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Bierkönig 1.96.16
Download the Bierkönig APP and get all thelatest news on the music and sporting events happening this season,our special promotions and all the information you need about ourlegendary parties in Playa de Palma.Located on the "Schinkenstrasse" or "Ham Street" in Playa dePalma, one of the liveliest places in Majorca with an amazingamount of fun and entertainment on offer, the Bierkönig is abenchmark for the terraces and bars in the area of Playa dePalma.What will you find on this APP?1. Bierkönig: our history, the best pictures, information aboutthe establishment, etc.2. Calendar: check out our calendar of live music shows andsporting events and find out which day your favourite artist isperforming or when the most exciting football matches are on.3. Our artists: discover all the singers that perform at theBierkönig.4. Where to sleep: the hotels nearest to the Bierkönig with thebest offers and services available in Playa de Palma.5. Menu6. PromotionsCheck out our calendar and find out which day they perform!
Mallorca WiFi Travel Guide 1.96.16
Connect to thousands of Top Quality Free Wi-FiHotspot locations on Palma de Mallorca City. Including all thetourist places and attractions, harbour, bayside, oldtown, shoppingstreets, museums, restaurants, cafes, malls, transport stations,convention center, beaches, and much more.----------------------Access to Hotspots / SmartWiFi Project fromPalma de Mallorca / Smart, intuitive and passionate Palma travelguide!----------------------* Connect to thousands of Top Quality Free Wi-Fi Hotspotlocations on Palma de Mallorca City. Including all the touristplaces and attractions, harbour, bayside, oldtown, shoppingstreets, museums, restaurants, cafes, malls, transport stations,convention center, beaches, and much more. More of 25 kilometers ofWiFi Coverage in Palma City, Palma Bayside, Palma Harbour and Playade Palma (Beaches).* All the Hotspot locations are under the same brand &SSiDs, all of them represents the biggest Outdoor Free Wi-FiNetwork of the World. Just Here ! in the beautiful and amaizingtown of Palma.* Unlimited Wi-Fi on all your smartphone / tablet / laptopdevices for is just a few taps away, 100% Free, withoutsubscriptions, without leaving the app!* Simplify your Wi-Fi Connection Experience with only oneprovider, one app! The app!* Get online in just one click.* Get access to Smart, intuitive and passionate Palma travelguide!* Completely free and packed full of information, MallorcaWiFiApp is the only app you'll need for your stay in Mallorca´s capitalcity.* Get access to: Travel Guide, Been There, Done That, We´veeaten, drank, shopped and partied in every venue.* Get access to: All the information of Palma´s main touristattractions, a gourmet experience on a best restaurants, party hardon some of Europe´s best nightlife awaits.* Get access to instant promotions, coupons, discounts of nearlyplaces.MallorcaWiFi.comThe Wi-Fi Media Agency
SOM VELA - Federación de Vela 1.96.20
La Federación de Vela de la ComunitatValenciana ofrece a sus más de 4.000 federados y al público engeneral una completa aplicación con todo tipo de servicios alalcance del usuario. La nueva aplicación SOM VELA de la entidadfederativa incorpora como activo tecnológico de última generaciónesta aplicación para plataformas móviles, Google Android y AppleiOS. Este nuevo servicio de información digital de la FVCV, que sesuma a su página web y las redes sociales, establece un canal decomunicación entre federados y aficionados a la vela y la propiaFederación.La aplicación está disponible de forma gratuita en las tiendasde aplicaciones Google Play y Apple AppStore y se da laparticularidad que, como decimos, no está sólo disponible paramiembros de la federación sino también para el público en general.La app SOM VELA ofrece, entre otras secciones, un calendarioexhaustivo de las competiciones