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ACEL(5) 英文學習完全手冊(5)普通寫作 15.0
關於學習英文,相信很多人都有共同的感想,那就是似乎怎麼也學不好,而看到國內有些外國人,他們中文說得蠻好的,難道英文真的比較難學嗎?其實不然,學習環境上,我們比較吃虧罷了,外國人在我國說中文,碰到不會說的中文,插句英文就是了,反正我們很多人都聽得懂。但我們去國外說英文,必須徹底的說英文,不能碰到不會說的英文,插句中文。因為我們沒有良好的英文學習環境,就祇好從背英文單字,學英文文法著手了。中文與英文有一點是背道而馳的,中文「意思囉嗦,但表達方式簡單」,相反的,英文「意思簡單,但表達方式囉嗦」,此話怎講?所謂「中文意思囉嗦」,是指說話講究文雅,最好出口成章,話中常帶些四個字的成語,所謂「中文表達方式簡單」,也就是文法簡單,或幾乎沒有文法,試問中文文法是什麼?而且中文直的寫,橫的寫,由左往右寫,由右往左寫,皆無不可。所謂「英文意思簡單」,是指表達方式直接,例如中文的我、余、吾、筆者、本人等,在英文都叫I,寫信開頭都是Dear,無須賜鑑、雅鑑、惠鑑等八股客套詞句。所謂「英文表達方式囉嗦」,也就是文法囉嗦,單字有詞類之分,動詞有十二種時式等。因此,我們說英文時,不妨忘掉中文囉嗦的意思表達,相反的,儘量去思考英文的意思表達,而且愈簡單愈好。中文是我們的母語,因為我們學中文是從牙牙學語開始,以英文為母語的人,他們學英文也是從牙牙學語開始。而小孩子的牙牙學語都是很短,而且很簡單的話,其實我們的英文如果能像外國五歲小孩的嘰哩咕嚕,大概就很高興了吧。因此本書有口頭禪,及口訣招式等章節,例舉一些很短的話,讀者假想自己是在牙牙學英文,將這些簡單的話,背的滾瓜爛熟,日常生活上是很實用的,亦有助於提昇說英文的能力。我們沒有學過中文文法,但我們在小學時期都學過「造句」,其實造句就是文法的學習,祇是沒有正式的規則罷了。而我們學習英文文法的方式,一般說來,是瞭解一大堆英文文法規則,很少學習「造句」。本書會話例句部份,都是生活上的實用英文,但建議讀者不要死背句子,而要找出重點所在,練習造句,例如讀了「Takeyour hands off me」,就可舉一反三如「Take your feet off the table」「Take thatpicture off the wall」等,句子造多了,才能靈活運用單字。學習英文最終目的不外是為了要到英語系國家觀光、留學、經商、移民等。不論目的為何,到了這些歐美先進國家都必須以英文應付日常生活,而歐美先進國家都是民主法制社會,日常生活除了食衣住行外,還要適應法律及社會規範,因此道地的英文會話除了文法正確外,相關的各種常識亦十分重要。因此,本系列書以英文學習為主,介紹一些日常生活相關的食、住、行、汽車保修、理財常識、社會制度、醫藥保健及法律政治等。本系列書號稱「英文學習完全手冊」,意義是本系列書同時涵蓋「文法、會話、常識、單字、寫作」等五方面英文學習的重點,同時針對不同的讀者需求,另行編寫各類專輯,希望提供讀者簡單明瞭,但內容充實的最佳英文學習工具。如同三合一咖啡的簡便香醇與三合一疫苗的簡易有效,希望五合一英文完全手冊能達到簡單實用之特色。本系列書並非包羅萬象的百科全書,內容不是應有盡有,也非武俠小說裡的武林秘笈,天資聰潁,神速練完之後,所向無敵。筆者謹以下面六句標語表達本書的基本精神及目標:化〝八股翻譯〞為〝平常口語〞 化〝複雜說明〞為〝簡單的說〞化〝一知半解〞為〝徹底認知〞 化〝本位思考〞為〝入境問俗〞化〝勤奮苦讀〞為〝輕鬆學習〞 化〝事倍功半〞為〝事半功倍〞About learning English, Ibelieve many people have common feelings, and that is how it seemsto not learn, and see some domestic foreigners, Chinese speak justfine, Is English really more difficult to learn? In fact, learningenvironment, we lose nothing compares foreigners speak Chinese inChina, the encounter will not say Chinese, English Chaju wants,anyway, many of us could understand. But we go abroad to speakEnglish, you must thoroughly speak English, do not speak Englishcan not be met, parenthetically Chinese. Because we do not havegood English learning environment, they had English words from theback, learn English grammar begin a.    Chinese and English, one thing iscontrary to, the Chinese, "meaning long-winded, but the expressionis simple," On the contrary, in English, "meaning simple, butlong-winded way of expression", what say? The so-called"long-winded Chinese meaning" refers to speak exquisite elegant,best Chukouchengzhang, often with some words, then the phrase"simple Chinese expression" so-called, that is, simple grammar, oralmost no grammar, ask what the Chinese grammar is ? And Chinesewriting straight, horizontal writing, written from left to right,from right to left writing, are not free. The so-called "simpleEnglish means" refers to direct expression, such as Chinese, I, I,I, I, I, etc., in English called I, are beginning to write Dear,without giving Kam, Kam Ya Hui Jian, stereotyped polite words. Theso-called "long-winded way of the English expression", which islong-winded grammar, word has divided parts of speech, verb type,and so when there are 12 kinds. Therefore, when we speak English,we might forget the meaning of the expression of Chineselong-winded, on the contrary, try to think about the meaning of theEnglish expression, and as simple as possible.    