اطلاعات برنامه اندروید TRIVIA INDONESIA
- نام بستهcom.appkey.Trivia_Indonesia
- تاریخ بروزرسانیJanuary 7, 2014
- حجم فایل3.5M
- حداقل نسخه اندرویدAndroid 1.6 and up
- نسخه1.02
- توسعه دهندهPT APPKEY
- تعداد نصب500 - 1,000
- قیمترایگان
- دسته بندیCasual
- توسعه دهنده
- Google Play Link
PT APPKEY نمایش ادامه...
Test psikologi cinta 2.3 APK
□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■Test psikologi cinta yang kompatibel dengan smartphoneandroid.Kamu orang yang bagaimana? Orang yang kamu suka seperti apa?□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■Ini adalah test psikologi cinta yang dapat kamu gunakan bersamateman-teman.Dari sini kepribadianmu dapat diketahui dalam waktu 5 detik.Mengetahui bagaimana kepribadianmu dan pasangan serta sifat2lainnya yang tidak Nampak dari luar. Nasib dan keberuntunganmu,serta diagnose cinta antara kamu dan pasangan dan mencarikesesuaiannya. Sifat-sifatmu mulai dari yang buruk sampai yangterbaik, bagaimana perilaku seksualmu, dan lain-lain. Semua itudapat kamu lakukan dalam waktu 5 detik.Sifat posesifmu, manjamu, tingkat kemurnian cintamu. Idealisme,pernikahan, serta apa penyebab masalah yang kamu hadapi.Kecenderungan yang mebuat hubunganmu jadi rawan.Karena ini adalah test psikologi cinta yang simple, jika kamumenyuruh pasanganmu untuk menjawabnya, mungkin saja kamu akan bisamenemukan karakternya yang belum kamu ketahui.Dengan aplikasi gratis ini, kamu dapat mengeksplorasi perasaanpasanganmu yang sebenarnya.Semua pengujian psikologis dan diagnosis ramalan dapat dilihatsecara gratis.Kami akan terus memperbaharui content dari test psikologi ini.IsiYang dapat kamu ketahui dari test ini adalah:- Kapasitas perbaikan cintamu yang telah rusak.- Kamu dapat mengetahui apa yang kamu tidak suka dari pasanganselama kalian berkencan.- Pasangan/partner yang kamu cari.- Bagaimana kamu menikah.- Tipe orang yang cocok denganmu.- Mendiagnosa persahabatan yang terlibat dalam cintamu.- Mendiagnosa pola cinta bawaanmu.- Mendiagnosa bagaimana trendmu dalam bercinta.- Melihat bagaimana kekuatan cintamu.- Bagimana kekuatanmu dalam menghadapi godaan cinta- Bagaimana kiat mendapatkan kekasih u/ wanita.- Bagaimana pendapatmu yang sebenarnya mengenai pasangan.- DLLContoh pertanyaan:[Q] Ketika mandi, bagian tubuh pertama yang kamu cuci adalah?【A】 Wajah【B】 Kaki【C】 Kedua tangan【D】 LenganUntuk jawabannya, silahkan lihat di dalam aplikasi.Kebenaran yang menakutkan tapi ingin kamu ketahui. Testpsikologi ini menampilkannya secara utuh untukmu.[Dapat diakses secara offline]Walaupun smartphonemu tidak terhubung dengan jaringan wifi, kamudapat mengakses aplikasi ini dengan gampang. Aplikasi ini jugabagus untuk mengisi waktumu saat perjalanan jauh, atau menemanikeseharianmu.[Perkenalan aplikasi]Dengan menjawab pertanyaan berdasrkan adegan/situasi yangdijelaskan dalam aplikasi ini, kita dapat dengan mudah mendiagnosahal-hal mendalam yang biasanya tak terlihat. Nikmatilah aplikasiini sebagai hiburan yang menarik untukmu.Tes psikologi, keberuntungan, Diagnosis kepribadian, menarik,lucu, membunuh waktu, buang-buang waktu, story, tes, Sesi minum,Asosiasi Perempuan, story, cinta, sederhana, Appraisal, Analisisdiri, Usia mental, Constellation, Golongan darah, keberuntungan,mendalam, Boyfriend, dia, perasaan.□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■Test psychology of love that is compatible with androidsmartphone.You people do? People who like what you like?□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■It is a psychological test of love that you can use withfriends.From personality can be known within 5 seconds.Knowing how your personality and couples as well as other nonsifat2 appears from the outside. Fate and luck, as well as thediagnosis of the love between you and your partner and seekcompliance. Properties of your character from a bad start to thebest, what your sexual behavior, and others. All that you can do in5 seconds.Posesifmu properties, manjamu, purity love. Idealism, marriage, andwhat the cause of the problem you face. The trend mebuatrelationship so vulnerable.Since this is a simple test that the psychology of love, if youtell your partner to answer it, maybe you will be able to find acharacter that is not you know.With this free app, you can explore the real feelings of yourpartner.All psychological testing and diagnosis predictions can be viewedfor free.We will continue to update the content of this psychologicaltest.ContentsThat ye may know from this test are:- Capacity improvement of love that has been damaged.- You can find out what you do not like from your partner for adate.- Spouse / partner that you are looking for.- How did you get married.- The type of people that fit with you.- Diagnose friendship involved in love.- Diagnose pattern bawaanmu love.- Diagnose how trendmu in sex.- See how the power of love.- How strength in the face of temptation love- How to get tips lover u / women.- What do you think the truth about the couple.- DLLSample questions:[Q] When showering, the first body part that you are washing?【A】 Face【B】 Legs【C】 Second-hand【D】 ArmTo answer, please look at the application.Truth scary but you want to know. This psychological tests showit intact for you.[Accessible offline]Although smartphonemu not connected to a wifi network, you canaccess these applications easily. This application is also nice tofill your time when traveling away, or accompany your dailylife.[Introduction application]By answering questions based on those scenes / situations describedin this application, we can easily diagnose the deep things thatare usually invisible. Enjoy this application as an attractiveentertainment for you.Psychological tests, luck, Diagnosis personalities, interesting,funny, kill time, a waste of time, story, tests, Session drink, theAssociation of Women, story, love, simple, Appraisal,self-analysis, age mentally, Constellation, blood type, luck ,depth, Boyfriend, her feelings.
