برترین 37 برنامه مشابه به Arduino Acelerometer Bluetooth

Bluetooth RC Car 2.1
Control your micro controller and Bluetooth fitted RC car withyoursmart phone
Arduino Tutorials 1.7
10droid applications
Set of tutorials for developers who want to use Arduino tocreatecool projects.
Arduino Led Projects 1.0
Cherala Apps
A Beginners guide to Arduino Using Basic Led circuits ThebestArduino Projects to begin with. The Arduino Led Projectsarepractical materials for developers who want to LearnArduinohardware to create cool projects. The Arduino Led Projectsappconsists of 1.Blink an LED 2.Fade LED 3.Fade LED using pot4.LEDcontrol by button 5.LED by serial monitor 6.LED usingphotocell7.Led using Relay switch 8.Led using Bluetooth Module9.Led usingIR sensor 10.Coin Flipper 11.Led temperature indicator12.Knightrider 13.Traffic Light 14.Led pendulum 15.Police Light16.Back andforth scanner key words arduino projects,arduinotutorial,arduino,electronic projects,arduino miniprojects,electronic miniprojects,electronics,projects,arduinoprojects,arduinotutorial,arduino ,electronic projects,arduinominiprojects,electronic miniprojects,electronics,projects,arduinoprojects,arduinotutorial,arduino ,electronic projects,arduinominiprojects,electronic mini projects,electronics,projects.
Arduino Tutorials 10.9
Awesome Tutorials and Projects using Arduino Microcontrollers!
Arduino Bluetooth Control 1.0
In this project we will control a LED light with a smartphoneviabluetooth.
Robot Arduino avec Bluetooth 1.0
Yvon Quémener
Cette application offre la possibilitédecontrôler deux moteurs en fonction des valeurs x et y captéesparle téléphone.Aussi, une commande à glissière permet de régler l'angle d'unservomoteur sur la broche pwm3Finalement, l'application commande deux sorties numériques D12etD13.Remarques:Le code .ino doit être téléversé dans le module Arduino avantdelancer l'application.Si vous éprouvez des difficultés avec le module bluetooth,débutezavec l'application suivante: MIT_bluetooth_accelFichiers:robot_bluetooth_arduino.aia : code source de l'applicationAndroid(crée avec MIT app inventor 2)robot_bluetooth_arduino.apk : Application Androidrobot_bluetooth_arduino_MIT.ino : Code sourceArduino(firmware)robot_bluetooth_arduino_MIT.vi : Code source LABVIEWAdresse de téléchargement:http://netsciences.ca/arduino/MIT_robot_bluetooth/Les codes source vous permettent de personnaliser le projet.This applicationoffersthe possibility of controlling the two motors as a functionof xand y values ​​captured by the phone.Also, a slide control to adjust the angle of a servo motor tothespindle PWM3Finally, the application controls two D12 and D13 digital outputs.Notes:The code .ino be uploaded to the Arduino module before startingtheapplication.If you are having trouble with the bluetooth module start withthefollowing application: MIT_bluetooth_accelFiles:robot_bluetooth_arduino.aia: source code of the Androidapplication(app created with MIT inventor 2)robot_bluetooth_arduino.apk: Android Applicationrobot_bluetooth_arduino_MIT.ino: Arduino sourcecode(firmware)robot_bluetooth_arduino_MIT.vi: Source Code LABVIEWDownload address: http://netsciences.ca/arduino/MIT_robot_bluetooth/The source codes allow you to customize the project.
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 2.8
Ioannis Tzanellis
Control any micro-controller that uses a Bluetooth module withyoursmartphone
Arduino Programming 2.01
BlueSky developer
Arduino Programming made fun and easy with this userfriendlyapplication.
