ApplulBayt Приложения

Berita Syiah 0.1
Aplikasi website Berita SyiahApplications Shia Newswebsite
IslamMenjawab 0.1
Artikel-artikel online seputarIslam,syubhat-syubhat dan jawabannya.The articles onlineaboutIslam, syubhat-syubhat and answers.
NewsAktual 0.1
Berita-berita aktual Islam danduniaterkini.Actual news andcurrentworld Islam.
Hauzah Maya 2.3
App Hauzah Maya versi Android memudahkan aksesweb Hauzah Maya dengan mudah melalui smartphone Anda.App Hawza Maya version ofAndroid allows web access Hawza Maya easily through yoursmartphone.
Hadis Aimah 2.4
This app can show random motivational quotesfrom Aimah of Ahlul Bait as.
Forty Hadith Zahra 1.1.0
This app contains 40 hadiths aboutLadyFathimah Azzahra from her father, The Holy Prophet p.b.u.hwithreferences.
40 Hadis Tentang Anak 2.6
Banyak keutamaan dari angka 40. Salah satunyaberkaitan dengan hadis, dianjurkan sekali untuk menyimak ataubahkan menghafal 40 hadis.App 40 hadis yang satu ini berkenaan dengan cara membesarkan danmendidik anak.Many virtue of the number40. One of them relates to tradition, it is recommended once forlistening or even memorize 40 hadiths.App 40 hadith on this one with regard to raising and educatingchildren.
Traffic Signs 1.3
This app contains most important trafficsigns,such as:- Regulatory Signs- Instruction Signs- Warning Signs- Information Signs- Road Work SignsVery simple and handy app for your driving reference.Learn those signs and drive safe.
Ahlul Bayt Supplications 1.4
This app contains many useful duas andmunajaat, such as Dua Kumayl, Dua Sabah, Dua Nudba, etc.Here is the list of duas and ziarat:Popular Duas and Ziarat-----------------------------------------------Dua KumaylDua TawassulDua AhdZiarat AshuraZiarat Al YasinDua NudbahDua SabahDua Jaushan KabeerZiarat WarithaZiarat Jamiah KabeeraDaily Supplications and Duas-----------------------------------------------Friday DuaSaturday DuaSunday DuaMonday DuaTuesday DuaWednesday DuaThursday Duaetc...
Random Ahl ul Bayt Sayings 1.0
This app contains 40+ sayings (hadith) fromAhlul Bayt (a.s) that displayed randomly. The number of hadithsisincreasing on further updates.
الصحیفة السجادیة Pro 1.5.6
برنامج الادعیة و المناجات للامام السجاد علیهالسلام. فیه 54 ادعیة من الکتاب المشهور: الصحیفة السجادیة.Benedictions and Almnajatprogram forward carpet peace be upon him. Where 54 of the prayersin the famous book: al-sahifa al-sajjadiyya.
Munajat Ahlul Bait Pro 6.8.8
Collection of duas and supplications withIndonesian translation.
Martingalme 1.1
Simple probability game withMartingaleconcept. Player can adjust his/her risk profile from 1%to 50%.With martingale strategy, you can recover all loses you havemadeby single win, unless you didn't lose all what you havequickly. Sobetter to set your risk lower to avoid big loses.This game meant to be played as a game, no more. You shouldnotconsider it as an inspiration to speculate on your reallife.
Seputar Kenabian dan Imamah 2.0.1
Pembahasan Kenabian dan Keimaman olehAyatullah Misbah Yazdi.Discussion prophecy andpriesthood by Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi.
الصحیفة السجادیة 2.0.2
برنامج الادعیة و المناجات للامام السجاد علیهالسلام. فیه 54 ادعیة من الکتاب المشهور: الصحیفة السجادیة.Benedictions and Almnajatprogram forward carpet peace be upon him. Where 54 of the prayersin the famous book: al-sahifa al-sajjadiyya.
Offline Istiftaat Khamenei 1.0
Istiftaat or Ajwibah Al-Istiftaat isthecollection of questions and answers about fiqh andIslamiclaws.This app contains thousands of Istiftaat in one single page.Unless you want to download the pdf files from it, itdoesn'trequire any internet connection.The source of this Istiftaat is: (official web pageofAyatullah Ali Khamenei).
Constitution of Indonesia 1945 1.1
Offline Constitution of Indonesia 1945 Appwithbeautiful and sleek design.
Offline Finance Dictionary 1.4
Free offline dictionary contains financialterms from many sources.
