ADXNET Приложения

家家網購 1.0
家家網購是一群有共同理念 的廣告代理商集結起來的購物商城。讓個體店家、中小商家進駐家家網購推廣自有商品,擴大銷售平台,店家商品互相交流、發展國際平台,也成就『夢想』。家家網購讓有志一同的廠商『聯盟上架』增加品牌通路,幫助店家、中小商家網路開店建製購物商城,從公司商品直接銷售到消費者, 讓消費者平價購物,家家(gaga)都可購買優惠市集商品。
Wonderful life commerce co.LTD 1.1
V shopping network built on March 21, 2015, located at MengzhouCity, China. Amazing Life Electronic Business is under V shoppingnetwork. V shopping network Release six functional: V memberspecial, V warehorse, Innovation oMyo and so on. With our app userscan: Call us with one touch, See our products and services,Get GPSdirections to our locations, Share the app with your friends,Connect with us, and much more!
サロン ハピネス 1.1
ゆったりとした静かな空間のプライベートサロンで、心と体を癒やしませんか? もちろん完全予約制で、他のお客さまに気を遣うこともありません。 当社のエステはリンパマッサージを中心に、肩こり、腰痛、頭痛などのお悩みや、フェイシャルなどの美容に アプローチ。落ち着いた優しい音楽の流れる静かな空間で、ゆっくりと施術をお楽しみ ください。“美と健康”をコンセプトに、お客さまの元気と美しさをサポートさせていただ きます。皆様 のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。 ■ サロン ハピネス のアプリの概要 ■当社の公式アプリでは、下記の機能がご利用できます。 * ワンタッチで電話をかける * カレンダー *予約リクエストや問い合わせのメール * 所在地マップ * プッシュ通知で最新情報を確認 * メニュー * スタンプカード * クーポン* アプリの共有
Hall of Happiness 1.0
Hall of Happiness Wedding Planner is a High-end wedding servicecompany. With our app users can: Call us with one touch, See ourproducts and services,Get GPS directions to our locations, Sharethe app with your friends, Connect with us, and much more!
Ocean Network 1.0
This app is for Ocean Network. Ithelpscustomer that who is interested in products and servicesthatAccess provides. With our app users can: Call us with onetouch,See our products and services,Get GPS directions to ourlocations,Share the app with your friends, Connect with us, andmuchmore!
びわの木 1.2
国道から坂を下りるとまるで別世界。樹齢50年以上のびわの木と緑が、静かな空間に広がっています。窓から庭を見ながらのランチは体も心も癒されます。酵素玄米と季節の野菜をたっぷり使って作ったヘルシーで美味しいランチをぜひ食べに来てください。ちまき(営業部長)もお待ちしております。当店のアプリでは、メニュー、所在地マップ、スタンプカード、予約メール、最新のお知らせなど、便利な機能が含まれています。Like another world and godown the hill from the national highway. Trees and green for morethan 50 years old of the loquat is, has spread in a quiet space.Lunch while watching the garden from the window will also be healedmind body. Please come to eat us a delicious lunch in a healthy,made with plenty of enzyme brown rice and seasonal vegetables.Chimaki We look forward to (sales manager) also.The shop app, menu, location map, stamp card, reservation e-mail,such as the latest announcements, contains useful functions.
月阁月子会所 1.0
这是月阁月子会所的官方app. 月阁月子会所是一家专业从事母婴月子护理的专业机构,充分了解当代年轻女性需求,为母婴提供专业,细致,周到,贴心的月子会所服务以及月子上门服务。使坐月子这一中国特色更科学,更现代,更时尚,更甜蜜.我们的app可以帮助您:一键电话联系我们,浏览我们的产品和服务,手机定位我们的公司,分享app给您的朋友,联系我们等等。
Fujian Risheng Chemical 1.0
Fujian Risheng Chemical Company belongtoforeign investment Company, was founded in 2004. There have438employee, Including senior management of 8 people, 3seniorengineers, 12 engineers, college educated more than 63people. Withour app users can: Call us with one touch, See ourproducts andservices,Get GPS directions to our locations, Share theapp withyour friends, Connect with us, and much more!
Zhongbang Logistics 1.0
The Inner Mongolia Zhongbang Logistics is a professional logisticscompany. Ordinary road cargo transport, information loading,freight forwarding companies adhering to the "customer first, powerand success, integrity services" business philosophy and dedicationto our customers safe, fast, professional precision logisticsservices. With our app users can: Call us with one touch, See ourproducts and services,Get GPS directions to our locations, Sharethe app with your friends, Connect with us, and much more!
Australia Asia Consultancy Pty 1.0
Australia Asia Consultancy Pty Ltd in 1988 was founded in Brisbane,Queensland, Australia, in order to provide immigration and studyabroad service oriented. (Our affiliated companies, Winchestermanaging the company in 1986 began offering immigration services.)We have provided services to thousands of students and immigrants,and we provide accurate settlement service needs. We firmly believethat customer satisfaction is the consultant company's survival,and through our friendly and comprehensive care services in orderto enhance customer satisfaction. I doors treat our customers likeour friend, to understand their needs and can always provide thenecessary assistance for choice. We believe that our customers canfeel our attentive and considerate. With our app users can: Call uswith one touch, See our products and services,Get GPS directions toour locations, Share the app with your friends, Connect with us,and much more!