Chinese is our mother tongue, because weare beginning to learn Chinese from babbling to English-speakingpeople, they also began to learn English from babbling. The child'sbabbling is very short and very simple, in fact, our English as aforeign-year-old child if the gibberish, very happy about it. Sothe book has a mantra, and formulas moves chapters, for example,some very short, then, the reader supposedly he was in elementaryschool students in English, these simple words, back in verse, ondaily life is very practical, but also help to enhance say abilityin English.    We did not learn Chinese grammar, but wehave learned in elementary school, "sentences", in fact, is thegrammar of sentences to learn, but there is no formal rule Bale.And the way we learn English grammar, in general, is to understanda lot of English grammar rules, rarely learn "sentence." Mostsentences book sessions are practical life in English, but thereader is advised not to memorize a sentence, but to find thefocus, practice sentences, such as reading, "Take your hands offme," you can draw inferences such as "Take your feet off the table"" Take that picture off the wall, "and so on, making sentencesmore, in order to utilize word.    The ultimate aim is nothing more thanlearning English to English-speaking countries in order to tourism,study, business, immigration. For any purpose, to those advancedcountries have to cope with everyday life in English, whileadvanced countries are democratic and legal society, in addition tothe daily life of their lifestyles, but also to adapt to the lawsand social norms, so authentic English conversation In addition toproper grammar, the various relevant knowledge is also veryimportant. Therefore, this series of books in Englishlearning-based, describes some of the daily life of the relevantfood, housing, transportation, automobile warranty, financialknowledge, social systems, medical care and legal politics.This series of books called "English learning completelymanual," meaning that this series of books also covers "grammar,conversation, knowledge, vocabulary, writing," and so on fiveaspects of English learning focus, but for different needs ofreaders, otherwise write all kinds of albums, I hope to providereaders simple, but informative best English learning tool. Assimple triple mellow coffee with triple simple and effectivevaccine, hoping to achieve full manual Observing the English ofsimple and practical features.Encyclopedia of this series of books is not exhaustive, and thecontent is not everything, nor martial arts martial arts secrets,talent Cong Ying, after rapidly had finished, invincible. Theauthor would like to express the following six slogans basic spiritand objectives of the book:Of "stereotyped translation" to "ordinary colloquial" of "complexinstructions" to "simply"Of "little knowledge" to "complete knowledge" of "standardthinking" to "ask the Immigration vulgar"Of "studying hard" to "easy to learn" of "less effective" to "domore with less."
ACEL(3) 英文學習完全手冊(3)生活常識 15.0
關於學習英文,相信很多人都有共同的感想,那就是似乎怎麼也學不好,而看到國內有些外國人,他們中文說得蠻好的,難道英文真的比較難學嗎?其實不然,學習環境上,我們比較吃虧罷了,外國人在我國說中文,碰到不會說的中文,插句英文就是了,反正我們很多人都聽得懂。但我們去國外說英文,必須徹底的說英文,不能碰到不會說的英文,插句中文。因為我們沒有良好的英文學習環境,就祇好從背英文單字,學英文文法著手了。中文與英文有一點是背道而馳的,中文「意思囉嗦,但表達方式簡單」,相反的,英文「意思簡單,但表達方式囉嗦」,此話怎講?所謂「中文意思囉嗦」,是指說話講究文雅,最好出口成章,話中常帶些四個字的成語,所謂「中文表達方式簡單」,也就是文法簡單,或幾乎沒有文法,試問中文文法是什麼?而且中文直的寫,橫的寫,由左往右寫,由右往左寫,皆無不可。所謂「英文意思簡單」,是指表達方式直接,例如中文的我、余、吾、筆者、本人等,在英文都叫I,寫信開頭都是Dear,無須賜鑑、雅鑑、惠鑑等八股客套詞句。所謂「英文表達方式囉嗦」,也就是文法囉嗦,單字有詞類之分,動詞有十二種時式等。因此,我們說英文時,不妨忘掉中文囉嗦的意思表達,相反的,儘量去思考英文的意思表達,而且愈簡單愈好。中文是我們的母語,因為我們學中文是從牙牙學語開始,以英文為母語的人,他們學英文也是從牙牙學語開始。而小孩子的牙牙學語都是很短,而且很簡單的話,其實我們的英文如果能像外國五歲小孩的嘰哩咕嚕,大概就很高興了吧。因此本書有口頭禪,及口訣招式等章節,例舉一些很短的話,讀者假想自己是在牙牙學英文,將這些簡單的話,背的滾瓜爛熟,日常生活上是很實用的,亦有助於提昇說英文的能力。我們沒有學過中文文法,但我們在小學時期都學過「造句」,其實造句就是文法的學習,祇是沒有正式的規則罷了。而我們學習英文文法的方式,一般說來,是瞭解一大堆英文文法規則,很少學習「造句」。本書會話例句部份,都是生活上的實用英文,但建議讀者不要死背句子,而要找出重點所在,練習造句,例如讀了「Takeyour hands off me」,就可舉一反三如「Take your feet off the table」「Take thatpicture off the wall」等,句子造多了,才能靈活運用單字。學習英文最終目的不外是為了要到英語系國家觀光、留學、經商、移民等。不論目的為何,到了這些歐美先進國家都必須以英文應付日常生活,而歐美先進國家都是民主法制社會,日常生活除了食衣住行外,還要適應法律及社會規範,因此道地的英文會話除了文法正確外,相關的各種常識亦十分重要。因此,本系列書以英文學習為主,介紹一些日常生活相關的食、住、行、汽車保修、理財常識、社會制度、醫藥保健及法律政治等。本系列書號稱「英文學習完全手冊」,意義是本系列書同時涵蓋「文法、會話、常識、單字、寫作」等五方面英文學習的重點,同時針對不同的讀者需求,另行編寫各類專輯,希望提供讀者簡單明瞭,但內容充實的最佳英文學習工具。如同三合一咖啡的簡便香醇與三合一疫苗的簡易有效,希望五合一英文完全手冊能達到簡單實用之特色。本系列書並非包羅萬象的百科全書,內容不是應有盡有,也非武俠小說裡的武林秘笈,天資聰潁,神速練完之後,所向無敵。筆者謹以下面六句標語表達本書的基本精神及目標:化〝八股翻譯〞為〝平常口語〞 化〝複雜說明〞為〝簡單的說〞化〝一知半解〞為〝徹底認知〞 化〝本位思考〞為〝入境問俗〞化〝勤奮苦讀〞為〝輕鬆學習〞 化〝事倍功半〞為〝事半功倍〞About learning English, Ibelieve many people have common feelings, and that is how it seemsto not learn, and see some domestic foreigners, Chinese speak justfine, Is English really more difficult to learn? In fact, learningenvironment, we lose nothing compares foreigners speak Chinese inChina, the encounter will not say Chinese, English Chaju wants,anyway, many of us could understand. But we go abroad to speakEnglish, you must thoroughly speak English, do not speak Englishcan not be met, parenthetically Chinese. Because we do not havegood English learning environment, they had English words from theback, learn English grammar begin a.    Chinese and English, one thing iscontrary to, the Chinese, "meaning long-winded, but the expressionis simple," On the contrary, in English, "meaning simple, butlong-winded way of expression", what say? The so-called"long-winded Chinese meaning" refers to speak exquisite elegant,best Chukouchengzhang, often with some words, then the phrase"simple Chinese expression" so-called, that is, simple grammar, oralmost no grammar, ask what the Chinese grammar is ? And Chinesewriting straight, horizontal writing, written from left to right,from right to left writing, are not free. The so-called "simpleEnglish means" refers to direct expression, such as Chinese, I, I,I, I, I, etc., in English called I, are beginning to write Dear,without giving Kam, Kam Ya Hui Jian, stereotyped polite words. Theso-called "long-winded way of the English expression", which islong-winded grammar, word has divided parts of speech, verb type,and so when there are 12 kinds. Therefore, when we speak English,we might forget the meaning of the expression of Chineselong-winded, on the contrary, try to think about the meaning of theEnglish expression, and as simple as possible.    Chinese is our mother tongue, because weare beginning to learn Chinese from babbling to English-speakingpeople, they also began to learn English from babbling. The child'sbabbling is very short and very simple, in fact, our English as aforeign-year-old child if the gibberish, very happy about it. Sothe book has a mantra, and formulas moves chapters, for example,some very short, then, the reader supposedly he was in elementaryschool students in English, these simple words, back in verse, ondaily life is very practical, but also help to enhance say abilityin English.    We did not learn Chinese grammar, but wehave learned in elementary school, "sentences", in fact, is thegrammar of sentences to learn, but there is no formal rule Bale.And the way we learn English grammar, in general, is to understanda lot of English grammar rules, rarely learn "sentence." Mostsentences book sessions are practical life in English, but thereader is advised not to memorize a sentence, but to find thefocus, practice sentences, such as reading, "Take your hands offme," you can draw inferences such as "Take your feet off the table"" Take that picture off the wall, "and so on, making sentencesmore, in order to utilize word.    The ultimate aim is nothing more thanlearning English to English-speaking countries in order to tourism,study, business, immigration. For any purpose, to those advancedcountries have to cope with everyday life in English, whileadvanced countries are democratic and legal society, in addition tothe daily life of their lifestyles, but also to adapt to the lawsand social norms, so authentic English conversation In addition toproper grammar, the various relevant knowledge is also veryimportant. Therefore, this series of books in Englishlearning-based, describes some of the daily life of the relevantfood, housing, transportation, automobile warranty, financialknowledge, social systems, medical care and legal politics.This series of books called "English learning completelymanual," meaning that this series of books also covers "grammar,conversation, knowledge, vocabulary, writing," and so on fiveaspects of English learning focus, but for different needs ofreaders, otherwise write all kinds of albums, I hope to providereaders simple, but informative best English learning tool. Assimple triple mellow coffee with triple simple and effectivevaccine, hoping to achieve full manual Observing the English ofsimple and practical features.Encyclopedia of this series of books is not exhaustive, and thecontent is not everything, nor martial arts martial arts secrets,talent Cong Ying, after rapidly had finished, invincible. Theauthor would like to express the following six slogans basic spiritand objectives of the book:Of "stereotyped translation" to "ordinary colloquial" of "complexinstructions" to "simply"Of "little knowledge" to "complete knowledge" of "standardthinking" to "ask the Immigration vulgar"Of "studying hard" to "easy to learn" of "less effective" to "domore with less."
