機 1.2
Bighead Eric
(這並不是一個打麻雀的遊戲 )好多香港人都懂得及鍾意打麻雀, 但講起計番時每人計法都唔同,最終要用筆寫低"價目表".有時又會無籌碼,又用紙。這個小程式將常用的香港全沖打牌計法顯示出來, 你亦可以用它來計數.用法:1。按一下"改", 可輸入每一番數的金額, 或選擇預設的番數金額 (二五雞, 一二蚊, ...), 按儲存即可.2。在出沖/自摸的金額上按一按, 贏/輸/包的按鈕隨即顯示出來3。按一按邊個贏,邊個輸/包, "今鋪"的金額自動填入.再確定就會紀錄了.4。若確定錯, 按還原可再輸入.5。重設按鈕只會重設"今鋪"的番數.6。按一按總成績就會把所有戰績顯示出來,再按一次便隱藏起來。7。你亦可以幫朋友改名以便入數.若覺得需要更多支援或改進,請電郵給我.如覺好用,可利用程式中的評分功能讚一讚或分享程式給朋友們。請支持香港程式。
番賬 (麻雀計番賬簿) 1.6
今晚打幾大 (香港麻雀記數) 2.0.3
Record the sparrow war situation, set the simple The maximumnumberof supported players is eight Enter the easy sparrow billingappPlaying cards must!
記帳專家 1.1.1
JPH Studio
Let billing is not only accounting, but also a way of life withtherecord.
Feather Diary 2.0.1
Feather Hsu
This APP is mainly used to record daily expense
Fastbook 1.0
Coding 10 分鐘
★ Fastbook !! Just Say It !!☻-----✂--------------------------------------------✂---------------您有在記帳嗎?☹是否只想一目瞭然的知道,每個月大概花錢的方向就好☹是否只要不小心少記到支出,之後也想不起來錢花在哪☹是否看到介面複雜的記帳系統,就覺得好麻煩不想使用☹是否還在慢慢用手動輸入記帳,時間就是金錢不是嗎?☹是否也因此無法長久持續的記帳呢?我們聽到您的聲音了!!!!快讓「Fastbook」來解決你的所有問題吧!!!【✦方便迅速語音記帳,重要支出不遺漏✦】☛只需按順序說出 「分類 品項 金額」☛15秒內快速完成一項記錄【✦常用品項智慧分類,讓記帳更人性化✦】☛常用名詞只需按順序說出 「品項 金額」直接幫您正確分類【✦簡單可愛介面設計,輕鬆記帳好容易✦】☛不用點選太多沒用的分類,也能了解錢的去向☛年輕陽光的可愛介面設計,讓記帳不再無聊✿【✦"搖一搖",當月花錢流向一覽無遺✦】☛每月花在 食衣住行樂 哪類最多 一目了然☛讓您省錢更有方向【✦預算設定 ,輕鬆控制花費額度✦】☛可自行設定預算,並透過可愛的圖示提醒超支【✦記帳提醒,讓你記帳不間斷✦】☛兩日沒記帳會跳通知提醒您快點來記帳╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯您只需要"說"Fastbook快速幫你記下錢的流向!!!讓您晉升成為省錢達人!!!!https://www.facebook.com/fastbook.candycrush/★ Fastbook!! JustSayIt!!☻----- ✂--------------------------------------------✂---------------Do you have in the account?☹ glance just want to know whether, like the directionofmoneyevery month☹ less if they do not remember to be careful spending moneythencannot remember where☹ you see the interface of complex accounting system, do notwanttofeel good trouble☹ is still slowly manually enter billing, time is money,isnotit?☹ whether the billing therefore do not last long?We hear your voice! ! ! !Just let 'Fastbook "to solve all of your problems now!!!【✦ easily and quickly voice accounting, expenditures donotmissimportant ✦]☛ simply in order to say "classified items Amount"☛ 15 seconds to quickly complete a record【✦ regular supplies items wisdom classification, sothatbillingmore humane ✦]☛ common nouns simply in order to say "items Amount"directlyhelpyou correct classification【✦ pretty simple interface design, easy billing withgreatdifficulty✦]☛ do not click too many useless classification, butalsounderstandthe money goes☛ Young cute sun interface design, so that billing isnolongerboring ✿[✦ "Shake", the month money flow at a glance ✦]☛ maximum monthly spend Letting a glance what kind of music☛ allow you to save money more direction【✦ budget setting easily control the spending limits ✦]☛ can set their own budget and cost overruns through thelovelyiconsalert【✦ billing reminders, make your billing uninterrupted ✦]☛ the 2nd billing will not remind you to quickly jump tothebillingnotice╭ ('▽ `) ╭ (' ▽`) ╭ ('▽ `) ╯You only need to "say"Fastbook quickly help you down the money flow! ! !Allows you to save money of people promoted to become!!!!https://www.facebook.com/fastbook.candycrush/