2.04 / February 23, 2016
(3.8/5) (12)


Hrajte si za zpěvu lidových písniček. Hra "Chytání not (lidovky)"má jednoduchý princip. Každý ptáček musí chytit svou notu. Jenzobáček praskne bublinu s notou. Vše je svázáno s rytmem a melodiílidových písniček. Ovládání je buď pomocí barevných tlačítek postranách, nebo kliknutím na ptáčka. Hrajte do té doby, než přijdeteo pět notiček. Jako bonus je v programu umístěna relaxačníobrazovka "zahrádka". Za každou dohranou hru přibude jeden krok dozahrádky (nová kytička, povyroste strom, přibudou předměty naplotě...). Nechte se unést v tomto novém světě. Sbírejte úspěchy vehře a získejte další body ve službě Google hry. Snažte seprobojovat na vrchol žebříčku pro nejlepší hráče a pro nejvyššískóre. Vyzkoušejte náš další program - Hravé písničky. Určitě stojíza vaši pozornost...

информация о приложении Chytání not (lidovky)

  • Имя приложения
    Chytání not (lidovky)
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    February 23, 2016
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
    Luční 434 Budyně nad Ohří 41118 Czech Republic
  • Google Play Link

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Chytání not (lidovky) 2.04 APK
Hrajte si za zpěvu lidových písniček. Hra "Chytání not (lidovky)"má jednoduchý princip. Každý ptáček musí chytit svou notu. Jenzobáček praskne bublinu s notou. Vše je svázáno s rytmem a melodiílidových písniček. Ovládání je buď pomocí barevných tlačítek postranách, nebo kliknutím na ptáčka. Hrajte do té doby, než přijdeteo pět notiček. Jako bonus je v programu umístěna relaxačníobrazovka "zahrádka". Za každou dohranou hru přibude jeden krok dozahrádky (nová kytička, povyroste strom, přibudou předměty naplotě...). Nechte se unést v tomto novém světě. Sbírejte úspěchy vehře a získejte další body ve službě Google hry. Snažte seprobojovat na vrchol žebříčku pro nejlepší hráče a pro nejvyššískóre. Vyzkoušejte náš další program - Hravé písničky. Určitě stojíza vaši pozornost...
Hravé písničky 1, plná verze 1.04 APK
Tento program by rád povzbudil hudební cítěníu nejmenších dětí. Zábavnou formou se nabízí deset lidovýchpísniček. Vše je propojeno krásnými a navíc rozpohybovanými obrázkyod českého výtvarníka Radka Zmítka. Melodie vznikly v hudební dílněAnežky Šubrové.Princip je jednoduchý. Dítě vybere písničku a pak si zvolí, kdoby měl v písničce zpívat (dítě, žena, nebo muž). Různé kombinacezpěváku lze měnit i během přehrávání písničky. Uživateli je dánjediný úkol a to je vyťukávání rytmu. Program na konci písničkyvyhodnotí, jak toto vyťukávání do rytmu šlo. Zobrazí až pětrozkvetlých kytiček. Jako bonus je v programu umístěna relaxačníobrazovka "zahrádka", kde postupně může každý uživatel sledovatvývoj. Za každou přehranou písničku přibude jeden krok do zahrádky(nová kytička, povyroste strom, přibudou předměty na plotě...).Před každým spuštěním písničky můžete přepnout na obrazovku snotami. V tomto nastavení se můžete připojit s vlastním hudebnímnástrojem a zahrát si společně s kapelou v aplikaci od firmyFamiredo s.r.o..Program obsahuje písničky (včetně not a akordů):- Kdybys měla má panenko- Prší, prší, jen se leje- Na tom pražským mostě- Hřej sluníčko, hřej- Holka modrooká- Jede jede poštovský panáček- Když jsem byl maličký pacholíček- Kalamajka mik mik mik- Bude zima, bude máz- Já mám koně, vraný koněDále nabízíme Hravé písničky 2 a Hravé písničky 3:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtUQoOqXHVIV programu najdete: České písničky, lidové písničky, noty kpísničkám, texty písniček, funkci karaoke při vypnutém zpěvu, výukarytmiky, výuka zpěvu.Těšíme se na vaše reakce. Všem díky za pěkné hodnocení programu.Vyzkoušejte naši aplikaci Metronom, která je zcela zdarma.This program would liketo encourage musical sensibility for the smallest children. Offersa fun way to ten folk songs. Everything is connected and beautifuladdition rozpohybovanými pictures by Czech artist Radka Zmítko. Themelodies created in music workshop Agnes Šubrové.The principle is simple. The child chooses a song and thenchoose who should sing the song (child, woman or man). Variouscombinations singer can be changed during playback of songs. Theuser is given the sole task it is typing out a rhythm. Program atthe end of the song evaluate how this was typing out the rhythm.Displays up to five of blooming flowers. As a bonus, the programplaced a relaxing screen "garden", where he can follow thedevelopment of each user. For each time a song will be added onestep to the garden (new flower, a tree grows, there will bearticles on the fence ...).Before each start songs you can switch to the screen with notes.In this setting, you can connect with their own musical instrumentand play along with the band in from Famiredo sro.The program includes songs (including notes and chords)- If you had a doll- It's raining, raining, raining only- On the bridge in Prague- Play sun warms- Girl with blue eyes- Jed goes Mail Coach- When I was little pacholíček- Kalamajka mik mik mik- It will be cold, the wax- I have horses, crows horsesWe also offer a playful songs 2 and 3 Playful songs:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtUQoOqXHVIThe program includes: Czech songs, folk songs, music for songs,song lyrics, karaoke function switched off singing, rhythmtraining, teaching singing.We look forward to your response. All thanks for the nice reviewof the program. Try our metronome application that is completelyfree.
Metronome 1.06 APK
Metronome for musicians.There are many options:- speed - BPM (beats per minute),- design,- rhythm,- sound for beat.No adverts, everything is free. Have fun!
Quizmaster & Anatomy 1.12 APK
This trivia game has many questions that test your knowledge ofAnatomy. As you’re playing, you can race yourself to get a timebonus, or even play with friends to compare achievements, or try toget on the Leaderboard! When start a new game, you can pick thedifficulty level before you begin. Do you want a little practicewhen you’re first getting started? Try out the quizzes in easymode. If you feel pretty confident, then move on to medium mode.And once you’re ready for advanced trivia, select hard mode for achallenge! And don’t worry, you can select another mode next time.Make sure you’re ready to play when you push the Start Game button,because the timer begins immediately. For each question, you’ll seefour options, and sometimes there is also a photo to help out withthe question. Make sure you read each question so you aren’ttricked when the answers include similar sounding words. Rememberto act fast to select the right answer since you only get oncechance. This is a fast-paced game! When your answer is right, itwill be highlighted in green, and you’ll earn a star. When youranswer is wrong, it will have a red highlight and you’ll be shownthe right answer too. Click Next to move on to the next questionuntil you’ve gotten to the end of the quiz. If you’d rather havethe questions go to the next question after answering, select thison the Settings page before you start your next quiz. This mayboost your chances of getting a time bonus too. While you’replaying, you’ll see three magic buttons that allow you to reducethe number of answers, allow two answer tries for one question, orextend the time. These really help if you’re in a crunch and need alittle extra time or can’t decide between the options. If you wantsome, then keep playing to earn crowns and spend them in the shopfor more magic buttons. You can also purchase more crowns, or evenpay to remove all advertisements. At the end, you’ll see all yourstats for how you did that round. How many stars and crowns do youhave? How many answers were correct? Did you get a success or timebonus? Start a new game, or you can review the questions andanswers again by selecting Results Details, or by going to the QuizHistory page from the main menu. You’ll see all the questions andanswers, plus how fast you completed each quiz. And don’t forget tocheck out your Achievements as your status improves over time. Whenyour friends play, you can compare your results and see the bestplayer for each quiz. Didn’t win this week? That’s okay, keepplaying and check the Leaderboard again to see if you’re the latestwinner. And don’t forget to check out the other trivia availableunder More Quizzes: Pop Music Quiz, Classical Music Quiz, RockQuiz, and Spelling Quiz.