BALI GUIDE - Map Tour Travel 1.1 APK
Bali is one of resorts islands located inSoutheast Asia, namely Indonesia. Bali has a wide range of touristcharm that makes a lot of tourists visiting Bali. Such a beautifulbeach that’s great for surfing, cultural diversity, etc.And PT.APPKEY summarizes various kinds of information about Baliinto a tourist information application that compatible toSmartphone called “Bali Guide” application.Bali Guide is an application that provides a variety of tourisminformations of Bali and help you travel to be comfortable andenjoyableSpecial Features included in the Bali Guide ApplicationThe Bali Guide aims to provide users with useful informationabout Bali, so their stay in Bali island may be a happy andpleasant one.Special features1) Includes a detailed map of Bali, introducing various shopsand facilities and can be used offline.2) Introduces Bali’s local sightseeing spots, tours, activities,hotels, restaurants, shops.3) Posts photo galleries of sightseeing spots, hotels and shopswhich is compatible with the Retina display.4) Allows booking of tours, activities, spa via internet andphone, also agency service for some restaurants.5) Offers special discount coupons for spas and restaurants.Show the coupon screen and get the benefit.6) Includes general and useful information about Bali, itsculture, how to use the phone, things to be aware of, etc.7) Provides phone lines and inquiry forms so users may askquestions or book through exclusive online services.8) The application comes with an English-Indonesian dictionarysystem that can help you to talk with local peopleOther than that, we have designed this application to enable it tobe used as much as possible offline.Incase internet access is required, it will be informed with anicon. This application will be updated continually to bring usersthe most up to date information.Terms and conditions for Bali GuideTerms and conditionsThis application has been brought by the Bali Guide staffs whoexercised their reasonable care and skill to cover, examine andedit the information about Bali and to ensure that the contents arecorrect, however information regarding hotels, restaurants and spasand other contents are subject to change suddenly and our contentsmay differ from the actual data. Hence kindly use this informationas one of your useful references and utilize it under your ownjudgment.
■■■■■■■■ INDONESIA - ENGLISH DICTIONARY■■■■■■■■INDONESIA - ENGLISH DICTIONARY App is an electronic dictionarythat made for Android device. This application is good for learning Indonesian orcommunication with foreigner.The application is made to support communication between theIndonesian and foreigner, so that you can tell to your friends,family, or people that you know to use this application forfree.The number of words on this application are about 107,954 words.And you can use this offline.Easy to use and quickly searching from Indonesian andEnglish.This application is so simple , easy to understand, and can be usedon offline with no internet connection.■□■□■ Here is the features of this application □■□■□* The application is consist of 42,630 words of English and 65,324words of Indonesian, The total is 107,954 words.* This application is trying to be simple with idiom.* Available for searching by Indonesian and English.* Available for quickly search and easier to understand.* Available to use in offline without internet connection, soyou can use it everywhere.* Available to set on the back screen and the color settings offont size* Available to search English and Indonesian with alphabet.* Available to bookmark the English word that you are worriedabout.* Connection with facebook is so easy.* The Google translate function, It’s able to use for long texttranslation with the internet connection.* Ads are displayed in free version.If you want to put some advertisement on this INDONESIA-ENGLISHapp, please purchase from the following URL.URL:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appkey.KamusEnglish.extraURL: http://goo.gl/mVIQul
Silent Camera 007 1.1 APK
