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疯狂填字2 3.0.4
70Apps Studio
疯狂填字是最早的在线中文填字游戏,现在你可以在手机上玩填字了,既打发了时间,又增长了知识,你准备好挑战史上最疯狂的中文填字游戏了吗?【游戏方式】1.游戏时请选中空格查看提示2.点击字母按键输入首字母拼音3.正确完成词条就会转换为汉字显示4.注意提示分为横向和纵向的提示5.前20小关免费提供答案,后面的需要金币开启资深填友请加官方QQ群:242914318欢迎关注新浪官方微博: @疯狂填字http://weibo.com/chinesewordcross官方网站 http://www.70apps.com/Crazy Crossword is thefirst online Chinese crossword, now you can play crossword on thephone, and both pass the time, and increase their knowledge, youare ready to challenge in the history of the most crazy Chinesecrossword it?[Gameplay]1. Select game space view tips2. Click the button to enter the first letter of the alphabetletters3. correctly completed entries will be converted to Chinesecharacters display4. Note the tips are divided into horizontal and verticalTips5. provide answers before 20 hours off free, open behind the needfor goldFriends please fill senior Canadian official QQ group: 242 914318Welcome concern Sina official microblogging: @ CrazyCrosswordhttp://weibo.com/chinesewordcrossOfficial website http://www.70apps.com/
疯狂填字3 3.1.0
70Apps Studio
疯狂填字是最早的在线中文填字游戏,现在你可以在手机上玩填字了,既打发了时间,又增长了知识,你准备好挑战史上最疯狂的中文填字游戏了吗?【游戏方式】1.游戏时请选中空格查看提示2.点击字母按键输入首字母拼音3.正确完成词条就会转换为汉字显示4.注意提示分为横向和纵向的提示5.前20小关免费提供答案,后面的需要金币开启资深填友请加官方QQ群:242914318欢迎关注新浪官方微博: @疯狂填字http://weibo.com/chinesewordcross官方网站 http://www.70apps.com/Crazy Crossword is theearliest Chinese online crossword puzzle, and now you can playcrossword on a mobile phone, only to pass the time, but alsoincrease the knowledge that you are ready to challenge in thehistory of the craziest Chinese crossword yet?[Gameplay]1. Check the game space view tips2. Click the button to enter the first letter of the alphabetletters3. correctly completed entries will be converted to characterdisplay4. Note the tips are divided into horizontal and verticalTips5. provide answers to the top 20 small off free, behind the need toopen goldFriends please fill senior Canadian official QQ group: 242 914318Welcome concern Sina official microblogging: @ CrazyCrosswordhttp://weibo.com/chinesewordcrossOfficial Website http://www.70apps.com/
多伦多黄页 1.0.1
70Apps Studio
【多倫多黃頁】由麒麟科技开发,本移动应用为多伦多地区的华人用户提供生活黄页向导。【多倫多黃頁】让您通过移动设备上查询、检索多伦多中文商户信息,使用CouponKing电子折扣券,同时可以在搜索结果中快捷拨打商户电话、email商户或直接访问商户网站,还可以通过地图定位商户所在地址并提供导航路线。【多伦多黄页】还将努力提供VIP商户更详细的促销信息和更多图文资料,为生活在多伦多地区的中文用户提供移动生活的便利,帮助您更快地溶入到社区生活当中。【麒麟科技】Kirin MediaInc.作为加拿大华人社区为数不多的手机游戏开发商及手机媒体运营商,致力于为商家提供高效的手机广告平台以及移动媒体市场营销方案。【麒麟科技】同时也可为商户量身定制企业手机媒体市场营销推广方案以及企业手机应用开发,欢迎有需求的广大商户联系我们。更多信息请访问我们的网站: www.70apps.com【】 Toronto Yellow Pagesby Kirin scientific and technological development, the mobileapplications for Chinese users in the Toronto area to provide lifeYellow Pages wizard.TORONTO Yellow Pages] query, retrieve the Toronto ChineseBusiness Information, CouponKing electronic discount couponsthrough mobile devices business phone can dial shortcut searchresults, email merchant or direct access to the merchant's website,you can also Map address location where your business is locatedand provide a navigation route.VIP merchant 【】 Toronto Yellow Pages will also strive to providea more detailed promotional information and more graphic material,provides the convenience of mobile life for Chinese users living inthe Toronto area to help you faster integration into the communitylife.