/ November 6, 2014
(4.7/5) (3077)









每週禮拜三上午10:00~12:00例行維護 (以粉絲團公告為主)

★ login sign Reggiegifts
"Zhao", "Fei" Dawn of the world is willing to follow my lord!

★ kid afraid of the tiger
Dawn of the famous Battle of the Three copies of checkpoints, up toa hundred classic battle of "bloody battle of Red Cliff" mightyshow!
Through the trials hero of my generation, the World War up crusadeBOSS!

★ self-it-yourself
Outsmart Indiana, silver production, tax plunder, easy-yourselffamily around music ... play it!

★ strong in its own strong hand
Hundreds of famous training surrender, with the equipment attachedKamijina secular spirit, beyond the top of the strengtheningof!

★ edge to help not just aid
Fab Five will, Taoyuan trio, Weiguo Zhi library, Jian floundercouples, peerless beauty ... fate easily help the enemy!

★ girls love - super cute cat house
Keep only a small meow, meow favorite treasure every day to send tothe owner!
Unpacking the opportunity to get peerless name horse, Red Horse,claw Huang Fei famous love horse power .... all here!

★★ ★★ Official Information
Facebook fan group: https: //www.facebook.com/Cat3Go
Official website: http: //www.10in1.com.tw
Contact E-mail: 10in1help@gmail.com

★★ ★★ Important Information
Weekly Wednesday morning 10:00 - 12:00 routine maintenance (in themain fan group bulletin)

информация о приложении 請使用封神開放版

  • Имя приложения
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    November 6, 2014
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
    50,000 - 100,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
    Visit website Email 10in1help@gmail.com
    3F., No.196, Sec. 2, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10659, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Google Play Link

十合一行動遊戲平台 Ещё...

