برترین 21 برنامه مشابه به Torah Portion

Hebrew Bible + nikud תנך מנוקד 4.1.1
YO Apps
The Hebrew Bible with nikud! with original texts and hebrew fontandnarrating
Jewish Bible in English Jewish bible in English free 15.0
Bible Christian
Welcome to the app to read and listen to the Jewish Bible.
Five Books of Moses Torah book 9.0.0
Pentateuch (Hebrew. חֲמִשָּׁה חֻמְשֵׁיתּוֹרָה- Hamish humshey Torah or Hebrew. חֻמָּשׁ - Chumash), theso-calledLaw of Moses - the first five books of the canonicalJewish andChristian Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, NumbersandDeuteronomy. Pentateuch forms the first part of the JewishTanakh -Torah. The word "Torah" is a literal translation from Greek-πεντάτευχος from πεντε - «Five" and τευχος - «that book."The book of Genesis tells the story of Creation and the formationofthe Jews as a family;• Exodus has a prologue and an epilogue, separating it fromotherbooks and tells of the Exodus from Egypt, the giving of theTorahon Mount Sinai and the construction of the tabernacle - thatis,the design of the sons of Israel as the Jewish people;• The book of Leviticus is devoted mainly priestly legislationandthe temple service;• Book of Numbers tells the story of the Jews wandering inthedesert after the Exodus from Egypt;• Deuteronomy is Moses' deathbed speech, in which he repeatsthecontents of other books.
Tanya em Português 1.0
O Tanya é conhecido como o ShulchanAruchdaChassidut Chabad. Correspondendo ao Shulchan Aruch, oTanyatambémé dividido em quatro partes: A primeira seção doTanya,LikuteiAmarim, "Coletânea de Ensinamentos", corresponde àprimeirapartedo Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim.Com muita alegria trazemos para você a primeira partedoTanya,Likutei Amarim. O download deste app é gratuito, com oapoiodaVitacon.Em memória de Shmuel ben Ben Tzion Z"L e BiniaminbenAvrahamZ"LTanya is knownastheShulchan Aruch of Chabad Chassidus. Corresponding totheShulchanAruch, the Tanya is also divided into four parts: Thefirstsectionof Tanya, Likutei Amarim, "Collected Teachings'correspondsto thefirst part of the Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim.With great joy we bring to you the first part ofTanya,LikuteiAmarim. Downloading this app is free, with thesupportofVITACON.In memory of Shmuel ben Ben Tzion Z "L and Binyamin benAvrahamZ"L
Torah Kol Rega 1.5
Domain Web Holdings
The Torah Kol Rega app lets you hear orreadTorah lessons according to the amount of available time thatyouhave.The app lets you choose the type of lesson (audio or text) andthelesson length (minutes or words) and get a list of relevantTorahlessons.The app is constantly updated with new lessons from multipleonlineresources.Using the app, even if you only have 1 or 2 free minutes, youcanuse them to study Torah!The app and lessons are in Hebrew
Biblia KADOSH 4.1.2
Bible translation based Kadosh exists for E-Sword
BetaMidrash 2.01
Torah Shebimobile
We've teamed up with Sefaria to buildastate-of-the-art app for learning Torah. Since we will no longerbeupdating BetaMidrash, please download the new Sefaria appathttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.sefaria.sefaria.Ithas all the latest texts, translations and features!-----BetaMidrash is revolutionizing the mobile Torah learningexperienceand has one of largest libraries of Torah and Jewishtexts on amobile device, with tens of thousands of Englishtranslations, andhalf a million connections between the texts. Witha user friendlydesign, easy jumping between connected sources, andadvancedsearching to help you find what you're looking for quickly,it isthe best places to study Torah on the go.Our library is from Sefaria.org, with slightmodifications.Sefaria is breaking grounds in the world of digitizedJewish texts.It is an open source library, so if you want to addtranslations orbooks, the power is in your hands. They check theaccuracy of thecontent, making have the most accurate Talmud textfreely availableon the internet, using the Vilna shas as thestandard. One of thethings that makes Sefaria so unique is that alltheir texts arecopyright free and open for anyone to use for anypurpose.BetaMidrash isn't part of the Sefaria project, butSefaria'sopenness enables us to use the Torah.BetaMidrash contains millions of Jewish texts, and hundredsofthousands of connections between them. BetaMidrash contains oneof(if not the) largest libraries of Jewish texts available onamobile device also containing many many translations includingfulltranslation of Tanach and Mishna. Some of the textsinclude:Tanach (Torah, Neviim, Kesuvim)Commentaries include: Rashi, Ramban, Eban Ezra, Rashbam,Radak,Sforno... (many more)MishnahToseftaTamludMidrashHalakhahKabbalahTefillah (Siddur for Ashkenaz, Edot HaMizrach, and Sefard)PhilosophyChasidutMussarResponsaPlus many many more!!תנך - תורה, נביאים, כתוביםרש''י, רמב"ן, עבן עזרא, רשב"ם, רד"ק, ספורנו...והרבה עודמשנהתוספתאתלמודמדרשהלכהקבלהתפילה - אשכנז, ספרד, עדת המזרחמחשבהחסידותמוסרשו"תועוד!BetaMidrash is created and owned by JoshHerzberg,jherzberg@torahsummary.com, and NoahSantacruz,noahssantacruz@gmail.com.For any bugs, problems, or suggestions please feel free toemailus. If you enjoy BetaMidrash, don't forget to rate it on theplaystore. You can also help support the project by going toourwebsite, http://BetaMidrash.org.Josh also created http://TorahSummary.com.
