1.0.2 / December 24, 2014
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PEP Primary Englishtextbooks, audio version, grade 3 volumes, 3 semester grade,supports single chapter aloud, one chapter cycle, book reading,book circulation.
All texts are equipped with professional fine reading, languagesense of the reading level of children and of great benefit.
The materials moved into the phone, reading to learn anytime,anywhere.

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道德經(註釋/注音/朗讀) 1.0.9 APK
流傳千年的道家經典,道法自然。1.全文注音:每一個漢字上都有注音,閱讀起來相當方便2.全文註釋:每一章都有詳細注解,展示道德經的精髓3.有聲朗讀:可以設定朗讀方式單章朗讀、單章迴圈、全文朗讀、全文迴圈4.全文檢索:可通過標題、內容搜索。《道德經》,又稱《道德真經》、《老子》、《五千言》、《老子五千文》,是中國古代先秦諸子分家前的一部著作,為其時諸子所共仰,傳說是春秋時期的老子(即李耳,河南鹿邑人)所撰寫,是道家哲學思想的重要來源。道德經分上下兩篇,原文上篇《德經》、下篇《道經》,不分章,後改為《道經》37章在前,第38章之後為《德經》,並分為81章。是中國歷史上首部完整的哲學著作。《道德經》作為一部文約,義豐,歷來被學人們稱為“哲理詩”,從深層次對社會、人生等問題深入思考,而且無論古代還是當代,不論中國還是國外,都是影響巨大的哲學著作。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書Millenniumspread Taoist classics, Nature.1 full text phonetic: each character has a phonetic, it is quiteeasy to read(2) the full text Note: Each chapter has detailed notes, showingthe essence of the Tao Te Ching3 audio reading: reading mode can be set to read a single chapter,a single chapter loop, the text read aloud the text of theloop4 Full text search: by title, content search."Moral", also known as "moral Scriptures", "I", "thousandwords", "Laozi text", is an ancient Chinese writings before theseparation of the pre-Qin philosophers, thinkers of belief when its, the legend is Laozi Spring and Autumn Period (ie Lier, Henan Luyiperson) written, is an important source of Taoist philosophy. Moraland down two points, on the original article "De Jing", next "Dao",regardless of chapter, later renamed the "Dao" the former Chapter37, Chapter 38 after the "De Jing", and points Chapter 81. IsChina's first full-length history of philosophy."Moral" as a covenant, Yi Feng, science has always been known asthe "philosophical poem" deeper social life and other issues tothink deeply, and whether ancient or contemporary, whether Chineseor foreign, are tremendous impact on philosophy.Chinese classics masterpiece, children's early childhoodteaching, enlightenment quality baby books
論語(朗讀/註音/註釋) 1.0.5 APK
論語1.全文注音:每一個漢字上都有注音。2.全文注釋:每一章都有詳細注解。3.有聲朗讀:單章朗讀、單章迴圈、全文朗讀、全文迴圈。4.全文搜索:可以搜索標題和內容。該版本為朗讀版,體積較大,如果不需要朗讀,請轉到無朗讀版下载:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamori.lunyu《論語》是儒家的經典著作之一,由孔子的弟子及其再傳弟子編撰而成。它以語錄體為主敘事體為輔,記錄了孔子及其弟子言行,集中體現了孔子的政治主張、倫理思想、道德觀念及教育原則等。《論語》是記載中國古代著名思想家孔子及其弟子言行的語錄,一共二十卷,11705個漢字,由孔子的弟子及其再傳弟子編寫,是我國古代儒家經典著作之一,語錄體,是流傳下來的語錄體的彙編。可謂漢語文章的典範。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書TheAnalects1 full text phonetic: each character has a phonetic.(2) the full text Note: Each chapter has a detailedexplanation.3 audio reading: reading a single chapter, a single chapter loop,the text read aloud the text of the loop.4 full-text search: You can search the title and content.This version is read version, larger size, if you do not read,go without reading Download:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamori.lunyu"The Analects" is one of the Confucian classics, compiled by thedisciples of Confucius and his disciples made. It quotes the mainbody, supplemented by narrative, recording the words and deeds ofConfucius and his disciples, epitomizes the political ideas ofConfucius, ethical thinking, moral values ​​and educationalprinciples."The Analects" is recorded in a famous ancient Chinese thinkerConfucius and his disciples the words and deeds of quotations, atotal of twenty volumes, 11,705 Chinese characters, written by thedisciples of Confucius and his disciples, is one of China's ancientConfucian classics, sayings body, is compilation of quotationshanded down the body. Described as a model of Chinese articles.Chinese classics masterpiece, children's early childhoodteaching, enlightenment quality baby books
唐詩三百首(註釋/賞析) 1.0.5 APK
唐詩三百首1.詩歌賞析:每一首都有詳細賞析。2.全文搜索:可通過作者、標題、詩句搜索3.全文搜索:可以搜索標題和內容。該版本不帶朗讀,供不需要朗讀的用戶使用,如果需要朗讀,請轉到朗讀版下载:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamori.tangshi《唐詩三百首》是一部流傳很廣的唐詩選集。唐朝(618年~907年)二百九十年間,是中國詩歌發展的黃金時代,雲蒸霞蔚,名家輩出,唐詩數量多達五萬餘首。當中最流行而家傳戶曉的,要算《唐詩三百首》。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書Three Hundred TangPoems1 Poetry Appreciation: Every detail capital appreciation.(2) Full-text search: by author, title, verse search3 Full-text search: You can search the title and content.The version without reading, for users whodo not need to read, if you need to read, go read version download:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id =com.dreamori.tangshi"Three Hundred Tang Poems" is a very widespread of Tang poetry anthology. Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) twohundred ninety years, is the development of the golden age ofChinese poetry, cloud steaming Xia Wei, famous men, Tang number ofup to five thousand head. Among the most popular and well knownhousehold names, to count "Three Hundred Tang Poems."Chinese classics masterpiece, children'searly childhood teaching, enlightenment quality babybooks
弟子規(朗讀/註音/註釋) 1.0.5 APK
弟子規1.全文注音:每一個漢字上都有注音。2.全文注釋:每一章都有詳細注解。3.有聲朗讀:單章朗讀、單章迴圈、全文朗讀、全文迴圈。4.全文檢索:可通過標題、內容檢索。《弟子規》原名《訓蒙文》,原作者李毓秀是清朝康熙年間的秀才。以《論語》“學而篇”第六條:“弟子入則孝,出則悌,謹而信,泛愛眾而親仁。行有餘力,則以學文”的文義以三字一句,兩句一韻編纂而成。分為五個部分,具體列述弟子在家、出外、待人、接物與學習上應該恪守的守則規範。後來清朝賈存仁修訂改編《訓蒙文》,並改名《弟子規》。《弟子規》是一部成書於清朝並廣為流傳的兒童啟蒙讀物,目的就是要對孩子進行啟蒙教育,為將來成長和發展奠定基礎。它採納《論語•學而》篇中“弟子,入則孝,出則悌, 謹而信, 泛愛眾, 而親仁, 行有餘力,則以學文”的文意,加以引申擴展,以三字一句,兩句一韻的形式進行論述,闡釋了“弟子”在家、在外、待人接物、為人處世、求學等方面應具備的禮儀與規範。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書For Students1 full text phonetic: each character has a phonetic.(2) the full text Note: Each chapter has a detailedexplanation.3 audio reading: reading a single chapter, a single chapter loop,the text read aloud the text of the loop.4 Full text search: by title, content retrieval."Students" was originally called "training Mongolian", author李毓秀 is a scholar in Qing Dynasty. In "The Analects" "Learning andarticles" Article VI:. "Disciples into the filial piety of the Ti,but I would like to believe, the Pan-loving public and benevolentline has spare capacity, then the learning culture" in the words ofthe sentence context, two a compilation of rhyme. Is divided intofive parts, concrete columns described disciples at home, go out,others, the Receiving and learning should abide by the Codespecifications. Later Qing Jia Cunren revised adaptation "trainingMongolian" and renamed "Rules.""Rules" is a book widely circulated in the Qing Dynasty and theEnlightenment children's books, the purpose is to enlighten thechildren's education, laying the foundation for future growth anddevelopment. It adopted the "Analects • learn and" chapter"disciples, into the filial piety, out of the Ti, but I would liketo believe, the Pan-loving public, and benevolence, the line hasspare capacity, then the learning culture" in the context, to beextended extended to three word sentence, a form of rhyme sentenceswere discussed, explained the "disciples" at home, outside,interpersonal, manners, education and other aspects of etiquetteand norms should have.Chinese classics masterpiece, children's early childhoodteaching, enlightenment quality baby books
三字經(朗讀/注音/註釋) 1.0.10 APK