うつわ工房 1.0
陶芸家ー熊谷雅博のアトリエ、うつわ工房です。上野焼の窯元に生まれ、焼き物の専門学校で勉強し、福岡の大学でクラフトデザインを修得しました。その後、松尾次郎先生のところで2年間勉強しました。勉強を終え、色々な要素を入れた自分らしい仕事場が出来たことで、伝統的な部分を残しながらも自由なスタイルや色々な発見をすることが出来ました。作品はいつも新しいインスピレーションを探し、変化しながら前に進んでいます。現在は、日本中のイベントに出展しながら、ギャラリー出品させていただき、また、イギリスと韓国・台湾など海外でも出展させていただいております。このアプリでは、最新のイベント情報やカレンダーの確認、ワンクリックコールやメールなど便利な機能が搭載しています。 ぜひご利用ください。
Home Shopping 1.0
Home Shopping main sales all products of home improvement. With ourapp users can: Call us with one touch, See our products andservices,Get GPS directions to our locations, Share the app withyour friends, Connect with us, and much more!
ようこの幸せ道しるべ 1.0
@Pay 0.3.0
aPay Functions & Features@Pay is a mobile app that allows for peer to peer money transfersto friends and families anywhere, anytime! @Pay can be used atschool cafeteria, company stores, merchants and with streetvendors. Download it today!@Pay offers transfers in 5 currencies!Funds can be in different currencies:USDUK PoundEU EuroChinese RMBJapanese YenOther @Pay Feature’s Include:Transfer (Send-Receive Money):Transfer money from User to User by phone #, email or QR CodeTransaction, History and Balance previewReceipt to Merchant for each transactionCash WithdrawalThis is the only time a fee is involved 3% (2% to Merchant-Cashdispensing company, 1% to Acesse)The other transactions will get rewards pointsRewards ProgramWe are adding a reward program for giving points for everytransaction that can be exchange for products on iRewardsAdd MoneyI will utilize the Leaders as a Merchant to add money by Users totheir AccountPaymentPay at Merchant or stores (once setup and have relationship). Oncehave money can buy products from Acesse (No cash needed)We will pay Members sales commission thru the systemStart transferring money to friends and family today with@Pay!
遂昌飞翔网络科技有限公司 1.0
中国禅茶协会福建分会 1.0
BEIYI International 1.0
This app is for BEIYI International. It helps customer that whoisinterested in products and services that Access provides. Withourapp users can: Call us with one touch, See our productsandservices,Get GPS directions to our locations, Share the appwithyour friends, Connect with us, and much more!
Sea Dragon Technology 1.0
This app is for Sea Dragon Technology. It helps customer that whoisinterested in products and services that Acesse provides. Withourapp users can: Call us with one touch, See our productsandservices,Get GPS directions to our locations, Share the appwithyour friends, Connect with us, and much more!
厦门煜堃五金店 1.0
Han King 1.0
This app is for Han King. It helps customer that who isinterestedin products and services that Access provides. With ourapp userscan: Call us with one touch, See our products andservices,Get GPSdirections to our locations, Share the app withyour friends,Connect with us, and much more!
YUANTONG Trading 1.0
This app is for YUANTONG Trading. It helps customer that whoisinterested in products and services that Acesse provides. Withourapp users can: Call us with one touch, See our productsandservices,Get GPS directions to our locations, Share the appwithyour friends, Connect with us, and much more!
Beijing Shangkun 1.0
Beijing Shangkun Education HOV School is under the BeijingShangkunEducation Group. Beijing Shangkun Education Group is thetop ofeducation group.With our app users can: Call us with onetouch, Seeour products and services,Get GPS directions to ourlocations,Share the app with your friends, Connect with us, andmuch more!
Medical Esthetic Salon - bibi 1.1
As part of our esthetic therapy process, we use the productcalled“Newscan SWⅡ” which has been developed for the purpose ofhealthmanagement of astronauts by Russian scientists. Healthmanagementequipment of the new era that can check and manage thebalance ofmind and body by the fusion of oriental medicine,state-of-the-arttechnology and lore medicine. The pre-state ofillness is referredto as a state of non-illness and “Newscan SWⅡ”catches the slightfrequency deviation and prepares the balance. Wecan treat easilyand quickly and check the whole body (about 600places) while youare keeping your clothes on. Only thing you needis to wearheadphone. It is also known as the internal organsesthetictherapy. Our nurses, clinical laboratory technicians andtherapistscounselor with the EMTs qualification will be happy toassist you.We guarantee that you will enjoy experiencing theexhilarationafter the therapy.
Xiamen Lingdou Wuben School 1.0
The educational goals of Xiamen city Siming District LingdouWubenkindergarte want every children to be healthy. They candevelop thelife skills, social skills and other good aspects in ourschool.With our app users can: Call us with one touch, See ourproductsand services,Get GPS directions to our locations, Share theappwith your friends, Connect with us, and much more!
ABEY 2.0 Wallet 1.0.3
ABEY 2.0 Wallet Multi-Layered Programmable BlockchainforHigh-Volume Transactions. ABEY 2.0 is a Hybridconsensusmulti-layered blockchain systems which incorporates DPoS(DelegatedProof of Stake) and POW (Proof of Work) consensus. It’saim is tosupport High-Volume transactions based on sharding andABEY VirtualMachine(AVM).
ADX Sales 2.7.3
ADX in mobile phones : New ADX Mobile application for Android.-Registration of new accounts; - Login to existing ADX accounts;-View your profile and balances; - Read the latest Announcements;-Track ADX events; - Links to all ADX Services from the App.Keeptrack on your account updates with ADX Mobile App. Morefeaturescoming.
YouChat 4.73
YouChat bringing you closer to your family, friends, and lovedones—for free
Event Planner MN 1.0
This is the official app for Event Planner MN. This app willhelpyou plan your special Wedding day or any other special eventyoumay have coming up in your life. We have a budget calculator,venuelisting, florists, entertainment for starters. This app ispackedfull of features for you.
YouChat 2.0 1.2.4
You Chat is a mobile messaging app developed by Mobile Soft.