Bíblia em Português (PTv7D) bibliaptv7d.5
Bíblia grátis, simples e fácil de usar! Não precisa deInternet,nãotem anúncios ou publicidade! Versão bíblica: JoãoFerreiradeAlmeida - Português. Dicas de uso: -Para voltar aoiniciodocapítulo (ou seja, ver o cabeçalho), dê um "tap"! -Parapassaraopróximo livro, ou ao anterior, "swipe" direita ouesquerda!-Paravoltar à seleção de Livro clique no nome do livro(estánocabeçalho!). -Para escolher outro capítulo do livro,cliquenonúmero do capítulo que esta a visualizar (está nocabeçalho!)....e muito mais, instale e descobre!
Talmud in English
Gemara Talmud Bavli in English
חמישה חומשי תורה 2.0
Hebrew Apps
חומש שלם עם ניקוד וטעמים. האפליקציה היחידה הכוללת חמישה אתחמשתחומשי תורה עם ניקוד וטעמי המקרא!האפליקציה מותאמת גם עבור לימוד קריאת התורה (תיקון קוראים),ומאפשרתהסתרה והצגה של הניקוד והטעמים בקלות.באפליקציה תמצאו:● חומש שלם עם ניקוד וטעמים מלאים (כולל סימון פרקים, פסוקים,עליות,פרשה פתוחה/סגורה וכו').● מצב "תיקון קוראים" המציג את הפרשות ללא ניקוד וטעמים.● הפטרות, בסוף כל פרשה.● סימניות.● שמירה אוטומטית של 'המיקום האחרון שלי'.● הצגת פרשת השבוע הנוכחית.● אפשרות שליטה בגודל הכתב ובסוג הגופן.● אפשרות מצב רגיל (טקסט שחור על גבי רקע לבן) ומצב לילה (טקסט לבןעלגבי רקע שחור).** אם הטקסטים מוצגים במכשירך משמאל לימין יש להכנס להגדרת"יישורטקסט" בתפריט ולהפעילה.תגיות:חומש | תורה | פרשה | chumash | torah | חומש עם טעמים | תנ"ך | תנך|יכין ובועז | תיקון קוראים | חמישה חומשי תורה | תנך | bibleChumashcomplete with scoring and flavors. The only app whichincludes fiveof the five books of Moses with a score andcantillation!The app is also optimized for the study of Torah reading(Amendmentcall) and allows hide and show the score and flavorseasily.App you will find:● Chumash complete with full scoring and flavors (includingmarkingchapters, verses, increases, spread open / closedetc.).● Mode "Patch call" showing the discharge without scoringandflavors.● Haftarah, at the end of each episode.● Bookmarks.● Automatically save 'my last position.● View the current week affair.● possibility of controlling the size of lettering andfonttype.● Normal mode option (black text on a white background) andnightmode (white text on a black background).** If the texts are displayed on your device from left torightwill have to use the definition of "text-align" menu andactivateit.TAGS: Fiver | Torah | spread | chumash | torah | Chumashwithflavors | bible | bible | Boaz and Jachin | Patch Readers|Pentateuch | bible | bible
Tora mia 1.1
Tora facil de navegar, leer y compartir,sinrequerir internet conexion.Tora easy tonavigate,read and share, without requiring internetconnection.