With this application you can take pictures without removing theshutter sound of your phone.With top-class performance, you can get it for free on googleplay.Easy operation, the shutter sound can also be removed easily.You can also take a self photo with this camera.In addition, the camera application has a high performance, inwhich there is a zoom function, the photography scene mode, whitebalance, image effects, flash light, as well as autofocus function.You can also shoot a lot at a time.And there will be no "voice" to be annoying and a waste yourtime when taking photos.It is the application of "Silent Camera" with high performancethat allows you to take photos in silence.With this silent camera application, you can record the preciousmoments wherever you are, such as document libraries, pets, or asleeping baby.Or maybe you can use it in an emergency situation?But this camera also retains the basic functions such as cameras ingeneral.Multiple shoot modePhotography scene modes (normal mode, high-resolution mode).Zoom functionWhite balanceEffect imageFunction autofocusFunction help (grid and level indication).Mode viewersLanguageEnglish / Japanese / Korean / Chinese zh-CN / Chinese zh-tw /Indonesia / French / Malay / Russian / Italian / Spanish / German /Thai / Hindi / Portuguese
Tentang Kata Jepang - APP KAMUS GratisSuport penggunaan "KATA JEPANG-INDONESIA"yang lama telahberakhir.Silakan gunakan "KATA JEPANG-INDONESIA" yang baru.*************************************************https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appkey.newkatajepanghttp://goo.gl/ldpddk*************************************************"KATA JEPANG-INDONESIA" yang baru memiliki kelebihan yaitu soundpelafalan kata bahasa Jepang, yang dapat membantu anda untukbelajar lebih efektif.Silakan klik di sini untuk download app "KATA JEPANG-INDONESIA"yang baru.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appkey.newkatajepang***************************************************************************************************************
"TRIVIA - INDONESIA - FAKTA MENGEJUTKAN"Mengenai aplikasi kami berikut ini, bukanlah sesuatu yang besaryangharus anda ketahui, tapi kami yakin anda akan merasasenangmengetahui isi dari aplikasi ini. Aplikasi "TRIVIA -INDONESIA -FAKTA MENGEJUTKAN" ini memperkenalkan pengetahuan yangmungkinbelum anda ketahui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Cara penggunaannya sangat sederhana. Anda cukup menyentuhsalahsatu judul pengetahuan yang muncul di layar. Setelah ituaplikasi"TRIVIA - INDONESIA - FAKTA MENGEJUTKAN" ini akanmemperkenalkankepada kita isi dari pengetahuan tersebut. Dan kamiyakin bahwa isidari aplikasi ini akan mampu memberikan hiburan yangmenarik untukanda.Ketika anda mulai membaca isi dari trivia ini, akan akanmenjadisemakin penasaran. dan waktu yang tadinya membosankan akanterasalebih singkat, karena tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untukmengisiwaktu luang anda.Ini adalah sebuah aplikasi yang direkomendasikan bagi andayangingin memuaskan rasa haus akan pengetahuan dalamkehidupansehari-hari.Memang pengetahuan yang kami tuangkan dalam aplikasi iniadalahsuatu pengetahuan sepele yang tidak anda perlukan dalamkehidupananda, namun, kami yakin anda akan tergoda untukmemberitahukanpengetahuan sepele ini kepada keluarga atauteman-teman anda.(Atau mungkin anda bisa menerapkan pengetahuan ini padasituasiberikut ini!!!)- Ketika tidak ada bahan obrolan saat berkumpul dengan teman,- Bingung mencari topik ketika berkencan dengan si-Dia,- Memeriahkan obrolan saat pesta, dan- Dalam menjalin komunikasi di sekolah maupun tempat kerja.(Juga kepada orang-orang berikut ini!!)- Orang yang tidak bisa bercakap-cakap dengan baik,- Orang yang tidak mempunyai bahan pembicaraan ketikabersamapasangan,- Orang yang berfikir bahwa dirinya tidak cukup pintar,- Orang yang ingin dianggap menarik dan ramah di tempatkerja,- Orang-orang yang menyukai cerita dalam trivia,- Orang yang ingin mencari teman,- Orang yang ingin bisa ngobrol lebih lama dengan oranglain,dan- Bagi orang yang ingin memulai suatu percakapan dengan baik.[Fitur App]- Versi 1.0 terdiri dari 100 set pengetahuan trivia- Dapat digunakan secara offline tanpa adanya koneksiinternet- Dapat dishare melalui SMS, Facebook, maupun e-mail- Soal trivia yang anda anggap menarik dapat dimasukkan kedalambookmark- Anda dapat mencari dengan mudah topik trivia yang andasukaidengan mengubah urutannya- Anda juga dapat mengganti warna dan ukuran font serta backscreendari aplikasi ini.
برنامههای مشابه نمایش ادامه...