Android OTG USB for Arduino 1.0
Apps Pluto
Connect Arduino To Android via Otg Cable . Arduino Code isprovidedin the App
Arduino Complete Reference 3.7
This app contains basic references forallarduino beginners.with detailed explanation containing diagrams and imagesandcodes.Check out the ultimate offline reading experience.Please rate this app if you like it and send us suggestions onhowto improve this application. Thanks for taking time to readthisdescription.TO KEEP THIS APP FREE, WE HAVE PUT SOME ADVERTISEMENTS IN IT. IFYOUWANT TO REMOVE ADSYOU CAN ALWAYS FOLLOW THE BELOW LINK AND DOWNLOAD THE ADFREEVERSION.PLEASE DON'T LEAVE BAD COMMENTS BECAUSE OF THE ADS APPEARING INTHEAPP.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coderz.arduino_mega_pack_adfreeIF YOU LIKE OUR APP, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO LEAVE YOURVALUABLEFEEDBACK AS COMMENTS IN THIS PAGE AND HELP US TO IMPROVETHEAPP.MANY THANKS
Progetti Arduino 3.0
Salvatore Fancello
Salve a tutti ragazzi !Dopo le vostre richieste di realizzare un´ AppAndroidcherimandasse al sito web di Progetti Arduino eccolaqui.App leggera e senza publicitàIl sito è dedicato ai progetti Arduino, dove potete trovare:- Progetti- Tutorial- Shop- Download- Blog- NewsHello guys!After your requests to realize the town's AndroidAppthatrimandasse the Projects website Arduino here it is.lightweight app and without publicityThe site is dedicated to the Arduino projects, whereyoucanfind:- Projects- Tutorial- Shop- Download- Blog- News
SmartDAQ (Arduino-Compatible) 2.4.0
imx Developer
SmartDAQ: Great App for Rules Based Control, USB DAQ,Oscilloscope,Data Logger
Arduprofe Bluetooth Terminal 1.0
Send data via Bluetooth to Arduino
Arduino Car Control 1.0
Rızahan Osman
Control your RC car with arduino
Arduino Bluetooth Car Control 2.0
Arduino Bluetooth Car Control and guidanceat:www.progettiarduino.com. you will be able to realize yourprototyperemote-controlled toy car with bluetooth and the use ofAndroidsmartphones and an Arduino board.FUNCTIONS:- 4 keys for the guide in all directions- Horn Button- Power Button Front Lights- Power Button Rear lights (brake lights)- Switch-on emergency lights- Bluetooth connection status displayPROGRAMMING:Download the sketchonhttp://www.progettiarduino.com/63-arduino-bluetooth-rc-car-4w.htmlFor any further information please do not hesitate tocontactme:email: salvatorefancello89@gmail.comWebsite: http://www.progettiarduino.com
Bluetooth RC Joystick Controll 1.4
Control your micro controller and Bluetooth fitted RC caroverBluetooth.
Arduino-Android HomeAutomation 1.0
Syed Anwaarullah
A mimimalistic demo app of Voice Controlled HomeAppliancesusingArduino. The source code for Arduino and Android appwill bemadeavailable on my blog http://anwaarullah.com soon. If youneedanyhelp in building the Circuit, please emailmeatsyed@anwaarullah.com Basic Setup: 1. Connect a BluetoothModuletothe Arduino Serial Port 2. Connect 3 Loads (or LEDs fortesting)toPins 8,9 and 10 3. Upload the Arduino Code below 4. OpentheAppand establish a connection with the Bluetooth Module 5.SelecttheAppropriate buttons and the LEDs/Load should lit upaccordinglyThefollowing pins are connected to the Buttons on theApp: YellowLamp= Digital Pin 8 of Arduino Fan = Digital Pin 9 ofArduino RedLamp= Digital Pin 10 of Arduino To give in voicecommands, hit themicbutton and say in any of these commands: "redlamp on" "redlampoff" "fan on" "fan off" "yellow lamp on" "yellowlamp off"I'veattached a sample schematic that can be used forreferenceinconnecting. To see a demo of this application, pleasevisitthisvideo http://vimeo.com/53071330 and navigate to 20:00 onthevideo.This was a talk where I made this App for a demo.####ArduinoSource Code #### char ch = 'A'; int lamp1 = 8; int lamp2=9; intlamp3 = 10; void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);pinMode(lamp1,OUTPUT); pinMode(lamp2, OUTPUT);pinMode(lamp3,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(lamp1, LOW);digitalWrite(lamp2,LOW);digitalWrite(lamp3, LOW); } void loop() {if(Serial.available()> 0) { ch = Serial.read(); if (ch == '1'){digitalWrite(lamp1,HIGH); } if (ch == '2') {digitalWrite(lamp2,HIGH); } if (ch =='3') { digitalWrite(lamp3,HIGH); } if (ch =='4') {digitalWrite(lamp1, LOW); } if (ch == '5'){digitalWrite(lamp2,LOW); } if (ch == '6') {digitalWrite(lamp3,LOW); } } delay(500);ch = 'A'; } Note: Please becareful whilehandling high voltageloads. Take all necessaryprecautions whilebuilding the circuit.I'm not responsible for anydamage whatever,in any way whatsoeverarising out of the use of thisApp (Physicalor Material).
