برترین 13 برنامه مشابه به 給料計算

シフト給料計算カレンダー 1.3.13
Prospect Technology, K.K
シフト管理&給料計算アプリの決定版! アルバイトのスケジュールを簡単設定&自動管理できる、便利な無料アプリです。バイト管理をまるっとおまかせください!
シフトボード –バイトのシフト管理・給料計算 5.59.0
Recruit Co.,Ltd.
The best app for shift management / sharing and part-timepayroll!Of course, a free app that allows you to easily manageyourpart-time job schedule. Shift board for byte and shiftmanagement!
アルバイト給与計算 1.01
test user.org
ご利用の際、以下の点についてご注意ください。※当アプリは祝日を考慮していません。When available,pleasenotethe following points.※ This app does not take into account the public holiday.
アルバイト一日の勤務時間と日給計算 1.4
勤務開始時刻・勤務終了時刻・休憩時間・時給を入力すると、勤務時間と日給が表示されます。アルバイトやパートの給料計算にどうぞ。If you enter theworkstart time and work end time, break time and hourly rate, youwillsee the working hours and the daily wage.Please to salary calculation of part-time jobs and part.
主婦のための扶養範囲計算メモ - 賢い主婦の働き方 1.7.2
Are you wasting unnecessary time and money beyond yourdependents?Record your monthly income and Automates the calculationof averagemonthly income for the remaining months to keep it withinthedependent range.
らくらく出退勤管理 無料版 1.3
出退勤を簡単操作で管理できるアプリです。出退勤時間の承認でパスワードの入力を求めるように設定することができます。例えば、雇用主がパスワードを設定しておき、従業員が出勤した際に、雇用主がパスワードを入力して承認することができます。退勤の承認においても同様です。また、以下の各種設定が用意されています。・始業時間 早出の有無 ・終業時間 残業の有無 ・日付変更時間(就業上の日付が変更する時間)・休憩時間・時給・締日(一覧での表示のとき、締日に合わせて総労働時間、給与計を計算します)※出退勤管理する上で必要最低限の要件は満たしています。さらに、有料版(300円)では、後から承認ミスによる出退勤時間を修正することもできます。このときも、パスワードの入力を求めるように設定することができます。1~20人程度の職場の出退勤管理において十分な機能を果たしてくれます。ぜひ、ご利用ください。※無料版では、広告が表示されます。
attendance & salary management 1.8
It will manage attendance sheet, calculate salary,transportationexpenses and allowances.For simply entry everyday attendance sheet, several workingpatternhave been pre-registered.It is possible to create or edit working pattern according toyourworking classification.Then you can select working pattern only in a daily report,withoutentering time or hours. Moreover mass entry by the dayofweek.At monthly summary, working days, working hours,transportationexpenses, allowances, working detail will be listed.If necessary,send working data by email.And others, you can set default closing date of month, theworkingnumber of time at one day, and initialize attendance dataofdesignation month, backup or restore attendance data.It is suitable for regular, shift, part-time job.--How to use--[Setting]1.Default closing date.2.The number of maximum times at one work day.3.Initialization of attendance data of the selected month.4.Data backup and restore.5.Set up an email address for the data transmission.[Master - Working Pattern]1.Create a new working pattern.2.Modify or delete the working pattern.3.Specify the closing date for different job.4.Specify the time interval (You can cut short the time at workin1-30 minutes, or cut down the time leaving.)5.Specify the display color.6.Specify the basic working hours. You can set start time, endtime(Until 23:59 (47:59) the next day), basic hourly wage.7.Specify the basic break time. You can specify whether a breakfromworking hours minus the time unconditionally, to draw thebreak timebeyond the working hours specified.8.Overtime hours. If the working hours exceeds settingvalue,overtime hours will be calculated. You can set normalovertimehourly wage.9.Late-night overtime hours. 29:00 is the next morning 5:00. Youcanset start time, end time, late-night overtime hourlywage.10.Early overtime hours. You can set start time, end time,earlyovertime hourly wage.11.Specify the method of payment for transportation expensesandallowance[Master - Labor Reason]1.Create a new labor reason (Several labor reasons havebeenpre-registered.)2.Modify or delete the labor reason3.Specify labor reason division (For example, Paid holiday)4.Specify equivalent day[Attendance Sheet]1.Attendance data list of current month is displayed.2.Today's data is highlighted in green background.3.Month will be changed when you tap the arrow button onthetop.4.Tap the date line, for data entry.[Data Entry]1.Select a working pattern that is registered, break time andstarttime and end time and fare will be displayed. Break time isdividedby normal break time, overtime break time, late-nightbreaktime,early break time.2.Reason can be selected. Paid holiday, specialholiday,compensation day, and so on.3.Comment can be filled in.4.You can enter the attendance data up to three times a day bythesetting.5.You can enter transportation expenses and allowance.[Mass Entry]1. You can register once for each day of the week for one month,orfor one year.2. The day of the week that you check is to be entered. Itneedattention that day's data will be removed to check the only dayofthe week, if you do not specify the working pattern.3. Start time and end time can be changed.[Monthly Summary]1.The working days, working hours will summarized for theselectedmonth.2.The salary will be calculated by hourly wage. The total amountisthe summary of working pattern subtotal.3.The transportation expenses will be calculated by dailyormonthly. The total amount is the summary of workingpatternsubtotal.4.The allowances will be calculated by daily. The total amountisthe summary of working pattern subtotal.5.The working detail for everyday will be displayed. If starttimeor end time is not entered, it will be highlighted.6.You can send attendance data as a CSV file by email.7.If you change the working pattern, the new value is reflectedbythe recalculation.
