Alses Forever Приложения

Abdullah Basfar Quran Offline
Alses Forever
Murottal quran audio app, reciter by Abdullah Basfar, full offline30 juz
Muzammil Hasballah Mp3 Offline
Alses Forever
Mp3 Murottal Quran reciter by Muzammil Hasballah
Hani Ar Rifai Quran Offline Full Mp3 3.0
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by Hani Ar Rifai, completeoffline 30 juz, 114 surah (including juz amma). Features : - CleanVoice - Beautiful design and user friendly interface - Real OfflineWithout internet connection or streaming - Play and Pause easily -Autoplay next murottal - Play in background ( you can stilllistening when phone was locked or open another application) -Shuffle surah (play random murottal) - Repeat surah (repeat once,repeat all) - Share to media social, like as Whatsapp, twitter,facebook, instagram, sms, shareit, etc - Set As Ringtone,Notification Sound, and Alarm - Light, Not too much memoryconsumption
Islam Sobhi Quran Mp3 Offline
Alses Forever
quran recitation audio app, reciter by Islam Sobhi full offline
Hanan Attaki Murottal Offline 3.0
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by Hanan Attaki, fulloffline including juz amma Features : - Clean Voice or Clean Audio- Beautiful design and user friendly interface - Real OfflineWithout internet connection or streaming - Play and Pause easily -Autoplay next song - Play in background ( you can still listeningwhen phone was locked or open another application) - Shuffle (playrandom murottal) - Repeat murattal (repeat once, repeat all) -Share to media social, like as Whatsapp, twitter, facebook,instagram, sms, shareit, etc - Set As Ringtone, Notification Sound,and Alarm - Light, Not too much memory consumption LICENSE: Allaudios and images in this app are under Public Domain licenseand/or Creative Commons’ license.
Abdullah Al Matrood Mp3 Quran
Alses Forever
Abdullah al Matrood quran audio mp3 offline
Juz Amma Ahmad Saud Offline
Alses Forever
Quran audio mp3 Ahmad Saud
Murottal Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur Offline 2.0
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by Ustadz YusufMansyur,full offline, but not complete 30 juz. Features : - CleanVoice orClean Audio - Beautiful design and user friendly interface- RealOffline Without internet connection or streaming - Play andPauseeasily - Autoplay next song - Play in background ( you canstilllistening when phone was locked or open another application)-Shuffle song or Track (play random murottal) - Repeatmurattal(repeat once, repeat all) - Share to media social, likeasWhatsapp, twitter, facebook, instagram, sms, shareit, etc - SetAsRingtone, Notification Sound, and Alarm - Light, Not toomuchmemory consumption DISCLAIMER & LICENSE: All audios andimagesin this app are under Public Domain license and/orCreativeCommons’ license.
Sheikh Al SUDAIS Full Quran Audio Mp3 Offline 3.0
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by SHEIKH ABDURRAHMAN ASSUDAIS, complete offline 30 juz, 114 surah (including juz amma).Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Sudais is the imam of the GrandMosque in Mecca. Features : - Real Offline Without internetconnection or streaming - Clean Audio - Beautiful design and userfriendly interface - Play and Pause easily - Autoplay next surah -Play in background ( you can still listening when phone was lockedor open another application) - Shuffle surah (play random murottal)- Repeat surah (repeat once, repeat all) - Share to media social,like as Whatsapp, facebook, instagram, etc. - Set As Ringtone,Notification Sound, & Alarm - Light, Not too much memoryconsumption