Notiduino Arduino IoT Platform 1.2
Geny Studio
You can make Arduino based Notification IoT product using thisapp.Connect your smartphone to Arduino using bluetooth, and selecttheapps you installed in your smartphone to transmit your datatoArduino. Whenever your phone gets notification messages fromtheselected apps, the app sends the saved values to Arduinothroughbluetooth. You can also make your own IF-THEN rule to filteroutthe notification messages and send any values to Arduino basedonyour rule set. For example, if you received importantnotificationmessage from SNS like Facebook app, you can send RGBcolor valuesto Arduino to turn on RGB LED through bluetooth usingthe IF-THENrule set stored in this app. This app also provides FastBluetoothTerminal, so you can test bluetooth communication betweenAndroidand Arduino. Please visit http://www.facebook.com/notiduino,andfind the more detail information. Share your idea forNotiduinowith others.
Bluetooth Arduino Tank 1.1
Jack Soldano
A simple app created in app inventor2thatallows you to send serial data to an Arduino DevicethroughtheHC-06 (and potential other models) with the gaol ofcontrollingasimple tank.The app works by sending a different value on eachbuttonpress,each value can then be interpreted by the Arduinocodeallowing itto preform the requested action.
Arduino Bluetooth Home 1.0
Arduino is an open source microcontrollerandhas gained humongous popularity in theRecent past. Arduino smart home App is an easy touseapplicationthat will allow theUser to switch ON/OFF four devices and control the speedofoneceiling fan the appThrows simple characters on the Bluetooth port of themobilephonefor example ‘A’When the button is pressed for the first time and ‘a’ whenbuttonispressed again.You can switch four devices of your choice andcontrolthespeedOf one ceiling fan.
Kod do arduino:#include#includeServo myservo1, myservo2, myservo3;int bluetoothTx = 11;int bluetoothRx = 10;SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx);void setup(){myservo1.attach(9);myservo2.attach(5);myservo3.attach(3);Serial.begin(9600);bluetooth.begin(9600);}void loop(){if(bluetooth.available()>= 2 ){unsigned int servopos = bluetooth.read();unsigned int servopos1 = bluetooth.read();unsigned int realservo = (servopos1 *256) + servopos;Serial.println(realservo);if (realservo >= 1000 && realservo <1180){int servo1 = realservo;servo1 = map(servo1, 1000,1180,0,180);myservo1.write(servo1);Serial.println("servo 1 ON");delay(200);}if (realservo >=2000 && realservo <2180){int servo2 = realservo;servo2 = map(servo2,2000,2180,0,180);myservo2.write(servo2);Serial.println("servo 2 On");delay(200);}if (realservo >=3000 && realservo < 3180){int servo3 = realservo;servo3 = map(servo3, 3000, 3180,0,180);myservo3.write(servo3);Serial.println("servo 3 On");delay(200);}}}Arduino code:#include#includeServo myservo1, myservo2, myservo3;bluetoothTx int = 11;bluetoothRx int = 10;SoftwareSerial bluetooth (bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx);void setup (){  myservo1.attach (9);  myservo2.attach (5);  myservo3.attach (3);  Serial.begin (9600);  bluetooth.begin (9600);}void loop (){  if (bluetooth.available ()> = 2)  {    unsigned int servoposbluetooth.read=();    unsigned int servopos1bluetooth.read=();    unsigned int realservo = (servopos1 *256)+servopos;    Serial.println (realservo);        if (realservo> = 1000&&realservo<1,180) {    int = servo1 realservo;    servo1 = map(servo1,1000,1180,0,180);    myservo1.write (servo1);    Serial.println ( "servo 1 ON");    delay (200);    }        if (realservo> = 2000&&realservo<2,180) {      int = servo2 realservo;      servo2=map(servo2,2000,2180,0,180);      myservo2.write (servo2);      Serial.println ("servo2On");      delay (200);          }        if (realservo> = 3000&&realservo<3180) {      int = servo3 realservo;      servo3 = map(servo3,3000,3180,0,180);      myservo3.write (servo3);      Serial.println ("servo3On");      delay (200);    }  }}
