1.4.6 / August 31, 2015
(4.4/5) (9)


Capillaroscopy is a technique used to studymicrocirculation. This application defines the physiologicalparameters observed through capillaroscopy of the nail bed andprovides images that best illustrate each parameter. Themethodology that may be used for the quantitative andsemiquantitative analysis of capillaroscopic abnormalities is alsospecified. In addition, the characteristics of multiplecapillaroscopic patterns are described and presented with thecorresponding images.

This application will prove to be useful for specialists fromvarious medical disciplines who can use it as a reference tool or ameans to educate themselves on the theoretical/practical study ofthis technique. All of the content featured in the application hasbeen agreed upon by the capillaroscopy specialists who comprise theWorking Group for the Study of Capillaroscopy (el Grupo de Trabajopara el Estudio de la Capilaroscopia, GREC), within the sclerodermaguidelines followed by the Spanish Society of InternalMedicine.

информация о приложении Capillaroscopy

  • Имя приложения
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    August 31, 2015
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
  • Количество установок
    500 - 1,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

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Capillaroscopy 1.4.6 APK
Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Capillaroscopy is a technique used to studymicrocirculation. This application defines the physiologicalparameters observed through capillaroscopy of the nail bed andprovides images that best illustrate each parameter. Themethodology that may be used for the quantitative andsemiquantitative analysis of capillaroscopic abnormalities is alsospecified. In addition, the characteristics of multiplecapillaroscopic patterns are described and presented with thecorresponding images.This application will prove to be useful for specialists fromvarious medical disciplines who can use it as a reference tool or ameans to educate themselves on the theoretical/practical study ofthis technique. All of the content featured in the application hasbeen agreed upon by the capillaroscopy specialists who comprise theWorking Group for the Study of Capillaroscopy (el Grupo de Trabajopara el Estudio de la Capilaroscopia, GREC), within the sclerodermaguidelines followed by the Spanish Society of InternalMedicine.
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Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Los criterios actuales de Esclerosis Sistémicao esclerodermia se publicaron en el 2013. Se han definido 13 ítemsy/o subítems que han sido puntuados. Se considera que un enfermo seclasifica como Esclerodermia si tras la suma de las puntuacionesalcanza una puntuación de 9. Cada ítem o variable tiene unapuntuación diferente y los subítems no son sumatorios por lo que noresulta fácil recordar las diferentes puntuaciones. Por estemotivo, el disponer de una aplicación electrónica facilitará lapráctica clínica ya que los nuevos criterios mejoran los criteriospreliminares de la enfermedad.La esclerosis sistémica se caracteriza por su gran variabilidadclínica y pronóstica por lo que a lo largo de los últimos años sehan propuesto diferentes clasificaciones en subtipos clínicopronósticos. Actualmente la clasificación que permite englobar unmayor nº de enfermos es la que incluye 5 subtipos:preesclerodermia, esclerodermia inicial, esclerodermia sinesclerosis cutánea, esclerodermia limitada y esclerodermiadifusaPor otra parte, la esclerosis cutánea sigue siendo un marcadorfundamental del pronóstico de los enfermos. La escala modificada deMedsger es la herramienta semicuantitativa más utilizada quepermite graduar la induración cutánea. La puntuación secorrelaciona con el pronóstico de los enfermos.El reunir en una misma aplicación diferentes aspectos de laclasificación de la esclerodermia facilita la práctica diaria a losespecialistas que habitualmente visitan a este grupo deenfermos.Todo el contenido vertido en la aplicación está recogida endiferentes artículos científicos. La clasificación en subtipos esla que se utiliza en el Regsitro Nacional de Esclerodermia (RESCLE)dentro de la Línea de esclerodermia de la Sociedad Española deMedicina Interna.The current criteria ofSystemic sclerosis or scleroderma were published in 2013 have beenidentified 13 items and / or sub-items that have been rated. It isconsidered that a patient is classified as Scleroderma if, afterthe sum of the scores achieved a score of 9. Each item or variablehas a different score and sub-items are not sums not so easy toremember the different scores. For this reason, the availability ofan electronic application provide clinical practice and the newcriteria enhance the preliminary criteria of the disease.Systemic sclerosis is characterized by its great clinical andprognostic variability so over recent years have proposed differentclassifications in clinical subtypes forecasts. Currently theclassification which allows to encompass a greater number ofpatients is one that includes five subtypes: preesclerodermia,initial scleroderma, scleroderma without skin sclerosis, diffusescleroderma and limited sclerodermaMoreover, cutaneous sclerosis remains a key marker of prognosisof patients. Medsger the modified scale is the most used tool thatallows semi-quantitative grading skin induration. The score wascorrelated with the prognosis of patients.The meeting in a single application different aspects ofscleroderma classification facilitates the daily practicespecialists who regularly visit this group of patients.All contents poured in the application is collected in variousscientific articles. Classification into subtypes is used in theNational Scleroderma Logfile (RESCLE) inside the line ofscleroderma of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine.