Almotech Sh.p.k Приложения

Concrete Slab Sizing 1.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
Cast-in-situ concrete slabs for multi-storey buildings.
SoTours 2.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
FolMeMua 1.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
Nje aplikacion i dedikuar njerezve me aftesi te kufizuar.
Poem 1.0.1
Almotech Sh.p.k
Poem - Rrjeti i parë social shqiptar kushtuar poezisë
AgroTregu 1.0.5
Almotech Sh.p.k
AgroTregu eshte tregu i pare virtual per Shqiptaret!
APD Courier 1.7
Almotech Sh.p.k
Aplikacioni i korrierit APD
APD Agency 1.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
Aplikacioni i agjensise APD
TTO 1.0.2
Almotech Sh.p.k
Tirana Tech Open
OKIPost Courier 1.0.2
Almotech Sh.p.k
Aplikacion postar per korrieret e OKIPost
UneMbrojFemijet 3.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
Folie Marine 3.2.1
Almotech Sh.p.k
FolieMarine aplikacioni i pare dedikuar klienteve.
Kalipso 1.0.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
Platforme dedikuar turisteve gje agjensive
Kompleksi Loku 1.0.5
Almotech Sh.p.k
Kompleksi Loku vjen si aplikacioni i pare shqiptar per prenotiminefushave sportive, ne bashkepunim me ALMOTECH SHPK dheKompleksiSportiv Loku. Platforma permban te gjithe informacionet enevojshmeper te prenotuar nje fushe, duke zgjedhur fillimishtdaten, dukevazhduar me fushat edhe ne hapin final zgjedhja eorarit. Oraret elira per secilen fushe vijne ne kohe reale ngasistemi duke e bereme interaktiv procesin. Pasi perdoruesi ka bereprenotim, ai donjoftohet ne menyre automatike nga siseteminëpërmjet teknologjisëPush - Notification per aprovimin apo jo tetij. Perdoruesi kamundesi qe te anulloje nje prenotim edhe pasi kyi fundit eshteaprovuar nga sistemi. Kjo platforme vjen me aferperdoruesve dukeperfshire edhe komunikimin direkt meadministratoret. Prenotimi inje fushe sportive vjen tani me ithjeshte se kurre, cfare prisni?Kompleksi Loku është sjellë ngaALMOTECH.
Yamato Admin 1.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
First Version Yaamato Admin
Lajthiza 1.8
Almotech Sh.p.k
Aplikacioni mobile i Lajthizes.
Kraco 1.0.7
Almotech Sh.p.k
Kraco prezanton app e dedikuar për bizneset i ciliofronshikueshmëri në kohë reale të shitjeve dhe informacione mbiofertat
APD Business 1.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
Aplikacion dedikuar bizneseve, perdorues te postes.
AutoshkollaStudenti 1.6
Almotech Sh.p.k
edua 1.0.7
Almotech Sh.p.k
“Edua" është biznes social me produkte ushqimore tradicionaleshqiptare
Yamato 1.4.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
Ne qofte se po kerkoni te kaloni nje kohe te mire ejani tek ne.Dote gjeni stafin me mahnites, ushqimin me mbreslenes ne ambjentetmekomode ne Shqiperi
Conad Albania 1.0.8
Almotech Sh.p.k
Conad Albania
Qafshtama 1.11.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
DeliverySystem Demo 1.4
Almotech Sh.p.k
Delivery System Demo
Bipex Albania 1.12
Almotech Sh.p.k
Bipex Albania is the first multi vendor shop that gives auniqueexperience in e-commerce.You can find any type of businessthatoffer unique products and services. With just a simple clickyoucan send anything to your loved ones.
Hoda 1.9.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
Mobile e-commerce application
ArditiFisherman Manager 1.0.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
The application of ArditiFisherman dedicated to manager.
Almotech Sh.p.k
Online delivery and table reservation
ArditiFisherman Waiter 1.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
This is a dedicated application for waiters of ArditiFisherman
TheRealOccasion 1.1.6
Almotech Sh.p.k
Find homes for sale listed anywhere in Albania.TheRealOccasionbrings you the platform to search for your nextdream house.Choosebetween thousands of listings that are for saleincludinghouses,appartments,lands,townhouses and more,all in oneplace!Filters You can filter your search results to find propertiesthatare relevant to you. You can select the price range,numberofbedrooms,categories or other criteria. Notifications Benotifiedabout new listings on real-time.
Spices 1.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
Find the necessary recipes of your favorite herbs
Ave 1.9
Almotech Sh.p.k
Shop online from AB Jewelry
AB Jewelry
Almotech Sh.p.k
Shop online from AB Jewelry
Bipex Business 1.0.6
Almotech Sh.p.k
An app designed for businesses to view, track and managetheirorders also on mobile app apart from the web panel they have.Usingthe business app they get in real-time information for anyordersand track their selling and user feedback
Ristorante Il Moro 3.1.8
Almotech Sh.p.k
IlMoro il primo ristorante dove la tradizione .....
La Finestrella 1.4.1
Almotech Sh.p.k
Restaurant reservation and ordering application.
Chakra 1.4.2
Almotech Sh.p.k
Online ordering and reservation mobile application.
nutrifile 1.0.9
Almotech Sh.p.k
Nutrifile, the newest calorie counting app!
Reindeero 1.0.0
Almotech Sh.p.k
Reindeero is your eco-friendly commerce platform
Southern Albania Heritage
Almotech Sh.p.k
Southern Albania Heritage Android Application
Tirana Fair 1.0.3
Almotech Sh.p.k
Menagment events app.
Bipex Courier 1.0.9
Almotech Sh.p.k
Bipex Courier is an app used by the delivering courier
Farma Bisholla 1.0.1
Almotech Sh.p.k
FarmaBisholla is an innovative e-commerce app