Lékárnička a dávkování 1.27 APK
Užíváte léky a potřebujete pomocníka,kterývše eviduje a připomene užití léků?1. Vyfoťte čárový kód léku na krabičce a aplikace vámvyhledálék.2. Zadejte, kdy začnete užívat léky, jak často a kolikdávekcelkem.3. Nastavte si způsob upozornění na užití léku (notifikace,nebobudíček).Aplikace vám ukáže seznam užívaných léků a seznamnadcházejícíchdávek. Údaje můžete snadno editovat.Toto vše můžete zadat pro více uživatelů současně. Tonapříkladpomůže maminkám v domácnosti s evidencí léků pro své děti,pro sebea třeba i pro domácí mazlíčky. Je to tedy super chytrýdávkovačléků.Aplikace pracuje s účinnou látkou léku, takže ukážekonflikt,pokud se naplánují dva různé léky se stejnou účinnoulátkou.Pracuje se tedy s Generiky a z databáze léků si přes účinnoulátkumůžete zobrazit Generika pro daný lék.Evidujte obsah domácí lékárničky a nastavte si datumspotřebyjednotlivých léků. Teď můžete mít více těchto lékárniček(domácí,cestovní, na chatě atd.).Dobrané léky se uloží do archivu a je možné je znovu začít užívatsestejným nastavením dávek.Zobrazte si příbalový leták pro vyhledaný lék.Najděte si nejbližší lékárnu podle GPS polohy vašeho zařízeníazobrazte si ji na mapě.Aplikace je vhodná nejen pro užívání léků, ale v podstatěprojakékoliv pravidelné užívání dávek.Dávkou může být:• Doplňky stravy• Vitamíny• Pitný režim• Cvičení, nebo učeníDěkujeme všem za podporu a za připomínky, které námpomáhajívylepšovat tento produkt.V aplikaci existují dva nákupy. Buď můžetetrvaleodstranit všechny zobrazované reklamy, nebo si můžetekoupitneomezený přístup do databáze Generik (vyhledávání v tétodatabázije omezeno na 20 pokusů). Hlídání konfliktů u léků přesGenerikanení omezeno. Aplikace je tedy odemčena v celém rozsahu aje velmidobře použitelná.Aplikace nyní zálohuje své nastavení, pokud máte vsystémuAndroid povoleno "Automatické obnovení". Toto najdete vnastavenísystému "Záloha a obnova dat" (Osobní). Neztratíte taknastaveníužívaných léků a tyto údaje se vám obnoví, pokud přejdetena jinézařízení. Systém provádí zálohu jednou za několikhodinautomaticky.V nastavení aplikaci si můžete vyvolat export informacíoužívaných lécích a o časech užití léků. Komukoli tak můžeteposlatXLS tabulku s těmito údaji na email.Věřím, že si každý objeví další a další vychytávky tétoaplikace.:-)Are youtakingmedications and need a helper who keeps track of everythingandremind you use drugs?Take your first barcode medication on the carton and theapplicationwill search for a cure.2. Enter when you start taking the medication, how often, andhowmany doses in total.3. Set the type of alert for the drug (notification,orwake-up).App shows you a list of medications and a list of upcomingbenefits.Data can be easily edited.All this can specify multiple users simultaneously. Thisexamplehelps mothers in households with registration of medicinesfortheir children, for themselves and even for pets. It isthereforesuper smart dispenser drugs.Application works with the active drug substance, so willshowa conflict if scheduled as two different drugs with the sameactiveingredient. So working with generics and drugs from thedatabasethrough the active substance can view generics for thedrug.Evidujte home medicine cabinet contents and set theexpirationdate of each medication. Now you have two or morefirst-aid kits(home, travel to the cottage etc.).Dobrani drugs are stored in the archive and can again begin toenjoythe same benefits settings.View the leaflet for finding a cure.Find the nearest pharmacy by GPS location of your device and viewiton a map.The application is suitable not only for drug use,butbasically for any regular use benefits.The dose may be:• Dietary Supplements• Vitamins• Hydration• Exercise or learningThank you all for your support and comments to help usimprovethis product.In the application, there