برترین 3 برنامه مشابه به EngcaVoca EnglishBook15

곽유정의 영어로 만나는 고전 - 뉴잉 곽뉴 영만고 1.6
과거를 여행하고,현재를 사색하며,미래를 그려볼 수 있는'고전'을 '영어'로 만나는 시간! ♡_♡"읽어야지! 읽어야 해. 읽어야 하는데.."혼자 읽기에는 버거웠던 영어원서를함께의 힘으로 끝까지 읽어보자구요~곽뉴 (Kwak New) 선생님과 함께직독직해 훈련을 하며 영어실력도 쌓고!고전문학을 통해 삶의 지혜도 얻고!친절한 설명과 실감나는 연기로감동과 재미까지 있는 즐거운 여행~♬함께 떠날 준비 되셨죠? ^^Here we go~~~!!! :)- '어린왕자' [The Little Prince] / 완독- '노인과 바다' [The Old Man and the Sea] / 진행중- 곽유정의 영어로 만나는 고전 정식 앱!- 공식 페이스북 : http://facebook.com/newsenglish- 앱 관련 불편 및 문의사항은 help@weplli.com 으로~ 메일주세요~----개발자 연락처 :서울시 동작구 상도동 511 숭실대학교 벤처관 207-7호070-7391-7979Travel to the past,The current speculation,With a view to draw the future'Classical' time to meet with 'English'! ♡ _ ♡"Ileoyaji! Read it. To read."Read The burger alone application wotdeon EnglishRead to the end with the power of ~Gwaknyu (Kwak New) with teacherThe direct reading jikhae training and build your English!The wisdom of life through classical literature also gained!The friendly description and realistic smokeExcitement and fun to the trip - which ♬Long you have ready to leave with? ^^Here we go ~~~ !!! :)- 'The Little Prince' [The Little Prince] / wandok- "The Old Man and the Sea '[The Old Man and the Sea] /inprogress- English classic formal meeting of gwakyujeong app!- Official Facebook: http://facebook.com/newsenglish- App-related discomfort and inquiries, please email to help@weplli.com ~ ~
Daily Issue And Classic Books 1.17
Apply the best reading solution “SmartPointReading” to the smart phone for reading bookseffectively.(asImmersion Reading of Kindle)Smart Point Reading is the solution matching the Real AudioBookwith the regular book to narrate the book with native actualvoicenot TTS.This solution has been used in elementary schools in the USforreading comprehension and also adapting FPR(Finger PointReading)technology used for the purpose of curing dyslexia. Wedevelopedthis solution to help reading effectively with wellconcentrationand help recognizing and understanding easily throughthe smartphone.And the Smart Point Reading Solution contains Read AloudSolutionwhich is a Reading Assistant Program based on reports of“ReadAloud” recommended by NRP (National Reading Panel) in UStoimplement “Methodology of Effective Reading Solution” for theusersto compare their recorded voices with audio books.1. How to use smart point reading- When you touch the screen, you can see the play button. èTouchthe play button to start- While reading is processing, you can touch the sentence for3seconds then it will turn to start from that sentence.- If you touch the screen one more time, the reading willstop2. How to use E-book- If you touch the screen around the play button, the playbuttonwill be off. (Hide)- Click the image long è zooming the image- Click the word long – connecting to the online dictionary: ifyoupush the save button, it will save in your vocabulary section(Menuè Vocabulary confirm)- Drag the left or right screen – changing the pages- Click translation icon long on each page – translating toeachcountry’s language (coming soon)
E-NEO learning 이네오러닝
E-NEO learning is an integrated and systematic program toimproveunderstanding of the English form, measuring vocabulary.