Arduino bluetooth avec MIT 1.0
Yvon Quémener
Créer votre première application Bluetooth pour ArduinoCette application minimaliste vous explique commentcréerfacilement votre première application Android.L'exemple contrôle l’état des broches 12 et 13 d’un moduleArduinorelié en bluetooth.Matériel requis : Arduino UNO et module Bluetooth HC-05.1. Télécharger les fichiers : http://netsciences.ca/arduino/MIT/2. Programmer votre module arduino à l’aide dufichierArduino_PCH.inoLe module Bluetooth HC-05 ne doit pas être raccordé lorsdutéléversement du code.3. Se connecter au site MIT App Inventor 2.4. Importer le fichier bluetooth.aia et personnaliser votre projetàpartir de cet exemple.5. Créer votre votre APK personnaliséeCreateyourfirst Bluetooth application for ArduinoThis minimalist application shows you how to easily createyourfirst Android application.The example checks the status of the pins 12 and 13 anArduinomodule connected bluetooth.Materials: Arduino UNO and HC-05 Bluetooth module.1. Download files: http://netsciences.ca/arduino/MIT/2. Program your Arduino Module using Arduino_PCH.ino file The HC-05 Bluetooth module must not be connected whentheupload code.3. Login to site MIT App Inventor 2.4. Import bluetooth.aia file and customize your project fromthisexample.5. Create your custom web APK
Android OTG Control for Arduin 1.0
Apps Pluto
Control Arduino from Android Usb Cable . Make sure your phonehasOtg support .
Arduino Stepper Motor 1.0
Control por grados vía remota de unmotordepasos.Requiere programar el Arduino y un modulo Bluetooth HC-06.Descargar Programa para el Arduino en:https://www.dropbox.com/s/umug0nfsqx8rly3/Motor%20Paso%20a%20Paso%20ajustado%20a%20grados.txt?dl=0Remotely controldegreesofa stepper motor.It requires programming the Arduino and HC-06 Bluetooth module.Download Program Arduino:https://www.dropbox.com/s/umug0nfsqx8rly3/Motor%20Paso%20a%20Paso%20ajustado%20a%20grados.txt?dl=0
Projects Garage - EE Circuits V2.4
Vertix Digital
Projects garage is an educational app for students who wantbestandverified projects and circuits related to fields ofelectrical/electronics / telecommunication and softwareengineering. Allthecircuits are self tested and verified by a teamof engineerstohelp the students who want working projects all inoneapp.Projects Garage is an extremely useful app forteachers,studentsand professionals. The app has a cleanuser-interfaceprovidingeasy and handy solution to all your problemsand savesyour timefrom searching the internet for working circuits/ codes.The appcontains various electrical circuits. Some of theseare :BatteryCharger Circuit Using SCR Air Flow Detector CircuitLongRange FMTransmitter Circuit Video Activated Relay RemoteJammerCircuitClap Switch Electronic Toss Circuit Digital Stopwatchandlotsmore… Projects Garage also features microcontrollerprojectsand Cprogramming projects including: Smart HomeAutomationSystemAndroid Controlled Robot Digital Lock Using ArduinoHangmanGameSnake Game Tic Tac Toe Game Quiz Game ContactsManagementSystemand lots more… So what are you waiting for?Download one ofthebest educational app now !!