are two purchases. You caneitherpermanently remove all the ads you see, or you can buyunlimitedaccess to the database generics (search in this databaseis limitedto 20 attempts). Babysitting conflict for drugs overgenerics isnot restricted. The application is therefore unlocked initsentirety and is very well applicable.The application now backs up your settings if you haveanAndroid enabled the "Automatic renewal". This find settingssystem"Backup & reset" (Passenger). So you will not lose thesettingsmedications and these data will be restored if you go toanotherdevice. The system makes a backup every fewhoursautomatically.The setup application can invoke the export ofinformationabout the drugs used and the times medication use. Soanyone cansend XLS table with this information via email.I believe that everyone appears more and more tweaksthisapplication. :-)
Quizmaster & Pop music 1.12 APK
This trivia game has many questions that testyour knowledge of pop music and musicians. As you’re playing, youcan race yourself to get a time bonus, or even play with friends tocompare achievements, or try to get on the Leaderboard!When start a new game, you can pick the difficulty level beforeyou begin. Do you want a little practice when you’re first gettingstarted? Try out the quizzes in easy mode. If you feel prettyconfident, then move on to medium mode. And once you’re ready foradvanced trivia, select hard mode for a challenge! And don’t worry,you can select another mode next time.Make sure you’re ready to play when you push the Start Gamebutton, because the timer begins immediately. For each question,you’ll see four options, and sometimes there is also a photo tohelp out with the question. The questions are varied, so you’ll betested on the years Pop albums and singles were released, whichband or musician won an award, which artists worked together on analbum, and more. Make sure you read each question so you aren’ttricked when the answers include similar sounding words. Rememberto act fast to select the right answer since you only get oncechance. This is a fast-paced game!When your answer is right, it will be highlighted in green, andyou’ll earn a star. When your answer is wrong, it will have a redhighlight and you’ll be shown the right answer too. Click Next tomove on to the next question until you’ve gotten to the end of thequiz. If you’d rather have the questions go to the next questionafter answering, select this on the Settings page before you startyour next quiz. This may boost your chances of getting a time bonustoo.While you’re playing, you’ll see three magic buttons that allowyou to reduce the number of answers, allow two answer tries for onequestion, or extend the time. These really help if you’re in acrunch and need a little extra time or can’t decide between theoptions. If you want some, then keep playing to earn crowns andspend them in the shop for more magic buttons. You can alsopurchase more crowns, or even pay to remove all advertisements.At the end, you’ll see all your stats for how you did thatround. How many stars and crowns do you have? How many answers werecorrect? Did you get a success or time bonus? Start a new game, oryou can review the questions and answers again by selecting ResultsDetails, or by going to the Quiz History page from the main menu.You’ll see all the questions and answers, plus how fast youcompleted each quiz.And don’t forget to check out your Achievements as your statusimproves over time. When your friends play, you can compare yourresults and see the best player for each quiz. Didn’t win thisweek? That’s okay, keep playing and check the Leaderboard again tosee if you’re the latest winner. And don’t forget to check out theother trivia available under More Quizzes: Anatomy Quiz, ClassicalMusic Quiz, Rock Quiz, and Spelling Quiz.