Yousuf Kalo Quran Mp3 Offline
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app by Yusuf Kalo
Abdullah Awad Al Juhani Quran Mp3 Offline 30 Juz 3.0
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by Sheikh Abdullah Awad AlJuhani, complete offline 30 juz, 114 surah (including juz amma).Features : - Real Offline Without internet connection or streaming- Clean Voice or Clean Audio - Beautiful design and user friendlyinterface - Play and Pause easily - Autoplay next song - Play inbackground ( you can still listening when phone was locked or openanother application) - Shuffle song or Track (play random) - Repeatsong or track (repeat once, repeat all) - Share to media social,like as Whatsapp, etc - Set As Ringtone, Notification Sound, andAlarm - Light, Not too much memory consumption Table of Content AlQuran MP3 1. Al-Fatihah (The Opening) 2. Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 3.Al-'Imran (The Family of Amran) 4. An-Nisa' (The Women) 5.Al-Ma'idah (The Food) 6. Al-An'am (The Cattle) 7. Al-A'raf (TheElevated Places) 8. Al-Anfal (Voluntary Gifts) 9. At-Taubah(TheImmunity) 10. Yunus (Jonah) 11. Hud (Hud) 12. Yusuf (Joseph) 13.Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) 14. Ibrahim (Abraham) 15. Al-Hijr (The Rock)16. An-Nahl (The Bee) 17. Al-Isra' (Isra' Mi'raj) 18. Al-Kahf (TheCave) 19. Maryam (Mary) 20. Ta Ha (Ta Ha) 21. Al-Anbiya' (TheProphets) 22. Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 23. Al-Mu'minun (TheBelievers) 24. An-Nur (The Light) 25. Al-Furqan (TheDiscrimination) 26. Ash-Shu'ara' (The Poets) 27. An-Naml (The Naml)28. Al-Qasas (The Narrative) 29. Al-'Ankabut (The Spider) 30.Ar-Rum (The Romans) 31. Luqman (Luqman) 32. As-Sajdah (TheAdoration) 33. Al-Ahzab (The Allies) 34. Al-Saba' (The Saba') 35.Al-Fatir (The Originator) 36. Ya Sin (Ya Sin) 37. As-Saffat (ThoseRanging in Ranks) 38. Sad (Sad) 39. Az-Zumar (The Companies) 40.Ghafir (Forgiveness) 41. Fussilat (Ha Mim) 42. Ash-Shura (Counsel)43. Az-Zukhruf (Gold) 44. Ad-Dukhan (The Drought) 45. Al-Jasiyah(The Kneeling) 46. Al-Ahqaf (The Sandhills) 47. Muhammad (Muhammad)48. Al-Fath (The Victory) 49. Al-Hujurat (The Apartments) 50. Qaf(Qaf) 51. Ad-Dhariyat (The Scatterers) 52. At-Tur (The Mountain)53. An-Najm (The Star) 54. Al-Qamar (The Moon) 55. Ar-Rahman (TheBeneficent) 56. Al-Waqi'ah (The Event) 57. Al-Hadid (Iron) 58.Al-Mujadilah (The Pleading Woman) 59. Al-Hashr (The Banishment) 60.Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman who is Examined) 61. As-Saff (The Ranks)62. Al-Jumu'ah (The Congregation) 63. Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)64. At-Taghabun (The Manifestation of Losses) 65. At-Talaq(Divorce) 66. At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) 67. Al-Mulk (The Kingdom)68. Al-Qalam (The Pen) 69. Al-Haqqah (The Sure Truth) 70.Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent) 71. Nuh (Noah) 72. Al-Jinn (TheJinn) 73. Al-Muzzammil (The One Covering Himself) 74. Al-Muddassir(The One Wrapping Himself Up) 75. Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) 76.Al-Insan (The Man) 77. Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth) 78. An-Naba'(The Announcement) 79. An-Nazi'at (Those Who Yearn) 80. 'Abasa (HeFrowned) 81. At-Takwir (The Folding Up) 82. Al-Infitar (TheCleaving) 83. At-Muthaffifin (Default in Duty) 84. Al-Inshiqaq (TheBursting Asunder) 85. Al-Buruj (The Stars) 86. At-Tariq (The Comerby Night) 87. Al-A'la (The Most High) 88. Al-Ghashiyah (TheOverwhelming Event) 89. Al-Fajr (The Daybreak) 90. Al-Balad (TheCity) 91. Ash-Shams (The Sun) 92. Al-Lail (The Night) 93. Ad-Duha(The Brightness of the Day) 94. Al-Inshirah (The Expansion) 95.At-Tin (The Fig) 96. Al-'Alaq (The Clot) 97. Al-Qadr (The Majesty)98. Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) 99. Al-Zalzalah (The Shaking)100. Al-'Adiyat (The Assaulters) 101. Al-Qari'ah (The Calamity)102. At-Takassur (The Abundance of Wealth) 103. Al-'Asr (The Time)104. Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) 105. Al-Fil (The Elephant) 106.Al-Quraish (The Quraish) 107. Al-Ma'un (Acts of Kindness) 108.Al-Kausar (The Abundance of Good) 109. Al-Kafirun (TheDisbelievers) 110. An-Nasr (The Help) 111. Al-Lahab (The Flame)112. Al-Ikhlas (The Unity) 113. Al-Falaq (The Dawn) 114. An-Nas(The Men) LICENSE: Audio and image in this app is under PublicDomain license and/or Creative Commons’ license
Yasin Tahlil Lengkap Sekali
Alses Forever
Yasin and Tahlil complete with Latin readings and Indonesiantranslations
Diba' Maulid Nabi Lengkap Dengan Artinya - Offline 3.0
Alses Forever
Aplikasi Baca'an lengkap sholawat diba' maulid nabi disertai denganartinya. Ada banyak kitab sholawat maulid, antara lain : , Maulidal-Barzanji, Maulid Simthud Durar atau al-Habsy, MaulidSyarofil-Anam, Qosida Burdah, Maulid al-‘Azab, dan salah satu yangpaling terkenal adalah Maulid ad-Diba’i (Diba'). Maulid ad-Diba’iatau biasa dikenal dengan "Diba'" adalah sebuah kitab yang berisitentang hal-ihwal Nabi Muhammad Saw. secara sastrawi. Istilah inidiambil dari nama pengarangnya yaitu al-Imam Wajihuddin Abdurrahmanbin Muhammad bin Umar bin Ali bin Yusuf bin Ahmad bin Umarad-Diba’i asy-Syaibani al-Yamani az-Zabidi asy-Syafi’i. Beliaudilahirkan pada 4 Muharram 866 H/8 Oktober 1461 M dan wafat hariJum’at 12 Rajab 944 H/15 Desember 1537 M. Beliau adalah seorangulama hadits yang terkenal dan tiada bandingnya pada masa hayatnya.Beliau mengajar kitab Shahih al-Bukhari lebih dari 100 kalikhataman. Beliau mencapai derajat al-Hafidz dalam ilmu hadits,yaitu seorang yang menghafal lebih dari 100.000 hadits dengan sanaddan matannya. Setiap hari beliau mengajar hadits dari masjid kemasjid. Ad-Diba’i wafat di Kota Zabid pada pagi hari Jum’at tanggal26 Rajab 944 H, dalam usia kurang lebih 76 tahun. FITUR APLIKASI -Ukuran kecil dan ringan - Teks arab sangat jelas karena bukan hasilscan - Tersedia dua tampilan, gelap dan terang - Terjemah dapatdiaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan Daftar isi Diba': Yarobbi Solli AlaMuhammad Inna Fatahna Yarosulalloh Salamun alaik AlhamdulillahilQowiyyil Gholib Qiila Huwa Adam Yubatsu Mintihaamah Tsumma AruduhuMinal Ars Sholatulloh Fasubhana Man Khassahu Awwalu Maa NastaftihuAlhadisul Awwal Alhadisus Tsani Fayaquulul Haqqu AhdhiruuQuluubakum Fahtazal Arsyu MahallulQiyam (Yanabi salam Alaika)Wawulida Shollallohu Qiila mayyakfulu Tsumma Arodho Anhu Fa bainamahuwa dzaata Faqoolatil malaaikatu Fabainamal Habiibu Falamma Roathu haliimatu Wa kaana Sollallohu Waqiila Libadhihim Wamaa Asa Anyaquula Yabadrotim Doa
Alses Forever
This application contains a collection of "BLACKPINK" songs whichcan be played offline and you can download for free. Black Pink(BLACKPINK) is a South Korean (K-pop) female singer group formed byYG Entertainment, consisting of members such as Kim Jisoo, JennieKim, Roseanne Park, and Lalisa Manoban. BlackPink debuted on August8, 2016, with their single titled Square One, which resulted in"Whistle," their first number one song in South Korea. The singlealso resulted in "Boombayah", their first number one single on theBillboard World Digital Songs chart, which set the record for themost-watched debut music video by a Korean artist. With theircommercial success in the first five months, they earned New Artistof