ACEL(4) 英文學習完全手冊(4)單字剖析 15.0
關於學習英文,相信很多人都有共同的感想,那就是似乎怎麼也學不好,而看到國內有些外國人,他們中文說得蠻好的,難道英文真的比較難學嗎?其實不然,學習環境上,我們比較吃虧罷了,外國人在我國說中文,碰到不會說的中文,插句英文就是了,反正我們很多人都聽得懂。但我們去國外說英文,必須徹底的說英文,不能碰到不會說的英文,插句中文。因為我們沒有良好的英文學習環境,就祇好從背英文單字,學英文文法著手了。中文與英文有一點是背道而馳的,中文「意思囉嗦,但表達方式簡單」,相反的,英文「意思簡單,但表達方式囉嗦」,此話怎講?所謂「中文意思囉嗦」,是指說話講究文雅,最好出口成章,話中常帶些四個字的成語,所謂「中文表達方式簡單」,也就是文法簡單,或幾乎沒有文法,試問中文文法是什麼?而且中文直的寫,橫的寫,由左往右寫,由右往左寫,皆無不可。所謂「英文意思簡單」,是指表達方式直接,例如中文的我、余、吾、筆者、本人等,在英文都叫I,寫信開頭都是Dear,無須賜鑑、雅鑑、惠鑑等八股客套詞句。所謂「英文表達方式囉嗦」,也就是文法囉嗦,單字有詞類之分,動詞有十二種時式等。因此,我們說英文時,不妨忘掉中文囉嗦的意思表達,相反的,儘量去思考英文的意思表達,而且愈簡單愈好。中文是我們的母語,因為我們學中文是從牙牙學語開始,以英文為母語的人,他們學英文也是從牙牙學語開始。而小孩子的牙牙學語都是很短,而且很簡單的話,其實我們的英文如果能像外國五歲小孩的嘰哩咕嚕,大概就很高興了吧。因此本書有口頭禪,及口訣招式等章節,例舉一些很短的話,讀者假想自己是在牙牙學英文,將這些簡單的話,背的滾瓜爛熟,日常生活上是很實用的,亦有助於提昇說英文的能力。我們沒有學過中文文法,但我們在小學時期都學過「造句」,其實造句就是文法的學習,祇是沒有正式的規則罷了。而我們學習英文文法的方式,一般說來,是瞭解一大堆英文文法規則,很少學習「造句」。本書會話例句部份,都是生活上的實用英文,但建議讀者不要死背句子,而要找出重點所在,練習造句,例如讀了「Takeyour hands off me」,就可舉一反三如「Take your feet off the table」「Take thatpicture off the wall」等,句子造多了,才能靈活運用單字。學習英文最終目的不外是為了要到英語系國家觀光、留學、經商、移民等。不論目的為何,到了這些歐美先進國家都必須以英文應付日常生活,而歐美先進國家都是民主法制社會,日常生活除了食衣住行外,還要適應法律及社會規範,因此道地的英文會話除了文法正確外,相關的各種常識亦十分重要。因此,本系列書以英文學習為主,介紹一些日常生活相關的食、住、行、汽車保修、理財常識、社會制度、醫藥保健及法律政治等。本系列書號稱「英文學習完全手冊」,意義是本系列書同時涵蓋「文法、會話、常識、單字、寫作」等五方面英文學習的重點,同時針對不同的讀者需求,另行編寫各類專輯,希望提供讀者簡單明瞭,但內容充實的最佳英文學習工具。如同三合一咖啡的簡便香醇與三合一疫苗的簡易有效,希望五合一英文完全手冊能達到簡單實用之特色。本系列書並非包羅萬象的百科全書,內容不是應有盡有,也非武俠小說裡的武林秘笈,天資聰潁,神速練完之後,所向無敵。筆者謹以下面六句標語表達本書的基本精神及目標:化〝八股翻譯〞為〝平常口語〞 化〝複雜說明〞為〝簡單的說〞化〝一知半解〞為〝徹底認知〞 化〝本位思考〞為〝入境問俗〞化〝勤奮苦讀〞為〝輕鬆學習〞 化〝事倍功半〞為〝事半功倍〞About learning English, Ibelieve many people have common feelings, and that is how it seemsto not learn, and see some domestic foreigners, Chinese speak justfine, Is English really more difficult to learn? In fact, learningenvironment, we lose nothing compares foreigners speak Chinese inChina, the encounter will not say Chinese, English Chaju wants,anyway, many of us could understand. But we go abroad to speakEnglish, you must thoroughly speak English, do not speak Englishcan not be met, parenthetically Chinese. Because we do not havegood English learning environment, they had English words from theback, learn English grammar begin a.    Chinese and English, one thing iscontrary to, the Chinese, "meaning long-winded, but the expressionis simple," On the contrary, in English, "meaning simple, butlong-winded way of expression", what say? The so-called"long-winded Chinese meaning" refers to speak exquisite elegant,best Chukouchengzhang, often with some words, then the phrase"simple Chinese expression" so-called, that is, simple grammar, oralmost no grammar, ask what the Chinese grammar is ? And Chinesewriting straight, horizontal writing, written from left to right,from right to left writing, are not free. The so-called "simpleEnglish means" refers to direct expression, such as Chinese, I, I,I, I, I, etc., in English called I, are beginning to write Dear,without giving Kam, Kam Ya Hui Jian, stereotyped polite words. Theso-called "long-winded way of the English expression", which islong-winded grammar, word has divided parts of speech, verb type,and so when there are 12 kinds. Therefore, when we speak English,we might forget the meaning of the expression of Chineselong-winded, on the contrary, try to think about the meaning of theEnglish expression, and as simple as possible.    