Tawur The Game 1.0.2 APK
TAWUR mengisahkan tentang perjuangan Budi,seorang murid dari sekolah paling tertinggal dan terlupakan, SMAN999, untuk memenangkan dana S.O.S (Subsidi Operasional Sekolah)dalam pertarungan akbar dengan sekolah-sekolah lain. Bantu Budimengalahkan mereka dan merevolusi sistem! Nikmati sensasi permainanyang unik dengan cerita yang seru dan menarik!Tunggu apalagi? Waktunya memberi pelajaran kepada siapapun yangmenghalangi… secara harfiah!Fitur Game:- 2D Side Scrolling – Quiz Game yang berbeda dengan gamelainnya!- Asah pengetahuanmu mulai dari Matematika, Pengetahuan Umum danmasih banyak lagi.- Ikuti alur cerita Tawur Game yang menarik ini dengan memainkanStory Mode dan buktikan kamu cukup pintar untuk dapat bertahan padaEndless Mode!- Mainkan keempat karakternya dengan latar belakang cerita yangmenarik!- Setiap karakter memiliki tipe pertanyaan yang berbeda ketikamelawan musuh.Tawur tells about thestruggle Budi, a pupil of the most disadvantaged and forgottenschool, SMAN 999, to win funding SOS (School Operational subsidies)in a grand battle with other schools. Help Budi beat them andrevolutionize! Enjoy the unique sensation of the game with anexciting and interesting story!What are you waiting for? The time to give lessons to anyone whohinders ... literally!Game Features:- 2D Side Scrolling - Quiz game different from other games!- Hone your knowledge ranging from Mathematics, General Knowledgeand much more.- Follow the storyline Tawur this exciting game to play Story Modeand prove you are smart enough to be able to survive in EndlessMode!- Play the fourth character with an interesting backgroundstory!- Each character has a different type of question when fightingenemies.
เกมส์ปลูกผัก 2016 1.9 APK
ยินดีต้อนรับสู่เกมส์ปลูกผัก 2016ที่สำคัญเล่นได้จริง ๆ ไม่มีการหลอก ไม่ใช่เกมจับคู่กาก ๆ หรือจอดำใดๆ ทั้งสิ้นเกมส์ปลูกผักที่จะมาปลดปล่อยความเครียดในชีวิตประจำวันของคุณเข้าสู่ชีวิตใหม่เป็นเจ้าของสวนผัก ปลูกผัก เลี้ยงสัตว์ เลี้ยงหมูเลี้ยงวัว ทำสวน นำผักและนมไปแปรรูปในโรงงานเพื่อนนำไปขายในร้านค้าคล้ายกับเกมสร้างเมืองที่คุณต้องสร้างเมืองและฟาร์มผักของคุณเองเกมส์ปลูกผักสุดยอดเกมส์จำลองการเป็นผู้บริหารเสมือนจริงของการปลูกผักโดยเกมส์นี้คุณจะต้องรับหน้าที่เป็นผู้จัดการเพื่อเข้ามาดูแลสั่งการในการปลูกผักชนิดต่างรวมทั้งการปลูกผลไม้ การเลี้ยงวัวนม และจะมีภารกิจที่ได้รับให้ดำเนินตามแผนที่มีให้ทันเวลาจนกว่าจะผ่านด่านซึ่งตัวเกมส์จะกำหนดเวลาและจำนวนมีเงินไว้ให้จำนวนหนึ่งเพื่อนำไปซื้อพันธ์พืชและสัตว์เพื่อนำมาปลูกและเลี้ยงจนกว่าจะเก็บเกี่ยวได้คุณต้องทำหน้าที่บริหารจัดการทั้งเวลาและจำนวนเงินคงเหลือในแต่ละด่านทำให้สำเร็จเพื่อผ่านด่านและเล่นในด่านต่อ ๆ ไปวิธีการเล่นเกมส์บังคับง่าย ๆ เพียงแตะที่หน้าจอเพื่อกดสั่งงานการปลูกผักการขายของ ในช่วงแรกจะมีการสอนวิธีการเล่นให้ผู้เล่นได้คุ้นเคยเกมส์ปลูกผักปลอดสารพิษนั้นเป็นเกมที่สมจริงเป็นอย่างยิ่งเป็นเกมส์ที่สนุกมาก ๆ สนเราอยากให้คุณได้โหลดไปเล่นกันภารกิจหลักของเกมส์ปลูกผักทำสวน- ปลูกข้าวไรซ์เบอร์รี่ ปลูกสตอร์เบอรี่ รอการเจริญเติบโตแล้วเก็บเกี่ยว เพื่อไปทำขนม ขนมเค้กสตอเบอรี่- เลี้ยงวัวเผื่อรีดน้ำนมวัว เอาไว้ทำนมสด และเนยแข็งเลี้ยงปลาในกระชังเมื่อโตเต็มที่ก็ตกปลาขึ้นมาเตรียมนำไปทำปลาย่าง- นอกจากนี้คุณยังมีโรงงานผลิตอาหารสำเร็จรูปให้ทำการซื้อเครื่องจักรเพื่อใช้ในการแปลรูปผัก ผลไม้ ข้าว นมปลา-คุณจำเป็นที่จะต้องจ้างพนักงานจากในเมืองเพื่อมาดูแลขายสินค้าที่ร้านค้าของเรา- คุณจำเป็นต้องทำตามแผนธุรกิจและการดำเนินการงานที่จำเป็นเพื่อจะที่ได้รับเงินที่มากที่สุด-เพื่อให้การผลิตได้ทันเวลาอาจจะต้องใช้เพชรเป็นตัวช่วยในการเร่งความเร็วของพืชผัก สัตว์ เครื่องจักรเกมปลูกผักเป็นเกมที่ผู้คนค่อนข้างจะคุ้นเคย มีสีสันที่สวยงาม,ภาพเหมือนจริงรูปแบบกราฟฟิคดีเยี่ยมเกมปลูกผักของคนไทยเป็นผลิตภัณฑ์ที่จะทำให้คุณเพลิดเพลินในทันทีเมื่อคุณได้เล่น!ฟาร์มโคนมเป็นเกมที่จำลองงานของเกษตรกรที่ทำงานในฟาร์มขนาดใหญ่กับฟาร์มโคนม,ผู้เล่นจะกลายเป็นเกษตรกรทำทุกอย่างจากการปลูกพืชและพุ่งจนเก็บเกี่ยวมือเลือกและซื้อพันธุ์สัตว์และการดูแลรักษาจนครบกําหนดประสบการณ์พร้อมกันด้วยตนเองสิ่งที่ทำให้การผลิตอาหารและอาหารจากผลผลิตทางการเกษตรที่เก็บเกี่ยวพืชอาหารสัตว์วิธีนี้จะทำให้ประสบการณ์ที่น่าสนใจมากและน่าสนใจคุณพร้อมที่จะเล่นและสร้างฟาร์มของตัวเองในเกมนี้หรือไม่เกมฟาร์มโคนมมีแววอินเตอร์เฟซกราฟิกที่ดี,ภาพถ่ายความสัมพันธ์ใกล้ชิดกับชนบทและเสียงนุ่มอิ่มตัวชนบทที่ทำให้บรรยากาศในฟาร์มที่ดีเหล่านี้ได้อยากรู้อยากเห็นจริงๆตื่นเต้นตื่นเต้นกับผู้เล่นทุกคนในเกมคุณลักษณะเด่น- เกมประกอบด้วย 90+ด่านเกมที่ไม่ซ้ำกันซึ่งจะมีแผนธุรกิจฟาร์มผักที่ท้าทาย- สามารถอัพเกรตสิ่งปลูกสร้างเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิ์ภาพได้- ภาพที่ได้รับการออกแบบในรายละเอียดและความคมชัด- แบ่งปันและเชื่อมต่อกับเพื่อน ๆ ผ่านทาง Facebook สามารถชวนเพื่อน ๆมาเล่น เพื่อแข่งกันได้- คุณจะได้รับไอเทประจำวัน และสามารถแลกเพชรฟรีได้- สามารถนำเพชรซื้อไอเทมพิเศษได้- สามารถขอหัวใจจากเพื่อใน social network ได้เลย- สามารถขอรับเพชรในเกมได้ไม่จำกัด- ทุกอย่างในเกมจะฟรีหมด ไม่มีการซื้อในเกมทั้งสินคุณไม่ต้องเสียเงินสักบาท- สามารถเล่นได้ทั้งออนไลน์และออฟไลน์โดยไม่ต้องใช้อินเตอร์เน็ตWelcome to The 2016 Gameshave actually played the game without making a fool not match anyresidue or black screen.Games to release stress in your daily life. New life into avegetable garden, grow vegetables, pet pigs, cattle, gardening,vegetables and dairy processing plants to be sold in shops friends.Similar to the game where you have to build and build your ownvegetable farm. Games Top Games simulate a virtual management ofthe plant.In this game you must get a manager to take care of in order togrow different kinds of vegetables. The fruit growers The cow milkAnd the mission received. To keep up with the map until you passthe time. This game will determine the amount of time and money tokeep a certain amount to buy plants and animals to be cultivatedand fed until the harvest. You have to act to manage their time andbalance on each side. To accomplish through and play in thenext.how to playGame is very simple, just tap on the screen to hit the command togrow vegetables to sell in the first period will be taught how toplay the players are familiar. Games nontoxic the game is veryrealistic. Black Our games are fun to play like you've loaded.The main mission of Action, gardening.- Rice Rice berries. Astor growing berries. Wait growth Then toharvest dessert cake strawberry berries.- Cattle milking cow for fresh milk into cheese and fish farming,fishing, when fully grown, it was prepared to make grilledfish.- You will also have a factory producing food. To purchaseequipment for use in translating the form of fruits, vegetables,fish, rice milk.- You need to be hired by the city to oversee sales at ourstores.- You must follow the business plan and implementation of thenecessary work. In order to get the most money.- To provide timely production may need to use diamond as an aid inthe acceleration of vegetation, animals and machinery.Action is a game that people are quite familiar. Colorful,beautiful, photo-realistic graphical formats exceptional cases.Action is a product of Thailand will keep you entertained as youplay! The game is a simulation of dairy farmers working on largefarms. The dairy farm, the player will become farmers do everythingfrom planting and harvesting, tending to hand select and purchasethe animals and care until maturity. Experience with self whatmakes the production of food and agricultural products harvestedforage. This will make the experience more interesting andattractive. Are you ready to play and create their own farm in thisgame or not.Game farms are promising interface, good graphics, photos closerelationship with rural countryside and a soft voice saturated theatmosphere in a nice farm. These are really curious excitedexcitement with every player in the game. Features- The game consists of 90+ checkpoints unique game which willchallenge vegetable farm business plans.- Up to Gretna buildings to increase efficiency have.- An image that has been designed in detail and contrast.- Share and connect with friends through Facebook to invite yourfriends to play, to compete with each other.- You will receive a daily basis. And diamonds can be redeemed forfree- Diamonds can buy special items.- You can ask from them to the social network.- Diamonds can obtain in unlimited games.- Everything in the game will be free. No in-game purchases andsales. You do not have to pay one baht.- Works both offline and online, without using the Internet.