三字經1.全文注音:每一個漢字上都有注音。2.全文注釋:每一章都有詳細注解。3.有聲朗讀:單章朗讀、單章迴圈、全文朗讀、全文迴圈。4.全文檢索:可通過標題、內容檢索古人曰:“熟讀三字經,便可知天下事,通聖人禮。”《三字經》自宋朝以來,已有七百多年歷史,可謂家喻戶曉,膾炙人口。共一千多字,三字一句的韻文極易成誦,內容包括了中國傳統的教育、歷史、天文、地理、倫理和道德以及一些民間傳說等,廣泛生動而又言簡意賅。《三字經》的內容分為六個部分,每一部分有一個中心。從“人之初,性本善”到“人不學,不知義”,講述的是教育和學習對兒童成長的重要性,後天教育及時,方法正確,可以使兒童成為有用之材;從“為人子,方少時”至“首孝悌,次見聞”強調兒童要懂禮儀要孝敬父母、尊敬兄長,並舉了黃香和孔融的例子;從“知某數,識某文”到“此十義,人所同”介紹的是生活中的一些名物常識,有數字、三才、三光、三綱、四時、四方、五行、五常、六穀、六畜、七情、八音、九族、十義,方方面面,一應俱全,而且簡單明瞭;從“凡訓蒙,須講究”到“文中子,及老莊”介紹中國古代的重要典籍和兒童讀書的程式,這部分列舉的書籍有四書、六經、三易、四詩、三傳、五子,基本包括了儒家的典籍和部分先秦諸子的著作;從“經子通,讀諸史”到“通古今,若親目”講述的是從三皇至清代的朝代變革,一部中國史的基本面貌盡在其中;從“口而誦,心而維”至“戒之哉,宜勉力”強調學習要勤奮刻苦、孜孜不倦,只有從小打下良好的學習基礎,長大才能有所作為,“上致君,下澤民”。《三字經》內容的排列順序極有章法,體現了作者的教育思想。作者認為教育兒童要重在禮儀孝悌,端正孩子們的思想,知識的傳授則在其次,即“首孝悌,次見聞”。訓導兒童要先從小學入手,即先識字,然後讀經、子兩類的典籍。經部子部書讀過後,再學習史書,書中說:“經子通,讀諸史”。《三字經》最後強調學習的態度和目的。可以說,《三字經》既是一部兒童識字課本,同時也是作者論述啟蒙教育的著作,這在閱讀時需加注意。《三字經》用典多,知識性強,是一部在儒家思想指導下編成的讀物,充滿了積極向上的精神。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書Three CharacterClassic1 full text phonetic: each character has a phonetic.(2) the full text Note: Each chapter has a detailedexplanation.3 audio reading: reading a single chapter, a single chapter loop,the text read aloud the text of the loop.4 Full text search: by title, content retrievalThe ancients said: "familiar with the Three Character Classic,the world will know things through sage ceremony.""Three Character Classic" since the Song Dynasty, about 700 yearsago, is famous, popular. A total of more than a thousand words,words easy to recite a verse, including the Chinese tradition ofeducation, history, astronomy, geography, ethics and morality aswell as some of the folklore, widely lively and concise."Three Character Classic" is divided into six parts, each havinga center.From "people are born good" to "people do not learn, I do not knowrighteousness," is about the importance of education and learningfor children growing up in a timely manner acquired education, theright way, can make children become useful material;From the "Son of Man, Fang came" to "first filial piety, timehorizons," stressed the child to understand the etiquette to honortheir parents, respect for his brother, citing the example of HuangXiang and Jung;From the "know a few, know a Man" to "this ten righteous people arethe same," describes some of the names are common sense things inlife, there are digital, with God, Sanko, three bonds, fourseasons, four, five elements, the five permanent members, sixValley, domestic animals, impassioned, octave, clan, ten righteous,all aspects, readily available, and easy to understand;From "Where the schoolmaster must pay attention" to "Man neutrons,and Laozhuang" describes the importance of ancient Chinese booksand children's reading programs, this part of the book lists fourbooks, six classics, Sany, four poems, three pass, five children,including the classics and some basic Pre-Qin Confucianwritings;From "Son pass, read all the history" to "through ancient andmodern, if pro-eye," is about the transformation from the ThreeKings to the Qing dynasty, a fundamental aspect of Chinese historyall in one;From the "mouth while chanting, heart and dimension" to "quit theholy, should be managed to" emphasize learning to be hard work,tirelessly, only to learn from an early age and lay a goodfoundation, grow up to make a difference, "Zhijun, downZemin."Sort "Three Character Classic" content is very permissive,reflecting the author's educational thought. The author believes tobe focusing on the education of children filial etiquette, correctthe children's ideas, knowledge imparted in the second, the "firstfilial piety, time horizons." Discipline of children from primaryschool to start first, that is, first of literacy and reading,sub-categories of books. After the Ministry of subsections chanceto read through, and then learning the history books, the booksaid: "After the child pass, read all the history.""Three Character Classic" stressed learning attitude and purpose.It can be said, "Three Character Classic" is both a children'sliteracy textbooks, but also the author discusses the writings ofelementary education, which requires additional attention whenreading."Three Character Classic" Allusions more informative strong, is acompiled under the guidance of Confucianism books, full of positivespirit.Chinese classics masterpiece, children's early childhoodteaching, enlightenment quality baby books