Chinese is our mother tongue, because weare beginning to learn Chinese from babbling to English-speakingpeople, they also began to learn English from babbling. The child'sbabbling is very short and very simple, in fact, our English as aforeign-year-old child if the gibberish, very happy about it. Sothe book has a mantra, and formulas moves chapters, for example,some very short, then, the reader supposedly he was in elementaryschool students in English, these simple words, back in verse, ondaily life is very practical, but also help to enhance say abilityin English.    We did not learn Chinese grammar, but wehave learned in elementary school, "sentences", in fact, is thegrammar of sentences to learn, but there is no formal rule Bale.And the way we learn English grammar, in general, is to understanda lot of English grammar rules, rarely learn "sentence." Mostsentences book sessions are practical life in English, but thereader is advised not to memorize a sentence, but to find thefocus, practice sentences, such as reading, "Take your hands offme," you can draw inferences such as "Take your feet off the table"" Take that picture off the wall, "and so on, making sentencesmore, in order to utilize word.    The ultimate aim is nothing more thanlearning English to English-speaking countries in order to tourism,study, business, immigration. For any purpose, to those advancedcountries have to cope with everyday life in English, whileadvanced countries are democratic and legal society, in addition tothe daily life of their lifestyles, but also to adapt to the lawsand social norms, so authentic English conversation In addition toproper grammar, the various relevant knowledge is also veryimportant. Therefore, this series of books in Englishlearning-based, describes some of the daily life of the relevantfood, housing, transportation, automobile warranty, financialknowledge, social systems, medical care and legal politics.This series of books called "English learning completelymanual," meaning that this series of books also covers "grammar,conversation, knowledge, vocabulary, writing," and so on fiveaspects of English learning focus, but for different needs ofreaders, otherwise write all kinds of albums, I hope to providereaders simple, but informative best English learning tool. Assimple triple mellow coffee with triple simple and effectivevaccine, hoping to achieve full manual Observing the English ofsimple and practical features.Encyclopedia of this series of books is not exhaustive, and thecontent is not everything, nor martial arts martial arts secrets,talent Cong Ying, after rapidly had finished, invincible. Theauthor would like to express the following six slogans basic spiritand objectives of the book:Of "stereotyped translation" to "ordinary colloquial" of "complexinstructions" to "simply"Of "little knowledge" to "complete knowledge" of "standardthinking" to "ask the Immigration vulgar"Of "studying hard" to "easy to learn" of "less effective" to "domore with less."