[Kirin Technology] Kirin Media Inc., As the Chinese Canadiancommunity a few phone game developers and operators of mobilemedia, for our businesses to provide efficient mobile advertisingplatform and mobile media marketing program.The unicorn Technology To also for merchants tailor customenterprise mobile media marketing promotion programs, as well asenterprise mobile application development, and the needs of themajority of merchants Contact Us. For more information, please visit our website: www.70apps.com
疯狂填字4 3.0.3
70Apps Studio
疯狂填字是最早的在线中文填字游戏,现在你可以在手机上玩填字了,既打发了时间,又增长了知识,你准备好挑战史上最疯狂的中文填字游戏了吗?【游戏方式】1.游戏时请选中空格查看提示2.点击字母按键输入首字母拼音3.正确完成词条就会转换为汉字显示4.注意提示分为横向和纵向的提示5.前20小关免费提供答案,后面的需要金币开启【游戏界面调出菜单】1.返回选关界面2.清空答题记录方便重玩3.查看所选格子的答案,未开启时提示金币开启4.微博求助,将选中格子的问题发微博求助【金币规则】1.完成每小关可赚取金币1枚2.开启每一小关答案需要金币5枚3.完成全部小关即可解锁下一大关4.提前开启大关需要金币50枚5.绑定微博送100金币6.推荐应用下载试用后请再进入免费金币界面收取确认金币7.推荐应用返回确认金币需要一定时间和条件,请认真查看推荐平台要求,多试用一下,应该是没有问题的资深填友请加官方QQ群:242914318欢迎关注新浪官方微博: @疯狂填字http://weibo.com/chinesewordcross官方网站 http://www.70apps.com/Crazy is the first onlinecrossword crossword Chinese, now you can play crossword on thephone, and both pass the time and increased knowledge, you areready to challenge the craziest Chinese history crosswordyet?[Gameplay]1 game check box View Tips2 Click the button to enter the first letter of the alphabetletters3 correctly completed entries will be converted to characterdisplay4 Note tips are divided into horizontal and vertical Tips5 Top 20 Ozeki free to provide answers, the need for gold on theback[Game] call up the menu interface1 Back Select Off Interface2 Clear the answer easy to re-play record3 See the answer selected grid, unopened prompt Gold open4 microblogging help, the problems will be selected plaid micro-Bofor help[Gold] rules1 small hurdle to complete each one can earn gold2 Turn on every little need gold 5 Off Answers3 complete all Ozeki to unlock the next mark4 mark required in advance on Gold 505. Binding microblogging send 100 gold coins6 Recommended Applications download a trial after you re-enter thefree gold coins for the confirmation screen7 Recommended applications will take some time to returnconfirmation coins and conditions, please carefully checkrecommended platform requirements, many try, it should be noproblemPlease fill senior Canadian official QQ group Friends:242,914,318Welcome attention Sina official microblogging: @ CrazyCrosswordhttp://weibo.com/chinesewordcrossOfficial Website http://www.70apps.com/
疯狂填字5 3.0.3
70Apps Studio
疯狂填字是最早的在线中文填字游戏,现在你可以在手机上玩填字了,既打发了时间,又增长了知识,你准备好挑战史上最疯狂的中文填字游戏了吗?【游戏方式】1.游戏时请选中空格查看提示2.点击字母按键输入首字母拼音3.正确完成词条就会转换为汉字显示4.注意提示分为横向和纵向的提示5.前20小关免费提供答案,后面的需要金币开启Crazy Crossword istheearliest Chinese online crossword puzzle, and now you canplaycrossword on a mobile phone, only to pass the time, butalsoincrease the knowledge that you are ready to challenge inthehistory of the craziest Chinese crossword yet?[Gameplay]1. Check the game space view tips2. Click the button to enter the first letter of thealphabetletters3. correctly completed entries will be converted tocharacterdisplay4. Note the tips are divided into horizontal and verticalTips5. provide answers to the top 20 small off free, behind the needtoopen gold
疯狂填字 9.3.2
70Apps Studio
The craziest Chinese crossword Log Andrews