唐詩三百首(朗讀/注釋/賞析) 1.0.2 APK
唐詩三百首1.詩歌賞析:每一首都有詳細賞析。2.全文搜索:可通過作者、標題、詩句搜索3.有聲朗讀:單章朗讀、單章迴圈、全文朗讀、全文迴圈。該版本為朗讀版,體積較大,如果不需要朗讀,請轉到無朗讀版下载:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamori.tangshi1《唐詩三百首》是一部流傳很廣的唐詩選集。唐朝(618年~907年)二百九十年間,是中國詩歌發展的黃金時代,雲蒸霞蔚,名家輩出,唐詩數量多達五萬餘首。當中最流行而家傳戶曉的,要算《唐詩三百首》。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書Three Hundred TangPoems1 Poetry Appreciation: Every detail capital appreciation.(2) Full-text search: by author, title, verse search3 audio reading: reading a single chapter, a single chapter loop,the text read aloud the text of the loop.This version is read version, larger size, if you do not read,go without reading Download:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamori.tangshi1"Three Hundred Tang Poems" is a very wide spread of Tang poetryanthology. Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) two hundred ninety years, isthe development of the golden age of Chinese poetry, cloud steamingXia Wei, famous men, Tang number of up to five thousand head. Amongthe most popular and well known household names, to count "ThreeHundred Tang Poems."Chinese classics masterpiece, children's early childhoodteaching, enlightenment quality baby books
論語(註音/註釋) 1.0.7 APK
論語1.全文注音:每一個漢字上都有注音。2.全文注釋:每一章都有詳細注解。3.全文搜索:可以搜索標題和內容。該版本不帶朗讀,供不需要朗讀的用戶使用,如果需要朗讀,請轉到論語朗讀版:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamori.lunyuall《論語》是儒家的經典著作之一,由孔子的弟子及其再傳弟子編撰而成。它以語錄體為主敘事體為輔,記錄了孔子及其弟子言行,集中體現了孔子的政治主張、倫理思想、道德觀念及教育原則等。《論語》是記載中國古代著名思想家孔子及其弟子言行的語錄,一共二十卷,11705個漢字,由孔子的弟子及其再傳弟子編寫,是我國古代儒家經典著作之一,語錄體,是流傳下來的語錄體的彙編。可謂漢語文章的典範。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書The Analects1 full text phonetic: each character has a phonetic.(2) the full text Note: Each chapter has a detailedexplanation.3 Full-text search: You can search the title and content.The version without reading, for users whodo not need to read, if you need to read, go read the Analectsversion: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id =com.dreamori.lunyuall"The Analects" is one of the Confucianclassics, compiled by the disciples of Confucius and his disciplesmade. It quotes the main body, supplemented by narrative, recordingthe words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, epitomizes thepolitical ideas of Confucius, ethical thinking, moral values ​​andeducational principles."The Analects" is recorded in a famousancient Chinese thinker Confucius and his disciples the words anddeeds of quotations, a total of twenty volumes, 11,705 Chinesecharacters, written by the disciples of Confucius and hisdisciples, is one of China's ancient Confucian classics, sayingsbody, is compilation of quotations handed down the body. Describedas a model of Chinese articles.Chinese classics masterpiece, children'searly childhood teaching, enlightenment quality babybooks
小学语文一年级上 1.1.0 APK
人教版小学语文课本,有声版,1年级上册,1年级上学期使用,支持有单章朗读、单章循环、全书朗读、全书循环。所有课文都配有专业精致的朗读,对培养小朋友的语感和朗读水平大有裨益。把教材搬进手机里,随时随地阅读学习。PEP primary languagetextbooks, audio version, a grade book, grade one semester tosupport a single chapter aloud, one chapter cycle, book reading,book circulation.All texts are equipped with professional fine reading, languagesense of the reading level of children and of great benefit.The materials moved into the phone, reading to learn anytime,anywhere.