Balap Karung 1.0.3 APK
This games made not only used as entertainmentbut also serve as a media of learning or sharpening responsivenessplayers. In Balap Karung games, there is a challenge that requiresthe player to focus more on the game, for pressing the button islit before it’s death, so the players will be trained reflexes andmore responsive to what is around. Moreover Balap Karung games is apretty famous game tradidional in Indonesia. This games is usuallyplayed to tone up the independence anniversary of Indonesian state,and in fact this game usually played in an open field with a fewpeople as a player, and now this game already in digital form tothe container with the flow of the game more attractive, so that itcan played with our gadgets in everywhere.
Marbles Force Indonesia APK
Play one of the classic games in Indonesia!Venture through Indonesia and be the one of the legends inIndonesian marble game! A Marble Force Knight! As you play withNauval Rivaldi Putra, and face many challenges.Nauval Rivaldi Putra, a boy who is willing to be a legend. A boywho is willing to be a Marble ForceKnight! Play as him through many challenges of marble game. Knowevery province in Indonesiathrough your gameplay, and also every province's characteristics!Play quizzes to unlock special marbles!Features:- Play classic marble shooting game with 3D mechanism- Experience special level at every island- Play educating quizzes- Collect all the special marbles with certain abilities- Enjoy the story about Nauval and his journey- Know more about Indonesia--Any similarity in names and events in this game is just a mereresemblance. There is no deliberate intention to equate theincidence and / or the name of every character in this game. Weapologize if there are similarities those are not pleasing.--
Kuis Indonesia Ku 1.0 APK
Kuis yang berisi berbagai soal - soal seru danmenarik seputar Indonesia.Soal - soal yang diberikan pun mengenai beragam hal tentang negeritercinta ini. Mulai dari makanan dan minuman, adat dan budaya,sejarah, tempat dan wisata, permainan tradisional, fauna dan flora,dan masih banyak lagi.Dijamin gak bakalan membosankan. Selain itu, akan menambahwawasan kita tentang Indonesia, yang membuat kta semakin cintatentang Tanah Air kita ini.Selamat menikmati, dan semoga bermanfaat!* Permainan ini akan selalu di-update ke versi baru denganpenambahan banyak fitur, soal - soal menarik, dan lainnya. Jadi,tetap mainkan Kuis Indonesia Ku terus.Quiz which contains avariety of questions - about the exciting and interesting aboutIndonesia.Problem - questions given to him about various things about thisbeloved country. Ranging from food and beverage, customs andculture, history, places and excursions, traditional games, faunaand flora, and many more.Guaranteed not going to bore. Moreover, it will add to ourknowledge about Indonesia, which makes kta more love about ourcountry.Have fun, and hopefully useful!* This game will always be updated to the new version with theaddition of many features, the matter - a matter of interest, andmore. So, keep playing my quiz Indonesia continues.
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Case Clicker 1.9.0a APK
--> NOW WITH THE ROULETTE SYSTEM! <--Combination of counter strike case simulator with clicker.Click, buy keys and open cases! Be the best!What can be found in the game?— Arm deal contracts, just like in real Counter Strike!— Roulettes and Online Jackpot system!— Match betting system - place bets on real matches!— Jackpot & trading system!— Over 200 achievements— Rank system, from silver to global elite!— Mission system— Souvenir system— Capsules with stickers— Over 250 upgrades— Over 700 obtainable skins!— Over 600 obtainable stickers!— Ability to sell skins for real market pricesAnd much more!