佔地為王Ⅲ 8.5.3 APK
兵臨城下 2.1.0 APK
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戰甲防線α 1.00 APK
【遊戲特色】★★★★建設最強防線基地★★★★超自由的建設方式,想蓋哪裡,就蓋哪裡,完全沒有限制!!快來配置你的最強防線,讓敵人無處可進,無城可破!!!★★★★調兵遣將鬼神莫測★★★★無限制的配兵策略,唯一限制你的,只有你自己的想像力!!來創造你最強的軍團,殲滅敵人無所披靡!!★★★★戰甲變身合體最強★★★★指揮挺,組合!!!各種最強戰甲任你搭配組合,快來創造只屬於自己的最強戰甲,讓你走在路上都有風!!!★★★★多人亂鬥爭霸四方★★★★線上即時尋找對手,隨時隨地,想戰就戰!!不用等時間,馬上就可以稱王稱霸,挑戰你的極限!!★★★★領土戰爭守護家園★★★★世界大戰即刻引爆,維多利亞免稅港、日月潭、阿里山,自己的家園怎麼可以被別人搶走!!兄弟們!!上啊!![服務管道]客服信箱:10in1help@gmail.com粉絲團:http://goo.gl/ym3d6J[GameFeatures]★★★★ ★★★★ building the strongest defense baseUltra-liberal construction methods, to cover where, on the coverwhere there is no limit !! Come configure your strongest defense,let the enemy into nowhere, no city can be broken !!!★★★★ ★★★★ unpredictable spirits summonedUnlimited strategy with soldiers, the only limit you, only your ownimagination to create your strongest !! Legion, to destroy theenemy Pimi nothing !!★★★★ ★★★★ strongest armor fit transfigurationCommand Ting, any combination you !!! various combinations of thestrongest armor, Come create only their own strongest armor, so yougo on the road has wind !!!★★★★ ★★★★ multiplayer chaos struggle Pa QuartetIm looking for opponents online, anytime, anywhere, to not have towait !! war on war time, we can immediately lord, challenge yourlimits !!★★★★ ★★★★ territorial war Guardian homeWorld War Until Now, Victoria duty-free port, Sun Moon Lake,Alishan, how their homes can be taken away on ah !! brothers !!!![Service pipeline]Customer Service: 10in1help@gmail.comFans: http: //goo.gl/ym3d6J
神行吧兄弟 1.2 APK
【花費時間最少,提升能力最大】就是一直打一直打,下線關機也停不下來的戰鬥,全天候的掛機系統,讓你脫手機的沒電的日子~【三國名將全數傾出,顛覆傳統的三國遊戲】還在玩死板板的三國遊戲嗎?Q版的三國人物,特殊的遊戲系統,讓你一玩就停不下來~【專屬配音,生動有趣】專屬的新手導引配音,讓你更快的融入遊戲情境中,記得千萬不要關掉音效喔~【稀有裝備輕鬆拿,不花錢也當大爺!】脫離打王搶裝備、花錢買裝備,讓你白裝變神裝,神裝還可以繼承屬性,通通都在《神行吧!兄弟》【搶錢、搶地、搶奴隸】除了佔地為王,還可以要求奴隸蒐集物資,離線的物資金錢都有拉~【多樣系統任你玩!】BOSS、比武場、試煉塔、軍團、還有各種系統趣味多多,快邀請好友一同稱霸三國!粉絲專頁:https://goo.gl/M2BjFp客服信箱:10in1help@gmail.com[Spend the least time,toenhance the capacity of the largest]That has been playing has been playing, shut off the assemblylinecan not stop fighting, all-weather hook system that allows youoffthe phone no electricity day ~[Three star full decanted, subversion of the traditionalthreegames]Siban Ban still playing three games it? Q version of thethreecharacters, special game system, so you can not stop playing-[Exclusive dub, interesting]Exclusive guide novice voice, so the faster you into thegamesituation, do not remember to turn off the sound oh ~[Easy to get rare equipment, at no cost when Grandpa! ]Wang beat out grab equipment, money to buy equipment, so youchangewhite fitted dress of God, God installed you can alsoinheritproperties, all in "God okay! brothers"[Robbers, rush, rush slaves]In addition to an area for the king, the slave can be requestedtocollect supplies, materials have to pull money off ~[Diverse system of any of you play! ]BOSS, the tourney field, trials tower, corps, and various systemsalot of fun, fast invite friends to dominate the three!Fan page: https: //goo.gl/M2BjFpCustomer Service: 10in1help@gmail.com
請下載封神開放版 APK
《猛將喵三拳》是一款萌喵系策略卡牌手遊,畫面可愛生動,戰鬥華麗並有真人戰鬥配音,除了有大量的萌喵角色可收集還有多樣化的玩法經營自已的萌喵領地及家族。★★重要資訊★★遊戲例行維護時段為個禮拜三上午10:00~12:00 (以粉絲團公告為主)★★官方資訊★★官網:http://www.10in1.com.tw(手機無法註冊玩家,可到官網註冊申請帳號)Facebook粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/Cat3Go問題回報信箱:10in1help@gmail.com★★遊戲特色★★《猛將喵三拳》最可愛、最萌喵的三國休閒RPG、經營自已的萌喵領地,數百名三國猛將陪你一起喵他三拳、勇闖天下。☆副本:三國知名戰役關卡,眾多裝備金銀財寶等著你。☆奪寶:每日必玩任務,免錢就可以拿元寶、技能包喔!☆生產:天天生產拿銀兩,等級愈高拿的愈多喔!☆訓練:萌喵快速提升等級,猛將的必經之地。☆附靈:裝不附靈枉稱猛,裝備除了強化還可以更上一層樓喔。☆稅收:銀兩徴稅滾滾來,掠奪銀兩富甲天下。☆競技:每日切磋排名拼高下!銀兩、威望等你來,至尊榜等你來挑戰!☆貓宅:可愛小喵等你來養成,輕鬆有趣增加實力。☆緣助:有緣喵將來相助,神秘協助達成緣!☆抽獎:絕世神駒、大量元寶在這裡。☆內政:經營領地做一個好喵主,升級軍銜看這裡。☆過關斬將:過百關斬千將,高手高手高高手!☆血戰赤壁:借東風、戰火船,赤壁名戰大重現。☆世界BOSS:天下英雄出我輩,討伐BOSS平天下!★★活動全面啟動★★☆每日簽到-趙雲、張飛拜入麾下!☆猛喵升級-元寶、物資梭哈入掌。元寶=新台幣!☆一杯美酒飲下肚,十八猛喵體健壯!☆喵掌出手,撈盡天下好寶!☆招財喵激戰財神爺72小時。☆首儲三倍送!二喬美喵伴我闖天涯~ 再送嫁妝!☆累積儲值送,霸氣走全身。