que se celebran en la ComunitatValenciana y fuera de ella, las últimas noticias relacionadas conel mundo de la vela en nuestro territorio, la ubicación ycaracterísticas de las escuelas de vela y una relación de losclubes náuticos que forman parte de la Federación. Una de lasnovedades es que los no federados disponen con esta aplicación dela capacidad para tramitar su inscripción en la FVCV y lasmúltiples ofertas que ofrece.Pero la aplicación dispone además de un servicio exclusivo paralos miembros de la FVCV y que la convierte en la primera federaciónespañola de los deportes del mar en ofrecer esta opción: losfederados tienen en esta aplicación –si la tramitan- la versióndigital de su carné o licencia federativa. Esta opción acelera lostrámites, permite a los federados mantener actualizada suinformación y gestionar de forma más eficaz las inscripciones entodo tipo de regatas.La aplicación SOM VELA incorpora además una sección que ofrecela predicción meteorológica en las costas de la ComunitatValenciana en tiempo real de forma que puede ser consultada por losusuarios para poder programar sus salidas al mar o sus actividadesde ocio.Sailing Federation ofValencia offers its more than 4,000 federal and the general publica complete application with all kinds of services available to theuser. The new SOM VELA application of federal entity incorporatedactive-art technology this application for mobile platforms, GoogleAndroid and Apple iOS. This new service FVCV digital information,which adds to their website and social networks, provides a channelof communication between federal and sailing enthusiasts and theFederation itself.The application is available for free from Google Play storesand Apple AppStore applications and particularity that, as we say,is not only available to members of the federation but also for thegeneral public is given. The app SOM VELA offers, among othersections, an exhaustive schedule of competitions held in theValencia region and beyond, the latest related to the world ofsailing news in our territory, location and characteristics ofschools candle and a list of the yacht clubs that are part of theFederation. A new feature is that not federated with thisapplication have the ability to seek registration thereof with theFVCV and the many deals offered.But the application also has an exclusive service for membersFVCV and that becomes the first Spanish federation of sea sports tooffer this option: the provinces have in this application if thetramitan- the digital version of its passport or federal license.This option speeds up procedures, enables federated keep yourinformation and more effectively manage entries in all kinds ofraces.VELA SOM application also includes a section that provides theweather forecast on the coast of Valencia in real time so that itcan be accessed by users to program their fishing trips or yourleisure activities.
Now Ibiza - Guide of Ibiza 1.7
Travel to Ibiza like never before throughthemost complete and intuitive guide of the market.Discover the city’s most outstanding andrepresentativehistorical buildings, the best restaurants,nightclubs and pubsthanks to its more than 300 high-qualitypictures and detaileddescriptions. First-hand information abouthotels and stores, forall tastes and budgets.No register or additional fees needed. 100% free content.Find faster and effortlessly the city’s most wonderfulplaces,through its easy browsing and amazing design.Features of Now Ibiza:-Universal version for smartphones and 7-10 inch tablets.-Check out distances and places with its geo-location.-Plan the best route to all your destinations.-Select and save your favourite places in Ibiza Island.-Detailed information about the city’s most importanthistoricalbuildings, museums and gardens.-Helpful guide to discover new restaurants and trendy shops.¿What else would you like to see in guide Now Ibiza? We willbepleased to receive your suggestions.