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 5.0
Sushil Shetty
App for the controls of Arduino Bluetooth Enabled anti collisionCar
MJRoBot Arduino Arm Robot Ctrl 1.1
Marcelo Jose Rovai
This is an app designed to be used withaServoarm robot, up to 4DOF. Can be used with meArm Arm robot oranyrobotoperated with PWM commands (0-255). The app, besides the4slidersfor PWM Servo control, also has incorporated controlbuttonsforprograming and running a repetitive task (to be usedwith anArduinocode).The mais commands output text string are:Slider for Base Control: "b/ 0-255"Slider for Gripper Control: "g/ 0-255"Slider for Elbow Control: "e/ 0-255"Slider for Shoulder Control: "s/ 0-255"Run button: "runon"Program button: "pgmon"Reset button: "rston"Alarm button: "Alarm_ON"Local/Remote button: "remote"The app is inicitae with command in mode "local"There is logic between Alarm and Local/Remote button. Ifused,theapp understand as a "reset" for remote programing and thelabelandvariables are properly set.For details, tutorial, etc., please visitthesite:MJRoBot.org
Arduino Accelerometer OTG USB 3.0
Apps Pluto
Arduino Accelerometer OTG Usb lets youusemobile accelerometer in the arduino . It is really easytoimplement . Example Code and Project is given in the app.Usingaccelerometer module with arduino is either difficult alsoitcontains alot of garbage values which require callibration.Thenwhy not use mobile's accelrometer for arduino .It does notrequirecallibration.Why are we using usb otg cable for communication insteadofbluetooth ? Well answer is very simple .Advantages of USB OTG Cable over Bluetooth :• OTG Cable is very cheap less than a dollar• It consumes less power• Easy to connect• It is relatively fast than BluetoothUsing Arduino with Android has many Application some themaremention below1) Android Controlled CAR2) Arduino Android Weather Station3) Home Automation System4) Line following Robot
Acceleroduino RC Car 1.0
Andy182 Devstudio
This application allows you to control theRCArduino Car, without touching the existing button onyourAndroid.You can control RC Car for Forward, Backward, Left and Right.* Configuration Application to sketch in Arduino :~ FORWARD (Send Data "F" to Arduino)~ BACKWARD (Send Data "B" to Arduino)~ RIGHT (Send Data "R" to Arduino)~ LEFT (Send Data "L" to Arduino)~ STOPPED (Send Data "S" to Arduino)* Sample Sketch for Arduino Using If and else if :if (state == 'F') // FORWARDelse if (state == 'B') // BACKWARDelse if (state == 'R') // RIGHTelse if (state == 'L') // LEFTelse if (state == 'S') // STOPPEDFull tutorial? Please click http://goo.gl/KwzbLuFor more information visit http://www.boarduino.blogspot.com
Accel Plot 1.2
Brian Howard
This application is part ofanInstructablesproject on machine learning. The applicationdownloadsdata from anHC-05/HC-06 Bluetooth module, plots the 4channels inreal time onthe device, stores 60 seconds of data, andalso allows2 of the 4channels to be output on audio as frequencymodulatedsignals. Theapplication focuses on the MPU-6050accelerometer andthe Arduinomicrocontroller.The source code, for both the app and the Arduino, ispublishedunderthe MIT license and can be downloadedfromGitHub:https://github.com/MoreCoffee12/AccelPlot/
Arduino 4 Relay Bluetooth 1.0
CODE:/*Relay IN1 connected to PinOut 2 ArduinoRelay IN2 connected to PinOut 3 ArduinoRelay IN3 connected to PinOut 4 ArduinoRelay IN4 connected to PinOut 5 Arduino--->you can connected to relay modul 4 channelSerial data sending from Arduino 4 Relay.apkdata '1'-'4' to on is Ralay CH 1-4data 'A'-'D' to off is Ralay CH 1-4data '9' to on ALL CH 1-4data 'I' to off ALL CH 1-4*/#includeSoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); //Pin10 RX , Pin 11TXconnectedto--> Bluetooth TX,RX#define relay1 2#define relay2 3#define relay3 4#define relay4 5char val;void setup() {pinMode(relay1,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay2,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay3,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay4,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(relay1,LOW);//HdigitalWrite(relay2,LOW);//HdigitalWrite(relay3,LOW);//HdigitalWrite(relay4,LOW);//HmySerial.begin(9600);Serial.begin(9600);}void loop() {//chek data serial from bluetooth android Appif( mySerial.available() >0 ) {val = mySerial.read();Serial.println(val);}//Relay is onif( val == '1' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH); }//Lelse if( val == '2' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH); }//Lelse if( val == '3' ) {digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH); }//Lelse if( val == '4' ) {digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH); }//L//relay all onelse if( val == '9' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);//LdigitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);//LdigitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);//LdigitalWrite(relay4,HIGH);//L}//relay is offelse if( val == 'A' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,LOW); }//Helse if( val == 'B' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,LOW); }//Helse if( val == 'C' ) {digitalWrite(relay3,LOW); }//Helse if( val == 'D' ) {digitalWrite(relay4,LOW); }//H//relay all offelse if( val == 'I' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,LOW);//HdigitalWrite(relay2,LOW);//HdigitalWrite(relay3,LOW);//HdigitalWrite(relay4,LOW);//H}}
Bluetooth On Off 2.0
App via BT Communicating with Arduino control On-Off Relay Card
Bot Control Arduino 1.0.1
arduino code and circuit of the bot canbefoundon itsoch.com .Parts list -- arduino uno-two geared motor-ultrasonic sensor-li-ion battery-L293D motor driver module-main part - hc-05 arduino bluetooth module .just connect those part as described in the circuit onourwebsite. upload the code to arduino board .launch this app . connect to hc-05 bluetooth module and enjoy!!
