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功德人生-佛經佛音佛教佛學 1.0.6
誦讀佛經,聆聽佛音,功德無量,感恩人生。佛經爲佛陀所說,由佛陀的親隨大弟子錄成文字,並由極具文學修養的大德高僧們經反複推敲,逐字逐句翻譯而成。佛教音樂又稱“梵呗”,是佛教精髓所在,佛音大多是輕柔舒緩的音樂,經常聽佛音能驅除心中不必要的煩惱,淨化人的心靈,陶冶人的情操,使人心靈得到安甯,找到歸屬感。佛音包括:大悲咒、般若波羅蜜多心經,往生咒、觀音大士贊、佛說阿彌陀經等等禮佛功能模塊:分爲佛堂和許願兩大塊。【佛堂】:可以聽佛音,誦佛經,請佛到家,在線供佛,供奉方式分別是燃香、鮮花、水果。通過供奉方式積累功德值,從而達到修行的效果。【許願】:可以祈福許願,保佑父母健康長壽,保佑兒女一帆風順保佑親朋好友平安喜樂。【圈子】:可以通過圈子發表自己的佛學上的心得,可以相互交流佛法心得,學習佛教修行方式,解決生活中的煩惱,使人心靈得到升華。【坐禅】:每天在線坐禅,參悟佛智慧,通過修行,增加功德,從而淨化心靈,回歸初心,尋找心中的安甯和喜樂。【聊天】:可能通過搜索或者關注,和自己喜歡的佛學修養好的大師,進行一對一的心靈溝通。Reciting Buddhistscriptures, listen to The Buddha, boundless, Thanksgiving life.Sutra says the Buddha, the Buddha's personal attendants disciplerecorded into text by the great literary accomplishment monks monkswho after repeated scrutiny, word for word translation is made.Buddhist music called "chanting", is the essence of Buddhism,Buddha tone is mostly gentle soothing music, often listen to TheBuddha mind to ward off unnecessary trouble, purify the human mind,cultivate people's sentiments, people mind givin ' find a sense ofbelonging.The Buddha includes: Compassion, Heart Sutra, reborn curse,Guanyin praise, Buddha Amitabha Sutra etc.Buddha functional modules: the temple is divided into two blocksand make a wish.[Temple]: You can listen to The Buddha, Buddhist chanting,please Buddha home, online Buddha, dedicated manner are burningincense, flowers, fruit. Accumulate merit value by way of worship,so as to achieve the effect of practice.[Wishing]: Wishing can pray, bless the parents health andlongevity, smooth bless bless the children of friends and familypeace and joy.[Circle]: You can leave your own review on Buddhism by circles,can communicate with each other Dharma experiences, learningBuddhist practice way to solve the troubles of life, people heartand soul.[Meditation]: Every day online meditation, study andunderstanding of Buddhist wisdom, through practice, meritincreases, thereby purifying the mind, the early return of theheart to find the peace and joy of heart.[Chat]: possible by searching or concern, and they like goodaccomplishment Buddhist masters, one on one soul communication.
佛教音樂-大悲咒往生咒佛歌佛音 1.0.2
佛教音樂有大悲咒、往生咒、般若波羅蜜多心經、楞嚴咒、准提咒、三皈依、准提神咒等等佛教音樂又稱“梵呗”,是佛教精髓所在,佛音大多是輕柔舒緩的音樂,經常聽佛音能驅除心中不必要的煩惱,淨化人的心靈,陶冶人的情操,使人心靈得到安甯,找到歸屬感。禮佛功能模塊:分爲佛堂和許願兩大塊。【佛堂】:可以聽佛音,誦佛經,請佛到家,在線供佛,供奉方式分別是燃香、鮮花、水果。通過供奉方式積累功德值,從而達到修行的效果。【許願】:可以祈福許願,保佑父母健康長壽,保佑兒女一帆風順,保佑親朋好友平安喜樂。【圈子】:可以通過相互交流佛法心得,學習佛教修行方式,解決生活中 的煩惱,使人心靈得到升華。【聊天】:可能通過搜索或者關注,和自己喜歡的佛學修養好的大師,進行一對一的心靈溝通。【坐禅】:每天在線坐禅,參悟佛智慧,通過修行,增加功德,從而淨化心靈,回歸初心,尋找心中的安甯和喜樂。Buddhist musicCompassion,reborn curse, Heart Sutra, mantra, quasi-mentionedcurse,Three Refuges, quasi mention mantra etc.Buddhist music called "chanting", is the essence ofBuddhism,Buddha tone is mostly gentle soothing toneMusic, often listen to The Buddha mind to ward offunnecessarytrouble, purify the human mind, cultivate people'sSentiments, people peace of mind to be, find a senseofbelonging.Buddha functional modules: the temple is divided into twoblocksand make a wish.[Temple]: You can listen to The Buddha, Buddhist chanting,pleaseBuddha home, online Buddha, worship the way pointsDo not be burning incense, flowers, fruit. Accumulate meritvalueby way of worship, so as to achieve in practiceeffect.[Wishing]: Wishing can pray, bless the parents healthandlongevity, bless children smooth sailing,Bless the family and friends peace and joy.[Circle]: You can communicate with each other throughDharmaexperience, learning Buddhist practice mode, studentssolveLive troubles, people heart and soul.[Chat]: possible by searching or concern, and they likegoodaccomplishment Buddhist master, One on one soul communication.[Meditation]: Every day online meditation, studyandunderstanding of Buddhist wisdom, through practice,meritincreases, therebyPurification of the mind, the early return of the heart tofindthe peace of mind and joy.
