برترین 2 برنامه مشابه به Gujarati Calendar 2022 ગુજરાતી

Janmangal Namavali & Stotram 1.7
Janmangal Namavali Janmangal Stotram Read and Listen to the108namesof Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan on the move and attainbliss;ShatanandSwami says “Those individuals who read, study orlistento the nameswithin the Janmangal or those who makeotherindividuals read, studyor listen to the Janmangal willneverexperience confusion and chaosin their lives.” chaturvargasidhyarthe jape vineeyogh “Those whochant the JanmangalStotraachieve Dharma (moral emancipation), Arth(worldlyprosperity),Kaam (fulfilment of worldly desires) and Moksh(finalliberation)”.Whats is the Janmangal Namavali? The basis ofthechanting ofBhagwan’s name is that within the meaning ofBhagwan’snamesresides the divine qualities, divine powers andmeditation ofHissupremacy. Subsequently, the question will arisethatBhagwanpossesses innumerable names. In the latter part of thetenthcantoof the Shreemad Bhagvat, Bhagwan Himself has madeaconfessionbefore Muchukunda. janma karmaa bhidhaanaani, santimesahastrashahna shakyante’nu sankhyaatu, manantattvaanma yaapihi“Oh Muchkund!My births, deeds and names are thousands. No oneisable tocalculate them. Perhaps, although impossible, a powerfulonemay beable to count the molecules upon this earth, yetthatpowerful onecannot reach the end of My divine innumerablenames.”Hence, whichspecific names, from the innumerable ones,should onedepend on?All those divine names are of Bhagwan’s;therefore theyare allequally fruitful and full of prominence.However, ShatanandSwamihas given the topmost names in which itsmeaning pervadeswithBhagwan’s most potent greatness. In theMahabharat, Bhishmapitahasillustrated to Yudhishtir that there isno end to the greatnessofBhagwan’s names. Within this UdhavSampraday, for the welfareofdevotees, Shatanand Swami accumulated1008 names of Shree Harifromthe infinite names and composed theSarvamangal Stotra.Thereafter,so that the much dispersed humankindin today’s age canachievemore fruits in a limited time, hebenevolently compiledtheJanmangal Stotra (Janmangal Namavali),containing 108 namesofShreeHari._____________________________________________SWAMINARAYAN SSMB
Ekadashi Jagran 1.2
To mark the 60th celebrations of Shree KutchSatsangSwaminarayanTemple Nairobi, the Temple is pleased to offerthis appin anattempt to allow devotees to easily take part inEkadashiJagaranand to practice the Kirtans while on the move, athome or attheTemple. Kirtan Bhakti performed on any day isinvaluable butthemerits of such actions on Ekadashi areimmeasurable. Features-Offline reading, allowing it to work withoutaninternetconnection. - In Gujarati and Transliterated EnglishLipi,makingit accessible to majority of users. - Ekadashi Patra(Letter)bySwami Shree Aksharjivan Dasji - Change Text Colourtosuitenvironment and preference - Change Font Size for easeofreading -Feature to alert us of corrections, if you findanymistakes,please do let us know using the built in feature. WhatisEkadashi?Ekadashi follows the Hindu calendar on the movement ofthemoon. amonth has 30 days and are divided into two periodsof15days. Firstperiod of the month is called Sud (Sukla pax).Duringthis period,the Moon's size is increasing. The second periodof themonth iscalled Vad ( Krishan pax). During this period, themoon'ssize isdecreasing. Ekadashi occurs on the 11th day of eachperiod(twice amonth). Ekadashi mean 11 (Ek meaning 1 and dashmeaning10therefore 11). It is tradition in Hindu religion toobserve fastonthis day and is considered a holy day. Story ofEkadashiEkadashiis a Vrat (austerity) which started many years ago.OnceLordNarayan was resting and a demon call Mundanav challengedtheLordfor a fight. Mundanav had a boon (wish) that he couldnotbedefeated by a man. So Lord Narayan produced a damselfromelevenspiritual parts of his body. Mundanav was so attractedtothisdamsel that he asked her to marry her. The damsel agreedwithacondition that he had to fight her and destroy her andonlythenwill she marry him. Mundanav was blinded by passion anddidnoteven think twice and agreed to fight with her. Duringthefight,Mundanav was killed by the damsel. Lord Narayan waspleasedwiththe damsel and granted her a boon. The damsel askedLordNarayanthat ‘as I evolved from your Ekadash Indriyas(elevenspiritualparts of the body) I shall be known as Ekadashi. Iamfilled withTaap (penance) so I desire that people shouldobserveEkadashiVrata on this day and control their Ekadash Indriyasonthis day.Lord Narayan agreed and ever since all HindusperformEkadashi Vratby fasting or eating farrari foods. A number ofpeopledo NirjalaEkadashi Vrat on this day by not taking any foodordrink.Swaminarayan Bhagwan explains in the Vachnamrut thatatrueEkadashi Vrat is when one withdraws the ten indriyasandtheeleventh, the mind, from their worldly activities andfocusesthemon God and devotional activities. The Indriyas thatshouldbecontrolled during Ekadashi: 5 Sense organs Eyes EarsNoseSkinTongue 5 Motor organs Hands Feet MouthReproductiveOrgansExcretory OrgansTheMind_____________________________________________ SWAMINARAYANSSMB