Arduino Car Control 1.0
Arduino circuit check your car fromyourphonewith bluetooth communication .Arduino bluetooth haberleşmesi iletelefonunuzdanarabadevrelerinizi kontrol edin.ahmetalberen@gmail.coforquestionsYou can send mail .Sorularınız için ahmetalberen@gmail.commailatabilirsiniz./*HAZIRLAYAN = Ahmet ALBERENahmetalberen@gmail.coforquestionsYou can send mail .*/#includeSoftwareSerial BT(2,3); //rx-txint Car1= 5;int Car2= 6;int motorlc = 8; // left motor clockwise rotationint motorla = 9; // left motor anticlockwise rotationint motorrc = 10; // right motor clockwise rotationint motorra = 11; // right motor anticlockwise rotatioint Far = 13;int hiz1;int hiz2;int hiz3;String readString;void setup() { // presenting pins as outputspinMode(Far, OUTPUT);pinMode(motorlc, OUTPUT);pinMode(motorla, OUTPUT);pinMode(motorrc, OUTPUT);pinMode(motorra, OUTPUT);Serial.begin(9600);BT.begin(9600);}void loop() {while(BT.available()){ // the code here is for bluetoothdelay(3);char c = BT.read();readString += c;}if(readString.length() > 0){ // when a certain buttonispressedthe reaction will be...Serial.println(readString);if(readString == "Forward"){analogWrite (Car1,hiz1);analogWrite (Car2,hiz1);digitalWrite(motorlc, HIGH);digitalWrite(motorla, LOW);digitalWrite(motorrc, HIGH);digitalWrite(motorra, LOW);}if(readString == "Back"){analogWrite (Car1,hiz1);analogWrite (Car2,hiz1);digitalWrite(motorlc, LOW);digitalWrite(motorla, HIGH);digitalWrite(motorrc, LOW);digitalWrite(motorra, HIGH);}if(readString == "Left"){analogWrite (Car1,hiz2);analogWrite (Car2,hiz2);digitalWrite(motorlc, HIGH);digitalWrite(motorla, LOW);digitalWrite(motorrc, LOW);digitalWrite(motorra, HIGH);}if(readString == "Right"){analogWrite (Car1,hiz2);analogWrite (Car2,hiz2);digitalWrite(motorlc, LOW);digitalWrite(motorla, HIGH);digitalWrite(motorrc, HIGH);digitalWrite(motorra, LOW);}if(readString == "Stop"){digitalWrite(motorlc, LOW);digitalWrite(motorla, LOW);digitalWrite(motorrc, LOW);digitalWrite(motorra, LOW);analogWrite (Car1,hiz3);analogWrite (Car2,hiz3);}if(readString == "Car on"){hiz1 =200;hiz2 =140;hiz3 =0;digitalWrite(Far,HIGH);delay(50);digitalWrite(Far,LOW);delay(50);digitalWrite(Far,HIGH);delay(50);digitalWrite(Far,LOW);delay(50);digitalWrite(Far,HIGH);delay(50);digitalWrite(Far,LOW);}if(readString == "Car off"){hiz1 =0;hiz2 =0;hiz3 =0;}if(readString == "Far on"){digitalWrite(Far,HIGH);}if(readString == "Far off"){digitalWrite(Far, LOW);}}readString="";}Arduino circuitcheckyourcar from your phone with the Bluetooth communication.Arduino circuit check your car from your phonewithbluetoothcommunication.You can send mail ahmetalberen@gmail.coforquestions.You can take ahmetalberen@gmail.comailforyour questions./ *PREPARING = Ahmet ALBERI theYou can send mail ahmetalberen@gmail.coforquestions.* /#includeSoftwareSerial CT (2,3); // Rx-txcar1 int = 5;car2 int = 6;motorlc int = 8; // Left engine clockwise rotationint motor = 9; // Left engine anticlockwise rotationmotorrc int = 10; // Right engine clockwise rotationMotorride int = 11; // Right engine anticlockwise rotationFar int = 13;int SPEED1;int speed2;int speed3;String ReadString;void setup () {// presenting pins as outputs  In pinmo (Farr, OUTPUT);  In pinmo (motorlc, OUTPUT);  In pinmo (engine, OUTPUT);  In pinmo (motorrc, OUTPUT);  In pinmo (Motorride to OUTPUT);  Serial.beg's (9600);  bt.beg's (9600);}void loop () {  while (bt.availabl to ()) {// the code hereisforBluetooth  DeLay (3);  bt.read char c = ();  ReadString + = c;  }  if (readstring.length ()> 0) {// when acertainbuttonis pressed in the reaction will be ...    