0.1 / Feb 14, 2016
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Gospel Inspiration Poems William M Branham,Shepherd Fokoloni,SisRoberta,Jacinta

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    Believers/Branham Poems/Poetry
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  • Дата публикации
    Feb 14, 2016
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    Android 2.1
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    Justice Kwesi Akuffo
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    Books & Reference
  • Разработчик
    Post Office KS 309. Kasoa, Central Region. Ghana. West Africa
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Prayer Quotes/Sayings 0.2 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
The “Prayer Quotes and Sayings Apps” delivers powerful thoughts(Quotes) from Our Lord Jesus Christ, William Branham, John Wesley,Martin Luther, Apostle Paul and many others to come as the apps isbeen updated. The purpose of this Application is to make sure thatyou are constantly reminded of your prayer life. Please find belowsome inspiring quotes from these High Profile Personalities ~OurLord Jesus Christ “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask inprayer, believing, ye shall receive” ~William Branham “Lay asideeverything. Just get as close to God as you can. Walk with Him,talk with Him. Let everything else be secondary but your prayerlife. Stay right with Him all the time” ~John Wesley “God doesnothing except in answer to Prayer” -Martin Luther “To be aChristian without prayer is no more possible than to be alivewithout breathing” ~Billy Graham “To get nations back on theirfeet, we must first get down on our knees” ~Charles Spurgeon “Youcan be omnipotent if you know how to pray, omnipotent in all thingswhich glorify God” ~John Bunyan “Prayer will make a man cease fromsin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer” ~Charles Finney“Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than prayingtogether. Never do they love one another so well as when theywitness the outpouring of each other’s hearts in prayer” ~RichardBaxter “Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching; hepreacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray for them”~Apostle Paul “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same withthanksgiving” ~Prayer Quotes from The Bible With Prayer Index andTopics Prayer Quotes On Love Prayer Quotes On Blessings PrayerQuotes On Favor Prayer Quotes On Strength Prayer General BibleQuotes Prayer Quotes On Healing Prayer Quotes On Peace PrayerQuotes On Protection Prayer Quotes On Relationship Prayer Quotes OnComfort Quotes from Country Leader and Founding Fathers AbrahamLincoln George Washington John Adams John Evans Atta Mills SamuelAdams George H. W. Bush George W. Bush Andrew Jackson HerbertHoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry S. Truman Dwight D.Eisenhower Benjamin Franklin Ronald Wilson Reagan Download powerfulinspiring prayer quotes, to help us pray for our loved ones,families, friends, ourselves and the world at large in our busyschedules as The Day of Redemption is near. “Pray without ceasing”(1st Thessalonians 5:17) You can choose either Quotes View orAuthors View Quotes View give you all the quotes in the AppsAuthors view allows you to select the quotes using the names of theauthors. Suggestions are always welcomed through this email:jkaworks@gmail.com I love you with the love of the Lord and may youcontinue to swim in the atmosphere of God’s love. Thank you and Godbless you. Amen! THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU
The Message of The Hour 0.2 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
Quick Reference Guide By Ronnie Millevo, Rev. William M BranhamSermons HandBook
The Family Altar ~ Daily Manna 0.0.3 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
Volume1,2&3 Daily Bread Bible & Rev. William MarrionBranham Sermons By T.A.Dodd
Branham Message Library 0.2 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
Note: Updates is coming very soon withArticles& More about William BranhamWe expect you will be delighted with the richness and varietyofthe resources available within the ‘William BranhamStorehouseCollection Apps’ It is laden with spiritual food andblessings forthe hungry soul. We invite you to ‘Come and dine!’ asyou use thisApps.~Message Library - William Branham Storehouse(Books)The Acts of the ProphetDo You Fear CancerOperation of Church OfficesPersonal Testimony of the Coming of the GiftDivine Healing in the Branham CampaignsAs the Eagle Stirreth Her NestThe Eleventh CommandmentFoot Prints On The Sands Of TimeWilliam Branham, A Man Sent From GodMemorial ServiceI Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly VisionSermons of William M. BranhamA Prophet Visits South AfricaThe Supernatural GospelTwentieth Century Prophet~Articles & More about William BranhamExperience the Love, Faith and Hope that Motivated His LifeWilliam Branham would have desired that you have access totheresources contained in this Collection so you can shareandexperience the love, faith and hope that so motivated his lifeanddetermined his success. He knew the mind and character oftheSpirit of God as few men have ever known and his simplespiritualwisdom when quickened by the Holy Ghost will be aseeminglyinexhaustible treasure to deepen the relationship of allChristianswith their Savior.THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU.
