برترین 27 برنامه مشابه به Number system calculator
Programmers Calculator Pro 8.0
Cheers!! This app is just to show yoursupportfor the developers efforts.The free version of this app also will remain ad free. Pleasebuythis only if you want to Donate.Programmer Calculator is a Beautiful,simple yetpowerfulapplication with Hex Dec and Bin numbers displayedsimultaneously.Flat UI with minimalistic design makes its appearancesoothingwith no visual clutterIt supports Binary Hex Decimal and octal systemsIt supports all the bitwise operations required by adeveloperand still maintains almost zero visual clutter.It provides option to edit Individual bits in abinarynumber.It supports BYTE (8bit), WORD / SHORT (16bit), DWORD /INTEGER(32bit) and QWORD / LONG (64BIT) Signed and Unsignednumbers.It provides Floating Point mode and fixed point mode.It can show IEEE 754 Representation of numbers.
Fraction Calculator + Math PRO
Fraction calculator withstep-by-stepoperations and algebra.Shows results as you type.Graphical display of expressions with history.Use space to enter mixed number, e.g. 2 1/2Help site with instructions andexamples:http://frac.mathlab.usIf you have a question, send email to calc@mathlab.usPRO FEATURES* Workspaces to work on multiple tasks* Store often used expressions in a library* No advertisementsFRACTION CALCULATOR* Step-by-step operations (option to turn off)* Arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/,÷), hold / to enter ÷* Powers of fractions* Fractions simplification* Fractions with complex numbers* Decimal to fraction conversion and back* Symbolical fractions and operations* Integer roots simplification* Pinch to zoomALGEBRA* Linear equations x+1=2 -> x=1* Quadratic equations x^2-1=0 -> x=-1,1* Approximate roots of higher polynomials* Systems of linear equations, write one equation per line,x1+x2=1,x1-x2=2* Polynomial long division* Polynomial expansion, factoring* Solving inequalities with one variable.Double tap “(“to enter “less” sign.Double tap “)” to enter “greater” sign.* Linear and polynomial inequalities, x^3-4>4* Inequalities with absolute values, abs(2x+3)<=5* Compound inequalities, 1* Rationalinequalities,(x+3)/(x-1)<=0
Scientific Calculator 3 1.8
Scientific Calculator 3 is an easy to useuniversalscientificcalculator app for smartphones, tablets orotherAndroidtouchscreen devices. It evaluates mathematicalexpressionsunderconsideration of the algebraic convention "bracketsbeforepowerbefore point before line calculation". The rounding ofresultsisadjustable between 5 and 15 digits. Available notationsarenormalnotation (NORM), scientific notation (SCI) andengineeringnotation(ENG). Trigonometric calculations optionally inDegrees(DEG:1°=PI/180) or Radians (RAD: 1rad=180°/PI).ScientificCalculator 3provides a large history display, where allinputs andresults canbe checked easily. This calculation history iskeptuntil explicitdeletion. For devices without menu button:pleasetouch the screenlonger than 3sec to invoke the setup/optionsmenu!Functions onmain display: * calc operators: + - × ÷ *parentheses:( ) * squareroot and power of 2: sqrt x² * permutation:n! (inlandscape formatonly or on tablets) * reciprocal: 1/x *percentage:% * plus minussign: ± * memory: MR MS M+ * exponent(optional): ExpScientificfunctions via "sci" button and on largedisplays: * poweroperator:^ 2^ e^ 10^ * square and cube root: sqrtcbrt * naturallogarithmand logarithms of 10: ln lg * constants: pi2pi e 1/e*trigonometric, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolicfunctions:sinasin sinh asinh, cos...., tan.... **Notice:ScientificCalculator 3is based on the Open Source SoftwareArity-2.1.6"Arithmetic Enginefor Java" (Copyright © 2007-2009 MihaiPreda),which is licensedunder the Apache license 2.0.