獵魔之刃 1.0.3 APK
猛將喵三拳-封神開放版 APK
★登入簽到贈猛將「趙雲」、「張飛」願追隨主公勇闖天下!★初生之犢不畏虎勇闖三國知名戰役副本關卡,可達百人經典戰役「血戰赤壁」威武呈現!過關斬將英雄出我輩,戰起來討伐世界BOSS!★自給自足不求人智取奪寶、銀兩生產、稅收掠奪、家族轉轉樂...不求人輕鬆玩下去!★強中自有強中手數百位名將訓練降服,搭配裝備附靈神品現世,超越強化之巔!★緣助不只是援助五虎上將、桃園三結義、魏國智庫、鶼鰈夫妻、絕代佳人…緣份相助輕鬆抗敵!★女生最愛-超可愛貓宅養隻小喵喵,喵喵最愛天天送寶箱給主人!開箱有機會得到絕世名駒,赤兔馬、爪黃飛電....名將愛駒通通在這裡!★★官方資訊★★Facebook粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/Cat3Go官方網站:http://www.10in1.com.tw聯絡信箱:10in1help@gmail.com★★重要資訊★★每週禮拜三上午10:00~12:00例行維護 (以粉絲團公告為主)★ login sign Reggiegifts"Zhao", "Fei" lord willing to follow the very best in the world!★ kid afraid of the tigerDawn of the famous Battle of the Three copies of checkpoints, up toa hundred classic battle of "bloody Red Cliff" mighty show!Through the trials of the hero of my generation, world war upcrusade BOSS!★ self-sufficiency-yourselfOutsmart Indiana, silver production, predatory taxation,family-yourself easy to play around music ... go!★ strong in its own strength in the handHundreds of famous training surrender, with equipment attachedKamijina secular spirit, beyond the top of the strengtheningof!★ edge to help not just aidFab Five will, Taoyuan trio, Weiguo Zhi library Jian floundercouples, phoenix ... fate to help ease the enemy!★ girls love - super cute cat houseKeep only a small meow, meow favorite treasure every day to send tothe owner!Out of the box there is a chance to get peerless name colt, RedHorse, claw Huang Fei electricity .... famous love horse allhere!★★ ★★ Official InformationFacebook fan group: https: //www.facebook.com/Cat3GoOfficial Website: http: //www.10in1.com.twContact E-mail: 10in1help@gmail.com★★ ★★ Important InformationWeekly Wednesday morning 10:00 - 12:00 routine maintenance (mainlyto fans announcement)
請使用封神開放版 APK
★登入簽到贈猛將「趙雲」、「張飛」願追隨主公勇闖天下!★初生之犢不畏虎勇闖三國知名戰役副本關卡,可達百人經典戰役「血戰赤壁」威武呈現!過關斬將英雄出我輩,戰起來討伐世界BOSS!★自給自足不求人智取奪寶、銀兩生產、稅收掠奪、家族轉轉樂...不求人輕鬆玩下去!★強中自有強中手數百位名將訓練降服,搭配裝備附靈神品現世,超越強化之巔!★緣助不只是援助五虎上將、桃園三結義、魏國智庫、鶼鰈夫妻、絕代佳人…緣份相助輕鬆抗敵!★女生最愛-超可愛貓宅養隻小喵喵,喵喵最愛天天送寶箱給主人!開箱有機會得到絕世名駒,赤兔馬、爪黃飛電....名將愛駒通通在這裡!★★官方資訊★★Facebook粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/Cat3Go官方網站:http://www.10in1.com.tw聯絡信箱:10in1help@gmail.com★★重要資訊★★每週禮拜三上午10:00~12:00例行維護 (以粉絲團公告為主)★ login sign Reggiegifts"Zhao", "Fei" Dawn of the world is willing to follow my lord!★ kid afraid of the tigerDawn of the famous Battle of the Three copies of checkpoints, up toa hundred classic battle of "bloody battle of Red Cliff" mightyshow!Through the trials hero of my generation, the World War up crusadeBOSS!★ self-it-yourselfOutsmart Indiana, silver production, tax plunder, easy-yourselffamily around music ... play it!★ strong in its own strong handHundreds of famous training surrender, with the equipment attachedKamijina secular spirit, beyond the top of the strengtheningof!★ edge to help not just aidFab Five will, Taoyuan trio, Weiguo Zhi library, Jian floundercouples, peerless beauty ... fate easily help the enemy!★ girls love - super cute cat houseKeep only a small meow, meow favorite treasure every day to send tothe owner!Unpacking the opportunity to get peerless name horse, Red Horse,claw Huang Fei famous love horse power .... all here!★★ ★★ Official InformationFacebook fan group: https: //www.facebook.com/Cat3GoOfficial website: http: //www.10in1.com.twContact E-mail: 10in1help@gmail.com★★ ★★ Important InformationWeekly Wednesday morning 10:00 - 12:00 routine maintenance (in themain fan group bulletin)