Quizmaster & Rock music 1.12 APK
This trivia game has many questions that testyour knowledge of rock music and musicians. As you’re playing, youcan race yourself to get a time bonus, or even play with friends tocompare achievements, or try to get on the Leaderboard!When start a new game, you can pick the difficulty level beforeyou begin. Do you want a little practice when you’re first gettingstarted? Try out the quizzes in easy mode. If you feel prettyconfident, then move on to medium mode. And once you’re ready foradvanced trivia, select hard mode for a challenge! And don’t worry,you can select another mode next time.Make sure you’re ready to play when you push the Start Gamebutton, because the timer begins immediately. For each question,you’ll see four options, and sometimes there is also a photo tohelp out with the question. The questions are varied, so you’ll betested on which artists worked together on an album, and more. Makesure you read each question so you aren’t tricked when the answersinclude similar sounding words. Remember to act fast to select theright answer since you only get once chance. This is a fast-pacedgame!When your answer is right, it will be highlighted in green, andyou’ll earn a star. When your answer is wrong, it will have a redhighlight and you’ll be shown the right answer too. Click Next tomove on to the next question until you’ve gotten to the end of thequiz. If you’d rather have the questions go to the next questionafter answering, select this on the Settings page before you startyour next quiz. This may boost your chances of getting a time bonustoo.While you’re playing, you’ll see three magic buttons that allowyou to reduce the number of answers, allow two answer tries for onequestion, or extend the time. These really help if you’re in acrunch and need a little extra time or can’t decide between theoptions. If you want some, then keep playing to earn crowns andspend them in the shop for more magic buttons. You can alsopurchase more crowns, or even pay to remove all advertisements.At the end, you’ll see all your stats for how you did thatround. How many stars and crowns do you have? How many answers werecorrect? Did you get a success or time bonus? Start a new game, oryou can review the questions and answers again by selecting ResultsDetails, or by going to the Quiz History page from the main menu.You’ll see all the questions and answers, plus how fast youcompleted each quiz.And don’t forget to check out your Achievements as your statusimproves over time. When your friends play, you can compare yourresults and see the best player for each quiz. Didn’t win thisweek? That’s okay, keep playing and check the Leaderboard again tosee if you’re the latest winner. And don’t forget to check out theother trivia available under More Quizzes: Anatomy Quiz, ClassicalMusic Quiz, Pop Music Quiz, and Spelling Quiz.
Quizmaster & Classical Music 1.12 APK
This trivia game has many questions that testyour knowledge of classical music and musicians. As you’re playing,you can race yourself to get a time bonus, or even play withfriends to compare achievements, or try to get on the Leaderboard!When start a new game, you can pick the difficulty level beforeyou begin. Do you want a little practice when you’re first gettingstarted? Try out the quizzes in easy mode. If you feel prettyconfident, then move on to medium mode. And once you’re ready foradvanced trivia, select hard mode for a challenge! And don’t worry,you can select another mode next time.Make sure you’re ready to play when you push the Start Gamebutton, because the timer begins immediately. For each question,you’ll see four options, and sometimes there is also a photo tohelp out with the question. Remember to act fast to select theright answer since you only get once chance. This is a fast-pacedgame!When your answer is right, it will be highlighted in green, andyou’ll earn a star. When your answer is wrong, it will have a redhighlight and you’ll be shown the right answer too. Click Next tomove on to the next question until you’ve gotten to the end of thequiz. If you’d rather have the questions go to the next questionafter answering, select this on the Settings page before you startyour next quiz. This may boost your chances of getting a time bonustoo.While you’re playing, you’ll see three magic buttons that allowyou to reduce the number of answers, allow two answer tries for onequestion, or extend the time. These really help if you’re in acrunch and need a little extra time or can’t decide between theoptions. If you want some, then keep playing to earn crowns andspend them in the shop for more magic buttons. You can alsopurchase more crowns, or even pay to remove all advertisements.At the end, you’ll see all your stats for how you did thatround. How many stars and crowns do you have? How many answers werecorrect? Did you get a success or time bonus? Start a new game, oryou can review the questions and answers again by selecting ResultsDetails, or by going to the Quiz History page from the main menu.You’ll see all the questions and answers, plus how fast youcompleted each quiz.And don’t forget to check out your Achievements as your statusimproves over time. When your friends play, you can compare yourresults and see the best player for each quiz. Didn’t win thisweek? That’s okay, keep playing and check the Leaderboard again tosee if you’re the latest winner. And don’t forget to check out theother trivia available under More Quizzes: Anatomy Quiz, ClassicalMusic Quiz, Rock Quiz, and Spelling Quiz.