Справочник по русскому языку 1.2
Это объемное собрание правил русского языка. Справочникподойдеттем,кто не уверен в своих знаниях русской грамматики,поможетразобратьсяв правописании слов и пунктуации. Справочниксостоит из3 частей. В1-й части содержится информация по разделам:фонетика,графика,орфография, морфемика, словообразование,морфология.Описаны все видыразборов: фонетический,морфемный,словообразовательный,морфологический. Часть 2 "Синтаксисипунктуация" посвящена правиламразбора простых исложныхпредложений. В части 3 "Русский язык икультура общения" вынайдетеинформацию о следующих понятиях русскогоязыка: -Орфоэпическиенормы - Морфологические нормы - Синтаксическиенормы -Социальныеварианты русского языка - Стили русскоголитературногоязыка -Точность речи и лексика русского языка - Тексти егоосновныепризнаки Упражнения ко всем темам справочника и ответыкнимсмотрите на сайте licey.net вразделеОнлайн-библиотека/Русскийязык.
RpnCalc - Rpn Calculator
RpnCalc is the best RPN calculator ontheAndroid Market.It has an interface that users of the HP calculator line willbecompletely at home with, including these features:Scientific modeBasic (large key) mode20 MemoriesKey click (haptic feedback)Continouous memory16-level stack (configurable)Front four stack elements displayedRpnCalc has a sixteen-level stack to hold more data. The frontfourelements on the stack are visible at all times, making itmucheasier to keep track of where you are in yourcalculations."Calculator tape" records your calculations and can be sharedviaemail, bluetooth, etc.See http://www.efalk.org/RpnCalc/ for manualOh, and here's the privacy policy: RpnCalc never collectsanyprivate data of any sort. It never connects to the internet.Itdoesn't even run ads.
MathAlly Graphing Calculator + 2.8.1
MathAlly Graphing Calculator + has all the features of thefreeversion plus: -View Step-by-Step how the answer was calculatedbyclicking on the result (see screen shot). -Parametric andPolarcoordinate graphing. -New All Cartesian graph mode which cangraphany equation even if it can't solve for x or y. -Createcustomkeyboards. -Create custom keys as expressions or functions.-Savegraph setups and screenshots. -Create workspaces to organizeandpermanently save calculations. -Additional matrixoperations:reduced row echelon form, LU and QR decomposition,eigenvalues, andeigenvectors -Graph up to 6 equations (free limitsyou to 3). -NoAds -Since there are no ads, no internet permissionis required. Q.How do I view the Step-by-Step screen for a problem?A. First enterthe problem into the calculator and hit enter to seethe result.Then click on the result. Make sure you are clicking onthe resultand not its input, as clicking on its input will pastethe inputinto the current entry field. Also, Step-by-Step must beenabled inthe settings when the result is calculated. By defaultStep-by-Stepis enabled. If you are not completely satisfied withyour purchaseand you email me at support@mathally.com within 14days of yourpurchase, I will give you a refund. Please include yourordernumber in the email. (Google play only gives you 15 minutestoautomatically get a refund, I think this is too short). Youcanonly request a refund once. If you find any bugs or havequestions,please email me. Explanation of permissions: Storage -Needed forapp to be able to read/write to external storage. Thisallows usersto transfer custom keyboards between devices.
Promega Biomath Calculators 1.1.1
Perform everyday lab calculations with asingleapp. The Biomath Calculators provide a range of functionsessentialto molecular biology experiments, including nucleic acidand proteinconversions, melting temperature, temperatureconversion, molarityand dilution calculations.Nucleic Acid Conversions•dsDNA: Micrograms to Picomoles Converter•dsDNA: Picomoles to Micrograms Converter•Oligos (ssDNA): Micrograms per Milliliter to PicomolesperMicroliter Converter•Oligos (ssDNA): Picomoles per Microliter to MicrogramsperMilliliter Converter•Linear DNA: Micrograms to Picomoles of Ends Converter•Ligations: Molar Ratio of Insert to Vector Calculator•Absorbance Units of Nucleic Acid to ConcentrationProtein Conversions•Protein Molar Conversions Tool•Coding Capacity of DNA CalculatorCalculators & Additional Conversions•Dilution Calculator•Molarity Calculator•Temperature Conversions Tool•Tm (Melting Temperature) Calculations for Oligos