アルバイト給与計算Calendar 1.01
test user.org
It is an application that you can intuitively decide the shiftbysimple touch selection to the calendar and calculate theestimatedsalary amount.
Shift Work Calendar 2023.2.4
Calendar for shift workers. You can input your monthly shiftveryquickly.
主婦のアルバイト・パート・派遣求人 1.2.8-syufu
▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ I will cheer looking housewifebytework! Part-time jobs Job Search app ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △▼ △
時間日付計算機-時間と日数の計算・単位換算のできる電卓アプリ 3.1
時間の計算・日付の計算ができる時間と日付の専用電卓です。 睡眠時間の計算クリスマスまであと何日?今日は生まれてから何日目? といった計算にお使いください。
シフトdeバイト Lite 2.4
今週の仕事の予定はどうだったかな?今日のアルバイト代はいくらかな?時間を指折り数えて 計算していますか?そんなことはもう不要です。シフト勤務を登録しておけば、自動で給与を計算をします。シフト勤務以外の仕事も自由に設定できます。●有料版では端末のカレンダーと連携でき、月の合計給与、及び月の勤務時間も表示されます。★機能・複数勤務先の登録複数の勤務先で働いていても大丈夫。勤務先ごとに、時給の設定などが可能です。カレンダーも勤務先単位で表示できるので、スケジューラとしても使用できます。・給与計算機能時間と時給を設定することで、予定に登録された時間から自動的にお給料を計算して一日単位で表示してくれます。日給や勤務先毎の締日にも対応しています。・固定シフト作成機能勤務先ごとにいくつでも固定シフトを作ることが 可能です。・自由シフト登録機能例えば日雇いや、年末年始で時給が変わる勤務先でも一つのシフト(予定)単位で時給の設定や、 時間の設定が可能です。・雑費収支管理機能一つのシフト(予定)単位で交通費や食費等の雑費を含めて 計算する事ができます。I wonder if Howwasscheduled for this week of work?Wonder if much today of part-time job cost?Have you calculated counting Yubiori the time? Such a thing isnolonger required.If you register the shift work, and the calculation of thesalaryautomatically.Other than shift work job you can also be freely set.● In the paid version can work with the terminal of thecalendar,the total salary of the month, and also displays theworking hoursof the month.★ function• Multiple office of registrationIt okay to have worked in more than one place of work.For each office, you can, such as hourly wage setting.Since the calendar can also be displayed in the office units,andcan also be used as a scheduler.-Payroll functionBy setting the time and hourly, from the time it is registeredinthe scheduleAutomatically your salary is calculated for us to display on adailybasis.It also supports the closing date of the daily wage orofficeeach.- Fixed shift creation functionAny number for each office it is possible to make a fixedshift.-Free shift register functionFor example and day laborers, even in work destination hourlywagechanges in the New YearHourly wage of and settings in a single shift (planned) unit, canbetime setting.- Miscellaneous expenses balance management functionIt can be calculated to include miscellaneous expenses suchastransportation costs and food is one of the shift(planned)units.
ASK残金計算 1.2
給料日までの残金を日割り計算する『Ask残金計算』給料日までの残金を日割りで計算するアプリです。給料日を設定し、残金を入力することで1日にいくら使えるかがわかり、計画的に消費することができます。使い方はとても簡単です。1.給料日を設定する(1度設定してしまえば触ることはありません)2.残金を入力する(給料日までに使うことのできる金額を入力してください)3.給料日を含めて日割りするかどうかを選択する4.今日使うかどうか(今日を日割りに含めるかどうか)を選択する全て1画面上のボタン操作で行うことができます。ASKカラーチェンジャーと連動して色を変えることができます。The balance of uptopaydayto prorated "Ask balance calculation"The balance of up to payday It is an applicationthatcalculatedby the daily.Set the payday, to understand it is some use in a daybyenteringa balance, you can intentionally consume.It is very easy to use.1. Setting the payday (no touching and once you set a time)2. To enter the balance (Please enter the amount of money thatcanbeused in up to payday)3. To choose whether or not to per diem, including the payday4. To choose whether to use today (whether included inthedailytoday)All you can do at the touch of a button on one screen.In conjunction with the ASK color changer you canchangethecolor.