拜佛-佛教音樂佛經心經大悲咒 1.1.4
虔誠拜佛,誦讀佛經,聆聽佛音,淨化心靈。拜佛是表達對諸佛菩薩的禮敬、感恩,而從柔軟、徐緩而安詳的彎腰禮佛動作裏,感受到禮佛者的安定與謙卑。佛教音樂又稱“梵呗”,是佛教精髓所在,佛音大多是輕柔舒緩的音樂,經常聽佛音能驅除心中不必要的煩惱,淨化人的心靈,陶冶人的情操,使人心靈得到安甯,找到歸屬感。禮佛功能模塊:分爲佛堂和許願兩大塊。【佛堂】:可以聽佛音,誦佛經,請佛到家,在線供佛,供奉方式分別是燃香、鮮花、水果。通過供奉方式積累功德值,從而達到修行的效果。【許願】:可以祈福許願,保佑父母健康長壽,保佑兒女一帆風順,保佑親朋好友平安喜樂。【圈子】:可以通過相互交流佛法心得,學習佛教修行方式,解決生活中 的煩惱,使人心靈得到升華。【聊天】:可能通過搜索或者關注,和自己喜歡的佛學修養好的大師,進行一對一的心靈溝通。Devout worship,recitingBuddhist scriptures, listen to The Buddha, purification ofthemind.Buddha is the expression of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvasofveneration, gratitude, from the soft, bradycardia and sereneBuddhabending action, the feel Buddha's stability and humility.Buddhist music called "chanting", is the essence ofBuddhism,Buddha tone is mostly gentle soothing music, often listento TheBuddha mind to ward off unnecessary trouble, purify the humanmind,cultivate people's sentiments, people mind givin ' find asense ofbelonging.Buddha functional modules: the temple is divided into twoblocksand make a wish.[Temple]: You can listen to The Buddha, Buddhist chanting,pleaseBuddha home, online Buddha, dedicated manner are burningincense,flowers, fruit. Accumulate merit value by way of worship,so as toachieve the effect of practice.[Wishing]: Wishing can pray, bless the parents healthandlongevity, smooth bless the children, bless friends andfamilypeace and happiness.[Circle]: You can communicate with each other throughDharmaexperience, learning Buddhist practice way to solve thetroubles oflife, people heart and soul.[Chat]: possible by searching or concern, and they likegoodaccomplishment Buddhist masters, one on one soulcommunication.
佛经大全-金刚经心经道德经全文 1.0.1
诵读佛经,聆听佛音,功德无量,感恩人生。佛经为佛陀所说,由佛陀的亲随大弟子录成文字,并由极具文学修养的大德高僧们经反复推敲,逐字逐句翻译而成。佛经包括金刚经,心经,道德经,地藏经,无量寿经,大藏经,般若波罗蜜多心经,法华经楞严经等。佛教音乐又称“梵呗”,是佛教精髓所在,佛音大多是轻柔舒缓的音乐,经常听佛音能驱除心中不必要的烦恼,净化人的心灵,陶冶人的情操,使人心灵得到安宁,找到归属感。佛音包括:大悲咒、般若波罗蜜多心经,往生咒、观音大士赞、佛说阿弥陀经等等礼佛功能模块:分为佛堂和许愿两大块。【佛堂】:可以听佛音,诵佛经,请佛到家,在线供佛,供奉方式分别是燃香、鲜花、水果。通过供奉方式积累功德值,从而达到修行的效果。【许愿】:可以祈福许愿,保佑父母健康长寿,保佑儿女一帆风顺保佑亲朋好友平安喜乐。【圈子】:可以通过圈子发表自己的佛学上的心得,可以相互交流佛法心得,学习佛教修行方式,解决生活中的烦恼,使人心灵得到升华。【坐禅】:每天在线坐禅,参悟佛智慧,通过修行,增加功德,从而净化心灵,回归初心,寻找心中的安宁和喜乐。【聊天】:可能通过搜索或者关注,和自己喜欢的佛学修养好的大师,进行一对一的心灵沟通。RecitingBuddhistscriptures, listen to The Buddha, boundless, Thanksgivinglife.Sutra says the Buddha, the Buddha's personal attendantsdisciplerecorded into text by the great literary accomplishmentmonks monkswho after repeated scrutiny, word for word translationis made.Including the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, Heart Sutra, Tao TeChing,Buddhist scriptures, Manuscripts, Tripitaka, Heart Sutra, theLotusSutra Sutra and the like.Buddhist music called "chanting", is the essence ofBuddhism,Buddha tone is mostly gentle soothing music, often listento TheBuddha mind to ward off unnecessary trouble, purify the humanmind,cultivate people's sentiments, people mind givin ' find asense ofbelonging.The Buddha includes: Compassion, Heart Sutra, reborncurse,Guanyin praise, Buddha Amitabha Sutra etc.Buddha functional modules: the temple is divided into twoblocksand make a wish.