Engel & Völkers Mallorca 1.96.19
The new Engel & Völkers Mallorcaapp.Whether you are looking for an apartment, a country house orvillaon the island to buy or rent, or even if you're lookingforinspiring tips about the island, our new app offers you accesstoyour dream home and an authentic island experience – 24/7,whereveryou are.With the island-wide Engel & Völkers Wi-Fi Hotspots, youalsocan also use the app to take advantage of free internet.The features include:- Property Search: Search our range of around 2,500 propertiesinMallorca – clearly, and with effective filtering options- E&V Mallorca: easily find the person you need to speak towithour property search, sorted according to the various shops ontheisland- My E&V: This is where you can save properties to afavouriteslist. Register with your name and email address toreceive all thelatest news about properties in your favouriteslist- Event calendar: From interesting events on the islandtoexhibitions, concerts and sporting events- Best Island Time: Your window to the authentic Mallorca.Discoverthe island using our exclusive Mallorca tips. With thevarioussections here, both locals and visitors to Mallorca can findanisland guide with a difference – specially tailored!- Emergency button: With International Medical Services, wearealways there for you in an emergency. Using geolocation, wecantell you exactly where you are on the island and give you thehelpyou need in whichever language you prefer- Free WiFi! Simply download the app and click on theWiFibuttonYou have questions or want to speak with someonedirectly?Register by calling 00 34 971 23 85 84 or write to
Visit Benidorm 1.96.19
Travel to Benidorm like never before throughthe most complete and intuitive guide of the market.Discover the city’s most outstanding and representativehistorical buildings, the best restaurants, nightclubs and pubsthanks to its more than 300 high-quality pictures and detaileddescriptions. First-hand information about hotels and stores, forall tastes and budgets.No register or additional fees needed. 100% free content.Find faster and effortlessly the city’s most wonderful places,through its easy browsing and amazing design.Features of Visit Benidorm - Official Guide:-Universal version for smartphones and tablets.-Check out distances and places with its geo-location.-Plan the best route to all your destinations.-Select and save your favourite places.-Detailed information about the city’s most important historicalbuildings, museums and gardens.-Helpful guide to discover new restaurants and trendy shops.¿What else would you like to see in guide Now Benidorm? We willbe pleased to receive your suggestions.
IX Salón Náutico Dénia 1.94.2
El Puerto Deportivo Marina de Dénia es lasedeoficial del Salón Náutico de Dénia (SND). Bajo el paraguas delaestrategia turística del M.I. Ayuntamiento de Dénia, nacióesteproyecto que ha ido convenciendo a aficionados y profesionalesdelsector náutico por su singularidad y visión de 360º.El SND aglutina el mundo de las experiencias náuticas, elchárternáutico y la venta de embarcaciones, entorno a un granespacioturístico y de ocio diurno y nocturno. Además, el certamenes ellugar idóneo donde conocer los deportes náuticos deformaprofesional y gratuita. El entorno en el que se desarrolla elsalóntambién lo hace diferente ya que tiene una gran variedaddeservicios de ocio, moda y restauración.También destaca la gran oferta gastronómica y sureconocimientodentro del portal Trip Advisor de muchos de suslocales. Y, porúltimo, mencionar la cercanía de este puerto con laReserva Marinadel Cabo de San Antonio, una de las más importantesde España y unade las mejores zonas del Mediterráneo para lapráctica de losdeportes náuticos. Un entorno que cuidamos yprotegemos.The Marina de Denia istheofficial seat of the Boat Show Dénia (SND). Under the umbrellaofthe tourism strategy of the MI City of Dénia, born thisprojectwhich has become convinced amateurs and professionals in themarineindustry for its uniqueness and 360-degree view. The SND brings the world of nautical experiences, yacht charterandselling boats, around a large tourist area and daytime andeveningentertainment. In addition, the event is the place tomeetprofessional water sports and free. The environment in whichthehall takes place also makes it different because it has avarietyof leisure, fashion and catering. It also highlights the great cuisine and its recognition withintheportal Trip Advisor of many of their premises. And finally,mentionthe proximity of the port with the Marine Reserve of Cabo deSanAntonio, one of the most important in Spain and one of thebestareas of the Mediterranean to practice water sports. Anenvironmentthat we care and protect.
Oliva Nova: Beach&Golf Resort 1.94.2
Con OlivaNova App podrás acceder deformarápida y en cualquier momento a toda la información delResortOliva Nova.· Información general· Notificaciones de ofertas y promociones· Datos de contacto, localización y horarios de aperturadenuestras instalaciones· Galerías de Fotos y vídeos· Reserva de restaurantes del Resort· Calendario de eventos, fiestas, torneos de golf, …With OlivaNova App youcanaccess quickly and at any time to all information of ResortOlivaNova. · General information· Notifications of offers and promotions· Contact, location and opening hours of our facilities· Photo galleries and videos· Reserve Resort restaurants· Calendar of events, parties, golf tournaments, ...