the Year at the 31st Golden Disc Awards and 26th Seoul MusicAwards. BlackPink is a female K-pop artist who has topped theBillboard Hot 100, peaked at number 55 with "Ddu-Du Ddu-Du", and onthe Billboard 200, peaked at number 40 with an EP titled Square Up.They are the first and only female K-pop group to enter and topBillboard's Emerging Artists charts. ' They are also the firstfemale K-pop group to have four songs on the Billboard WorldDigital Song Sales chart. At the same time as its release, "Ddu-DuDdu-Du" broke the record for the most-watched Korean music video onYouTube in 24 hours, before being overtaken by BTS with their videotitled "Idol" Diskografi - Square One (2016) : Bombayah, whistle. -Square Two (2016) : Playing with fire, stay. - As If It's Your Last(2017) - Square Up (2018): Ddu-Du Ddu-Du - Kill This Love (2019) -How You Like That (2020) - Ice Cream with Selena Gomez(2020) - SoloJenie Features : - Beautiful design and user friendly interface -Real Offline Without internet connection or streaming - Play andPause easily - Autoplay next song - Play in background ( you canstill listening when phone was locked or open another application)- Shuffle (play random) - Repeat(repeat once, repeat all) - Shareto media social, like as Whatsapp, etc - Set As Ringtone,Notification Sound, and Alarm - Light, Not too much memoryconsumption DISCLAIMER - All of content (Audio, Video, Images) inthis app is not our trademark, Copyright of all songs in thisapplication belongs to the creators, musicians and music labelsconcerned. If you are the copyright holder of the song in thisapplication and do not wish your song to be displayed, pleasecontact us via the developer email and tell us about your ownershipstatus for the song. We will delete the song immediately. - AllMedia (Audio, Video, Images) We get files and collect them fromfiles that are freely scattered on the internet. - Audio has beencompressed, therefore the audio sound quality is not as good as ifyou bought the original CD & DVD - For high quality audiosound, buy Original CDs & DVDs to support your favoriteartists!
Birdsong Sound 2.0
Alses Forever
Birdsong sound is an app for bird lover or birds mania, birdsongappcontain birdsong voice with clear audio quality. Features : -Top100 Birdsong sound around the world (Cacatua, parkeet, Beo,Owl,Anthochaera, egotheles cristatus, anthochaera,blackbird,cacomantis, coracina novaehollandiae, corvuscoronoides,cracticustorquatus, finland bird, church bird, grallinacyanoleuca,gymnorhina tibicen, house finch, walet, woodpekcer,zosteropslateralis, swallow, seagulls, jackdaws, trichoglossushaematodus,vanellus miles, Warbling Vireo, pycnonotus-jocosus,etc.) - Fulloffline - share and set as ringtone or Alarm - Lightapp -Beautiful design and user friendly interface - Share withfriends -Play, pause, shuffle, resume easily
Ziyad Patel Quran Mp3 Offline
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation mp3 audio app reciter by ziyad patel
Raad Muhammad Al Kurdi Quran
Alses Forever
Raad Al Kurdi quran mp3 audio offline
Maher Al Muaiqly Quran Mp3
Alses Forever
Murottal quran audio mp3 by Maher Moagely, Full Offline 30 Juz
Mosque Wallpapers HD 3.0
Alses Forever
New islamic HD wallpapers apps best quality for yourandroidsmartphone Features : - Many Collections - Best HD Quality -Mosquewallpapers around the world - Ramadan Wallpapers - Small size
Mishary Rashid 30 Juz Offfline
Alses Forever
Murottal Quran mp3, reciter by Mishary Rashid Al Afasy, Full 30 Juz
Takbiran Mp3 Offline 3.0
Alses Forever