Message Questions/Answers COD 0.1 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
"The reason we do this is to find out what's on the people's mind,what they're thinking about. See? And that's what makes a goodstrong church. You've got to have the--the times, just like you gotto comb the cockleburs out like, you know, and everything, get allthe--the things out of the way so that you can move steadily. Sonow that's the reason we have question night once in a while, is tofind out" ~William M. Branham 53-0629 "The Bible has the answer forthis day. It's had it for other days. It's got it forever, becauseit is Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Bible hasthe answer, because the Bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ,being revealed since the foundation of the world" ~64-0122 LookingUnto Jesus
Evangelism Bible Quotes/Tools 0.1 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work ofan evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry" ~2 Timothy 4:5Value, what is valuable? Getting a soul saved. For he who wins asoul is wise. The soul you win will be a star in your crown inheaven through eternity. And a soul is worth more than ten thousandworlds. But as we have something precious we must know how topresent it as well, else we do more harm than good. This apps isdesigned with scriptures on topical biblical teachings that canhelp you get quick scriptures to explain to someone on a topicwhilst you are witnessing, obeying the Lord's command of the greatcommission. We hope it will be of great help to you.
Melchisedec - Our High Priest 0.1 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
The Judge Himself Became Our Attorney And Advocate, Melchisedec -Our High Priest. There was a King and a Priest in Salem the city ofpeace, which became the city of David. The name of this King andpriest was Melchisedec. lt is clearly stated in scriptures thatthis King did not have beginning of days or ending of Life, he hadno Father or Mother and was without descent and was known as theking of righteousness. Angels have a beginning, the world had abeginning, man had a beginning and all spirits of all levels had abeginning including principalities and powers in high places etc.,for they were created by God, but it is said of this King andpriest that he had no beginning or ending of days. Who is thisKing? I will answer boldly. There is only one King who has nobeginning and has no end and He is God Almighty the creator of theuniverse, Elohim the self-sufficient one. Oh how sweet it is toknow that the God we serve has no beginning and has no ending ofdays for He is the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omega andthat he is the King of Salem: The king of peace. Because he is theking of peace he gives us peace which passeth all understanding,the peace which when in you will be like the rivers of waters nevergoing dry. There was the need for a priest unto God in Jerusalembut God did not get any one who was qualified: Sinless and worthy,so God occupied the position Himself. It is worth noticing that itwas in the mind of God that Levites should become priest unto Godin Israel and as priest they will be entitled to tithe. But how canthey take tithe from the other tribes of Israel having not paidtithe themselves. They have to be justified for taking tithe and tobe justified they had to pay tithe .If the tithe is paid to man,what justification has he having not paid tithe before. The onlyone they could pay the tithe to, to be justified was God and Godwas justified for taking tithe because he created man. Abrahamtherefore paid tithe to God almighty on behalf of Levi. That's whyLevi as a priest of God was justified for taking tithe from all theother tribes of Israel on behalf of GOD. God was the portion ofLevi and therefore was entitled to that which belongs to God;Joshua -13:33 and Hebrew 7. In other words, the one Abraham paidthe tithe to have to be God. Those who are seeking for God andwaiting for His appearing I dedicate this little book. God blessyou.
Believers/Branham Poems/Poetry 0.1 APK
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
Gospel Inspiration Poems William M Branham,Shepherd Fokoloni,SisRoberta,Jacinta