3guns Приложения

《萌斗Q傳》是一款3D動作Q萌動漫風戰鬥手游,讓玩家穿越熟悉的動漫世界,感受自己主宰命運的刺激。首創死亡躲避副本,讓遊戲更富挑戰,搭配酷炫的奧義終極技能,玩家的遊戲經歷將充滿未知和激情。1. 動漫元素 激情無限一個真實的死亡遊戲,弱者敗亡,勝者生存~在《萌斗Q傳》中完美重現,完美貼合遊戲進程感受一步步救贖的刺激。玩家可以在3D的世界中感受酷炫主城的震撼,體驗精細化操作的精準,享受華麗戰鬥的視覺衝擊。超強的劇情寫入讓所有動漫迷收穫一場親身穿越動漫世界的奇妙經歷。2. 挑戰世界 獨創競速死亡躲避不通關即死亡。《萌斗Q傳》業界首創“死亡躲避”副本玩法,與死亡展開競速,讓玩家親身感受死亡追逐的驚險刺激,在速度和激情的碰撞中收穫生存物資。更有鏡像挑戰玩法讓玩家直面自己的優勢和弱點,不斷突破自身極限,在自我救贖的道路上成長為終極王者!"Moe bucket Q Biography"is a 3D action Q Moe anime style hand combat tour, allowing theplayer through the familiar cartoon world, feel themselves mastersof our destiny stimulation. The first copy to escape death, thegame more challenging, with cool esoteric ultimate skill, theplayer's game experience will be filled with unknown and passion.1. animation elements boundless passionA real game of death, the weak perish, the winner to survive - in"Moe bucket Q Biography" perfectly reproducible, perfect fit gameexperience step by step process of redemption stimulation. Playerscan feel the shock cool the main city in the 3D world, experiencefine precision operation, enjoy the gorgeous fighting visualimpact. Super fans, the story is written so that all gain afirst-hand experience through the wonderful world of animation.2. Challenges to escape the world's original Death RaceClearing customs and death. "Moe bucket Q Biography" industry'sfirst "death to escape," a copy of the play, and death to startracing, allowing the player to experience the thrills of deathchase, the collision speed and passion harvest survival supplies.Mirroring allows players to play more challenges to face their ownstrengths and weaknesses, and constantly break their own limits onthe growth of self-salvation as the ultimate king of the road!