Aplikasi takbiran ini berisi lagu takbiran dari berbagaigenremusik, dan dilengkapi dengan teks lirik bacaan takbiranlengkapdengan tulisan arab, latin dan terjemah bahasa indonesiaBerikutini adalah Koleksi Takbiran Full Nonstop dari berbagai macamgenre: – Takbiran Bedug H. Nanang Qosim – Takbiran Dangdut Koplo–Takbiran DJ Super Bass – Takbiran Elektro Mix – TakbiranUstadJefri Uje – Takbiran Muammar Za – DJ Takbiran Breakbeat –TakbiranAnak – Takbiran Hadroh – Takbiran tanpa musik – TakbiranElectone /musik organ tunggal Fitur Aplikasi : – Suara Takbiran Mp3yangJernih – Tampilan yang indah serta mudah sekali memakainya–Offline – Tanpa koneksi internet, tidak memakan kuota – Playandpause sangat mudah – Otomatis memutar takbiran selanjutnya –Tetapdapat didengarkan walau hp dalam keadaan terkunci, ataumembukaaplikasi lain – Pilihan Memutar takbiran secara acak atausecaraberurutan (Shuffle) – Pilihan memutar ulang / Repeat(mengulangtakbiran berulang-ulang sesuai yang anda inginkan sajaataumengulang semua secara otomatis) – Berbagi ke teman ataumediasosial seperti facebook, twitter, Whatsapp, etc –Menggunakannyasebagai ringtone, alarm, dan notifikasi suara – Tidakmemakanbanyak memori
Abu Usamah Murottal Merdu
Alses Forever
Murottal Quran Abu Usamah Offline
Taha Junaid Quran Audio Full Offline Kids Murottal 3.0
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, murattal kids, reciter byMuhammadTaha Al Junaid, full offline but not complete 30 juz,including juzamma Features : - Clean Voice or Clean Audio -Beautiful design anduser friendly interface - Real Offline Withoutinternet connectionor streaming - Play and Pause easily - Autoplaynext song - Play inbackground ( you can still listening when phonewas locked or openanother application) - Shuffle song or Track(play random murottal)- Repeat murattal (repeat once, repeat all) -Share to mediasocial, like as Whatsapp, twitter, facebook,instagram, sms,shareit, etc - Set As Ringtone, Notification Sound,and Alarm -Light, Not too much memory consumption
Saad Al Ghamidi Qur'an Mp3
Alses Forever
Quran mp3 audio app, reciter by saad al ghamdi, full offline 30 juz
Wirda Mansur Mp3 Quran Offline
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by Wirda Mansur
Usama Zehri Quran Mp3 Offline
Alses Forever
Usama Zehri Al Balushi Quran Murottal Mp3 Tilawat Taraweeh FullOffline
Istighosah Yasin Tahlil Lengkap Arab Latin Artinya 3.0
Alses Forever
Aplikasi Istighosah NU lengkap dengan bacaan arab dan latinsertaartinya (terjemah indonesia) dilengkapi juga dengan tahlilyasindan juga dengan bacaan dzikir atau wiridan setelah sholatfardhu.Fitur atau Keistimewan Aplikasi Ini - Lebih Lengkap, yaitubacaanistighosah dilengkapi dengan cara membaca (latin) dan jugaterjemahindonesia - Bonus Bacaan Yasin, Tahlil dan Bacaan WiridSetelahSholat Fardu - Fitur untuk mematikan latin dan terjemah(dengansekali klik tanpa melalui settingan), fitur ini berguna bagiandaagar tidak terlalu sering menggulung / scroll layar handphone-Fitur merubah tampilan dari gelap/malam menjaditerang/siang(dengan sekali klik tanpa melalui settingan) , fiturini bergunamenyesuaikan pengguna android yang tidak suka tampilanterang atausebaliknya - Ukuran yang kecil tidak menghabiskan kuota- Bisa diZOOM (diperbesar) dengan cara di cubit Istighosah danfadhilah :Istighosah adalah Meminta bantuan atau pertolongan(memintadihilangkan dari kesulitan atau bencana) Istighosahtermasuk salahsatu do’a. Namun do’a sifatnya lebih umum karena do’amencakupisti’adzah (meminta perlindungan sebelum datang bencana)sedangkanistighosah meminta dihilangkan bencana. Istighosah bisadilakukansetiap hari, tak harus menunggu adanya kesulitan ataubencana,karena istighosah merupakan suatu ibadah.