My Talking Tom APK
Discover the #1 games app in 135 countries!Adopt your very own baby kitten and help him grow into a fullygrown cat. Take good care of your virtual pet, name him and makehim part of your daily life by feeding him, playing with him andnurturing him as he grows.Dress him up any way you like and pick from a wide selection of furcolors and other accessories. Decorate his home and travel theworld to meet other Toms. Play mini-games and watch as Talking Tombecomes part of your everyday life.FEATURES: - Play over 10 mini-games: Happy Connect, Bubble Shooter, PlanetHop and more! Earn gold coins and have fun!- Nurture your very own Tom: Play games with him, feed him hisfavorite foods, tuck him into bed. - Collect flight tickets and travel around the world to meet otherToms. Fill your album with postcards from different places andunlock clothes fit for a true adventurer.- Enjoy life-like emotions: Tom can be happy, hungry, sleepy,bored... his emotions change according to how you play withhim. - Unleash your creativity: Create your very own Tom by choosingfrom 1000’s of combinations of furs, clothing andfurniture. - Get rewards as you progress: Help Tom grow through 9 differentstages and 999 levels unlocking new items and coins as yougo! - Interact with Tom: Talk and Tom still repeats everything you say.Poke, stroke and tickle him, and watch how he responds.This app is PRIVO certified. The PRIVO safe harbor seal indicatesOutfit7 has established COPPA compliant privacy practices toprotect your child’s personal information. Our apps do not allowyounger children to share their information.This app contains:- Promotion of Outfit7's products and advertising- Links that direct customers to our websites and other Outfit7apps- Personalization of content to entice users to play the appagain- The possibility to connect with friends via social networks- Watching videos of Outfit7's animated characters via You Tubeintegration- The option to make in-app purchases- Items are available for different prices in virtual currency,depending on the current level reached by the player- Alternative options to access all functionalities of the appwithout making any in-app purchases using real moneyTerms of use: http://outfit7.com/eula/Privacy policy: http://outfit7.com/privacy-policy/
My Talking Angela APK
Explore Talking Angela’s world and customizeher fashion, hairstyle, makeup and home - all while playingaddictively cute mini-games.With over 165 million downloads already… don’t miss out on thefun!ADOPT BABY ANGELAAdopt Angela as your very own virtual pet and give her a fabulouslife! Help her grow into a stylish city kitty. From teeth brushingto clothes shopping – she’s all yours!TAKE CARE OF HERMake Angela your very own superstar! Nurture her, sing to her, feedher delicious treats. Just watch – she’ll become your new bestfriend!CREATE COLORFUL MAKEUPLet your stunning sense of style shine through by giving TalkingAngela a style make-over!Lipstick, eyeshadow, blush - customize to your heart's content!With dozens of different colors and endless creative freedom; youcan really express yourself!EXPRESS YOUR FASHION FLAIRYou’re fabulous, so make Angela fabulous too! Dress her in thelatest fashions and the cutest costumes, from beautiful ballerinato punk ninja! Complete the look by giving her the perfecthairstyle too! With over a million different fashion combinations,you can create something truly unique!PLAY MINI-GAMESDiscover and play amazing new mini-games! From Happy Connect toBubble Shooter - all your favorites are here… and more are addedall the time!AND MUCH, MUCH MORE...Unlock exclusive new outfits, level up, collect special stickers,customize her fabulous home… all while she repeats everything yousay - in classic Angela style!This app is PRIVO certified. The PRIVO safe harbor seal indicatesOutfit7 has established COPPA compliant privacy practices toprotect your child’s personal information. Our apps do not allowyounger children to share their information.This app contains:- Promotion of Outfit7's products and advertising- Links that direct users to other apps and Outfit7'swebsites- Personalization of content to entice users to play the appagain- The possibility to use and connect with friends via socialnetworks- Watching videos of Outfit7's animated characters via You Tubeintegration- The option to make in-app purchases- Items are available for different prices in virtual currency,depending on the current level reached by the player- Alternative options to access all functionalities of the appwithout making any in-app purchase using real money (levelprogress, games, in-game functionalities, ads)Terms of use: http://outfit7.com/eula/Privacy policy: http://outfit7.com/privacy-policy/
iCá - Ban Ca Online v2024.1.0 APK