ACEL(2) 英文學習完全手冊(2)實用會話 15.0
關於學習英文,相信很多人都有共同的感想,那就是似乎怎麼也學不好,而看到國內有些外國人,他們中文說得蠻好的,難道英文真的比較難學嗎?其實不然,學習環境上,我們比較吃虧罷了,外國人在我國說中文,碰到不會說的中文,插句英文就是了,反正我們很多人都聽得懂。但我們去國外說英文,必須徹底的說英文,不能碰到不會說的英文,插句中文。因為我們沒有良好的英文學習環境,就祇好從背英文單字,學英文文法著手了。中文與英文有一點是背道而馳的,中文「意思囉嗦,但表達方式簡單」,相反的,英文「意思簡單,但表達方式囉嗦」,此話怎講?所謂「中文意思囉嗦」,是指說話講究文雅,最好出口成章,話中常帶些四個字的成語,所謂「中文表達方式簡單」,也就是文法簡單,或幾乎沒有文法,試問中文文法是什麼?而且中文直的寫,橫的寫,由左往右寫,由右往左寫,皆無不可。所謂「英文意思簡單」,是指表達方式直接,例如中文的我、余、吾、筆者、本人等,在英文都叫I,寫信開頭都是Dear,無須賜鑑、雅鑑、惠鑑等八股客套詞句。所謂「英文表達方式囉嗦」,也就是文法囉嗦,單字有詞類之分,動詞有十二種時式等。因此,我們說英文時,不妨忘掉中文囉嗦的意思表達,相反的,儘量去思考英文的意思表達,而且愈簡單愈好。中文是我們的母語,因為我們學中文是從牙牙學語開始,以英文為母語的人,他們學英文也是從牙牙學語開始。而小孩子的牙牙學語都是很短,而且很簡單的話,其實我們的英文如果能像外國五歲小孩的嘰哩咕嚕,大概就很高興了吧。因此本書有口頭禪,及口訣招式等章節,例舉一些很短的話,讀者假想自己是在牙牙學英文,將這些簡單的話,背的滾瓜爛熟,日常生活上是很實用的,亦有助於提昇說英文的能力。我們沒有學過中文文法,但我們在小學時期都學過「造句」,其實造句就是文法的學習,祇是沒有正式的規則罷了。而我們學習英文文法的方式,一般說來,是瞭解一大堆英文文法規則,很少學習「造句」。本書會話例句部份,都是生活上的實用英文,但建議讀者不要死背句子,而要找出重點所在,練習造句,例如讀了「Takeyour hands off me」,就可舉一反三如「Take your feet off the table」「Take thatpicture off the wall」等,句子造多了,才能靈活運用單字。學習英文最終目的不外是為了要到英語系國家觀光、留學、經商、移民等。不論目的為何,到了這些歐美先進國家都必須以英文應付日常生活,而歐美先進國家都是民主法制社會,日常生活除了食衣住行外,還要適應法律及社會規範,因此道地的英文會話除了文法正確外,相關的各種常識亦十分重要。因此,本系列書以英文學習為主,介紹一些日常生活相關的食、住、行、汽車保修、理財常識、社會制度、醫藥保健及法律政治等。本系列書號稱「英文學習完全手冊」,意義是本系列書同時涵蓋「文法、會話、常識、單字、寫作」等五方面英文學習的重點,同時針對不同的讀者需求,另行編寫各類專輯,希望提供讀者簡單明瞭,但內容充實的最佳英文學習工具。如同三合一咖啡的簡便香醇與三合一疫苗的簡易有效,希望五合一英文完全手冊能達到簡單實用之特色。本系列書並非包羅萬象的百科全書,內容不是應有盡有,也非武俠小說裡的武林秘笈,天資聰潁,神速練完之後,所向無敵。筆者謹以下面六句標語表達本書的基本精神及目標:化〝八股翻譯〞為〝平常口語〞 化〝複雜說明〞為〝簡單的說〞化〝一知半解〞為〝徹底認知〞 化〝本位思考〞為〝入境問俗〞化〝勤奮苦讀〞為〝輕鬆學習〞 化〝事倍功半〞為〝事半功倍〞
