Appical Приложения

Bugaboo Link 1.44
Move freely with Bugaboo, it’s not about where you are but whereyoucan go. We want to deliver the Bugaboo promise, not only withourstrollers and luggage systems. We also want to deliver thispromisefor the development of our employees. Bugaboo Link is ourinternaldigital platform. It provides you mobility in learning,induction,networking & knowledge sharing. You will findonboarding,continuous learning, and interactive programs andfunctionalities.This will allow you to link with the globalBugaboo community andshare knowledge that you will need to developyourself and buildyour career. Download Bugaboo Link to getstarted.
TNO Onboarding 1.49
With the TNO onboarding app our new hires can get to know thecompany even before their first day. We guide you towards asuccessful start at TNO; to become engaged and productive as fastas possible. Are you ready to connect people and knowledge?
Appical, the onboarding app 1.50
With Appical, the app for new hire success, you get to know yournew company even before your first day. Bid goodbye to awkwardfirst days and boring introduction presentations and say hello toamazing content and fun interactions that guide you towards asuccessful start in your new career. In Appical we believeemployees come first and deserve the best onboarding possible. Nomore dull onboarding days, dusty classrooms, a pile of paperworkand a cranky manager who has no time to talk to you. Instead, login to get all the info you need (and want!) to have prior to yourfirst day at your new job. Fill in your details in the profile pageCheck off your to-do’s from the checklist Find your futureteammates in the People Finder Learn your company’s inner jargon inthe Glossary Curious where to get lunch? what to wear? want to knowhow your desk looks like? We’re here to provide you with all thepractical info you need for a smooth first day. But wait, there’smore! Whenever new content becomes available, you’ll be notified byemail or push notification. Scroll through the app to get to knowyour new company directly from you phone: engage with your futurecolleagues, tour your future office, learn all those tips andtricks that will make you arrive at your first day nerves free andready to roll! Go on, your best onboarding experience awaits!
Welkom bij OLVG 1.69
Welkom OLVG’er Welkom nieuwe collega, binnenkort ga je aan de slagbij OLVG. Wij vinden het belangrijk dat nieuwe medewerkers zichdirect thuis voelen bij OLVG. Met deze welkom-app start jouwintroductie programma en leer je ons ziekenhuis beter kennen. Wedelen onze visie en waarden en staan stil bij veiligheid. Daarnaastvind je allerlei praktische informatie zodat je goed voorbereid aande slag kunt op je eerste werkdag. Veel werkplezier bij OLVG!
Partou Professional 1.51
Leren doe je elke dag, door elke ervaring. Dat geldt voor iedereen,ook als je bij Partou werkt. Partou vindt het belangrijk dat haarmedewerkers zich blijven ontwikkelen, op hun vakgebied. We biedendaarom verschillende mogelijkheden aan om beter te worden in jevak. Partou professional is het e-learning platform voormedewerkers van Partou. Via dit platform heb je toegang tot jouwe-learning modules, zodat je eenvoudig nieuwe leerstof tot je kuntnemen. Een van deze modules is ons online introductieprogramma.Online introductieprogramma We vinden het belangrijk dat nieuwemedewerkers zich welkom voelen en goed voorbereid aan hun eerstedag bij Partou kunnen beginnen. Met het online introductieprogrammawillen we nieuwe medewerkers enthousiasmeren en op een eenduidigemanier inwerken. Met beelden, teksten, video’s, vragen enoefeningen, delen we onze pedagogische visie, staan we stil bijonze merkwaarden en behandelen we spelenderwijs de belangrijksteprotocollen. Het programma is beschikbaar op pc, een tablet of inafgeslankte vorm op een smartphone
Onboarding Landal GreenParks 1.68
Welcome to Landal GreenParks! For a good preparation for your firstworking day, download this app in advance. In the app you discoverwhat green can do and how we surprise our guests and exceed theirexpectations
My Onboarding 1.53
With the NN Onboarding, new hires get to know NN even beforetheirfirst day. You will learn all about our company, prepareoptimallyfor your first workday and have a virtual tour through ouroffices! 1.0
There is a better way to onboard your new hires. Appical is asimpleand effective platform for onboarding your new hires. Easilycreateworkflows, build employee journeys, and improve connections.Ourself-service platform empowers you to build the bestemployeeexperience.
CEVA Benelux 1.69
Through this app you can get access to your CEVA Logisticsonboarding program and other training modules that you will needduring your career at CEVA. Just as we make business flow, we tryto make your journey as an employee a flow full of energy and newexperiences. Good luck!