iCa The TOP 1 FREE of fishing online andcasual game in VN ! Join the battle with MILLION Vietnamese playersfor a FREE Fishing online game competing between 2 to 4 players perlucky game!Game Features:- iCá is an online game simulation of the coin fish game machine.it will give you the real and exciting experience from your mobileinstead of sitting still and shoot nets monotonously as before. Youcan Aim and shoot your multi-Level power nets to catch fish andearn Gold and XP whenever and wherever you are!- Large varieties of colorful sea creatures, particularly, morethan 11 different kinds of fish and 4 beautiful mermaids, which arethe same as those in a lucky coin fish game machine.- 9 different Levels of Cannons to catch fish. The larger theCannon you use, the more lucky coins you get.- The Challenge mode of 2 to 4 players cannot be missed. The winnertakes it ALL!- Many Fish Bosses would bring for you different experiences and somuch GOLDs : Golden Fish, Golden Frog and especially Phoenix thatjust updated in Lunar New Year- iCá has friendly graphics designed suit all ages which helps youhunting and earn Golds at any time and any place.- The highly attractive game iCá definitely will bring you withexcitement, fun much more than other fishing games. Especially themore difficult creatures you catch, the more Gold coins you get!More than REAL!- Invite friends via Zalo and Facebook and daily login with iCá cangive you Daily FREE Golds! this is one of the quickest ways to getas more gold coins as possible within the shortest time.- Much more exciting features like daily missions – battle withfriends, gold exchange etc.- iCá freely support for all devices which are more advanced thanGalaxy S2- More than MILLION Players of iCá, come and join with us!Who gonna be the MILLIONAIRE of the iCá Top Chart? Don’t hesitateand Join us now, FOR FREE!*** GUIDE FOR PURCHASE via GOOGLE PLAY ***Step 1: Pick "Nạp" and choose 1 packet in game.Step 2: "Add credit or debit card" or "Direct Carrier BillingMobifone/Viettel/Vina/Vietnamobile" then fill inforequirementStep 3: Click "Buy" and enjoy your game-----------------------------------------------------NOTE: The game will require GET_ACCOUNTS, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to play some features and secure yourdata.Website: http://ica.net.vn/
Township 9.9.1 APK
Township is a unique blend of city-buildingand farming!Build your dream town! Harvest crops at the farms, process them atyour facilities, and sell goods to develop your town. Trade withexotic countries. Open restaurants, cinemas, and other communitybuildings to give life in your town special flavor. Explore themine to get resources and find ancient artifacts. Run your own zooand collect animals from around the world.Are you ready to become a farmer and city-manager to build yourdream? Let’s get started!Township features:● Different buildings and decorations you can use to create yourdream town● Various crops to grow and later process at your factories● Fun, charismatic townspeople with orders you need to fill● Your town's mine packed with ancient artifacts to discover andcollect● Lovely animals to take care of● Farms to manage and expand● Exotic goods brought from islands● A zoo to build where you can even breed animals● Country flags and famous landmarks you can use to decorate yourtown, like the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, and many more!● Play with your Facebook and Google+ friends, make new friends inthe game community create your own clans!Township is free to play, though some in-game items can also bepurchased for real money.*Internet connection is required to play the game and enable socialinteractions, competitions and other features*Enjoying Township? Learn more about the game!Facebook: www.facebook.com/TownshipMobileTwitter: twitter.com/township_mobileQuestions? Contact our Tech Support at support@playrix.com.
Let's Farm 8.29.0 APK
Join one of the most popular farming games onmobile, top 5 family games in 100+ countries! And mostimportantly...it is FREE to play!10 million+ farmers are already dragging their fingers to- PLANT fresh crops- COOK delicious food- FEED lovely pets- GREET friendly neighbors- TRADE with farmers from all over the world- COMPLETE challenging missions- DESIGN the prettiest farm with hundreds of decorationsThe game is free to play but some of the contents can be purchasedfor real money. Internet connection is required.Fans Page: https://facebook.com/letsfarmofficial
Happy Girl Lolita 1.2 APK
Your Sexy and Naughty Happy Girl is ApproachingHere comes your Happy Girl – Lolita! Seductive Figure and CharmingFace. Take a moment to sense her gracefulness and to feel hersweetness. She might be angry, so you need to take care of hercarefully; she will be happy, if you send her tasty fruits and sexyLingerie, and she will reward you with a passionate dance; she willaccompany you to play different games when you feel lonely and keepyou away from distress. She is the Happy Girl, Goddess forhomebodies. Come on buddy. Let’s party with your naive and cuteHappy Girl.Full description:Your Sexy and Naughty Happy Girl Lolita is ApproachingHere comes your Happy Girl Lolita! Seductive Figure and CharmingFace. Take a moment to sense her gracefulness and to feel hersweetness. She might be angry, so you need to take care of hercarefully; she will be happy, if you send her tasty fruits and sexyLingerie, and she will reward you with a passionate dance; she willaccompany you to play different games when you feel lonely and keepyou away from distress. She is the Happy Girl, Goddess forhomebodies. Come on buddy. Let’s party with your naive and cuteChinese Happy Girlfriend.Game Features:Limitless coins with all stages. Pay or not pay, you will feelhappy.Your sexy and charming Happy Girl Lolita changes clothes fromwearing pajamas, skirts, to bikini etc. Hot dances reveal herbeautiful body figure no matter as a waitress, college student orbikini girl.Four kinds of interactive games to allow you feel as if you arehaving an intimate experience with your Happy Girl – Lolita in reallife and feel her cheerfulness and gracefulness face-to-face.Three kinds of fruits allowed for you to present to your HappyGirl, to let her feel your caring heart and reward you withsurprises.The most modern interactive raising game with your ideal HappyGirl Lolita! Have fun with your Chinese virtual girlfriend.For Android 2.2 and above