[Temple]: You can listen to The Buddha, Buddhist chanting,pleaseBuddha home, online Buddha, dedicated manner are burningincense,flowers, fruit. Accumulate merit value by way of worship,so as toachieve the effect of practice.[Wishing]: Wishing can pray, bless the parents healthandlongevity, smooth bless bless the children of friends andfamilypeace and joy.[Circle]: You can leave your own review on Buddhism bycircles,can communicate with each other Dharma experiences,learningBuddhist practice way to solve the troubles of life, peopleheartand soul.[Meditation]: Every day online meditation, studyandunderstanding of Buddhist wisdom, through practice,meritincreases, thereby purifying the mind, the early return oftheheart to find the peace and joy of heart.[Chat]: possible by searching or concern, and they likegoodaccomplishment Buddhist masters, one on one soulcommunication.
万年历-佛历黄道吉日农历老黄历 1.0.1
佛历是从佛祖释迎牟尼逝世那年,即公元前543年算起。佛陀说法四十五年,八十岁涅槃,即公元前543年,五月月圆日夜半入灭。为广大佛教佛友量身打造的万年历,斋戒日查询,黄历宜忌,吉日查询。十斋日(又称准提斋)、观音斋、地藏斋、戒淫保命日期等六斋日:若逢大月,为农历每月初八、十四、十五、廿三、廿九、三十日,若逢小月,为农历每月初八、十四、十五、廿三、廿八、廿九日。朔望斋:农历每月初一、十五日。月斋:农历每年正月、五月、九月等三个月。佛经为佛陀所说,由佛陀的亲随大弟子录成文字,并由极具文学修养的大德高僧们经反复推敲,逐字逐句翻译而成。佛经包括金刚经,心经,道德经,地藏经,无量寿经,大藏经,般若波罗蜜多心经,法华经楞严经等。佛教音乐又称“梵呗”,是佛教精髓所在,佛音大多是轻柔舒缓的音乐,经常听佛音能驱除心中不必要的烦恼,净化人的心灵,陶冶人的情操,使人心灵得到安宁,找到归属感。佛音包括:大悲咒、般若波罗蜜多心经,往生咒、观音大士赞、佛说阿弥陀经等等Buddhist calendarfromBuddha Sakyamuni's death that year, namely 543 BC date. Buddhasayforty-five, eighty-year-old Nirvana, namely 543 BC, the fullmoonday of May into the middle of the night off.For the majority of the Friends of the Buddha tailored calendar,thefast day inquiry, almanac Taboo, Jiri query.Ten Days (also known as quasi mention vegetarian), Goddess ofMercy,fasting, possession of fasting, life insurance prostitutionringdateSix vegetarian day: if every big month for the eighth lunarmonth,14, 15, Niansan, Eve on the 30th, if every Satsuki, theeighthlunar month, 14, 15, Niansan , Nianba, Eve day.Lunar fasting: Lunar New Year started this month,fifteendays.Fasting month: lunar month every year, May, September andothermonths.Sutra says the Buddha, the Buddha's personal attendantsdisciplerecorded into text by the great literary accomplishmentmonks monkswho after repeated scrutiny, word for word translationismade.Including the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, Heart Sutra, Tao TeChing,Buddhist scriptures, Manuscripts, Tripitaka, Heart Sutra, theLotusSutra Sutra and the like.Buddhist music called "chanting", is the essence of Buddhism,Buddhatone is mostly gentle soothing music, often listen to TheBuddhamind to ward off unnecessary trouble, purify the humanmind,cultivate people's sentiments, people mind givin ' find asense ofbelonging.The Buddha includes: Compassion, Heart Sutra, reborn curse,Guanyinpraise, Buddha Amitabha Sutra etc.