Pemerintahan Imam Mahdi 2.0
Ebook ini membahas berbagai masalah seputarpemerintahan Imam Mahdi as dan isu-isu akhir zaman. Menggambarkankriteria-kriteria akhir zaman, menjelaskan siapakah Imam Mahdi af,siapa pengikut-pengikutnya, musuh-musuhnya dan masih banyaklagi.This ebook discussesvarious issues surrounding the governance of Imam Mahdi and theend-time issues. Describing the criteria for the end of time,explain who is the Imam Mahdi af, whom his followers, enemies andmore.
Belajar Fikih Ahlul Bait 2.2.1
Dengan aplikasi ini Anda dapat mempelajarifikih Ahlul Bait dengan mudah. Materi yang ada di aplikasi inidiambil dari buku Amozesh e Ahkam karya Falah Zade.With this app you canlearn Jurisprudence Ahlul Bait with ease. The material contained inthis application is taken from the book Amozesh e Ahkam work FalahZade.
Tasbih Digital 1.0
Cukup menggunakan smart phone Andasebagaiganti tasbih fisikal untuk dzikir sehari-hari.Simply use yoursmartphone instead of physical prayer beads forrememberingeveryday.
Sahifah Sajjadiyah - ID 1.3
Sahifah Sajjadiyah adalah kumpulan doa danmunajat Imam Ali Zainal Abidin as.Sahifah Sajjadiyah is acollection of prayers and munajat Imam Ali Zainal Abidin as.
40 Hadis Tentang Uang 1.3
Pentingnya perkara uang halal dan haramdalamkehidupan ini, tak ada salahnya jika kitamenyimakwejangan-wejangan para Ma'shumin as tentangnya.The importance ofhalaland haram money matters in this life, there is no harm if welistento discourses about the Ma'shumin axles.
Tanya Jawab Muharram 2.0.1
Kumupulan tanya jawab seputar isu-isu Asyura,Muharram dan perjuangan Imam Husain as di Karbala.Kumupulan answeringquestions about issues of Ashura, Muharram and the struggle of ImamHusayn in Karbala.
Belajar Fikih Ahlul Bait Pro 2.2.1
Dengan aplikasi ini Anda dapat mempelajarifikih Ahlul Bait dengan mudah. Materi yang ada di aplikasi inidiambil dari buku Amozesh e Ahkam karya Falah Zade.With this app you canlearn Jurisprudence Ahlul Bait with ease. The material contained inthis application is taken from the book Amozesh e Ahkam work FalahZade.
Tarif Kepabeanan Indonesia 1.0
Aplikasi offline untuk mencari kodeHS,deskripsi barang baik bahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia dantarifimpornya.Application offlinetofind the HS code, description of goods both English andIndonesianand import tariffs.
Kamus Indonesia - Jawa 1.2
Aplikasi ini mengandung lebih dari 2000 kosakata Jawa - Indonesia yang dapat dipakai secara offline.This application containsmore than 2000 vocabulary Java - Indonesia, which can be usedoffline.
Resep Sederhana HTML 1.4
Aplikasi tutorial belajar HTML denganbahasayang sederhana. Mulai dari dasar hingga tingkat mahir.Application tutorialtolearn HTML with simple language. Ranging from basictoadvanced.
My Flipphone 1.2
Learn numbers and colors using this colorfulflip phone.
Car Care Quiz 1.0
Read several interesting articlesaboutmaintaining your car and test your knowledge by playing thequiz inthis app.
Islam dan Psikologi 3.0.3
Buku yang berisi tentang pandangan Islamterhadap masalah-masalah psikologi dan kejiwaan.The book containing theIslamic stance on issues of psychology and psychiatry.
Cincin Hiriz & Batu Mulia 1.0
Aplikasi ini menjelaskan khasiatbatu-batumulia dan juga hadis serta riwayat Ahlul Bait astentangnya. Selainitu Anda bisa mengetahui bermacam-macam hiriz danukiran yangmemiliki khasiat-khasiat tertentu sebagaimana yangtercatat dalamkitab-kitab hadis Ahlul Bait as.This applicationdescribesthe properties of precious stones and also hadith AhlulBait as wellas a history of it. In addition you can find anassortment of hirizand carvings that have property-specificproperties as recorded inthe books of hadith Ahlul Bait as.
Handphone Insia 1.2
Handphone lipat warna warni dan menarikuntukbelajar angka dan warna,Mobile foldingcolorfuland interesting to learn numbers and colors,
طب الامام الرضا 1.5
کتاب طب الامام الرضا لآندروئیدImam Reza book Medicinefor Androiیd
Virtual Investment Game 1.5
In this virtual investment game you cantradeand speculate on gold, silver, stocks, currencies and oilpriceswithout risking your real money.
Indonesia Customs Tariff 2017 1.1
Indonesia Customs Tariff or BukuTarifKepabeanan Indonesia 2017 is new tariff list with 8 digit ofHSCodes.This app works offline without internetconnectionrequirement.