Fares Abbad Quran Mp3 Offline
Alses Forever
Murottal Fares Abbad 30 Juz Mp3 Offline
Shuraim Murottal 30 Juz
Alses Forever
Murottal quran audio by Saud Al-Shuraim, full offline 30 juz
Abdul Basit Full Quran Mp3
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by Abdul Basit Murattalnot mujawwad
Al Quran Audio 30 Reciter
Alses Forever
Quran mp3 player apps with 30 quran reciter
Al Huthaify Murottal Quran Mp3
Alses Forever
Mp3 Quran audio app by Syaikh Ali Abdur Rahman al-Huthaify
Syekh Hisyam Harraz Mp3 Quran
Alses Forever
Offline Murottal Quran, Recitation By Sheikh Hisyam Harras
Sabyan Mp3 Offline Full Album
Alses Forever
Complete and Latest collection of Nisa Sabyan Gambus song albums
Maher Zain Songs Mp3 Offline 2.1
Alses Forever
Aplikasi ini berisi lagu maher zain full album mp3 offline and freedownload. Maher Mustafa Maher Zain (lahir di Tripoli, Lebanon, 16Juli 1981) adalah penyanyi, penulis lagu, dan produser musik asalSwedia berdarah Lebanon. Dari banyaknya penggemar di halamanfacebooknya, Maher Zain menjadi bintang dalam musik islam modern.Ia Merilis album perdananya berjudul Thank You Allah tahun 2009 danmenjadi album yang sukses sekaligus mengangkat kembali pamor musikislam di dunia. Album keduanya yang berjudul Forgive Me dirilistahun 2012. Maher Zain Songs Playlist in this app : - Alhamdulillah- Allah ya ma moulana - Allahi allah kiya karo - Allahu akbaralways be there - Ask muhabbet - Assalamu alaikya - Awaken -Barakallahu lakuma - By my side - Close to you - For the rest of mylife - Forgive me - Freedom - Hold my hand - I love you so - I'malive - Insha allah - Jannah - Ku milikmu - Le it go - Love willprevail - Masha Allah - Mawlaya - Medina - My little girl - Nasteshbehlena - Never forgett - Number one for me - One big family -One day - Open your eyes - Palestitne will be free - Paradise -Peace be upon you - Rabbee yebarik - Raef - Ramadan - Subhanallah -Talaal badru alayna - Thank you allah - the chose one - The power -True love - Ummati - Ya nabi salam alayka - This worldly - The wayof love - Kun rahma - Assubhu bada - Huwa alquran - Bil Thikr -Guide me all the way DISCLAIMER - Hak cipta seluruh lagu padaaplikasi ini adalah milik pencipta, musisi dan label musik yangbersangkutan. Jika anda adalah pemegang hak cipta lagu yang ada diaplikasi ini dan tidak berkenan lagu anda ditampilkan, silahkanhubungi kami melalui email developer dan beritahu kami tentangstatus kepemilikan anda atas lagu tersebut. Kami akan langsungmenghapus lagu tersebut. - Audio telah di kompress, oleh karena itukualitas suara audio tidak sebagus jika anda membeli CD & DVDaslinya - Untuk mendapatkan suara audio yang berkualitas tinggi,Belilah CD & DVD Aslinya untuk mendukung artis favorit anda !
Lagu Opick Mp3 Offline Lengkap
Alses Forever
Collection of Opick Songs Full Album Offline
Murottal Ustadz Syam
Alses Forever
Murottal Ustadz Syamsuddin Nur
Murottal Indonesia Merdu
Alses Forever
Collection of Mp3 Murottal Recitations of the Best Tunable Al-Quranin Indonesia
Murottal Quran Ibrohim Elhaq
Alses Forever
Mp3 Murottal Quran recitation by Ibrahim Elhaq
Yasin Waqiah Mulk Rahman Kahfi 3.0
Alses Forever
Is a quran recitation audio app, reciter by Mishary RashidAlafasy,Saad Al Ghamidi, Abdurrahman alAusy, Fares Abbad, Harris,HaniAr-Rifai, Hisyam Harraz, Raad Al Kurdi. List of surah :Yassin,Al-Waqiah Al-Mulk Al-Kahfi dan Ar-rahman. Features : -Beautifuldesign and user friendly interface - Real offline withoutinternetconnection or streaming - Play and Pause easily - Autoplaynextsong - Play in background ( you can still listening when phonewaslocked or open another application) - Repeat murattal (repeatonce,all) - Share to media social, like as Whatsapp, etc - SetAsRingtone, Notification Sound, and Alarm - Light, Not toomuchmemory consumption LICENSE: All audios and images in this appareunder Public Domain license and/or Creative Commons’ license.
Funny Ringtones
Alses Forever
Funny Ringtones 2020 LOL for Whatsapp Notification sound, SMS,Alarm, Etc...
Sheikh Antar Muslim Quran Mp3
Alses Forever
Sheikh Antar Muslim Quran Audio
Cek Kuota dan Pulsa Operator
Alses Forever
Application checks quota and pulses of all simcard operatororprovider cards