Serial.println (ReadString);  if (ReadString == "Forward") {    analogwrit A (car1, SPEED1);    analogwrit A (car2, SPEED1);    digitalwrit A (motorlc, HIGH);    digitalwrit the (engine, LOW);    digitalwrit A (motorrc, HIGH);    digitalwrit to (Motorride to LOW);  }  if (ReadString == "Back") {    analogwrit A (car1, SPEED1);    analogwrit A (car2, SPEED1);    digitalwrit A (motorlc, LOW);    digitalwrit the (engine, HIGH);    digitalwrit A (motorrc, LOW);    digitalwrit to (Motorride to, HIGH);  }  if (ReadString == "Left") {    analogwrit A (car1, speed2);    analogwrit A (car2, speed2);    digitalwrit A (motorlc, HIGH);    digitalwrit the (engine, LOW);    digitalwrit A (motorrc, LOW);    digitalwrit to (Motorride to, HIGH);  }  if (ReadString == "Right") {    analogwrit A (car1, speed2);    analogwrit A (car2, speed2);    digitalwrit A (motorlc, LOW);    digitalwrit the (engine, HIGH);    digitalwrit A (motorrc, HIGH);    digitalwrit to (Motorride to LOW);  }  if (ReadString == "Stop") {       digitalwrit A (motorlc, LOW);    digitalwrit the (engine, LOW);    digitalwrit A (motorrc, LOW);    digitalwrit to (Motorride to LOW);    analogwrit A (car1, speed3);    analogwrit A (car2, speed3);  }  if (ReadString == "C on") {       SPEED1 = 200;    speed2 = 140;    speed3 = 0;    digitalwrit (Headlamp, HIGH);    delay (50);    digitalwrit (Headlamp, LOW);    delay (50);    digitalwrit (Headlamp, HIGH);    delay (50);    digitalwrit (Headlamp, LOW);    delay (50);    digitalwrit (Headlamp, HIGH);    delay (50);    digitalwrit (Headlamp, LOW);  }  if (ReadString == "C off") {       SPEED1 = 0;    speed2 = 0;    speed3 = 0;  }  if (ReadString == "Lights on") {       digitalwrit (Headlamp, HIGH);  }  if (ReadString == "Lights off") {       digitalwrit (Headlamp, LOW);  }  }  ReadString = "";  }
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 1.0
No 1 Bluetooth Control For Arduino UNO and Arduino Nano
Arduino Tweet Security 1.0
Andy182 Devstudio
With this application, you can monitoranysuspicious movement of your home. This application will sendthetweet status if there is movement in front of the PIR sensor.Theworkings of this application is When the sensor detects motion,itwill arduino will send the data "1" to the android smartphone.***CABLE CONFIGURATION ON ARDUINO***~5V pin on the Arduino connected to VCC Bluetooth Module~GND pins on the Arduino connected to GND Bluetooth Module~RX pins on the Arduino is connected to TXD Bluetooth module~TX pins on the Arduino is connected to RXD Bluetooth module~VCC pin on the PIR sensor is connected to the Arduino 5V Pin~OUT pin on the PIR sensor is connected to Pin 2 ontheArduino~GND pin on the PIR sensor is connected to GND pin ontheArduino***MORE INFO BELOW***Arduino Sketch : http://pastebin.com/fmGy08TzVisit http://www.boarduino.blogspot.com
Arduino Codes Free 1.0
This application had variety of Arduino code to use foryourexample.For an example , 1)LCD 2)Servos 3)Piezo 4)RotaryEncoderand many more This code can be combined with bluetoothcontroldevice if the code been adjust.By using arduino programingsofwareuser can upload the code to Arduino and test the code. Thankyou