ACEL(1) 英文學習完全手冊(1)精簡文法 15.0
關於學習英文,相信很多人都有共同的感想,那就是似乎怎麼也學不好,而看到國內有些外國人,他們中文說得蠻好的,難道英文真的比較難學嗎?其實不然,學習環境上,我們比較吃虧罷了,外國人在我國說中文,碰到不會說的中文,插句英文就是了,反正我們很多人都聽得懂。但我們去國外說英文,必須徹底的說英文,不能碰到不會說的英文,插句中文。因為我們沒有良好的英文學習環境,就祇好從背英文單字,學英文文法著手了。中文與英文有一點是背道而馳的,中文「意思囉嗦,但表達方式簡單」,相反的,英文「意思簡單,但表達方式囉嗦」,此話怎講?所謂「中文意思囉嗦」,是指說話講究文雅,最好出口成章,話中常帶些四個字的成語,所謂「中文表達方式簡單」,也就是文法簡單,或幾乎沒有文法,試問中文文法是什麼?而且中文直的寫,橫的寫,由左往右寫,由右往左寫,皆無不可。所謂「英文意思簡單」,是指表達方式直接,例如中文的我、余、吾、筆者、本人等,在英文都叫I,寫信開頭都是Dear,無須賜鑑、雅鑑、惠鑑等八股客套詞句。所謂「英文表達方式囉嗦」,也就是文法囉嗦,單字有詞類之分,動詞有十二種時式等。因此,我們說英文時,不妨忘掉中文囉嗦的意思表達,相反的,儘量去思考英文的意思表達,而且愈簡單愈好。中文是我們的母語,因為我們學中文是從牙牙學語開始,以英文為母語的人,他們學英文也是從牙牙學語開始。而小孩子的牙牙學語都是很短,而且很簡單的話,其實我們的英文如果能像外國五歲小孩的嘰哩咕嚕,大概就很高興了吧。因此本書有口頭禪,及口訣招式等章節,例舉一些很短的話,讀者假想自己是在牙牙學英文,將這些簡單的話,背的滾瓜爛熟,日常生活上是很實用的,亦有助於提昇說英文的能力。我們沒有學過中文文法,但我們在小學時期都學過「造句」,其實造句就是文法的學習,祇是沒有正式的規則罷了。而我們學習英文文法的方式,一般說來,是瞭解一大堆英文文法規則,很少學習「造句」。本書會話例句部份,都是生活上的實用英文,但建議讀者不要死背句子,而要找出重點所在,練習造句,例如讀了「Takeyour hands off me」,就可舉一反三如「Take your feet off the table」「Take thatpicture off the wall」等,句子造多了,才能靈活運用單字。學習英文最終目的不外是為了要到英語系國家觀光、留學、經商、移民等。不論目的為何,到了這些歐美先進國家都必須以英文應付日常生活,而歐美先進國家都是民主法制社會,日常生活除了食衣住行外,還要適應法律及社會規範,因此道地的英文會話除了文法正確外,相關的各種常識亦十分重要。因此,本系列書以英文學習為主,介紹一些日常生活相關的食、住、行、汽車保修、理財常識、社會制度、醫藥保健及法律政治等。本系列書號稱「英文學習完全手冊」,意義是本系列書同時涵蓋「文法、會話、常識、單字、寫作」等五方面英文學習的重點,同時針對不同的讀者需求,另行編寫各類專輯,希望提供讀者簡單明瞭,但內容充實的最佳英文學習工具。如同三合一咖啡的簡便香醇與三合一疫苗的簡易有效,希望五合一英文完全手冊能達到簡單實用之特色。本系列書並非包羅萬象的百科全書,內容不是應有盡有,也非武俠小說裡的武林秘笈,天資聰潁,神速練完之後,所向無敵。筆者謹以下面六句標語表達本書的基本精神及目標:化〝八股翻譯〞為〝平常口語〞 化〝複雜說明〞為〝簡單的說〞 化〝一知半解〞為〝徹底認知〞 化〝本位思考〞為〝入境問俗〞化〝勤奮苦讀〞為〝輕鬆學習〞 化〝事倍功半〞為〝事半功倍〞