Daka Tora - דקה תורה 3.2.3
Elad Richardson
האפליקציה המקיפה לחייל בסדיר, קבע אומילואים;ובכלל לכל מי שמעוניין בדקה של תורה.האפליקציה כוללת לימוד תורה יומי, זמני היום, מצפן תפילה,תזכורות,הלכות, תפילות, מידע לחייל ועוד.עכשיו כבר כל אחד יכול דקה תורה. כי כל דקה חשובה!http://www.dakatora.co.il/אתם מוזמנים לעקוב אחרינו ברשתות החברתיות ולשתף את חבריכם:http://www.facebook.com/dakatorahttp://plus.google.com/115188200847688386590נתקלתם במשהו שלא עובד? יש לכם בקשות לשינויים או שיפורים? בבקשהצרואיתנו קשר או כתבו ביקורת כדי שנוכל לתקן ולשפר.פיתוח האפליקציה: אלעד ריכרדסוןמילות מפתח: צבא , צה"ל , יהדות , חיילים , חייל, סידור, תפילה,תפילות , יהודי , מצפן תפילה , מצפן ירושלים , הר הבית , מצפן יהודי,Daka Tora ,
Hebrew Greek and English Bible 26
Zavarise Apps
Parallel Bible: OT in Hebrew and English , NT in Greek and English
Brochos - Jewish Blessings 1.0.3
Yossie's Apps, LLC
A reference database of Brochos to say on Food and otherimportantthings
PocketTorah 1.1
not-a-box media lab
PocketTorah is designed to help you learntheweekly Torah and Haftarah portion anywhere, at any time forfree.This project is made possible thanks to the generous supportofthe Jewish New Media Innovation FundThe app includes:- The entire text of the Torah and Haftarah in Hebrewandtranslation.- On Demand Audio: With a simple click or touch of any versenumberthe corresponding Hebrew with proper trope is chanted, whilethecorresponding text is highlighted.
Tikkun Korim תיקון קוראים 3.3
Perfect for going over any portion of the Torah reading. ChooseaParsha including double Parshiot and start practicing rightaway.Makes practicing much easier on the go. The traditionalTikkunKorim places the 'Chumash' text on the right and the 'Torah'texton the left. This project was made with mobile one handed useonsmall screened devices in mind, that's why we came up with asimpleway to get the most out of the small screen, by simplytapping toremove the Trop and Nikkud. תיקון קוראים לחמשה חומשיתורהINSTRUCTIONS: - Select a Chumash then a Parsha then an Aliya. -Tapthe text to switch from with Nikkud and Trop/Taamim/Simanimtowithout. And vice versa. - Tap the back button on the top ofthescreen to go to the previous menu. - Tap the grid (four squares)tostart from the beginning. - Quickly switch from one Aliya tothenext by tapping the arrows on the top left. Comments aboutTikunKorim, Torah: http://twitter.com/ShafehOrg
My Tanach (Hebrew Bible)
AA Rosenbaum
Fully-pointed Hebrew Tanach, resizable text, bookmarks, socialmediasharing
Tanakh, Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew 1.0.7
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses (with Hebrew audio)
iTorah 1.22
Crowded Road
NEW! The best selling iPhone & iPadTorah(Bible) app with English is finally available for Android!----------------------------------ENGLISH TRANSLATION WITH INTERLINEAR & SYNCHRONIZATION● A complete English translation of the Torah is fullyintegratedinto iTorah.● View English translation in full page, dual-window andinterlinearmodes.● English search included.HD PRINT, VOWELS & EVEN A TIKKUN!iTorah Android Edition was created with beautiful typographyandcrisp print. We've even included vowels and trop for thehebrewtext so it's easier to read (requires OS 3.2+).INTEGRATED CLASSIC COMMENTARIES WITH INTERLINEARThousands and thousands of Hebrew comments & insights,viewablein both interlinear or synchronized dual-windows, by theforemostcommentators of the Torah.● Rashi● Ramban (Nachmanides)● Ibn Ezra● Seforno● Ohr HaChaim● Targum Onkelos (requires OS 3.2+)● Targum Yonasan (requires OS 3.2+)TIKKUN / SEFER TORAH SCROLL VIEWSee the text as it appears in a real Sefer Torah Scroll!INTEGRATED AUDIO LECTURES/SHIURIM● Audio shiurim/lectures let you follow along inside the text,lookat the integrated commentaries and listen to the audio all atthesame time!● Inspiring lectures based on textual analysis and insightsfromtraditional Rabbinic commentaries.● Delivered by Rabbi Dovid Grossman, a founder of the YeshivaGedolaof Los Angeles.THE PARSHA● Jump to the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) with asingleclick.● Parsha mode - pages are divided by the weekly Aliya.● Audio lectures are divided up based on the Parsha.● See the Parsha, aliya by aliya in the original text withTikkunmode.BROWSE, SEARCH & BOOKMARK● Browse by book (sefer), parsha, chapter or jump to aspecificpage, anywhere.● Comprehensive keyword search across the entire Torah● Bookmark any chapter or specific aliya within a Parsha.
Torah PLUS 3.2
Hebrew Apps
Hamisha Humshei Torah (Bible) withShnayimMikra V'Echad Targum and Tikun Korim- All IN ONE APP!Includes:● Current Hebrew date & Parashat Hashavua.● All Hamisha Humshei Torah with Nikkud & Ta'amim.● Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum mode with Nikkud &Ta'amim.● Tikun Korim mode.● bookmarks● Automatic restore your last location● Automatic scrolling● Night modeand more...
Hebrew Interlinear Bible 1.0.2
Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament